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Old 17 April 2022, 12:46   #1
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X-Copy bootblock analysis

I have been learning how to code and read/write bootblocks recently. Inspired by this old EAB post, I disassembled an X-Copy bootblock to see what I could learn (I really wanted to figure out if the OS was used to display text in the bootblock).

I've analysed the disassembly as best I can, but I may have made some mistakes, and there are a couple things that I don't understand or may be genuine errors or bad practice. Sorry for all the questions, and thanks in advance for any insight to help me progress.

I've attached the original bootblock binary, as well as my disassembled and annotated sources.

1. Playfield data and copperlists use unallocated Chip RAM (near top of 512kB range). Is it safe to do this? Are the used memory ranges well known at boot time?
2. The copper DBF loop counter looks incorrect. The copperlist starts at offset $E0 and is 26 ($1A) long words so would expect D0 to be set to $1A-1=$19 before the start of the loop, when instead it is set to $1E
3. It looks like the Copperlist sets an invalid value for BPLCON2: PF2P 101 seems to be undocumented.
4. When DMACON is written by CPU to enable bitplane DMA (BPLEN bit 8), why is bit 9 (DMAEN) also set?
5. Why does the bootblock look truncated? Last string looks clipped. Bootblock is less than 1024 bytes, but checksum is fine.
6. Why is BPLCON0,COLOR (Composite video COLOR enable) set? And why is it set twice? Is this just the default value?
7. What is the best CPU-independent way to replace the software delay loop? CIAB TOD?
8. What is the reason for the single byte of $ff between GfxName and text? Is it an 'even'? Is there a reason to word-align the text for the call to Text()?

; Created by using X-Copy 6 Install command on real Amiga 1200 and ripped with ReadBootblock
; $7EE00 RastPort, rp_SIZEOF=$64=100
; $7EE50 BitMap, bm_SIZEOF=$28=40
; $7EE80 Copper list?
; $7EF00 BitMap.bm_Planes,8*4 (max 8 planes * 4 bytes per pointer)   size = (320/8)*8 = 320 bytes = 80 long words
; RastPort at $7EE00 and size $64 will overlap BitMap at $7EE50.
; However, if GFX_RASTPORT_1_2 is defined then RastPort size will be reduced by 22=$16
; to $4E. So it looks like this bootblock may be designed for KS1.2
; - Use assembler directives EQU and * to calculate copper list length in long words

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Constants
; n.b. Can't have any space between oprands e.g. A+B is fine, but A + B is not!

; n.b. 512kB Chip ram is [0,0x7FFFF]

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; BB Header
	dc.b 'DOS',0    ; BB_ID - Always has to be DOS\0
	dc.l $4E7852AA  ; BB_CHKSUM - Fix up with FixBootblockChecksum after assembling
	dc.l 880        ; BB_DOSBLOCK - Rootblock location for DOS disks
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

	; Open graphics.library
	lea     GfxName(pc),a1  ; "graphics.library"
	moveq   #0,d0           ; any version
	jsr     -552(a6)        ; Exec _LVOOpenLibrary(A1=libName, D0=version) -> D0 library pointer
	movea.l d0,a6           ; A6 <- GfxBase
	; InitRastPort
	movea.l pRastPort(pc),a1 ; A1 <- pRastPort
	jsr     -198(a6)        ; _LVOInitRastPort(A1 = RastPort*)

	; InitBitMap
	movea.l pBitMap(pc),a0               ; A0 <- pBitMap
	moveq   #1,d0                        ; depth = 1 bitplane (byte)
	move.l  #BIT_PLANE_WIDTH_PIXELS,d1   ; D1 <- BitMap width
	moveq   #BIT_PLANE_HEIGHT_PIXELS,d2  ; D2 <- BitMap height
	jsr     -390(a6)                     ; graphics _LVOInitBitMap(A0=bm, D0=depth, D1=width, D2=height) -> void

	; Set RastPort BitMap
	movea.l pRastPort(pc),a0 ; A0 <- pRastPort
	movea.l pBitMap(pc),a1   ; A1 <- pBitMap
	move.l  a1,4(a0)         ; pRastPort->rp_BitMap <- pBitMap  (rp_BitMap is at offset 4)

	; Set BitMap Planes
	movea.l #BIT_PLANE_ADDR,a0  ; A0 <- BIT_PLANE_ADDR (literal value)
	move.l  a0,8(a1)            ; pBitMap->bm_Planes <- BIT_PLANE_ADDR (see gfx.i)

	; Clear planes (80 long words)
	move.w  #BIT_PLANE_SIZE_LONGS,d0  ; D0 <- Plane size = (320/8)*8 = 320 bytes = 80 long words
	clr.l   (a0)+           ; zero 4 bytes
	dbf     d0,clearLoop

	; Move() pen in preparation for drawing text
	movea.l pRastPort(pc),a1 ; A1 <- pRastPort
	moveq   #55,d0          ; x = 55
	moveq   #6,d1           ; y = 6
	jsr     -240(a6)        ; graphics _LVOMove(A1=rp, D0:16=x, D1:16=y)
	; Text()
	movea.l pRastPort(pc),a1
	lea     text(pc),a0
	moveq   #$19,d0         ; string length = $173-text=$19
	jsr     -60(a6)         ; graphics _LVOText(A1=rp, A0=string, D0-0:16=length)

	; Set up custom Copper list
	movea.l #COPPER_LIST_ADDR,a0  ; A0 <- copperlist dest Chip RAM address
	movea.l a0,a2                 ; A2 <- copperlist Chip RAM address
	lea     copperList(pc),a1     ; A1 <- copperlist data src address
	moveq   #$1E,d0               ; copper list length - 1 in long words. $1E long words = length $1F = $7C (124) bytes
	                              ; TODO: This value looks wrong. Should be COPPER_LIST_LENGTH_LONGS-1=$19
	move.l  (a1)+,(a0)+
	dbf     d0,copLoop

	lea     ($DFF000).l,a0  ; A0 <- custom chip base $DFF000
	move.l  a2,$80(a0)      ; Set COP1LC ($DFF080) to point to new copperlist in Chip RAM
	clr.w   $88(a0)         ; Strobe COPJMP1 ($DFF088) to make copper jump to new location immediately (instead of waiting for next VBL)
	move.w  #$8300,$96(a0)  ; $DFF096 = DMACON

	; Software delay loop! Obviously designed for 68000. 
	; A1200 68020/68030 instruction cache causes this to execute in the blink of an eye
	; TODO: Replace with CPU-independent delay or wait mouse click
	moveq   #$C,d1          ; D1 <- arbitrary loop counter
	dbf     d0,delayLoop
	dbf     d1,delayLoop

	; Restore old copperlist
	move.l  $26(a6),$80(a0) ; Set COP1LC ($DFF080) <- gb_copinit (GfxBase+$26)
	clr.w   $88(a0)         ; Strobe COPJMP1 ($DFF088) to make copper jump to new location immediately (instead of waiting for next VBL)

	; Exit to DOS
	movea.l 4.l,a6          ; execbase
	lea     DosName(pc),a1  ; "dos.library"
	jsr     -96(a6)         ; Exec _LVOFindResident
	tst.l   d0              ; Resident module opened?
	beq.w   Error           ; no - branch
	movea.l d0,a0           ; A0 <- Pointer to DOS library Resident Module Tag structure (see exec/resident.i STRUCTURE RT)
	movea.l $16(a0),a0      ; $16 = RT_INIT from DOS library Resident Module Tag (STRUCTURE RT exec/resident.i)
	moveq   #0,d0           ; boot OK code
	moveq   #$FFFFFFFF,d0   ; boot failure code
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

DosName:        dc.b 'dos.library',0

pRastPort:      dc.l $7EE00		  ; n.b. rp_SIZEOF=$64=100 which will overlap pBitMap!
pBitMap:        dc.l $7EE50               ; bm_SIZEOF=$28

copperList:     dc.w $2001,$FFFE          ; WAIT near bottom of screen
                dc.w $100,$0200           ; BPLCON0,COLOR (Composite video COLOR enable) - no bitplanes
                dc.w $8E,$0581            ; DIWSTRT (normal PAL DIWSTRT  is $2C81)
                dc.w $90,$40C1            ; DIWSTOP n.b. VSTOP $40 means $140 (normal PAL DIWSTOP is $2CC1)
                dc.w $92,$0038            ; DDFSTRT Normal low-res value
                dc.w $94,$00D0            ; DDFSTOP Normal low-res value
                dc.w $102,$0000           ; BPLCON1 no scroll
                dc.w $104,$0024           ; BPLCON2 Invalid PF2P value? Playfield 2 (even) priority over sprites
                dc.w $108,$0000           ; BPL1MOD zero (bitplane width == Playfield width)
                dc.w $10A,$0000           ; BPL2MOD zero ""
                dc.w $E0,$0007            ; BPL1PTH $70000 + ...
                dc.w $E2,$EF00            ; BPL1PTL ... $EF00 = $7EF00
                dc.w $7F0F,$FFFE          ; WAIT LINE $7F
                dc.w $180,$00F9         ; COLOR00
                dc.w $182,$00F9         ; COLOR01
                dc.w $8001,$FFFE          ; WAIT LINE $80
                dc.w $180,$0114         ; COLOR00
                dc.w $8C0F,$FFFE          ; WAIT LINE $8C
                dc.w $100,$1200           ; BPLCON0,BPU0|COLOR - use bitplane 0
                dc.w $940F,$FFFE          ; WAIT LINE $8C
                dc.w $100,$0200           ; BPLCON0,COLOR (Composite video COLOR enable) - no bitplanes
                dc.w $A00F,$FFFE          ; WAIT LINE $A0
                dc.w $180,$00F9         ; COLOR00
                dc.w $A10F,$FFFE          ; WAIT LINE $A1
                dc.w $180,$0000         ; COLOR00
                dc.w $FFFF,$FFFE          ; END

GfxName:        dc.b 'graphics.library',0

		; Not sure why this is here. Is this an 'even'?
                dc.b $FF

text:           dc.b "BOOTBLOCK Xcopy 6 !SKID R"

Attached Files
File Type: 7z X-Copy6.7z (467 Bytes, 36 views)
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Old 17 April 2022, 13:12   #2
Thomas Richter
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Originally Posted by hop View Post
1. Playfield data and copperlists use unallocated Chip RAM (near top of 512kB range). Is it safe to do this?
Originally Posted by hop View Post
Are the used memory ranges well known at boot time?

Originally Posted by hop View Post
2. The copper DBF loop counter looks incorrect. The copperlist starts at offset $E0 and is 26 ($1A) long words so would expect D0 to be set to $1A-1=$19 before the start of the loop, when instead it is set to $1E
Apparently, they planned for a longer copper list to begin with, then forgot to adjust. Since they are trashing memory anyhow, does it really make a difference to trash even more?

Originally Posted by hop View Post

4. When DMACON is written by CPU to enable bitplane DMA (BPLEN bit 8), why is bit 9 (DMAEN) also set?
It is the master switch to enable all DMA engines.

Originally Posted by hop View Post

5. Why does the bootblock look truncated? Last string looks clipped. Bootblock is less than 1024 bytes, but checksum is fine.
Lazy coding?

Originally Posted by hop View Post

7. What is the best CPU-independent way to replace the software delay loop? CIAB TOD?
The best way is to use dos/Delay(), the timer.device/DoIO() or graphics/WaitTOF(), depending on what you want to do. A busy delay loop is just lazy.

Originally Posted by hop View Post

8. What is the reason for the single byte of $ff between GfxName and text? Is it an 'even'? Is there a reason to word-align the text for the call to Text()?
There is no reason as the string does not need to be aligned for Text().

This is just cul coderz junkware. Ignore the mistakes, they didn't know better neither couldn't do better...

There is more junk here. There is no reason to hack the copper (UCopList, CMove and CWait exist if you want copper effects in a system friendly way).
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Old 17 April 2022, 13:20   #3
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Thanks. Looks like I didn't pick the best code in the world to study!

DOS Delay sounds good but thought the DOS library was unusable in the bootblock.
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Old 18 April 2022, 08:56   #4
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Originally Posted by hop View Post
Thanks. Looks like I didn't pick the best code in the world to study!

DOS Delay sounds good but thought the DOS library was unusable in the bootblock.
Thomas mentioned graphics/WaitTOF(). You could use a dbf loop on that
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Old 18 April 2022, 12:35   #5
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It looks like graphics/WaitTOF() does not work as it stands once the custom copper list is in place.
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Old 18 April 2022, 14:17   #6
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Originally Posted by hop View Post
3. It looks like the Copperlist sets an invalid value for BPLCON2: PF2P 101 seems to be undocumented.
From copper list:
  dc.w $104,$0024 

This is a pretty standard value (default for OS): PF2P=100 and PF1P=100
Why do you think it is an invalid value? Have you maybe misinterpreted the hexadecimal value?

Originally Posted by hop View Post
It looks like graphics/WaitTOF() does not work as it stands once the custom copper list is in place.
Are you sure?

The correct functioning of WaitTOF is bounded to the IRQs system routines, it does not seem to me that it has anything to do with the modified Copper list
(but I have to check if at boot in effect something is different..).

Are you really sure you haven't made any mistakes in the code that uses it? Can you post it?
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Old 18 April 2022, 14:24   #7
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Originally Posted by hop View Post
It looks like graphics/WaitTOF() does not work as it stands once the custom copper list is in place.

It works fine, but you're probably forgetting to preserve a0 when you call it
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Old 18 April 2022, 14:43   #8
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Originally Posted by paraj View Post
It works fine, but you're probably forgetting to preserve a0 when you call it
You're right thanks! Works fine now. Sorry - OS programming in assembler is new to me.
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Old 18 April 2022, 14:46   #9
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Originally Posted by ross View Post
From copper list:
  dc.w $104,$0024 

This is a pretty standard value (default for OS): PF2P=100 and PF1P=100
Why do you think it is an invalid value? Have you maybe misinterpreted the hexadecimal value?
You're right - I had misinterpretted it. Makes sense now thanks.
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Old 18 April 2022, 19:08   #10
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I've fixed up the bootblock to make it system-friendly and CPU-independent as well as I can.

It was all going OK until the very last step when I moved the copper list from the hardcoded address into a dynamically allocated Chip RAM buffer. The bootblock behaves correctly until it the end when it comes to call FreeMem on the Chip RAM allocation. Then the machine crashes.

Stepping over this line with 'z' in the WinUAE debugger seems to cause the PC to fly off. Before the call it looks like A1 is pointing to the orignal allocation and D0 is the correct size. I can't figure out what is going on here.

Attached modified source and bootblock binary.

Thanks for any pointers on what could be going wrong.

; Created by using X-Copy 6 Install command on real Amiga 1200 and ripped with ReadBootblock
; Fixed to make system-friendly and CPU-independent by me.

	include "exec/resident.i"       ; RT_INIT
	include "exec/memory.i"         ; MEMF_CHIP (via macro)
	include "graphics/gfxbase.i"    ; gb_copinit
	include "graphics/rastport.i"   ; rp_BitMap
	include "hardware/custom.i"

	include "lvo/exec_lib.i"
	include "lvo/graphics_lib.i"

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Constants
; n.b. Can't have any space between oprands e.g. A+B is fine, but A + B is not!




; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; BB Header
	dc.b 'DOS',0    ; BB_ID - Always has to be DOS\0
	dc.l $54A6B95C  ; BB_CHKSUM - Fix up with FixBootblockChecksum after assembling
	dc.l 880        ; BB_DOSBLOCK - Rootblock location for DOS disks
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

	; n.b. Bootblock is called with A6 = ExecBase

	; Allocate memory for RastPort and BitMap structs
	move.l #GFX_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES,d0 ; byteSize
	moveq #0,d1                      ; attributes
	jsr _LVOAllocMem(a6)             ; D0 <- address of allocated memory block (or zero)
	lea.l pGfxBuffer(pc),a0          ; Calculate effective address of pGfxBuffer pointer with respect to PC for position independent code
	move.l d0,(a0)                   ; Store address of allocated memory
	beq Error
	; store RastPort and BitMap struct pointers
	lea.l pRastPort(pc),a0          ; Calculate effective address of pRastPort pointer with respect to PC for position independent code
	move.l d0,(a0)                  ; Store address of allocated memory
	addi.l #rp_SIZEOF,d0            ; Calculate address of BitMap in buffer
	lea.l pBitMap(pc),a0            ; Calculate effective address of pBitMap pointer with respect to PC for position independent code
	move.l d0,(a0)                  ; Store address of allocated memory

	; Allocate Chip RAM for Copper list + BitPlane
	clr.w $100 ; Tony Wilen's memory breakpoint. Use w 0 100 2 in debugger http://eab.abime.net/showpost.php?p=899516&postcount=6
	move.l #CHIP_RAM_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES,d0  ; byteSize
	move.l #MEMF_CHIP|MEMF_CLEAR,d1        ; attributes: Allocate in Chip RAM and zero
	jsr _LVOAllocMem(a6)                   ; D0 <- address of allocated memory block (or zero)
	lea.l pChipBuffer(pc),a0               ; Calculate effective address of pGfxBuffer pointer with respect to PC for position independent code
	move.l d0,(a0)                         ; Store address of allocated memory
	beq Error

	; store Copper list and Bitplane Chip RAM buffer pointers
	lea.l pCopperList(pc),a0
	move.l d0,(a0)
	lea.l pBitPlane(pc),a0
	move.l d0,(a0)

	; Open graphics.library
	lea     GfxName(pc),a1        ; "graphics.library"
	moveq   #0,d0                 ; any version
	jsr     _LVOOpenLibrary(a6)   ; Exec OpenLibrary(A1=libName, D0=version) -> D0 library pointer
	movea.l d0,a6                 ; A6 <- GfxBase

	; InitRastPort
	movea.l pRastPort(pc),a1      ; A1 <- pRastPort
	jsr     _LVOInitRastPort(a6)  ; InitRastPort(A1 = RastPort*)

	; InitBitMap
	movea.l pBitMap(pc),a0               ; A0 <- pBitMap
	moveq   #1,d0                        ; depth = 1 bitplane (byte)
	move.l  #BIT_PLANE_WIDTH_PIXELS,d1   ; D1 <- BitMap width
	moveq   #BIT_PLANE_HEIGHT_PIXELS,d2  ; D2 <- BitMap height
	jsr     _LVOInitBitMap(a6)           ; graphics InitBitMap(A0=bm, D0=depth, D1=width, D2=height) -> void

	; Set RastPort BitMap
	movea.l pRastPort(pc),a0  ; A0 <- pRastPort
	movea.l pBitMap(pc),a1    ; A1 <- pBitMap
	move.l  a1,rp_BitMap(a0)  ; pRastPort->rp_BitMap <- pBitMap  (rp_BitMap is at offset 4)

	; Set BitMap Planes
	movea.l pBitPlane(pc),a0    ; A0 <- pBitPlane
	move.l  a0,bm_Planes(a1)    ; pBitMap->bm_Planes <- pBitPlane (see gfx.i)

	; Move() pen in preparation for drawing text
	movea.l pRastPort(pc),a1  ; A1 <- pRastPort
	moveq   #TEXT_POS_X,d0
	moveq   #TEXT_POS_Y,d1
	jsr     _LVOMove(a6)      ; Move(A1=rp, D0:16=x, D1:16=y)
	; Text()
	movea.l pRastPort(pc),a1
	lea     text(pc),a0
	moveq   #TEXT_LENGTH,d0  ; string length
	jsr     _LVOText(a6)     ; Text(A1=rp, A0=string, D0-0:16=length)

	; Poke Bitplane address into CopperList
	move.l pBitPlane(pc),d0 ; D0 <- BitMap* 
	lea copBpl1ptl(pc),a0
	move.w d0,(a0)          ; write lower word of address
	swap d0
	lea copBpl1pth(pc),a0
	move.w d0,(a0)          ; write upper word of address

	; Copy Copper list from bootblock into Chip RAM
	clr.w $100 ; Tony Wilen's memory breakpoint. Use w 0 100 2 in debugger http://eab.abime.net/showpost.php?p=899516&postcount=6
	lea     copperList(pc),a0              ; A0 <- copperlist data src address (src)
	movea.l pCopperList(pc),a1             ; A1 <- copperlist Chip RAM address (dest)
	moveq   #COPPER_LIST_SIZE_LONGS-1,d0   ; DBF loop counter
	move.l  (a0)+,(a1)+
	dbf     d0,copLoop

	lea     ($DFF000).l,a0     ; A0 <- custom chip base $DFF000
	movea.l pCopperList(pc),a1 ; A1 <- Copperlist address in Chip RAM
	move.l  a1,cop1lc(a0)      ; Set COP1LC ($DFF080) to point to new copperlist in Chip RAM

	; Strobe COPJMP1 ($DFF088) to make copper jump to new location immediately (instead of waiting for next VBL)
	; n.b. Do not use the CLR instruction on a hardware register which is triggered by Write access.  The 68020 
	; CLR instruction does a single Write access. The 68000 CLR instruction does a Read access first,
	; then a Write access. This can cause a hardware register to be triggered twice.  Use MOVE.x #0, <address> instead.
	; http://amigadev.elowar.com/read/ADCD_2.1/Hardware_Manual_guide/node000C.html
	move.w  #0,copjmp1(a0)  

	move.w  #$8300,dmacon(a0)  ; DMACON ($DFF096) , DMAF_SETCLR | DMAF_MASTER | DMAF_RASTER  (DMAF_RASTER means bitplane DMA)

	; Short (system-friendly) delay to give user time to read message
	; n.b. System Functions Do Not Preserve D0, D1, A0 and A1. So use D2 as loop counter and preserve A0 ($DFF000)
	move.l a0,-(sp)
	moveq   #100,d2          ; D0 <- loop counter: 100 at 50Hz = 2 secs frames
	jsr     _LVOWaitTOF(a6)
	dbf     d2,delayLoop
	move.l (sp)+,a0

	; Restore old copperlist
	move.l  gb_copinit(a6),cop1lc(a0) ; Set COP1LC ($DFF080) <- gb_copinit (GfxBase+$26)
	move.w  #0,copjmp1(a0)            ; Strobe COPJMP1 ($DFF088). See notes above on previous strobe

	; clean-up
	movea.l 4.w,a6                    ; A6 <- ExecBase

	; Free BitPlane
	movea.l pBitPlane(pc),a1         ; A1 <- BitPlane*
	move.l #BIT_PLANE_SIZE_BYTES,d0  ; byteSize
	jsr _LVOFreeMem(a6)

	; Free RastPort+BitMap memory
	movea.l pGfxBuffer(pc),a1          ; A1 <- GfxBuffer*
	move.l #GFX_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES,d0   ; byteSize
	jsr _LVOFreeMem(a6)

	; Free Chip RAM
	clr.w $100 ; Tony Wilen's memory breakpoint. Use w 0 100 2 in debugger http://eab.abime.net/showpost.php?p=899516&postcount=6
	movea.l pChipBuffer(pc),a1            ; A1 <- buffer address
	move.l #CHIP_RAM_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES,d0 ; byteSize
	jsr _LVOFreeMem(a6)                   ; TODO: Why does stepping through this line cause PC to jump?

	; Exit to DOS
	lea     DosName(pc),a1        ; "dos.library"
	jsr     _LVOFindResident(a6)
	tst.l   d0                    ; Resident module opened?
	beq.w   Error                 ; no - branch
	movea.l d0,a0                 ; A0 <- Pointer to DOS library Resident Module Tag structure (see exec/resident.i STRUCTURE RT)
	movea.l RT_INIT(a0),a0        ; RT_INIT offset $16 from DOS library Resident Module Tag (STRUCTURE RT exec/resident.i)
	moveq   #0,d0                 ; boot OK code
	moveq   #$FFFFFFFF,d0   ; boot failure code
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
pGfxBuffer:	dc.l 0                    ; address of allocated buffer to store the following...
pRastPort:	dc.l 0                    ; address of RastPort struct
pBitMap:	dc.l 0                    ; address of BitMap struct

; Chip RAM pointers
pChipBuffer:	dc.l 0                    ; address of buffer in Chip RAM containing Copper + BitPlane
pCopperList:	dc.l 0                    ; address of CopperList in Chip RAM
pBitPlane:	dc.l 0                    ; address of BitPlane memory in Chip RAM

; Copper list in bootblock data. Needs to be copied into Chip RAM to use
copperList:     dc.w $2001,$FFFE          ; WAIT near bottom of screen
                dc.w $100,$0200           ; BPLCON0,COLOR (Composite video COLOR enable) - no bitplanes
                dc.w $8E,$0581            ; DIWSTRT (normal PAL DIWSTRT  is $2C81)
                dc.w $90,$40C1            ; DIWSTOP n.b. VSTOP $40 means $140 (normal PAL DIWSTOP is $2CC1)
                dc.w $92,$0038            ; DDFSTRT Normal low-res value
                dc.w $94,$00D0            ; DDFSTOP Normal low-res value
                dc.w $102,$0000           ; BPLCON1 no scroll
                dc.w $104,$0024           ; BPLCON2 PF2P=100 and PF1P=100
                dc.w $108,$0000           ; BPL1MOD zero (bitplane width == Playfield width)
                dc.w $10A,$0000           ; BPL2MOD zero ""
		dc.w $E0                  ; BPL1PTH
copBpl1pth	dc.w $0000                ; will be filled in by CPU
                dc.w $E2                  ; BPL1PTL
copBpl1ptl	dc.w $0000                ; will be filled in by CPU
                dc.w $7F0F,$FFFE          ; WAIT LINE $7F
                dc.w $180,$00F9         ; COLOR00
                dc.w $182,$00F9         ; COLOR01
                dc.w $8001,$FFFE          ; WAIT LINE $80
                dc.w $180,$0114         ; COLOR00
                dc.w $8C0F,$FFFE          ; WAIT LINE $8C
                dc.w $100,$1200           ; BPLCON0,BPU0|COLOR - use bitplane 0
                dc.w $940F,$FFFE          ; WAIT LINE $8C
                dc.w $100,$0200           ; BPLCON0,COLOR (Composite video COLOR enable) - no bitplanes
                dc.w $A00F,$FFFE          ; WAIT LINE $A0
                dc.w $180,$00F9         ; COLOR00
                dc.w $A10F,$FFFE          ; WAIT LINE $A1
                dc.w $180,$0000         ; COLOR00
                dc.w $FFFF,$FFFE          ; END

GfxName:        dc.b 'graphics.library',0
DosName:        dc.b 'dos.library',0

text:           dc.b "BOOTBLOCK Xcopy 6 !SKID R"

Attached Files
File Type: 7z X-Copy6BootblockFixed.7z (4.0 KB, 38 views)
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Old 18 April 2022, 19:23   #11
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Join Date: Apr 2019
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Posts: 228
Doh. I was double freeing *part* of the Chip RAM allocation. Removed the "Free BitPlane" part and all is well now.
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Old 18 April 2022, 20:00   #12
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Join Date: Apr 2019
Location: UK
Posts: 228
Originally Posted by Thomas Richter View Post
There is no reason to hack the copper (UCopList, CMove and CWait exist if you want copper effects in a system friendly way).
It looks like switching to a User Copper List is the last big change to make. I can do this in C using the macros, but it seems a bit more awkward in assembly. I can have a go, but is the hard-coded Copperlist switch a problem in this bootblock situation?
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