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Old 08 September 2009, 03:16   #1
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ClassicWB for MacOS

ClassicWB is great for users of Windows or real Amiga's. Easy to install and use. But getting it installed and running on a Mac is not quite so easy.

The problem mainly being eUAE not being particularly user-friendly.

Has someone else out there sucessfully installed the ClassicWB package on MacOS?

If so, your eUAE config file would sure be useful. As well as any advice for getting ClassicWB up and running properly.

It'd be nice to provide installation instructions for Mac users too (they need all the help they can get).

oh and that UAE MacOS X tutorial posted elsewhere sure did come in handy.
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Old 08 September 2009, 07:01   #2
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Sure it is very easy on the Mac, I will post you a guide later this week if nobody beats me to it. Its great way to have a cool looking Amiga laptop.
Old 08 September 2009, 22:54   #3
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Ami_Junkie: My Mac owning friends thankyou in advance.

These instructions are a little overdue, it would be good if they eventually go on the ClassicWB page itself.
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Old 12 September 2009, 12:55   #4
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I'm not interested in writing instructions for operating systems I'm not familiar with, but if someone else wants to I can make it a sticky at the top of the forum and link it from the main page.

I'm sure there must be tutorials on how to use UAE/eUAE around the net as you mentioned above Anakirob. All that is required is to mount the provided System.HDF file and run it.
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Old 13 September 2009, 14:20   #5
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Basic knowledge of your computer is assumed in this. I know macs like to hide everything behind GUIs, but you should have done some fiddling at some point and know all about device nodes, mounting, etc.

This is the method I'm going to use (presumably it will work).

Some parts might need to be changed for the Mac - I'm not sure if the affs driver exists for mac.

1) Download and extract the package (if you're stuck on this bit, you don't deserve to have a computer)

2) Open a terminal, use cd to change to the directory where your disk image is.

3) Type: mkdir mountpoint

4) Type: sudo mount -o loop,setuid=<your UID (user number) here, obtainable from /etc/passwd> -t affs System.hdf mountpoint

(that step might fail on a Mac, as I said, I don't know if it has a driver for reading Amiga disks. If it fails, try variations on "affs" like "ffs", "amiga", "amigahd" or something, if it has a driver, you'll probably find it eventually.)

5) Type: uae (to run e-uae)

6) Set up uae:
In floppy disks: Leave all drives empty
In memory, select your kickstart ROM (the same version as your Amiga preferably), leave the ROM key file blank, and give the Amiga 2MB of chipmem and however much fast mem your Amiga has (if yours doesn't have any, you probably won't be able to do much, in which case I would set it to however much you think you'll buy). It isn't fully necessary to have everything the same as the Amiga but it will give you an idea on what works and what doesn't.
In CPU: Again, the same as the Amiga.
In chipset: Do I need to repeat myself?
Leave Sound, JIT and Game Ports alone (though if you don't have a numpad for whatever reason, or want to use a real joystick, you might want to reconfigure Game Ports)
In Hard Disks, create a new virtual hard disk. Set device to DH0, the directory to the mountpoint directory you mounted earlier, the boot order to anything (though if you want to use other virtual HDDs, bear in mind that it boots from the highest boot order, so set it to a resonably high number).
Set volume name to System
Accept the rest of the settings as default.

Start the emulated Amiga. It should boot from the virtual hard drive and the installer will start. Follow the onscreen instructions, virtually inserting your workbench ADFs when prompted.

When it's done, remove the ADFs and reboot. It should start CWB!

Set up your system. It is easiest and most convenient to do this on the computer. This includes installing any games. You may need to copy kickstarts into the correct directory if you're using WHDload (which allows you to install games to HDD which weren't intended to do that) - there's a thread about it somehwere linked to in the CWB FAQ.

Insert the hard drive and reboot. Wipe the hard drive completely so as not to confuse your computer if you end up with a DOS and an Amiga partition table - do this with sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/your_amiga_hdd

If you have real WB3.x disks, you can parition the HDD from your Amiga by using HDToolBox. If so, do this (I have no idea how) and skip ahead to the next paragraph. If not:

Now, insert your real HDD and reboot. Download amiga-fdisk (hopefully it's available for Mac - if not you should be able to compile it). Work out how to use it - I haven't used it (yet). It should work similar to the original fdisk, and there are plenty of tutorials on that scattered about the internet. Basically you want to partiton the hard disk.

Now, use the following command:

sudo dd if=System.hdf of=/dev/your_amiga_hdd_partition. This copies the image to disk. Insert in the real Amiga and it should work. Should

Can someone who has actually done this confirm whether my method will work? I see no reason why it won't, but just in case.
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Old 13 September 2009, 21:38   #6
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I think you are missing the point. People that need to be hand held through basic installation of E-UAE and Classic WB are not the type of people that are going to enter long unix command lines to get something to run. Also, the issue isn't getting a hard disk prepared for installation into an existing Amiga, it is just getting it running in E-UAE.

Also, what good are comments like "1) Download and extract the package (if you're stuck on this bit, you don't deserve to have a computer)"?

I will try to make a guide for this soon with no command lines and screen shots.
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Old 15 October 2009, 06:03   #7
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First, I must confess. I am not a Mac user (Mac luser heh). BUT I have been working with a Mac user who kinda needs to see our project running. A Mac user who just happens to be on a different continent. So although I probably have the patience and trobleshoting skills to solve this even without knowledge, really I am unable to help him as I cannot physically see what is going on on my colleagues end.

I have a new, related question
Can someone share their experience of using the Amiga Forever package on MacOS please? And...
On a scale of 1 to 5. With 1 being a total n00b and 5 being a super-hacker (I would generally consider myself a competent 3). How difficult is it to install and use eUAE on MacOS using the AmigaForever config files?

I assume it's like a 1 or a 2, but I would not know. Oh and...

I shall poke a couple of you via PM to remind you that you mentioned a MacOS-ClassicWB install guide. If you do this guide, I'm sure your name would be forever etched into the eab hall of legends, if not suitably noted on the ClassicWB page. Cheers.
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Old 15 October 2009, 06:50   #8
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No worries I`ll create a guide as soon as my Mac is back from the shop for repairs, it is pretty straight forward and easy because Classic WB makes it so easy

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