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Old 07 January 2023, 01:41   #1
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Muzza's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2019
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Posts: 357
Enable DOS after system takeover - please check my code.


Can someone poke holes in my EnableDOS/DisableDOS routines please? Code is below.

I'm doing a system takeover at the start. When I need to load some data, I call EnableDOS, then do my loading, then DisableDOS. It mostly works. I can't get any problems on WinUAE running as a CD32, and my real A1200 had no problems either, but a real CD32 will occasionally hang.


        INCLUDE    "registers.i"
        INCLUDE    "cia.i"
        INCLUDE    "exec/execbase.i"

AUTOVEC1            EQU        $64
STACKSIZE            EQU        $1000        ; 4K
Supervisor            EQU        -30

; entry point
            ; store old stackpointer, replace with our stack
            move.l        sp,oldStackPtr
            lea            OurStack+STACKSIZE,sp

            ; get VBR (Vector Base can be moved on 68010+)
            jsr            getAutoVecBase

            jsr            OpenDosLibrary
            jsr         OpenGraphicsLibrary

            jsr            DisableOS_Graphics

            ; NOTE: must be called before starting interrupts
            jsr            _InitAll
            movem.w        d0,-(sp)    ; save the result of this

            jsr            DisableOS_Remainder

            jsr            _EnableDebugMessage

            ; retrieve InitAll result
            movem.w        (sp)+,d0
            cmp.b        #0,d0
                jmp            global_exit    ; InitAll failed

            jsr            _AllocCopperLists    
            jsr            _DisableWarpMode    
            jsr            _RunProgram    
            jmp            global_exit

            lea            $dff000,a6
            ; wait until blitter is finished
            tst.w         (a6)            ; for compatibility with A1000
            btst        #6,2(a6)
            bne.s        .waitBlitterLoop

            jsr            CheckNTSC
            cmp.w        #1,d0
                move.w        #LAST_SCANLINE_NTSC,d0
                move.w        #LAST_SCANLINE_PAL,d0

            ; Wait for scanline d0. Trashes d1.
            move.l        4(a6),d1
            lsr.l        #1,d1
            lsr.w        #7,d1
            cmp.w        d0,d1
            bne.s        .waitScanLineLoop        ; wait until it matches

            movem.l        d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)

            ; forbid task rescheduling
            ; so that no other task can change graphics modes etc before interrupts get disabled
            move.l        EXECBASE,a6
            jsr            -132(a6)        ; Forbid

            ; save old view and copper
            move.l        gfxbase,a6
            move.l        34(a6),oldView
            move.l        38(a6),oldCopper

            ; set null view (important for Amigas with graphic cards)
            move.l        #0,a1
            bsr            LoadView    ; also waits two frames

            ; take over blitter
            move.l        gfxbase,a6
            jsr            -456(a6)    ; OwnBlitter
            jsr            -228(a6)    ; WaitBlit

            ; set some values in BPLCON0 - not clear on why this is needed, but experienced hang
            ; on real A1200 hardware without it when running from Workbench and in release builds!
            move.w        #0,BPLCON0
            move.w        #0,BPLCON1
            move.w        #0,BPLCON2
            move.w        #0,BPLCON3
            move.w        #0,COLOR0

            ; set an empty copper list
            lea.l        _gEmptyCopperList,a0
            move.l        a0,COP1LCH

            movem.l        (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6

            movem.l        d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)

            ; store data in hardware registers ORed with $8000
            ; (bit 15 is a write-set bit when values are written back into the system)
            move.w        DMACONR,d0
            or.w        #$8000,d0
            move.w        d0,oldDMACONR

            move.w        INTENAR,d0
            or.w        #$8000,d0
            move.w        d0,oldINTENA

            move.w        INTREQR,d0
            or.w        #$8000,d0
            move.w        d0,oldINTREQ

            move.w        ADKCONR,d0
            or.w        #$8000,d0
            move.w        d0,oldADKCON

            bsr            StopDmaAndInterruptsAtVBlank

            ; store old interrupt vectors
            move.l        AutoVecBase,a1
            add.w        #AUTOVEC1,a1
            lea            oldVecs,a0
            bsr            copy6longs

            ; store cia timer B registers
            lea            CIAA,a0
            move.b        CIACRB(a0),crb    ;store state of control register
            bclr        #0,CIACRB(a0)        ;stop the timer
            move.b        CIATBLO(a0),tblo    ;store the actual timer values
            move.b      CIATBHI(a0),tbhi
            bclr        #3,CIACRB(a0)        ;set continuous mode
            bclr        #1,CIACRB(a0)        ;clear PB operation mode
            bset        #4,CIACRB(a0)        ;force load latch->timer
            move.b        CIATBLO(a0),ltblo    ;store latch values
            move.b        CIATBHI(a0),ltbhi

            ; set up DMA, note we let the audio components enable audio channel DMA as they require it
            move.w        #%0000000000110000,DMACON    ; DMA OFF Sprite/Disk
            move.w        #%1000000111000000,DMACON    ; DMA ON Blitter/Copper/Bitplane
            move.w        #%1000000000100000,DMACON    ; DMA set ON, 5:Sprite DMA enable
            move.w        #%1000001000000000,DMACON    ; enable DMAEN (master enable for bits [0,8])

            ; Disable interrupts - NOTE: do this before setting display registers
            move.w        #%1100000000000000,INTENA    ; IRQ set ON
            move.w        #%0011111111111111,INTENA    ; IRQ set OFF

            ; start vert blank interrupt so we can count how many frames have passed
            jsr         set_vertb_irq    ; NOTE: AudioInit must have been called before we call this!

            ; start our own level 4 interrupt for audio
            jsr            install_lev4_audio_interrupt

            ; start keyboard interrupts (if not using polling)
            jsr            initKeyboard

            ; audio filter off
            move.b        $bfe001,d0    ; Fetch CIAA PRA
            and.b        #$2,d0
            or.b        #$2,d0
            move.b        d0,$bfe001    ; Disable audio filter

            ; Install a CIA-B interrupt for ptplayer/tfmx
            jsr            install_level6_cia_interrupt

            ; start mixer
            jsr            mixer_init

            movem.l        (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6

            movem.l        d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)

            bsr            StopDmaAndInterruptsAtVBlank

            ; stop mixer
            jsr            mixer_shutdown

            ; shut down ptplayer/tfmx interrupt
            jsr            clear_level6_cia_interrupt

            ; stop keyboard interrupt
            jsr            exitKeyboard

            ; stop audio interrupt
            jsr            clear_lev4_audio_interrupt

            ; stop vertical blank interrupt
            jsr            clr_vertb_irq

            ; restore interrupt vectors
            lea            oldVecs,a1
            move.l        AutoVecBase,a0
            add.w        #AUTOVEC1,a0
            bsr            copy6longs

            ; restore hardware registers
            move.w        #$7fff,DMACON
            move.w        oldDMACONR,DMACON
            move.w        #$7fff,INTENA
            move.w        oldINTENA,INTENA
            move.w        #$7fff,INTREQ
            move.w        oldINTREQ,INTREQ
            move.w        #$7fff,ADKCON
            move.w        oldADKCON,ADKCON

            ; restore cia timer b
            lea            CIAA,a0
            clr.b        CIACRB(a0)        ;clear all CR values
            move.b        tblo,CIATBLO(a0)    ;set latch to original timer value
            move.b        tbhi,CIATBHI(a0)
            bset        #4,CIACRB(a0)        ;move latch->timer
            move.b        ltblo,CIATBLO(a0)    ;set latch to original latch value
            move.b        ltbhi,CIATBHI(a0)
            move.b        crb,CIACRB(a0)    ;restore the timer's work
            move.b        #$8f,CIAICR(a0)    ;enable CIA-A interrupts for AmigaOS 

            ; load old view
            move.l        oldView,a1
            bsr            LoadView

            move.l        gfxbase,a6
            jsr            -228(a6)    ; WaitBlit : wait for Blitter to finish running task (if any)
            move.l        gfxbase,a6
            jsr            -462(a6)    ; DisownBlitter : release Blitter to system

            ; Permit task rescheduling
            move.l        EXECBASE,a6
            jsr            -138(a6)    ; Permit (Undo the Forbid call)

            movem.l        (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6

            movem.l        d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)

            ; forbid task rescheduling
            ; so that no other task can change graphics modes etc before interrupts get disabled
            move.l        EXECBASE,a6
            jsr            -132(a6)        ; Forbid

            ; save old view and copper
            ;move.l        gfxbase,a6
            ;move.l        34(a6),oldView
            ;move.l        38(a6),oldCopper

            ; set null view (important for Amigas with graphic cards)
            ;move.l        #0,a1
            ;jsr            LoadView    ; also waits two frames

            ; take over blitter
            move.l        gfxbase,a6
            jsr            -456(a6)    ; OwnBlitter
            jsr            -228(a6)    ; WaitBlit

            move.w        INTENAR,d0
            or.w        #$8000,d0
            move.w        d0,oldINTENA

            move.w        INTREQR,d0
            or.w        #$8000,d0
            move.w        d0,oldINTREQ

            move.w        ADKCONR,d0
            or.w        #$8000,d0
            move.w        d0,oldADKCON

            bsr            StopInterruptsAtVBlank

            ; store old interrupt vectors
            move.l        AutoVecBase,a1
            add.w        #AUTOVEC1,a1
            lea            oldVecs,a0
            bsr            copy6longs

            ; store cia timer B registers
            lea            CIAA,a0
            move.b        CIACRB(a0),crb    ;store state of control register
            bclr        #0,CIACRB(a0)        ;stop the timer
            move.b        CIATBLO(a0),tblo    ;store the actual timer values
            move.b      CIATBHI(a0),tbhi
            bclr        #3,CIACRB(a0)        ;set continuous mode
            bclr        #1,CIACRB(a0)        ;clear PB operation mode
            bset        #4,CIACRB(a0)        ;force load latch->timer
            move.b        CIATBLO(a0),ltblo    ;store latch values
            move.b        CIATBHI(a0),ltbhi

            move.w        #%0000000000010000,DMACON    ; DMA OFF Disk

            ; Disable interrupts - NOTE: do this before setting display registers
            move.w        #%1100000000000000,INTENA    ; IRQ set ON
            move.w        #%0011111111111111,INTENA    ; IRQ set OFF

            ; start vert blank interrupt so we can count how many frames have passed
            jsr         set_vertb_irq

            ; start our own level 4 interrupt for audio
            jsr            install_lev4_audio_interrupt

            ; start keyboard interrupts (if not using polling)
            jsr            initKeyboard

            ; audio filter off
            move.b        $bfe001,d0    ; Fetch CIAA PRA
            and.b        #$2,d0
            or.b        #$2,d0
            move.b        d0,$bfe001    ; Disable audio filter

            ; Install a CIA-B interrupt for ptplayer/tfmx
            jsr            install_level6_cia_interrupt

            ; start mixer
            jsr            mixer_init

            movem.l        (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6

            movem.l        d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)

            bsr            StopInterruptsAtVBlank

            ; stop mixer
            jsr            mixer_shutdown

            ; shut down ptplayer/tfmx interrupt
            jsr            clear_level6_cia_interrupt

            ; stop keyboard interrupt
            jsr            exitKeyboard

            ; stop audio interrupt
            jsr            clear_lev4_audio_interrupt

            ; stop vertical blank interrupt
            jsr            clr_vertb_irq

            ; restore interrupt vectors
            lea            oldVecs,a1
            move.l        AutoVecBase,a0
            add.w        #AUTOVEC1,a0
            bsr            copy6longs

        move.w        #%1000000000010000,DMACON    ; DMA ON Disk

            ; restore hardware registers
            move.w        #$7fff,INTENA
            move.w        oldINTENA,INTENA
            move.w        #$7fff,INTREQ
            move.w        oldINTREQ,INTREQ
            move.w        #$7fff,ADKCON
            move.w        oldADKCON,ADKCON

            ; restore cia timer b
            lea            CIAA,a0
            clr.b        CIACRB(a0)        ;clear all CR values
            move.b        tblo,CIATBLO(a0)    ;set latch to original timer value
            move.b        tbhi,CIATBHI(a0)
            bset        #4,CIACRB(a0)        ;move latch->timer
            move.b        ltblo,CIATBLO(a0)    ;set latch to original latch value
            move.b        ltbhi,CIATBHI(a0)
            move.b        crb,CIACRB(a0)    ;restore the timer's work
            move.b        #$8f,CIAICR(a0)    ;enable CIA-A interrupts for AmigaOS 

            move.l        gfxbase,a6
            jsr            -228(a6)    ; WaitBlit : wait for Blitter to finish running task (if any)
            move.l        gfxbase,a6
            jsr            -462(a6)    ; DisownBlitter : release Blitter to system

            ; Permit task rescheduling
            move.l        EXECBASE,a6
            jsr            -138(a6)    ; Permit (Undo the Forbid call)

            movem.l        (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6

;    a1 - view
            move.l        gfxbase,a6
            jsr            -222(a6)    ; gfx LoadView(view) - Use a (possibly freshly created) coprocessor instruction list to create the current display.
            jsr            WaitEndOfFrame    ; NOTE: using this instead of WaitTOF because WaitTOF can undo the Forbid call
            jsr            WaitEndOfFrame

            ; open graphics.library
            move.l        EXECBASE,a6
            move.l        #gfxname,a1
            moveq        #0,d0
            jsr            OpenLib(a6)
            move.l        d0,gfxbase

            ; open dos.library
            move.l        EXECBASE,a6
            move.l        #dosname,a1
            moveq        #0,d0
            jsr            OpenLib(a6)
            move.l        d0,dosbase

            move.l        gfxbase,a1    ;library base
            move.l        EXECBASE,a6        ;exec base
            jsr            CloseLib(a6)    ;exec CloseLibrary

            move.l        dosbase,a1    ;library base
            move.l        EXECBASE,a6        ;exec base
            jsr            CloseLib(a6)    ;exec CloseLibrary

            jsr            WaitEndOfFrame
            move.w        #$7fff,d0    ; bits set to disable everything
            move.w        d0,DMACON    ; dma off
            move.w        d0,INTENA    ; disable interrupts
            move.w        d0,INTREQ    ; clear pending interrupts
            move.w        d0,INTREQ    ; twice for A4000

            jsr            WaitEndOfFrame
            move.w        #$7fff,d0    ; bits set to disable everything
            move.w        d0,INTENA    ; disable interrupts
            move.w        d0,INTREQ    ; clear pending interrupts
            move.w        d0,INTREQ    ; twice for A4000

            jsr            _ShutDownAll
            jsr            _FreeCopperLists
            jsr            EnableOS

            ; restore copper
            move.l        oldCopper,COP1LCH

            jsr            CloseGraphicsLibrary
            jsr            CloseDosLibrary

            movea.l        oldStackPtr,sp    ; restore stack pointer

            move.l        #0,d0    ; set return code

            ; end program


    moveq    #6-1,d1
.1:    move.l    (a1)+,(a0)+
    dbf    d1,.1


    Section    __MERGED,BSS
    CNOP        0,4
oldVecs:        ds.l    6
OurStack:        ds.b    STACKSIZE
CPUtype:        ds.b    1
crb:            ds.b    1
tblo:            ds.b    1
tbhi:            ds.b    1
ltblo:            ds.b    1
ltbhi:            ds.b    1
                ds.b    3

    Section    __MERGED,DATA
    CNOP        0,4
oldView:        dc.l        0
oldCopper:        dc.l        0
gfxbase:        dc.l        0
dosbase::        dc.l        0
oldStackPtr:    dc.l        0
AutoVecBase::    dc.l        0    ; This location holds a pointer to the interrupt auto vector base address (0 for 68000, read from VBR register for 68010+).

    CNOP        0,4
oldDMACONR:    dc.w        0
oldINTREQ:    dc.w        0
oldINTENA:    dc.w        0
oldADKCON:    dc.w        0

    CNOP        0,4
gfxname:    dc.b        'graphics.library',0
dosname:    dc.b        "dos.library",0

    Section    __MERGED,Data_c
    CNOP        0,4
            dc.l    $ffffffe
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Old 07 January 2023, 02:15   #2
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Join Date: Jan 2014
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Sorry to hijack this one too especially cause I dont know asm.
But could it be that you just need longer wait times for cd to finish activities?
Cobe is offline  
Old 07 January 2023, 06:10   #3
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Join Date: Jun 2016
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Posts: 1,039
I think something similar had been asked not so long ago. Let me see...
Since you are using a lvl2 keyboard interrpt, it looks like it could be the same problem.

1. When you installing an empty copper list, and clearing all the control registers. A 0 is actually not a default value for some of those:
$0c00 => $dff106 (con3, default colortable offset for bpls is 8)
$0011 => $dff00c (con4, default colortable offset for sprites is 16)
And set fetch mode to 0:
$0000 => $dff01fc

2. audio filter off
Was that meant to be and #~2 with or #2? I remember doing a simple bset #1 back in the day to take care or that.

3. StopDmaAndInterruptsAtVBlank
I'd hit INTENA first, in case you get an interrupt right between DMACON and INTENA.
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Old 07 January 2023, 13:30   #4
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are you aware that cd32 ciab sometimes issues a level 6 interrupt which is not emulated by winuae? that caused most John Twiddy's games to fail until properly patched.
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