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Old 27 June 2009, 04:35   #1
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K13 asm example of gameport.device and keyboard.device


Does any one here have a OS 1.3 assembler version of keyboard.device and gameport.device please.

Having trouble ReSourceing the RKM versions as it's linked with amiga.lib so calls CreatePort, CreateExtIO ....

currently looking on google.
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Old 27 June 2009, 10:25   #2
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I have a 'relative' good resourced kickstart image, if this may help you?
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Old 06 July 2009, 10:41   #3
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Hi, that would be great thank you.

Just want to use either gameport.device or keyboard.device to read the input in a trainer menu.

Not good at using the $BFEC01.
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Old 06 July 2009, 11:29   #4
move.l #$c0ff33,throat
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Is your trainer menu 100% system friendly? If not I don't see any reason not to read from $bfec01.
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Old 06 July 2009, 21:28   #5
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If you are on OS3+ use lowlevel.library GetKey.
You can also check keyboard.s from whdload-dev package for a keyboard routine which bangs the hardware.
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Old 07 July 2009, 09:14   #6
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Wepl: using Kickstart 1.2 or K1.3.

Have a rough template of OS screen code that InitBitMap, InitRastport, LoadView, Text, Move
Not like that Defjam code which calls all the OS routines but points to the high end of Chipmem, $7f000.

I would like it to be system friendly so I can read the keyboard, or Joystick, most probably will end up using the Mouse tho.

Saw some keyboard code in the Amiga Format BullFrog tutorial, they seem to replace the keyboard interupt routine with a custom one which reads the key press's and store them in _iinkey. And then do a compare to the value in that.

Last edited by redblade; 07 July 2009 at 09:15. Reason: ad
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Old 07 July 2009, 10:13   #7
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I've written a mouse routine that returns the number of steps moved up/down and left/right. It reads JOY0DAT. Written in Assembler. You can have a look if you like. No hard feelings if this is not the code you're looking for...
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Old 07 July 2009, 13:27   #8
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the technical background you can find here http://gega.homelinux.net/AmigaDevDocs/hard_8.html

If you are on kick12/13 it's a bit complicated to make 100% system conform, I assume it's not worth the trouble. I have not yet seen a program which uses gameport.device. Normally you would read the events going to your screen/window.
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Old 07 July 2009, 16:10   #9
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Originally Posted by redblade View Post
Have a rough template of OS screen code that InitBitMap, InitRastport, LoadView, Text, Move
I guess that you added extra code for machines with kick2.0 and higher ( stuff like ViewExtra, ViewPortExtra ) or not ?

If your Trainer is not top secret project could you share source ?

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Old 08 July 2009, 21:46   #10
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Asman: Still have to ReSourse Kick2.0 RGBBoxes and add the monitor code.

No it's not top secret. I'm just trying to code a rough skeleton at the moment. One so I can use Rastport functions and the such. I've got one already but it's only Kick1.3 friendly, and I've got 2, one that uses Rastport so I can use Graphics.lib functions and another one where you just copy to the screen buffer, much like the flashtro sources.

wepl: Can't you do a _LVODoIO and compare the result?
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Old 09 July 2009, 14:01   #11
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redblade: I think that is much easier use gcc or vbcc with option -S ( generate only asm source ) on RGBBoxes.c ( also you can set optimization level -O2 if you want obtain better source ) then use Resource in this case.

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Old 10 July 2009, 07:11   #12
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Asman: Thanks a lot for that. I'll start leeching gcc for the amiga today. Hopefully it's not too bloated.

3MB .gzip *ugh*. NorthC was only 2 disks. Don't think I will be leeching it.
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Old 10 July 2009, 08:50   #13
Toni Wilen
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You should use input.device for keyboard/mouse input if you want to be system-friendly and don't have intuition windows.

AFAIK keyboard.device should not be used unless for some reason input.device is gone.
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Old 13 July 2009, 12:32   #14
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redblade: If you interested on basis of RGBBoxes I made asm source which open screen without intuition ( uses only graphics.library ). Its kick 1.3/2.0 freindly I think (I will add additional code for v39 machines - AllocBitMap ). I also interested how obtain keycodes/mouse/joystick stuff in system friendly way. So I working on input.device example but I have more questions then answers

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Old 14 July 2009, 10:18   #15
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Hi asman: I'd like a copy of your source please.

my bad example is on www.angelfire.com/redbladenz/. Some where.

asman: Also do you have a copy of vbcc and/or gcc set up?
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Old 14 July 2009, 10:40   #16
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Hi redblade,

I will sent you my source soon. I have vbcc installed on my A1200 030/50 32mb.


Last edited by Asman; 14 July 2009 at 10:43. Reason: update
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Old 14 July 2009, 10:42   #17
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lol. your link to the source didn't work ( error 404 ).

Last edited by Asman; 14 July 2009 at 10:44. Reason: update ( for mistake I did quick reply instead of edit ) lol
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Old 21 July 2009, 10:37   #18
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redblade: for information. I added additional code for v39 machines ( allocBitMap ) and clean up code a bit. I will try before this weekend post source. Also I find example with input.device at Protracker source.

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Old 24 July 2009, 11:53   #19
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redblade - here you are my version of system friendly screen without intuition ( only graphics primitves are used ). But I didn't find time to fight with input.device ( I spent some time yesterday but without resutls - but I create asm version of CreatePort and DeletePort ). And probably I will not back to input.device. I aggree with Wepl that is complicate to make 100% system conform - better is use C Language.
I used Asm-One / Asm-Pro. As you see there is a lot problems with creating system friendly screen without intuition ( especially if you want to support kick 1.3, kick 2.0, kick 3.0 ). Much easier in asm is make custom screen with invisible window ( to handle IDCMP events ) to achieve same result. all code is public domain. Of course this code comes with absolutely no warranty of any kind.

; system friendly screen ( without intuition )
; public domain 

	INCDIR	includes:

	INCLUDE	exec/memory.i
	INCLUDE	dos/dos.i
	INCLUDE	graphics/gfxbase.i
	INCLUDE	graphics/videocontrol.i
	INCLUDE	graphics/rastport.i

	INCLUDE           lvo/exec.i
	INCLUDE	lvo/graphics.i


AbsExecBase	= 4




callexc MACRO
		move.l	(exec_base,a4),a6
		jsr	(_LVO\1,a6)

callgfx	MACRO
		move.l	(gfx_base,a4),a6
		jsr	(_LVO\1,a6)




		lea	(DT),a4
		bsr	init_libs
		bne	.cleanup

	;make screen
		bsr	do_screen
		bne	.cleanup

		bsr	main

	;clean up
.cleanup	bsr	cleanup


		move.l	#SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C,d0
		callexc	Wait

		cmp.l	#SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C,d0
		bne	main


;;function init - initialize screen stuff
; in	a4 - variable base
; out	d0 - RETURN_OK if everything was fine, RETURN_FAIL otherwise

; - do mode id
; - do view
; - do bitmap
; - do viewport
; - do color map
; - do copper(s), 

	;set mode id ( form value from graphice/display.i )

		move.l	#DEFAULT_MONITOR_ID,(mode_id,a4)

	;view stuff
		bsr	do_view
		bne	.exit

	;bitmap stuff
		bsr	do_bitmap
		bne	.exit

	;viewport stuff
		bsr	do_viewport
		bne	.exit

	;color map
		bsr	do_colormap
		bne	.exit

	;copper stuff
		bsr	do_copper
		bne	.exit

		moveq	#RETURN_OK,d0

.exit		rts



	;set colors
		lea	(view_port,a4),a0
		lea	(color_table,pc),a1
		moveq	#SCREEN_COLORS,d0
		callgfx	LoadRGB4		

	;construct preliminary Copper instruction list.
		lea	(view,a4),a0
		lea	(view_port,a4),a1
		callgfx	MakeVPort

	;merge preliminary lists into a real Copper list in the View structure.
		lea	(view,a4),a1
		callgfx	MrgCop

		lea	(view,a4),a1
		callgfx	LoadView

	;init rastport
		lea	(rast_port,a4),a1
		callgfx	InitRastPort

		lea	(rast_port,a4),a0
		move.l	(bitmap,a4),a1
		move.l	a1,(rp_BitMap,a0)

	;clean all rast port with color 0 ( black )

		lea	(rast_port,a4),a1
		moveq	#0,d0
		callgfx	SetRast

		moveq	#RETURN_OK,d0



	;load old view
		move.l	(old_view,a4),a1
		callgfx	LoadView

		callgfx	WaitTOF
	;free first copper list
		lea	(view,a4),a0
		move.l	(v_LOFCprList,a0),a0
		callgfx	FreeCprList

	;!!!TODO what about LACE case ( need to free second copperlist too )

		lea	(view_port,a4),a0
		callgfx	FreeVPortCopLists



	;Initialize the ColorMap
		moveq	#SCREEN_COLORS,d0
		callgfx	GetColorMap
		move.l	d0,(color_map,a4)
		bne	.attach_cm

		moveq	#RETURN_FAIL,d0
		bra	.exit

	;additional stuff for v36 and higher
		cmp.w	#36,(gfx_version,a4)
		bcs	.load_cm_13

	;Get ready to attach the ColorMap, Release 2-style
		lea	(view_port,a4),a0
		lea	(tag_cm,pc),a1
		move.l	a0,(a1)

	;Attach the color map and Release 2 extended structures
		move.l	(color_map,a4),a0
		lea	(vc_Tags,pc),a1
		callgfx	VideoControl
		tst.l	d0			;0 mean ok
		beq	.exit_ok

	;error 'Could not attach extended structures'
		moveq	#RETURN_FAIL,d0
		bra	.exit

	;Attach the ColorMap, old 1.3-style
		lea	(view_port,a4),a0
		move.l	(color_map,a4),(vp_ColorMap,a0)

.exit_ok	moveq	#RETURN_OK,d0
.exit		rts


		tst.l	(color_map,a4)
		beq	.exit

		move.l	(color_map,a4),a0
		callgfx	FreeColorMap

.exit		rts



	;initialize view port
		lea	(view_port,a4),a0
		callgfx	InitVPort

	;link the ViewPort into the View
		lea	(view_port,a4),a0
		lea	(view,a4),a1
		move.l	a0,(v_ViewPort,a1)

		lea	(ras_info,a4),a1
		move.l	a1,(vp_RasInfo,a0)
		move.w	#SCREEN_WIDTH,(vp_DWidth,a0)
		move.w	#SCREEN_HEIGHT,(vp_DHeight,a0)

	;in case you want hires or lace then
	;set the display mode in the old-fashioned way (V_LACE, V_HIRES ) to vp_Modes

	;--- additional stuff for v36 and higher
		cmp.w	#36,(gfx_version,a4)
		bcs	.exit_ok

	;make a ViewPortExtra and get ready to attach it
		callgfx	GfxNew
		move.l	d0,(vp_extra,a4)
		bne	.tag_vpextra

	;error 'could not get View Port Extra'
		moveq	#RETURN_FAIL,d0
		bra	.exit

.tag_vpextra	lea	(tag_vpextra,pc),a0
		move.l	(vp_extra,a4),(a0)

	;initialize the DisplayClip field of the ViewPortExtra
		sub.l	a0,a0
		lea	(dim_query,a4),a1
		moveq	#dim_SIZEOF,d0
		move.l	#DTAG_DIMS,d1
		callgfx	GetDisplayInfoData
		tst.l	d0
		bne	.display_clip

	;error 'could not get DimensionInfo'
		moveq	#RETURN_FAIL,d0
		bra	cleanup

		lea	(dim_query,a4),a0
		move.l	(vp_extra,a4),a1

		move.l	(dim_Nominal,a0),(vpe_DisplayClip,a1)

	;make a DisplayInfo and get ready to attach it
		move.l	(mode_id,a4),d0
		callgfx	FindDisplayInfo
		lea	(tag_normal_disp,pc),a0
		move.l	d0,(a0)
		bne	.backwards_comp

	;error 'could not get Display Info'
		moveq	#RETURN_FAIL,d0
		bra	.exit

	;This is for backwards compatibility with, for example,
	;a 1.3 screen saver utility that looks at the Modes field
	; viewPort.Modes = (UWORD) (modeID & 0x0000ffff);
		lea	(view_port,a4),a0
		move.l	(mode_id,a4),d0
		move.w	d0,(vp_Modes,a0)

.exit_ok	moveq	#RETURN_OK,d0

.exit		rts


		tst.l	(vp_extra,a4)
		beq	.exit

		move.l	(vp_extra,a4),a0
		callgfx	GfxFree

.exit		rts

;;function do_bitmap - bitmap stuff
; - allocate memory for bitmap
; - set ras info
; in	a4
; out	d0 - RETURN_OK if everything was fine, RETURN_FAIL otherwise

	;--- additional stuff for v39 and higher

		cmp.w	#39,(gfx_version,a4)
		bcs	.old_way

		move.l	#SCREEN_WIDTH,d0
		move.l	#SCREEN_HEIGHT,d1
		moveq	#SCREEN_DEPTH,d2
		sub.l	a0,a0
		callgfx	AllocBitMap
		move.l	d0,(bitmap,a4)
		bne	.init_ras_info

	;error 'cannot allocate bitmap'
		moveq	#RETURN_FAIL,d0
		bra	.exit

	;--- before v39 way ( AllocRaster )

	;allocate memory for BitMap structure
		moveq	#bm_SIZEOF,d0
		callexc	AllocMem
		move.l	d0,(bitmap,a4)
		bne	.init

	;error 'cannot allocate bitmap structure'
		moveq	#RETURN_FAIL,d0
		bra	.exit

	;initialize BitMap structure
		move.l	(bitmap,a4),a0
		moveq	#SCREEN_DEPTH,d0
		move.w	#SCREEN_WIDTH,d1
		move.w	#SCREEN_HEIGHT,d2
		callgfx	InitBitMap

	;allocate space for bitmap
		move.l	(bitmap,a4),a2
		addq.l	#bm_Planes,a2
		moveq	#SCREEN_DEPTH-1,d2

.alloc		move.w	#SCREEN_WIDTH,d0
		move.w	#SCREEN_HEIGHT,d1
		callgfx	AllocRaster
		move.l	d0,(a2)+
		bne	.next

	;error 'could not allocate memory for bitmap'
		moveq	#RETURN_FAIL,d0
		bra	.exit
.next		dbf	d2,.alloc


	;initialize ras info
		lea	(ras_info,a4),a0
		move.l	(bitmap,a4),(ri_BitMap,a0)
		moveq	#0,d0
		move.w	d0,(ri_RxOffset,a0)
		move.w	d0,(ri_RyOffset,a0)
		move.l	d0,(ri_Next,a0)

		moveq	#RETURN_OK,d0
.exit		rts


	;different way for v39 and higher

		cmp.w	#39,(gfx_version,a4)
		bcs	.old_way

		move.l	(bitmap,a4),a0
		callgfx	FreeBitMap
		bra	.exit

	;free space for bitmap created with AllocRaster
		move.l	(bitmap,a4),a2
		add.l	#bm_Planes,a2
		moveq	#SCREEN_DEPTH-1,d2

.loop		move.l	(a2)+,d0
		beq	.next

		move.l	d0,a0
		move.w	#SCREEN_WIDTH,d0
		move.w	#SCREEN_HEIGHT,d1		
		callgfx	FreeRaster
.next		dbf	d2,.loop

	;free BitMap structure memory 

		tst.l	(bitmap,a4)
		beq	.exit
		move.l	(bitmap,a4),a1
		moveq	#bm_SIZEOF,d0
		callexc	FreeMem

.exit		rts

;;function do_vew - do all view stuff
; in	a4
; out	d0 - RETURN_OK if everything was ok, otherwise RETURN_FAIL
	;save current view ( example steal intuition screen )

		move.l	(gfx_base,a4),a0
		move.l	(gb_ActiView,a0),(old_view,a4)

	;init view

		lea	(view,a4),a1
		callgfx	InitView

	;--- additional stuff for v36 or higher ---

		cmp.w	#36,(gfx_version,a4)
		bcs	.exit_ok

	;make room for view extra
		moveq	#VIEW_EXTRA_TYPE,d0
		callgfx	GfxNew
		move.l	d0,(view_extra,a4)
		bne	.attach_to_view

	;error 'could not get ViewExtra'
		moveq	#RETURN_FAIL,d0
		bra	.exit

	;attach the ViewExtra to the View
		lea	(view,a4),a0
		move.l	(view_extra,a4),a1
		callgfx	GfxAssociate

		lea	(view,a4),a0
		or.w	#EXTEND_VSTRUCT,(v_Modes,a0)

	;create a MonitorSpec to the ViewExtra
		sub.l	a1,a1
		move.l	(mode_id,a4),d0
		callgfx	OpenMonitor
		move.l	d0,(mon_spec,a4)
		bne	.attach_to_vextra

	;error 'could not get MonitorSpec'
		moveq	#RETURN_FAIL,d0
		bra	.exit

	;attach MonitorSpec structure to the ViewExtra
		move.l	(view_extra,a4),a0
		move.l	(mon_spec,a4),(ve_Monitor,a0)
.exit_ok	moveq	#RETURN_OK,d0
.exit		rts


		tst.l	(mon_spec,a4)
		beq	.free_vextra

	; free MonitorSpec created with OpenMonitor
		move.l	(mon_spec,a4),a0
		callgfx	CloseMonitor

.free_vextra	tst.l	(view_extra,a4)
		beq	.exit

	;free view extra created with GfxNew

		move.l	(view_extra,a4),a0
		callgfx	GfxFree		

.exit		rts


		bsr	close_copper
		bsr	close_viewport
		bsr	close_bitmap
		bsr	close_view
		bsr	close_libs

.exit		rts

;;function init_libs
; in	a4
; out	d0 - if success return RETURN_OK otherwise RETURN_FAIL

GFX_MIN_VERSION	= 33	;minimal supported version of graphics library 


	;store exec base

		move.l	(AbsExecBase).w,a6
		move.l	a6,(exec_base,a4)

	;open graphics library

		moveq	#GFX_MIN_VERSION,d0
		lea	(gfx_name,pc),a1		
		callexc	OpenLibrary
		move.l	d0,(gfx_base,a4)
		bne	.save_gfx_ver

		moveq	#RETURN_FAIL,d0
		bra	.exit


	;save version of graphics library for later usage

		move.l	(gfx_base,a4),a0
		move.w	(LIB_VERSION,a0),(gfx_version,a4)

		moveq	#RETURN_OK,d0

.exit		rts

;function close_libs
; in	a4
; do	-
		tst.l	(gfx_base,a4)
		beq	.exit

	;close graphics library
		move.l	(gfx_base,a4),a1
		callexc	CloseLibrary

.exit		rts

;in	a2 - name
;	d2 - pri
;out	a0 - pointer to MsgPort

	;allocate signal
		moveq	#-1,d0
		callexc	AllocSignal
		move.b	d0,d3
		cmp.b	#-1,d0
		beq	.error_exit

	;allocate MsgPort
		moveq	#MP_SIZE,d0
		callexc	AllocMem
		tst.l	d0
		bne	.fill_in

		moveq	#0,d0
		move.b	d2,d0
		callexc	FreeSignal
		bra	.error_exit

.fill_in	move.l	d0,a0
		move.l	a2,(LN_NAME,a0)
		move.b	d2,(LN_PRI,a0)
		move.b	#NT_MSGPORT,(LN_TYPE,a0)
		move.b	#PA_SIGNAL,(MP_FLAGS,a0)
		move.b	d3,(MP_SIGBIT,a0)

		move.l	a0,-(sp)

		sub.l	a1,a1
		callexc	FindTask

		move.l	(sp)+,a0
		move.l	d0,(MP_SIGTASK,a0)

		move.l	a2,d0
		tst.l	d0
		bne	.add_port

		move.l	a0,-(sp)

		add.l	#MP_MSGLIST,a0
		move.l	(sp)+,a0

		move.l	a0,-(sp)
		move.l	a0,a1		
		callexc	AddPort
		move.l	(sp)+,a0

.error_exit:	sub.l	a0,a0

sig_bit:	dc.b	0
; in a0 - pointer MsgPort created with CreatePort
		move.l	a0,a2
		move.l	(LN_NAME,a0),d0
		tst.l	d0
		beq	.clear

		move.l	a2,a1
		callexc	RemPort
		move.l	a2,a0

.clear		moveq	#-1,d0
		move.l	d0,(MP_SIGTASK,a0)
		move.l	d0,(MP_MSGLIST+LH_HEAD)

		moveq	#0,d0
		move.b	(MP_SIGBIT,a0),d0
		callexc	FreeSignal

		move.l	a2,a1
		moveq	#MP_SIZE,d0
		callexc	FreeMem



; data

gfx_name:	dc.b	"graphics.library",0

	CNOP	0,4

vc_Tags:	dc.l	VTAG_ATTACH_CM_SET
tag_cm		dc.l	0

tag_vpextra	dc.l	0
tag_normal_disp	dc.l	0

		dc.l	VTAG_END_CM,0

		dc.w	0
		dc.w	$0fff
		dc.w	$0f0f
		dc.w	$0f00
		dc.w	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
		dc.w	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0




exec_base:	ds.l	1
gfx_base:	ds.l	1

gfx_version:	ds.w	1

old_view:	ds.l	1

mode_id:	ds.l	1	;form value from graphics/display.i

;pointer to view extra structure ( graphics/view.i )
view_extra:	ds.l	1

;pointer to MonitorSpec structure ( graphics/monitor.i )
mon_spec:	ds.l	1

;View structure ( graphics/view.i )
view:		ds.b	v_SIZEOF

;pointer to BitMap structure ( graphics/gfx.i )
bitmap:		ds.l	1

;RasInfo structure ( graphics/view.i )
ras_info:	ds.b	ri_SIZEOF

;ViewPort structure ( graphics/view.i )
view_port:	ds.b	vp_SIZEOF

;pointer to ViewPortExtra structure ( grpahics/view.i )
vp_extra	ds.l	1

;structure DimensionInfo (graphics/displayinfo.i )
dim_query:	ds.b	dim_SIZEOF

;pointer to ColorMap structure ( gfraphics/view.i )
color_map:	ds.l	1

;RastPort structure ( graphics/rastport.i )
rast_port:	ds.b	rp_SIZEOF
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Old 08 August 2009, 08:46   #20
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cheers asman.

found a input.device on one of the ex4 coding disks.
redblade is offline  

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