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Old 12 April 2007, 20:35   #1
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code explanation

Hi guys

I'm disassembling a program which intercepts keyboard routines and allows cd32 pad to be used instead.

Now i've figured most of it out but the following is a bit confusing (what is it doing)

	MOVEM.L	D0-D7/A0-A6,-(SP)
	MOVE.L	#1,D0					;Port to read
	MOVEA.L	(_LowLevelBase).L,A6		;Lowlevel into a6
	JSR		(_LVOReadJoyPort,A6)		;Read the pad
	BSR.W		lbC0000F2			;Check the pad buttons
	MOVEM.L	(SP)+,D0-D7/A0-A6
	LEA		($DFF000).L,A5		;Replace code we overwrote
	dc.w		$4EF9				;Jump to continue game
	dc.l		0				; Holds addresss for game to continue

	MOVE.L		D0,D1				;Button pressed to d1
	MOVE.L		(lbL00076C).L,D2		;What is this as it is tested
	MOVEA.L	(_KeyBoardRoutine).L,A0	;Start of keyboard routine ingame
	BTST		#$12,D1			;Test for left shoulder pad
	BEQ.W		lbC000126			;No branch ahead
	BNE.W		lbC000144			;No branch to next button check
	BSET		#$12,D2			;Set bit 12
	MOVE.B		#$64,D0			;Left alt raw keycode
	MOVEM.L	D1/D2/A0,-(SP)		;preserve regs
	JSR		(A0)				;Branch to game
	MOVEM.L	(SP)+,D1/D2/A0		;Restore Regs
	BRA.W		lbC000144			;Check Right shoulder


	BTST		#$12,D2
	BEQ.W		lbC000144
	BCLR		#$12,D2
	MOVE.B		#$E4,D0
	MOVEM.L	D1/D2/A0,-(SP)
	JSR		(A0)
	MOVEM.L	(SP)+,D1/D2/A0
	BRA.W		lbC000144

lbL00076C						;WHAT IS THIS?
	dcb.l	$3F,0
	dcb.l	4,0

Last edited by BippyM; 12 April 2007 at 21:19.
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Old 12 April 2007, 21:11   #2
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Added More Commenting To The Code
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Old 12 April 2007, 21:45   #3
Joe Maroni
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can you please post the code of lbC000144 ???

that would make it more understandable...
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Old 12 April 2007, 21:46   #4
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that is the same as lbC0000F2 it's just a different button

	BTST	#$13,D1
	BEQ.W	lbC00016A
	BTST	#$13,D2
	BNE.W	lbC000188
	BSET	#$13,D2
	MOVE.B	#$65,D0	;Right Alt
	MOVEM.L	D1/D2/A0,-(SP)
	JSR	(A0)
	MOVEM.L	(SP)+,D1/D2/A0
	BRA.W	lbC000188
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Old 13 April 2007, 00:07   #5
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Old 13 April 2007, 10:01   #6
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Please send me full resource file with this code or give me executable with this code then I look at this saturday

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Old 13 April 2007, 10:31   #7
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It's already in the zone

I've done more to it since then, and corrected some errors.

It's called SlamTiltCD32.rar

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Old 13 April 2007, 11:38   #8
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After short look I think that lbL00076C is previous_state_of_pad and it's used for generate proper key value ( pressed or not ). You know it's simply bit field. It looks like copy of previous bit field returned by _LVOReadJoyPort.

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Old 13 April 2007, 12:39   #9
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can you comment the routine for me as I still don't follow.
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Old 13 April 2007, 12:44   #10
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Yes, I will do that. I will prepare my version of the SlamTiltAddCD32Pad with my comments.
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Old 13 April 2007, 12:45   #11
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just comment the 1 or 2 routines if you don't mind, I am using it to help me understand etc and want to comment as much as I can
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Old 13 April 2007, 13:09   #12
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Does d2 contain $000003f4
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Old 13 April 2007, 14:24   #13
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When patched routine ran first time then D2 = 0, because (lbL00076C) = 0. So

        dcb.l	$3F,0
        dcb.l	4,0
mean allocate $3f+4 longwords ( I don't know why resourcer optimize to $3f and not show proper $43 ) and set to zeroes. Old assemblers like seka use "blk" instead of "dcb" for allocate and fill memory. Check Asm-One guide or Barfly guide.
I don't know why programmer allocate $3f+4 = $43 longwords, because as I see only first longword is used ( maybe for future ). Keep in the mind that this patch is ran every frame ( my assumption ), but i think that you know
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Old 26 April 2007, 08:48   #14
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This is the source with my comments ( not finished ). Because i think that oryginal source from SlamTilitCd32Pad has bugs ( some jumps and keycodes are wrong ) I have show you fixed version. ( see MACRO emulate_key )

; $Id: SlamTiltAddCD32Pad.asm 1.5 2007/04/22 20:12:56 Asman Exp Asman $

	INCDIR	Includes:

	INCLUDE	lvo/exec.i
	INCLUDE	lvo/dos.i
	INCLUDE	lvo/intuition.i	
	INCLUDE	lvo/lowlevel.i

	INCLUDE	intuition/intuition.i
	INCLUDE	libraries/lowlevel.i


;; direction
;JPB_JOY_UP		= 3
;; buttons


Emulate_Key	MACRO

;\1 JPB bit from lowlevel.i ( for example JPB_BUTTON_PLAY )
;\2 key ( rawkey ) ( for example KEY_ALT or $64 )

	;button or direct was pressed ?
		btst	#JPB_\1,d1
		beq.w	.free_key\@

	;if last time the same was pressed then jump to next key
		btst	#JPB_\1,d2
		bne.w	.next_key\@

	;set appropriate bit in prev / last cd32pad bit state
		bset	#JPB_\1,d2

	;emulate key ( press )
		move.b	#\2,d0

	;call routine from SlamTilt ( decode key routine )
		movem.l	d1/d2/a0,-(sp)
		jsr	(a0)
		movem.l	(sp)+,d1/d2/a0

		bra.w	.next_key\@


	;is this real reason to emulate ( unpressed key )
		btst	#JPB_\1,d2
		beq.w	.next_key\@

	;clean proper bit in prev / last cd32pad bit state
		bclr	#JPB_\1,d2

	;emulate key ( unpress )
		move.b	#\2+$80,d0

	;call routine form SlamTilt ( decode key routine )
		movem.l	d1/d2/a0,-(sp)
		jsr	(a0)
		movem.l	(sp)+,d1/d2/a0
		bra.w	.next_key\@




	SECTION	CodeSlamTiltAddCD32Pad,CODE

		movem.l	d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)

		bsr.w	show_author_window

	; open lovlevel library
		moveq	#0,d0
		lea	(LowLevelName).l,a1
		movea.l	(4).w,a6
		jsr	(_LVOOpenLibrary,a6)
		move.l	d0,(LowLevelBase).l
		beq.w	.exit

	; open dos library
		moveq	#0,d0
		lea	(DosName).l,a1
		jsr	(_LVOOpenLibrary,a6)
		move.l	d0,(DosBase).l
		beq.w	.closeLowLevel

	; load exe
		move.l	#game_name,d1
		movea.l	(DosBase).l,a6
		jsr	(_LVOLoadSeg,a6)
		move.l	d0,(game_seglist).l
		beq.w	.closeDos

		lsl.l	#2,d0
		addq.l	#4,d0
		move.l	d0,(start_game_adr).l
		move.l	d0,d1
		addi.l	#$ED2,d0
		movea.l	d0,a0
		move.w	#$4EF9,(a0)
		move.l	#patch_CD32,(2,a0)
		lea	(6,a0),a1	;a1 = game.exe + $ed2+6 
		move.l	a1,(back_from_patch_adr).l
		addi.l	#$52F0,d1
		move.l	d1,(DecodeKeyRoutineAdr).l
		movem.l	(sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
		movea.l	(start_game_adr).l,a1
		jsr	(a1)
		movem.l	d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
		move.l	(game_seglist).l,d1
		movea.l	(DosBase).l,a6
		jsr	(_LVOUnLoadSeg,a6)

.closeDos	movea.l	(DosBase).l,a1
		movea.l	(4).w,a6
		jsr	(_LVOCloseLibrary,a6)

.closeLowLevel	movea.l	(LowLevelBase).l,a1
		movea.l	(4).w,a6
		jsr	(_LVOCloseLibrary,a6)

.exit	movem.l	(sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6


patch_CD32	movem.l	d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
		move.l	#1,d0			;port number
		movea.l	(LowLevelBase).l,a6
		jsr	(_LVOReadJoyPort,a6)
	;d0 =


		bsr.w	convert_pad_buttons
		movem.l	(sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
		lea	($DFF000).l,a5	;oryginal code from game.exe
		dc.w	$4EF9
back_from_patch_adr	dc.l	0

;; direction
;JPB_JOY_UP		= 3
;; buttons

KEY_P		= $19
KEY_DEL		= $46
KEY_HELP	= $57

; CD32 buttons --> keyboard
		move.l	d0,d1
		move.l	(Previous_ReadJoyPort).l,d2
		movea.l	(DecodeKeyRoutineAdr).l,a0

		Emulate_Key	BUTTON_REVERSE,$64	;left alt
		Emulate_Key	BUTTON_FORWARD,$65	;right alt

		Emulate_Key	JOY_UP,$40		;space
		Emulate_Key	JOY_LEFT,$66		;left amiga
		Emulate_Key	JOY_RIGHT,$67		;right amiga

		Emulate_Key	BUTTON_GREEN,$60	;left shift
		Emulate_Key	BUTTON_YELLOW,$61	;right shift

		Emulate_Key	JOY_DOWN,$44		;enter

		Emulate_Key	BUTTON_PLAY,$19		;key 'p'
		Emulate_Key	BUTTON_RED,$46		;DEL

		Emulate_Key	BUTTON_BLUE,$57		;HELP

	;recognize pause and unpause

lbC0003EC	btst	#$11,d1
		beq.w	lbC000426
		tst.b	d1
		beq.w	lbC000450
		tst.b	(lbB000878).l
		bne.w	lbC000450
		move.l	a0,-(sp)
		lea	(lbB000878).l,a0
		move.b	(a0,d1.w),d0
		movea.l	(sp)+,a0
		move.b	d0,(lbB000878).l
		movem.l	d1/d2/a0,-(sp)
		jsr	(a0)
		movem.l	(sp)+,d1/d2/a0
		bra.w	lbC000450
lbC000426	tst.b	(lbB000878).l
		beq.w	lbC000450
		move.b	(lbB000878).l,d0
		addi.b	#$80,d0
		move.b	#0,(lbB000878).l
		movem.l	d1/d2/a0,-(sp)
		jsr	(a0)
		movem.l	(sp)+,d1/d2/a0
		bra.w	lbC000450

lbC000450	move.l	d2,(Previous_ReadJoyPort).l
lbC000458	rts


		movem.l	d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
	;open intuition library
		moveq	#0,d0
		lea	(IntuitionName).l,a1
		movea.l	(4).w,a6
		jsr	(_LVOOpenLibrary,a6)
		move.l	d0,(IntuiBase).l
		beq.w	.exit

	;open window
		lea	(NewWindowStruct).l,a0
		movea.l	(IntuiBase).l,a6
		jsr	(_LVOOpenWindow,a6)
		move.l	d0,(window).l
		beq.w	.close_intuition
		bsr.w	print_author_info

	;window loop ( wait for close window or press any key )
		movea.l	(window).l,a0
		movea.l	(wd_UserPort,a0),a0
		movea.l	a0,a2
.loop		movea.l	a2,a0
		movea.l	(4).w,a6
		jsr	(_LVOWaitPort,a6)
		movea.l	a2,a0
		movea.l	(4).w,a6
		jsr	(_LVOGetMsg,a6)
		movea.l	d0,a1
		movea.l	d0,a3
		movea.l	(4).w,a6
		jsr	(_LVOReplyMsg,a6)
		cmpi.l	#IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW,(im_Class,a3)
		beq.b	.closeWindow
		cmpi.l	#IDCMP_RAWKEY,(im_Class,a3)
		bne.w	.loop

.closeWindow	movea.l	(window).l,a0
		movea.l	(IntuiBase).l,a6
		jsr	(_LVOCloseWindow,a6)

	;close intuition library
		movea.l	(IntuiBase).l,a1
		movea.l	(4).w,a6
		jsr	(_LVOCloseLibrary,a6)
		movem.l	(sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6

		movea.l	(IntuiBase).l,a1
		movea.l	(4).w,a6
		jsr	(_LVOCloseLibrary,a6)

.exit		movem.l	(sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6


		moveq	#8,d0	;left offset
		moveq	#$14,d1	;top offset

.loop		movea.l	(tab_ptr).l,a0
		move.l	(a0),(IText_ptr).l
		beq.w	.exit

		adda.l	#4,a0
		move.l	a0,(tab_ptr).l

	;print one line on window
		movem.l	d0/d1,-(sp)
		movea.l	(window).l,a0
		movea.l	(wd_RPort,a0),a0		;a0 = rastport of win
		lea	(IntuiTextStruct).l,a1
		movea.l	(IntuiBase).l,a6
		jsr	(_LVOPrintIText,a6)
		movem.l	(sp)+,d0/d1

		addi.l	#8,d1	;8 pixels down
		bra.w	.loop

.exit		rts

	;!!!unused word
		dc.w	0


	SECTION	DataSlamTiltAddCD32Pad,DATA

IntuiBase	dc.l	0
IntuitionName	dc.b	'intuition.library',0
tab_ptr	dc.l	tab_text_ptr
tab_text_ptr	dc.l	TextLine_0
		dc.l	TextLine_1
		dc.l	TextLine_2
		dc.l	TextLine_3
		dc.l	TextLine_4
		dc.l	TextLine_5
		dc.l	TextLine_6
		dc.l	TextLine_7
		dc.l	TextLine_8
		dc.l	TextLine_9
		dc.l	TextLine_10
		dc.l	TextLine_11
		dc.l	TextLine_12
		dc.l	TextLine_13
		dc.l	0

TextLine_0	dc.b	'<bing>(Advertisment)',0
TextLine_1	dc.b	'If you like this patch and want to give me s'
		dc.b	'omething in',0
TextLine_2	dc.b	'return please snail mail me a tape of music '
		dc.b	'artist/s you',0
TextLine_3	dc.b	'like(only Alternative music please,no mainst'
		dc.b	'ream or over',0
TextLine_4	dc.b	'repetitive techno/trance/hardcore)',0
TextLine_5	dc.w	0
TextLine_6	dc.b	' ',0
TextLine_7	dc.b	'My @snail mail address:',0
TextLine_8	dc.b	' ',0
TextLine_9	dc.b	'Andre Barton',0
TextLine_10	dc.b	'60 Purchas St',0
TextLine_11	dc.b	'St Albans',0
TextLine_12	dc.b	'Christchurch',0
TextLine_13	dc.b	'New Zealand',0

window	dc.l	0

NewWindowStruct	dc.w	$4B	;leftEdge
		dc.w	$32	;topEdge
		dc.w	480	;Width
		dc.w	150	;Height
		dc.b	$FF	;DetailPen
		dc.b	$FF	;BlockPen
		dc.l	0	;FirstGadget
		dc.l	0	;CheckMark
		dc.l	WinTitle	;Title
		dc.l	0	;Screen
		dc.l	0	;Bitmap
		dc.w	14	;MinWidth
		dc.w	14	;MinHeight
		dc.w	$168	;MaxWidth
		dc.w	$100	;MaxHeight

WinTitle	dc.b	'SlamTiltAddCD32Pad',0,0

IntuiTextStruct	dc.b	1
		dcb.b	3,0
		dcb.w	2,0
		dc.l	0
IText_ptr	dcb.l	2,0

LowLevelBase	dc.l	0
DosBase	dc.l	0
game_seglist	dcb.l	2,0
start_game_adr	dc.l	0
DecodeKeyRoutineAdr	dc.l	lbC000458
		dc.l	0
		dcb.l	$3F,0
		dcb.l	4,0
lbB000878	dc.b	0
		dc.b	$52
		dc.b	$56
		dc.b	0
		dc.b	$54
		dc.b	$53
		dc.b	$55
		dc.b	0
		dc.b	$50
		dc.b	$51
		dc.b	$57
		dc.b	0
LowLevelName	dc.b	'lowlevel.library',0
DosName		dc.b	'dos.library',0
game_name	dc.b	'game.exe',0

; version information
		dc.b	'SlamTiltExtrabuttons v1.0 by Andre Barton',0
Any question are welcome.
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Old 26 April 2007, 09:38   #15
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Asman that is cool

I have also commented mine, tho not quite finished yet.. I'm not going to look at yours because I want to do this myself and have it checked before improving the prog
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Old 30 April 2007, 17:45   #16
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I check oryginal version SlamTiltCd32Pad and this patch don't work properly.
( do tests on my amiga + cd32 pad )
So this patch works only when you choose table and press F1 or other F keys. For CD32 users this is not enough or useless ( how go to the table ? ).
I think that new version of this patch is necessary.

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Old 30 April 2007, 17:47   #17
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this is why i am dis-assembling it

I plan to implement the missing stuff from menu's
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Old 30 April 2007, 17:51   #18
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I do tests with patch and add cursors as some buttons and still don't work. Thats mean that exist another routine for keyboard in title menu. You must resource game.exe
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Old 30 April 2007, 18:42   #19
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yeah i'll do it with winuae debugger

i'm going to be offline for a week or 2 soon so I'll need something to do
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Old 01 May 2007, 14:12   #20
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I have upload to the Zone final version of SlamTiltCD32Pad ( source )


Last edited by Asman; 01 May 2007 at 14:23.
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