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Old 07 February 2002, 01:03   #1
Give up the ghost
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Chase HQ 3 (or 4BitterChumps)

Here is a link you guys might find funny...


Me personally, I wasn't amused. It's such a slap in the face at the Amiga and Amiga users and it is full of cheap shots, insulting stabs and an underlying worship of XBox and PSX2 (as if the XBox invented polygons, or as if 3D automatically means superior graphics). I will elaborate, but you guys should see the page first...
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Old 07 February 2002, 01:14   #2
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I understand your resentment to the article Twist, but also look at the fact that these dweebs most likely had Atari ST's or even early PC's so they are really bitter as the domain points out

Also look at the fact they had to wait so many years just to get games on par of the Amiga, which we had over a decade ago
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Old 08 February 2002, 02:59   #3
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Woah there... Calm down!

Okay, I think it's time for some defending remarks about the article and some background history on myself.

Twistin'Ghost, could you point out exactly *where* I make any "slap in the face" remarks about the Amiga being bad? I ought to slap you in the face for interpreting the article with such a bias. Where are these "insulting stabs" you refer to? I'll have you know that I was born and bred on Amiga - the reason why I chose it as the basis for the article (an homage to my childhood memories heheh).

The days of Deluxe Paint II, AMOS, WorkBench and 500 1.44MB disks of games are very clear in my head and I wouldn't have completed a degree in Computer Science at the University of Melbourne if I didn't have an Amiga in the first place.

I'm not denying the fact that I am a dweeb (would I have time to write this reply if I wasn't? ) but you guys seem to have really jumped to the conclusion that I hate Amigas and worship the polygon - that I want to make love to every new console that's released.

The intention of the article was merely to juxtapose the quality of a game from 1991 to a game from 2002 (XBox and PS/2 sprang to mind simply because they're the latest consoles on the market), and I thought it would be funny if a company tried to pass off a 1991 quality game in this day and age as if nothing was wrong.

Whether that's funny or not is completely your judgement, but in no way or form was I taking the piss out of Amigas.

I have never touched an Atari ST in my life, however I must confess I did own an 80086, but I can assure you the games on that were shit compared to Amiga - I always laughed when I got Street Rod 2 on PC and Amiga, the Amiga version had 256 colours and MOD music, while the PC version was PC speaker and EGA only :-)

Oh, and yes, we are bitter - no apologies there

And if you want proof that I don't think 3D automatically means superior graphics, take a look at a game I've been working on using DJGPP and Allegro:


You'll notice the game is in 2D, and you'll notice even MORE that the game is VERY similar to Super Cars II on Amiga... that's not a coincidence - I was trying to make a game on par with it in playability... no easy task I assure you.

Annnyway to conclude, I'm not trying to pick a fight or have a flame war here, I just wanted to set the record straight. I sold my Amiga in 1995 and to this day still think it was the worst thing I ever did. I still have all my Amiga Format magazines and wouldn't dare throw them out. I am almost (if not as much) a fan of the Amiga as you guys are.

Don't hate me. Love me. We can all get along.
Old 08 February 2002, 03:47   #4
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{ off topic }

hey Michael, what is this nickname "a1studmuffin" ?!!
lol, king of typo or private mystic joke ?

do you want I rename your account name to simply "Michael" ?
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Old 08 February 2002, 04:51   #5
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Re: Woah there... Calm down!

Originally posted by a1studmuffin
Okay, I think it's time for some defending remarks about the article and some background history on myself.

Twistin'Ghost, could you point out exactly *where* I make any "slap in the face" remarks about the Amiga being bad? I ought to slap you in the face for interpreting the article with such a bias. Where are these "insulting stabs" you refer to? I'll have you know that I was born and bred on Amiga - the reason why I chose it as the basis for the article (an homage to my childhood memories heheh).
Sorry, but it just seemed to me that the page was making reference to things like floppies, pixel graphics, mod files, etc. as if this is something Amiga people find superior (technically, rather than aesthetically).

"We have even made the controversial decision to release the game on four 880KB floppies to allow more gameplay and better graphics than ever before seen on a Commodore Amiga."

"Sceptics are quick to point out the superiority of other platforms..."

"...uses a custom built parallax scrolling rendering engine and makes excellent use of detailed sprites and 8-bit mono sound, for a stronger, thicker soundtrack. We use four channel MOD files, none of this MP3 bullshit XBox is using these days..."


Maybe I just took it the wrong way, but it just seemed as if it was poking fun at Amiga users and the standards from which their old school games existed. I used to argue with 'IBM users' back in the day, and they would make similar remarks in their most sarcastic tone, followed by huge laughter. I had to battle these guys with a loathe in my heart as black as coal.

But your satire was well done, I'll give you that. The presentation was slick and the pics were hacked very nicely! I find it amazing that in 2002 I find myself still having to defend the Amiga against non-believers - not that I am talking about you, mind you...but others are out there that still can't get over the fact that we Amiga users just won't go away!

The intention of the article was merely to juxtapose the quality of a game from 1991 to a game from 2002 (XBox and PS/2 sprang to mind simply because they're the latest consoles on the market), and I thought it would be funny if a company tried to pass off a 1991 quality game in this day and age as if nothing was wrong.
And that is a valid source of parody. I agree that it's an amusing concept. Again, sorry I took it out of context.

Oh, and yes, we are bitter - no apologies there

Annnyway to conclude, I'm not trying to pick a fight or have a flame war here, I just wanted to set the record straight. I sold my Amiga in 1995 and to this day still think it was the worst thing I ever did. I still have all my Amiga Format magazines and wouldn't dare throw them out. I am almost (if not as much) a fan of the Amiga as you guys are.

Don't hate me. Love me. We can all get along.
Hey, the way I look at it is that we have another Amiga fan here at EAB! Hopefully you'll stick around and enjoy the nostalgia!
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Old 08 February 2002, 08:24   #6
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Sorry, but it just seemed to me that the page was making reference to things like floppies, pixel graphics, mod files, etc. as if this is something Amiga people find superior (technically, rather
than aesthetically).
heheh the references to floppies, pixel graphics, mod files etc. were intended to be more referring to someone stuck in 1991 (like the programmer dude in the article) who refused to accept new technology, rather than Amiga users in general - I can see the source of confusion though

"Sceptics are quick to point out the superiority of other platforms..."
This was of course meaning sceptics as in "other people from the year 2002" :-)

Maybe I just took it the wrong way, but it just seemed as if it was poking fun at Amiga users and the standards from which their old school games existed. I used to argue with 'IBM users' back in the day, and they would make similar remarks in their most sarcastic tone, followed by huge laughter. I had to battle these guys with a loathe in my heart as black as coal.
Heheheheh yeah I understand what that's like - it's just like the whole Mac vs PC debate (which deserves an entirely different thread ). The specs weren't meant to be ridiculing Amigas - for at the time they were well above other competing machines.

But your satire was well done, I'll give you that. The presentation was slick and the pics were hacked very nicely!
Why thank-you :-) The name A1 Stud Muffin, incidentally, comes from Greek Mythology: A1 Stud Muffin is the Greek God of Photoshop

Look forward to further posts, it's nice to know people haven't forget about the Amiga, the most prominent landmark of my childhood!
Old 08 February 2002, 10:06   #7
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Yo Muff sorry if I offended you in my remarks as well.
I myself own many different machines and have had to endure many snide remarks over the years I still remember in my service days having to defend the hell out of first my C64 then C128 then Amiga 1000, then... The list goes thru too many to mention. I guess I took it to much to heart myself in reading the article rather then just a satire or parody

Looking forward to reading more from your site in the future
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Old 08 February 2002, 14:25   #8
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Now THAT has all been sorted out....
Well now there's the Amiga version done, what about a C64 conversion?
A Vic 20 version too,while we're at it!!
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Old 08 February 2002, 16:10   #9
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I have fixed your {quote} code a1studmuffin, learn how to use one recent board

/me found that your Chase HQ3 parody was really fun
What is a polygon? True 3D is overrated. Chase HQ 3 uses a custom built parallax scrolling rendering engine and makes excellent use of detailed sprites
Wahahaha yeeeeaaaaahhhh, totaly agree
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Old 08 February 2002, 16:46   #10
Give up the ghost
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BTW, you guys might wanna go to the main page and browse that site real good. It is loaded with funny stuff. Usually humor pages on the net are poorly done or too buried in flash/shock/java bullshit, which sends me in the other direction as fast as I can click the [X] gadget. But I found myself at work last night laughing my ass off at the stuff on that site, and an equal amount of time admiring the tricky Photoshop work.

My 2p: :thumbs_up :thumbs_up :thumbs_up
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Old 09 February 2002, 01:32   #11
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Hahahah, RCK, thanks for fixing the quoting and excuse my retarded quoting ability; I'm retarded. I have learned now

Thanks for all the positive feedback guys, it's really nice to know that people are appreciating what we're doing over at 4bitterguys.com.

I have fixed your {quote} code a1studmuffin, learn how to use one recent board.


Hahahahahahahahahah just kidding :-) This might be a bit better:

I have fixed your {quote} code a1studmuffin, learn how to use one recent board.
Old 09 February 2002, 02:04   #12
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back in the day, i also HAD to defend the Amiga from "Non-Believers", i went to college and everyone was using Dos, all the trainers were raving about Windows 3.1, i pointed out that the Amiga (and Mac) had GUIs and featured multi-tasking etc...

Upon saying to one trainer about the Amiga, he said and i quote "oh yeah, the Amiga, thats that computer toy isn't it", lets just say i was close to being kicked out for the remarks i made after this trainers words!

if the Amiga had been kept a viable commercial option, and with technological advancements over the years i truly believe that the Amiga would have been "right-up-there" today, if you compared the 1990 pc @ a £2000.00 price tag and a 1990 Amiga @ a £400.00 tag, the Amiga was way ahead of the PC, the only thing that has kept the PC alive is the fact that anyone (company) can make one, and Apple have a huge amount of money from way back!

so... comparing a machine that dates from 1990s and a games console thats here in 2002, is plain to see which one is gonna win, in 15 yrs from now do you think there will a forum as huge and dedicated as EAB for the PS2 or the X-Box, i doubt it.

As we all know the Amiga ROCKS and always will!
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Old 09 February 2002, 04:06   #13
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Originally posted by Djay
in 15 yrs from now do you think there will a forum as huge and dedicated as EAB for the PS2 or the X-Box, i doubt it.
Ah yeah, well put me mate! that says it all, methinks!
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Old 09 February 2002, 07:07   #14
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I definitely agree. Probably the other kick-ass thing about the Amiga over other consoles and machines is just the sheer scope of the Amiga's potential. Sure, you can probably do everything you can on an Amiga with a Mac or PC, but XBox and PS/2 are strictly for games... the great thing about the Amiga was that it came with a console price and the functionality of a modern PC

But hey, I mostly used it for Dragon Ninja and Supercars II... so sue me
Old 14 February 2002, 03:38   #15
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I must say, I was very unimpressed.

"The days of Deluxe Paint II, AMOS, WorkBench and 500 1.44MB disks of games are very clear in my head and I wouldn't have completed a degree in Computer Science at the University of Melbourne if I didn't have an Amiga in the first place. "

1.44Mb disks of games? On an A500? I think not.

1991-vintage Amigas are very viable game machines, I still regularly play (and develop for) mine. Chase HQ is much more playable and entertaining than Gran Turismo.

You should not have gotten the Amiga community's hopes up that there would be a Chase HQ 3, if there was not to be one.

Maybe you should spend your time coding it instead of writing offensive articles.
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Old 14 February 2002, 03:47   #16
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anyone remember Team17 pulling a marketing stunt for the release of Worms 3, they create a Spectrum cover inlay and audio/data cassette tape!

even BIG publishers do a bit of blagging!
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Old 14 February 2002, 04:53   #17
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1.44Mb disks of games? On an A500? I think not.
Yeah, that's a fair call. That's just me not doing enough research and forgetting that Amiga disks hold 880KB... I fixed that up though

1991-vintage Amigas are very viable game machines, I still regularly play (and develop for) mine. Chase HQ is much more playable and entertaining than Gran Turismo.
Hmmm well as for the Amiga's viability: they are a sweet gaming machine, and they have gone a long way in a lot of different areas (look at http://www.obh.snafu.de/~solon/PEOPLE.html), but claiming Chase HQ is more playable and entertaining than Gran Turismo? Well I agree playability and entertainment is pretty independent of the game's release date, so that's each person's opinion and they're all valid, but in terms of visual and technical achievement and attention to detail, Gran Turismo is definitely the winner.

You should not have gotten the Amiga community's hopes up that there would be a Chase HQ 3, if there was not to be one.
Just like we shouldn't have got the Gameboy Advance community's hopes up that there would be a version of Microsoft Office available for GBA in the coming months? Our site is about parody. I suppose The Onion shouldn't misinform people either? If you couldn't figure out it was a joke then you probably shouldn't be commenting on it

Maybe you should spend your time coding it instead of writing offensive articles.
Like I said earlier, I've been spending a lot of time developing 2D and 3D car racing games:



And come on, was the article really OFFENSIVE? You want OFFENSIVE? Look at Goatse.

(WARNING: Do not look at this.)
Old 14 February 2002, 07:29   #18
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I agree with a1studmuffin - it wasn't supposed to be taken seriously. The problem with satire is that a lot of people take it literally.
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