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Old 07 August 2012, 01:12   #1
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Simple way to display a pic with Asmpro ?

i'm trying to simply display a simple iff pic (320x256x8 colors) on a screen, and don't know how to do ...

What is the best way to display it ? intuition ? graphics.library ?

Asmpro is able to load the pic via inciff function, must reduce some typing i think..

i'm learning asm from the beginning with some books, i know how to open/close libraries.. but displaying a picture seems a bit more difficult for me


Last edited by Foul; 07 August 2012 at 11:42.
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Old 07 August 2012, 08:37   #2
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I can't tell you about the way to display an .iff picture using system calls or libraries but I can help you with how to do it the direct hardware bashing way...

Pictures in .iff format have form headers that describe the image and palette and then the picture data itself is run length encoded.

Due to this, .iff pictures can't be directly displayed - they need to be manipulated a bit first by your code.

The best alternative is to convert your .iff picture into raw format first by using a graphics converter which will strip off the form header data and do the run length decoding for you. Try Kefrens IFF Converter or Piccon.

When you have your graphics in raw format, they can be displayed directly by correctly setting the bitplane pointers and colour palette in your code.

If you get stuck at this point, come back and ask and I can give you some hints about how to do it.
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Old 07 August 2012, 08:52   #3
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no prob to convert it to raw and his palette too .. i'm using ArtPRO et Agraconv


edit: i found a good exemple on Flashtro : http://flashtro.com/page.php?id=606

Will try to understand and use it

Last edited by Foul; 07 August 2012 at 11:50.
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Old 07 August 2012, 13:15   #4
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yes !! can display my own picture

i only converted it to 320x256 32 colors

saved it raw + palete and that's it !
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Old 07 August 2012, 16:58   #5
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another Prob, when i assemble + j .. everything is working...

i'm writing objet (wo) .. and if i launch it under workbench .. nothing

ps: not chip/fast related ?

Last edited by Foul; 07 August 2012 at 17:38.
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Old 07 August 2012, 17:54   #6
move.l #$c0ff33,throat
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Do you run your code from a native screen? If not the code needs to handle this (LoadView/2xWaitTOF), otherwise you won't see anything.
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Old 07 August 2012, 18:11   #7
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f**k.. i'm using RTG, one complete afternoon to search in the source what i'm doing wrong.

Best way to learn


ps: last thing ..when i'm using Fast in my project .. my picture don't display .. if i use Chip, it's ok .. a way to correct that ? (when i say project, it's choosing chip/fast when launching AsmPro)
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Old 07 August 2012, 18:21   #8
move.l #$c0ff33,throat
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Originally Posted by Foul View Post
ps: last thing ..when i'm using Fast in my project .. my picture don't display .. if i use Chip, it's ok .. a way to correct that ? (when i say project, it's choosing chip/fast when launching AsmPro)
Use the Section statement with extension _C to force data into chipmem. Like so:

Section Gfx,Data_c

yourpic incbin "pic.raw"
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Old 07 August 2012, 18:30   #9
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Perfect !

edit : and no .. when i put the exe in my startup-sequence.. nothing is display when i click on WB, it's perfect...

Last edited by Foul; 07 August 2012 at 18:42.
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Old 08 August 2012, 00:48   #10
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Found ! was only opened on a already open screen

Need to open my own Screen before...
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Old 18 November 2018, 14:39   #11
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Hi Foul. Do you still have your source code for this little project? Mind if I have a look at it as I'm trying to do something similar (load the king tut image from DPaint IV in 256 colours).
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Old 20 November 2018, 10:20   #12
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Of course , here it is :

;A    SelectLauncher V0.1     A
;A    Copyright Foul 2012     A
;A Hello to AmigaImpact/EAB ! A

	Section GFX,Code_c

execbase = 4
openlib = -552
closelib = -414
openscreen = -198
closescreen = -66
execute = -222

	btst	#6,$bfe001
	beq.b	main

	jsr	openall
	jsr	loop
	jsr	closeall
	moveq	#5,d0

	jsr	opendos
	jsr	openint
	jsr	openscr
	jsr	opengfx

	jsr	closegfx
	jsr	closescr
	jsr	closeint
	jsr	closedos
	move.l	intbase,a6
	lea	screen_defs,a0
	jsr	openscreen(a6)
	move.l	d0,screenhd

	move.l	intbase,a6
	move.l	screenhd,a0
	jsr	closescreen(a6)

	move.l	execbase,a6
	lea	dosname,a1
	moveq	#0,d0
	jsr	openlib(a6)
	move.l	d0,dosbase

	move.l	execbase,a6
	move.l	dosbase,a1
	jsr	closelib(a6)

	move.l 	execbase,a6
	lea 	gfxlib,a1
	jsr 	openlib(a6)
	move.l 	d0,gfxbase
	lea 	picture,a0
	lea 	bplptr,a1
	moveq 	#5-1,d1
	move.l 	a0,d0
	move.w 	d0,6(a1)
	swap 	d0
	move.w 	d0,2(a1)
	add.l 	#(320/8)*256,a0
	addq.l 	#8,a1
	dbf 	d1,setbpls
	move.l 	#cop,$dff080

	move.b	$bfec01,d0
	ror.b	#1,d0
	not.b	d0
	move.b	d0,_KeyPressed	
	cmp.b	#$50,d0
	beq.b	f1
	cmp.b	#$51,d0
	beq.b	f2
	cmp.b	#$52,d0
	beq.w	f3
	cmp.b	#$53,d0
	beq.w	f4
	cmp.b	#$54,d0
	beq.w	f5
	cmp.b	#$55,0
	beq.w	f6
	btst	#2,$dff016
	bne.b	loop	
	moveq	#0,d0	
	jsr	closegfx
	jsr	closescr
	jsr	closeint
	move.l	#exef1,d1
	moveq	#0,d2
	moveq	#0,d3
	move.l	dosbase,a6
	jsr	execute(a6)
	jsr	closedos
	moveq	#0,d0
	jsr	closegfx
	jsr	closescr
	jsr	closeint
	move.l	#exef2,d1
	moveq	#0,d2
	moveq	#0,d3
	move.l	dosbase,a6
	jsr	execute(a6)
	jsr 	closedos
	moveq	#0,d0
	jsr	closegfx
	jsr	closescr
	jsr	closeint
	move.l	#exef3,d1
	moveq	#0,d2
	moveq	#0,d3
	move.l	dosbase,a6
	jsr	execute(a6)
	jsr	closedos
	moveq	#0,d0

	jsr	closegfx
	jsr	closescr
	jsr	closeint
	move.l	#exef4,d1
	moveq	#0,d2
	moveq	#0,d3
	move.l	dosbase,a6
	jsr	execute(a6)
	jsr	closedos
	moveq	#5,d0

	jsr	closegfx
	jsr	closescr
	jsr	closeint
	move.l	#exef5,d1
	moveq	#0,d2
	moveq	#0,d3
	move.l	dosbase,a6
	jsr	execute(a6)
	jsr	closedos
	moveq	#5,d0

	jsr	closegfx
	jsr	closescr
	jsr	closeint
	move.l	#exef6,d1
	moveq	#0,d2
	moveq	#0,d3
	move.l	dosbase,a6
	jsr	execute(a6)
	jsr	closedos
	moveq	#5,d0

	move.l 	gfxbase,a1
	move.l 	38(a1),$dff080
	jsr 	closelib(a6)
	moveq 	#0,d0

	move.l	execbase,a6
	lea	intname,a1
	moveq	#0,d0
	jsr	openlib(a6)
	move.l	d0,intbase

	move.l	execbase,a6
	move.l	intbase,a1
	jsr	closelib(a6)

cop:		dc.w	$0106,$0000,$01fc,$0000		; AGA compatible
		dc.w	$008e,$2c81,$0090,$2cc1		; Setting up display,
		dc.w	$0092,$0038,$0094,$00d0		; modulo and so on
		dc.w	$0102,$0000,$0104,$0000
		dc.w	$0106,$0000,$0108,$0000
		dc.w	$010a,$0000
		dc.w	$0120,$0000,$0122,$0000		; Clear spriteptrs
		dc.w	$0124,$0000,$0126,$0000
		dc.w	$0128,$0000,$012a,$0000
		dc.w	$012c,$0000,$012e,$0000
		dc.w	$0130,$0000,$0132,$0000
		dc.w	$0134,$0000,$0136,$0000
		dc.w	$0138,$0000,$013a,$0000
		dc.w	$013c,$0000,$013e,$0000

		; Setting up the 32 colors
		dc.w $0180,$0000,$0182,$0111,$0184,$0112,$0186,$0222
		dc.w $0188,$0324,$018A,$0325,$018C,$0324,$018E,$0333
		dc.w $0190,$0426,$0192,$0444,$0194,$0435,$0196,$0537
		dc.w $0198,$0537,$019A,$0555,$019C,$0648,$019E,$0666
		dc.w $01A0,$0759,$01A2,$0768,$01A4,$0869,$01A6,$0869
		dc.w $01A8,$0888,$01AA,$098A,$01AC,$0922,$01AE,$097A
		dc.w $01B0,$0A9B,$01B2,$0AAA,$01B4,$0BAB,$01B6,$0B33
		dc.w $01B8,$0BBB,$01BA,$0C88,$01BC,$0CCC,$01BE,$0DDD

		dc.w	$0100,$5200
bplptr:		dc.w	$00e0,$0000,$00e2,$0000
		dc.w	$00e4,$0000,$00e6,$0000
		dc.w	$00e8,$0000,$00ea,$0000
		dc.w	$00ec,$0000,$00ee,$0000
		dc.w	$00f0,$0000,$00f2,$0000

		dc.w	$ffff,$fffe

gfxlib:		dc.b	"graphics.library",0,0
gfxbase:	dc.l	0
picture:	incbin	"Disk2.raw"
dosname:	dc.b	"dos.library",0
dosbase:	dc.l	0
intname:	dc.b	"intuition.library",0
intbase:	dc.l	0

x_pos:		dc.w	0
y_pos:		dc.w	0
width:		dc.w	320
heigth:		dc.w	256
depth:		dc.w	3
detail_pen:	dc.b	0
block_pen:	dc.b	1
view_modes:	dc.w	2
fonts:		dc.l	0
title:		dc.b	"SelectLauncher",0
gadgets:	dc.l	0
bitmaps:	dc.l	0
screenhd:	dc.l	0

exef1:		dc.b	"HD2:XCOPY/xcopy730.exe",0
exef2:		dc.b	"HD2:XCOPY/XCopyPro8.5",0
exef3:		dc.b	"HD2:XCOPY/XCopyProTNG",0
exef4:		dc.b	"C:TinyLauncher.exe",0
exef5:		dc.b	"C:WhichAmiga",0
exef6:		dc.b	"HD2:tsgui/tsgui",0

_KeyPressed:	dc.b	0
version:	dc.b	"$VER: SelectLauncher ("
		dc.b	") By Foul.",0
it was my fisrt ASM prog, just for testing , so very very very not optimised

(disk2.raw picture attached...)
Attached Files
File Type: zip Disk2.zip (4.1 KB, 117 views)
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Old 20 November 2018, 23:01   #13
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That's great thanks.

What is all the XCopy/function key stuff about? Are you loading XCopy from the program? I could just remove all that function key stuff right?

Also do you think it would be a simple matter for me to convert it into an AGA picture viewer?

Thanks again.
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Old 21 November 2018, 09:18   #14
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it's just a little prog to boot on a picture et launch differents usefull proggies... you can modify the source as you want... no prob

Aga Picture Viewer : don"t know at all... i'm not good enough in asm to know if it's feasible
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