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Old 26 May 2007, 22:00   #1
CaptainM68K-SPS France
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In the dead of the night Polish SOLVE


i have found In the dead of night solve, but it's written in Polish.

Could it be possible for one of our polish member to translate in english
the solution ?

thanks a lot for this effort.

In the Dead of Night

Rozmawiaj z ka¿dym wyczerpuj¹c jak najwiêksz¹ iloœæ tematów, to podstawa. Otwórz walizkê. Wyjmij z niej wytrych i strzykawkê. WyjdŸ na korytarz. Pos³u¿ siê wytrychem by otwarciu drzwi do pokoju Stefano. Z szafki wydob¹dŸ zdjêcie. ZejdŸ na dó³. WejdŸ do jadalni. Z œwiecznika wyjmij œwiecê zaœ w kuchni zaopatrz siê paczkê krakersów. Wróæ do salonu. Powieœ na stojaku zdjêcie i daj krakersa papudze. Otrzymasz kod. Na górze, wejdŸ do pokoju Diany. Zdejmij ze œciany obraz. Otwórz sejf podaj¹c odpowiedni kod (384756). Skrytka oka¿e siê pusta. Od³ó¿ obraz na miejsce. Na dole wytrychem otwórz drzwi do sypialni Marty. Wostatniej szufladzie znajdziesz pamiêtnik. Zapoznaj siê z jego zawartoœci¹ (Open
diary). Opuœæ dom (drzwi przy wycieraczce w salonie). IdŸ œcie¿k¹ a¿ do
sk³adziku. WeŸ butelkê z najwy¿szej pó³ki. WyjdŸ . Zerwij sopel z dachu. Wróæ do sk³adziku. Podeprzyj soplem talerze na pó³ce i szybko wracaj œcie¿k¹ do domu. IdŸ do kuchni. Gdy Marta pójdzie sprawdziæ ha³as, z szuflady wyci¹gnij klucz zaœ z kredensu cukier. WyjdŸ na zewn¹trz. W sk³adziku znajdziesz tym razem paczkê zapa³ek. Podpal nimi œwiecê. WyjdŸ ze sk³adziku. Kluczem otwórz drzwi piwnicy na drewno. Wewn¹trz, podnieœ pu³apkê na myszy, szczapê drewna oraz pierœcionek. Wracaj do domu. Pomów z Andre¹ o Marcie. Przed domem, dró¿ka w prawo prowadzi do
rozdzielni. IdŸ tam. W œrodku pomów z Giorgiem o Marcie i o Dianie. W kuchni, w domu, zapytaj Martê o telefon Diany i poka¿ jej szczapê drewna. Na piêtrze, zajrzyj do sypialni Moniki. Poczêstuj j¹ alkoholem. ZejdŸ do pokoju Marty. Pomów z ni¹ i zaaplikuj jej zastrzyk. W rozdzielni znajdziesz na pod³odze œrubokrêt. Odkrêæ nim lustro w ubikacji w domu na piêtrze. Popatrz na œlad szminki na œcianie. Przykrêæ z powrotem lustro. W sypialni Moniki otwórz torebkê. ZejdŸ do sali bilardowej. Przestaw wyniki na tablicy. Porozmawiaj z Ann¹ w jej pokoju o Dianie i Stefano. W kuchni pomów z Stevenem o Annie. WyjdŸ z domu poczym wróæ do kuchni. Zaopatrz siê w ser. Na³ó¿ go na pu³apkê. WejdŸ do toalety na parterze. WsadŸ pu³apkê do mysiej nory. Zajrzyj do sali bilardowej przekonaæ siê, czy wybuch³a k³ótnia miêdzy graczami. Z³ó¿ wizytê Giadzie. Powiedz jej o k³ótni. Gdy
wybiegnie, otwórz jej torebkê. ZejdŸ na dó³ po pu³apkê. Poka¿ upolowanego gryzonia Annie. Gdy siê ulotni, zajrzyj do szafy i otwórz jej torebkê. W ³azience na piêtrze raz jeszcze odkrêæ lustro. Porównaj trzy zdobyte szminki z odciskiem na œcianie maluj¹c ich próbki na p³ytce. Przykrêæ lustro. W jadalni podnieœ œrubê. Otwórz kredens a w nim zajrzyj do skrzynki z narzêdziami. W rozdzielni, kluczem nasadowym odtwórz os³onê silnika. Zabierz klejnoty. Po scence, wyjdŸ na zewn¹trz. Przyjrzyj siê helikopterowi. Odszukaj w nim otwór wlewu paliwa, otwórz go i nasyp cukru do baku. Skieruj siê do szopy na drewno. Zabierz narty spod œciany i u¿yj ich na zewn¹trz.


24 I 04

Bart³omiej Szuster
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Old 26 May 2007, 22:13   #2
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I will try, but not all at one time

talk with each person on all subjects. open suitcase. take picklock and syringe. go to corridor. use picklock on door to stefano's room. take photo from drawer. go downstairs. go to dining-room. take candle from candlestick. go to kitchen. take crackers. go back to salon. hang photo on stand. give crackers to parrot. you got code. go upstairs. go to diana's room. take off picture. open safe with code 384756. safe is empty. hang on picture. go downstairs. open marta's room with picklock. in last drawer you will find diary. open diary. go out from house (door near door-mat in salon). go by track to store-room. take bottle from highest shelf. go out. take stalactite. go back to store-room. support plates on shelf by stalactite and quickly go back to house. go to kitchen. when marta go out examine noise. take key from drawer and suggar from sideboard. go out from house. go to store-room. take matches. set on fire candle. go out from store-room. with key open door to cellar. go to cellar. take mouse trap, wood, ring. go back to house. talk with andre about marta. in front of house track to right follow to another store-room. go there. talk with giorgie about marta & diana. in kitchen in house ask marta about diana's telephone number and show her wood. upstairs go to monika's sleeping room . give her drink. go to marta's room. talk with her and use syringe on her. in second store-room take screwdriver from floor. take off mirror in toilet at upstairs with screwdriver. look at lipstick mark on wall. hang mirror. open capsule in monika's room. go to billard room. mix up scores. talk with anna in her room about diana & stefano. in kitchen talk with steven about anna. go out from house. go back to kitchen. take cheese. use cheese with mouse trap. go to toilet at downstairs. stick mouse trap in mouse hole. go to billard room. you should see brawl. go to giada & talk to her about brawl. when she run out open her capsule. go downstairs. take mouse trap with mouse. show mouse to anna. when she go out examine drawer and open her capsule. in toilet at upstairs take off mirror. compare three lipsticks with lipstick mark on wall by painting on plate. hang on mirror. in dining room take screw. open sideboard and look in toolbox. in second store-room open engine shield with wrench. take jewels. after scene go out. look at helicopter. find fuel infusion, open it and pour suggar in it. go to shed with wood. take ski near wall and use it when you go out.

the end

Last edited by s2325; 26 May 2007 at 23:07.
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Old 26 May 2007, 23:05   #3
CaptainM68K-SPS France
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thank you very much !!! Thanks for taking the patience to translate the text
in english !!!! thanks s2325 !!!!

EDIT : i have finished the game completely. In fact this game (i used the full registered version),
has disk 2 and 3 same as the shareware version. In fact only the disk 1 is different.

I have even corrected the english translation in order to complete the game perfectly.

and now i can give the name of the trecision team on HOL thread

Here is the english solve of the game corrected after completing the game :

talk with each person on all subjects.

open suitcase.
take picklock and syringe.
go to corridor.
use picklock on door to stefano's room.
take the photo from drawer.
go downstairs.
go to dining-room.
use the door on your right.
take candle from candlestick.
go to the kitchen.
take the biscuits.
go back to the salon.
give biscuits to the parrot.
you get the code.
go upstairs.
go to diana's room.
take off the picture.
open the safe with code 384756.
as you see the safe is empty.
hang on picture.
go downstairs.
open marta's room with picklock.
in last drawer you will find diary.
open diary.
go out from house (door near door-mat in salon).
go by track to store-room.
take bottle from highest shelf.
go out.
take stalactite on the cellar roof.
go back to store-room.
support plates on shelf with the help of the stalactite and quickly go back to house.
go to kitchen.
when marta go out to examine where the noise come from, take key from drawer and sugar
from sideboard.
go out from house.
go to store-room.
take matches.
use the matches on candle.
go out from store-room.
with key open door to cellar.
go to cellar.
take mouse trap, the blooded wood, and the ring.
go back to house.
talk with andrea about marta.
in front of the house track to right follow to another store-room which is a shed.
go there.
talk with giorgio about marta & diana.
in kitchen in house ask marta about diana's telephone call and show her the blooded wood.
upstairs go to monica's sleeping room.
give her the bottle.
go to marta's room.
talk with her and use syringe on her.
in the shed take the screwdriver on the floor.
take off mirror in the bathroom in upstairs with the screwdriver.
look at lipstick mark on wall.
hang mirror.
open handbag in monica's room.
go to billard room.
cheat the scores.
talk with anna in her room about diana & stefano.
in kitchen talk with steve about anna.
go out from house.
go back to kitchen.
take cheese.
use cheese with mouse trap.
go to the bathroom in downstairs.
stick mouse trap in mouse hole.
go to the billard room.
you should see a quarrel.
go to giada & talk to her about the quarrel.
when she run out open her beautybag.
go downstairs.
take mouse trap with mouse.
talk to anna and show her the mouse.
when she go out open her wardrobe and open her handbag.
in the bathroom at upstairs take off mirror.
compare three lipsticks with lipstick mark on wall by using each of them on the plate.
put back the mirror (use screwdriver on mirror).
in the candle room take the screw on the floor.
open sideboard and look in toolbox.
in the shed/second store-room open engine shield with wrench.
take the jewels.
after the scene go out.
look at helicopter.
find the fuel tank opening, open it and pour sugar in it.
go to the cellar and take the skis near the wall.
go to the shed, and use the skis.

End of the game

Last edited by dlfrsilver; 27 May 2007 at 17:28.
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