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Old 30 July 2016, 10:51   #3
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Originally Posted by emufan View Post
on renoise forum you (?!) talk about Amiganuts - on the ftp, there are some amiganuts mod archive disks. and a catalogue disk aswell. maybe you can track down the disk in question, or find the mod on the disks.
voices-8 you can find on the ftp.
just found an old usenet posting, stating, voices-8 might be the predecessor of oktalyzer..

Hi thanks for your help. I have seen the Voices-8 lha before, but it doesn't have the song i was after. Very strange. It should have it, but doesn't.

The song, as l keep saying, was mindblowing and l swear it burns every other mod made on the Amiga (but then, l would say that).

Hmmm ... as for Renoise, the less said about that the better. The software is buggy and turns music into a deskjob. I made the mistake of checking out the dead IRC channel. Only 2 people there. Soullie, the guy who runs, was giving out racial abuse against Indians (his musician profiles across the net say that we should not harm others, because we are only harming ourselves bla bla). The other guy, Toblerpone PMed me to say "You are a n!gger", after telling me to check out, under false pretences, a website showing a man being raped to death by a horse (he died in hospital from the injuries according to the summary text). I was gangstalked on the forum by the few people that use the software, because i asked questions about how to make a song in 5 minutes, and about God. These guys believe music must be all hard [desk] work and they hate God which explains why they don't get the concept of inspiration, which cuts desk work in half. So, in the end, l called them Nazis after being goaded by a guy (Alex Fellows) who did most of his music projects with a black guy (Asher Dust) (he was goading me when i pointed out that i was being called a "n!gger"). So much for Renoise. By the way, "Renoise" is a racist slang term for a black person in the French vernacular. Oh damn, like l said, the less said the better. I don't want to speak about Renoise, but what i've said suffices me.

Last edited by DemosongIHunter; 06 June 2017 at 04:19.
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