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Old 04 April 2007, 19:32   #1
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Need translation from German to English (text inside)

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Komplettlösung zu "Sixth Sense Investigations"

Eine Bemerkung vorweg: Im Spiel finden oft 
Gespräche statt, die durch richtige Antworten gelöst 
werden können. Diese sind hier als Zahlen vermerkt. 
(3;1) bedeutet beispielsweise, das zuerst die 3 
Antwort von oben und danach die erste Antwort von 
oben geben werden muß. 

Kapitel 1 : Die Gegenwart 

Am Anfang findet man sich in der Person von Frank 
in einem Schlafzimmer wieder. Man öffnet die Tür, 
und betritt das Büro in dem man das Telefon 
benutzen sollte. Nun hört und seht Ihr Euch die 
Szene gut an. Danach könnt ihr schon einmal die 
( rechte ) Schranktür öffnen und das Glas und einen 
Bierdeckel mitnehmen. Dann verlaßt Ihr das Büro 
und geht auf der Karte zu " American Cheesers ". 
Nachdem Ihr gesehen habt, worin das Problem des 
Ladenbesitzers besteht, nehmt Ihr die Käsekrümel 
auf und öffnet den ganz rechten Schrank im 
Ladeninnerem. Dort fällt Euch eine Stange entgegen 
die Ihr mit dem Stein vorne auf dem Tisch benutzt. 
Mit der nun scharfen Stange könnt Ihr nun den Käse 
ermorden... ähh ich meine zerstechen. Nach der 
folgenden Szene nehmt Ihr den Roboterarm mit und 
geht zur Karte. Als nächstes geht's zur 
Spielzeugfabrik. In dem dortigem Chaos sucht Ihr 
den Tennisball und das Handtuch ( über der Kiste 
neben dem Gabelstapler ) und verlaßt das Gebäude 
wieder Richtung " Go marching in ". Dort 
angekommen benutzt Ihr das Handtuch um die 
Batterie ( neben dem blauem Auto ) zu säubern. Die 
nun saubere Batterie nimmt Ihr mit. Jetzt geht's 
wieder zu " Toys 'n U ". Dort öffnet Ihr die 
Motorhaube des Gabelstaplers und setzt die Batterie 
ein ( benutzte mit Motor ). Jetzt könnt Ihr den Hebel 
ziehen und das Medallion mitnehmen. Dann auf zum 
Labor wo Ihr dem Doc das Medallion und den 
Roboterarm gebt. Nun geht Ihr kurz nach draußen 
und dann sofort wieder in das Labor. Jetzt folgt ein 
Gespräch mit dem Doc ( Antwort 1, 2 ). Danach 
geht Ihr wieder zur Karte, aber anstatt der Karte 
erscheint Ben der sich derzeit in einer anderen 
Dimension in Schwierigkeiten befindet. 

Kapitel 2 : Die Roboter-Dimension 

Nachdem Ihr also in der Roboter-Dimension 
angekommen seit redet Ihr zuerst mal mit dem 
Roboterwächter Ralph ( Antworten 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1 ). 
Nach dem Verhör beim Imperator benutzt Ihr das 
Taschenmesser mit dem Lüftungsschacht und Ihr 
könnt flüchten. Draußen angekommen geht Ihr ganz 
nach rechts durch bis Ihr zur einer Straße 
( " Walkstreet " ) kommt. Dort geht Ihr dann zu dem 
Pfandleiher ( Treppe runter ! ) dem Ihr dann die 
Halskette gebt. Dafür bekommt Ihr dann eine 
Kreditkarte. Jetzt nehmt Ihr die Dose, beide 
Rüstungsteile und die Swatch-Uhr (auf dem Tresen) 
mit. Dann zurück zur Straße und wieder zum Palast 
( da wo Ihr hergekommen seit ) und benutzt dort die 
Dose mit dem Müllschlucker. Dann durchsucht Ihr 
die Dose und stellt fest, daß sich darin ein Hebel 
befindet. Jetzt wieder zur Straße, wo Ihr in den 
" Pub Lup " geht. Benutzt die Dose mit der Flasche 
purem öl das auf dem Tisch steht. Dann wieder zur 
Straße wo Ihr mit dem betrunkenem Roboter 
Howard redet ( Antworten 2, 2, 1 ) und gibt ihm das 
pure öl. Dann gebt die Karte zurück zu Howerd und 
geht auf der dann erscheinenden Karte zum Doktor. 
Dort angekommen redet Ihr mit dem Doktor 
( Antworten 2, 2, 3, 1 ). Danach legt Ihr zuerst den 
unteren, dann den linken und dann den Hebel rechts 
daneben um. Dann benutzt ihr den gefundenen 
Hebel mit dem Schlitz neben der Seilwinde und zieht 
auch diesen. Dann noch ein Gespräch mit dem 
Doktor und die Operation kann beginnen. Nach der 
Operation zurück zur Walkstreet. Dort gebt Ihr dem 
Taxifahrer zuerst die Karte und dann die Uhr. Dann 
gebt ihm nochmal die Karte und fahrt zu Sixth Sense 
Investigations. Nach dem Gespräch mit Geist Arthur 
geht Ihr zum Labor und das Spiel wechselt wieder 
zu Frank. 

Kapitel 3 : Die Gegenwart Part II 

Nach der Szene mit Arthur geht Ihr zu Toys'n U wo 
Ihr den Analyser benutzt. Dann zurück zum Labor 
und gebt den Analyser zu Doc. Dann auf zum Büro 
von Sixth Sense und die Maus einfangen. Benutzt 
die Käsekrümel mit dem Mauseloch, dann das Glas 
mit der Maus und dann den Bierdeckel mit dem 
Glas. Mit der Maus im Glas geht Ihr nun zu 
Goldenhouers Villa, wo Ihr mit Mr. Goldenhouer 
sprecht ( Antworten 1, 2, 2, 3 ). Jetzt benutzt Ihr 
den Tennisball mit der rechten Ritterrüstung und 
untersucht danach diese. Nachdem die Katze Ihr 
Schläfchen beendet hat, benutzt Ihr die Maus mit 
der Katze. Jetzt geht Ihr mal auf 'nen Sprung in 
Charles Zimmer, wo Ihr aber nicht lange verweilen 
werdet. Jetzt geht Ihr nocheinmal zum Autohändler, 
wo Ihr euch den kaputten Reifen und eine 
Luftpumpe besorgt. Danach zu American " Cheesers " 
wo Ihr den Reifen mit dem heißem Käse benutzt. 
Jetzt müßt Ihr den Reifen noch aufpumpen und den 
Hammer von Toys'n U holen. Dann zurück zur Villa, 
wo Ihr mit dem Hammer auf die Radkappe schlagt. 
Nachdem Charles sein Zimmer verlassen hat, geht 
Ihr in dieses und schnappt Euch die Konsole. Die 
Konsole bringt Ihr zu Doc. Damit Ihr den Interkey 
benutzen könnt müßt Ihr zu " Go Marching in " 
gehen und dort die Werkstatt betreten. Da Euch ein 
Verkäufer zuvorkommt kauft Ihr diesem ein Auto ab 
und geht dann nochmal zur Werkstatt. Dann erzählt 
Ihr dem Verkäufer das Ihr Probleme mit dem Auto 
habt, damit er Euch nun endlich in die Werkstatt 
läßt. Dort benutzt Ihr nun den Interkey und findet 
Euch in der Toon Dimension wieder. 

Kapitel 4 : Die Toon- Dimension 

In der Toon-Dimension angekommen, geht Ihr zur 
Grenze und redet so lange mit Curt bis dieser Euch 
durchläßt. Dann geht Ihr weiter zur Marktstraße und 
nimmt den Zettel von der Tür der Sixth Sense Filiale 
und untersucht diesen. Danach nehmt Ihr das 
Flugblatt und untersucht es ebenfalls. Danach geht 
Ihr zum Marktplatz wo Ihr nach dem Gespräch mit 
dem Polizisten die Klingel auf der rechten Seite 
benutzt. Nun redet Ihr mit dem Lautsprecher ( alle 
Antworten funktionieren ). Im Geheim-Versteck 
angekommen nimmt Ihr die Spray-Dose und redet 
mit Frick ( dem Fuchs ). Da dies nicht klappt redet 
Ihr mit Mr.Peanuts. 

Nach dem Gespräch geht Ihr zurück zur Marktstraße 
in das Brillengeschäft. Dort benutzt Ihr das Spray 
mit der Brille. Dann nimmt Ihr das Geschäftsbuch 
und geht zurück zum Marktplatz wo Ihr das 
Geschäftsbuch dem Polizisten gibt, der hinter dem 
Schatten eines Baumes steht. Danach wieder zurück 
ins Brillengeschäft wo Ihr nun die Sonnenbrille 
mitnehmt. Jetzt geht Ihr zum Polizeirevier 
(Marktplatz) wo Ihr den Kleber mitnehmt. Danach 
geht Ihr wieder zur Marktstaße wo Ihr den 
Briefkasten untersucht und danach den Kleber mit 
dem Umschlag benutzt, der im Briefkasten ist. Dann 
öffnet Ihr den Umschlag und liest den Brief. Jetzt 
auf in den Park wo Ihr dem Wächter den Brief gibt. 
Nach einem weiterem Gespräch gebt Ihr Ihm die 
Sonnenbrille. Dann geht Ihr wieder zu Polizei und 
benutzt die Klingel und vermittelt so lange zwischen 
Shirley und Pokey, bis dieser einschläft. Dann nehmt 
Ihr die Schere und schneidet damit die Schlüssel von 
Porkey ab. Nach einem Gespräch mit Brad Pig ( ! ) 
über die Schallplatte von Mr.Peanuts öffnet Ihr die 
Zellentür mit den Schlüsseln. Dann nimmt Ihr die 
Uniform und gebt sie Brad. Bei der Bank erzählt 
Brad Euch das er ein Teil einer Uhr benötigt, also 
geht Ihr nochmal zur Polizei wo Ihr die Wanduhr 
öffnet und sie mitnimmt. Danach schnell zurück zur 
Bank. Nach der Explosion geht Ihr in die Bank und 
nimmt die drei Trümmer vor dem Tresor und danach 
das Rädchen, das unter den Trümmern lag. Dieses 
benutzt Ihr nun mit dem Tresor und öffnet ihn. 
Dann nimmt Ihr den Schlüssel aus dem Tresor und 
öffnet damit die Schublade auf der rechten Seite des 
Raumes. Jetzt nimmt Ihr die Schallplatte mit und 
bringt sie zu Mr.Peanuts. Jetzt könnt Ihr mit Frick 
reden und erfahrt etwas über eine Klientin namens 
Sally. Jetzt nehmt Ihr noch die Flasche auf der 
rechten Seite mit und geht zum Marktplatz und 
weiter zum Park wo Ihr den Knopf benutzt um 
reinzukommen und verstopft den Brunnen mit dem 
Korken. Jetzt müßt Ihr noch einmal in das 
Untergrund-Versteck wo Ihr Arthur erzählt das alles 
fertig ist. Nach der Szene im Park wechselt das Spiel 
nocheinmal zu Ben. 

Kapitel 5 : Die Roboter-Dimension Part II 

Nach dem Gespräch mit Sally redet Ihr solange mit 
dem Soldaten bis Ihr wieder in das Gefängnis 
geworfen werdet. Dort gebt Ihr Ralph die Konsole 
und brecht anschließend wieder aus ( Messer mit 
Lüftungsgitter ). Jetzt geht Ihr nocheinmal zur 
Walkstreet und gebt Bernie ( der Taxifahrer ) die 
Karte. Jetzt fahrt Ihr zur Rechenzentrale. Zuerst 
benutzt Ihr den Schalter auf der rechten Seite des 
Raumes neben den blinkenden Lichtern. Noch weiter 
Rechts zieht Ihr nun den Hebel drei Mal, so daß das 
Hauptterminal hochfährt. Nun müßt Ihr den Schalter 
mit der roten Umrandung auf der linken Seite 
betätigen und danach den Hebel noch weiter links 
drücken. Als nächstes müßt Ihr den Monitor oben 
rechts untersuchen. Danach tippt Ihr den Code ( 
4273 ) in den Hauptrechner ein ( also vierter Knopf, 
dann der zweite usw. ) und drückt den großen 
Knopf. Endlich ist alles fertig und Ihr könnt zurück 
zur Walkstreet gehen, wo Ihr die Karte an Bernie 
gebt und zur Sixth Sense fahrt. Als letztes benutzt 
Ihr die Plattform auf der rechten Seite und Ihr könnt 
den Abspann genießen! 

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Old 04 April 2007, 19:35   #2
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from babelfish

A remark in front: In the play discussions often take place, which can be solved by correct answers. These are here noted as numbers. (3;1) means for example, which will give first the 3 answer from above and afterwards the first answer from above must. Chapter 1: The presence at the beginning one appears in the person of franc in a bedroom. One opens the door, and enters the office in which one the telephone use should. Now and regard you hear you the scene well. Afterwards can open already once (right) the cabinet door for it and carry the glass and a beer cover forward. Then leave you the office and go on the map to "American Cheesers". After saw you, wherein the problem of the owner of shop lies, take up you the Kaesekruemel and open for completely right cabinet in the shop inside. There you a bar falls against it with the stone in front on the table used. With the sharp bar can you now the cheese murder... aehh I mean to zerstechen. After the following scene carry forward you the bionic arm and go to the map. Next geht's to the toy factory. In that there chaos looks for you the tennis ball and the towel (over the crate beside the fork-lift truck) and leaves the building again direction "Go marching in". There arrived you use the towel around the battery (beside that blue car) to clean. The clean battery carries it forward. Now geht's again to "Toys ' n U". There you open the hood of the fork-lift truck and set the battery (used with engine). Now can pull the lever to it and carry the Medallion forward. Then on to the laboratory where you the Doc the Medallion and the bionic arm give. Now you go to outside and then immediately briefly again into the laboratory. Now a discussion with the Doc (answer 1, 2) follows. Afterwards you go again to the map, but instead of the map Ben appears in another dimension in difficulties is at present. Chapter 2: The robot dimension after it thus in the robot dimension arrived since talks it first times with the robot guard Ralph (answers 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1). After the verhoer with the Imperator you use the taschenmesser with the ventilation shaft and it can flee. Outside arrived you go completely to the right through to it to the road ("Walkstreet") come. There you go then to the pawnbroker (stairs down! ) you then the halskette give. But you get then a credit card. Now carry forward you the box, both arms parts and the Swatch clock (on the tresen). Then back to the road and again to the palace (where you come since) and there the box with the Muellschlucker uses. Then you scan the box and state that in it a lever is. Now again to the road, where you go into the "Pub Lup". Uses the box with the bottle pure oil on the table stands. Then again to the road where you talk with that drunk robot Howard (answers 2, give 2, 1) and it the pure oil. Then give the map back to Howerd and go on the map appearing then to the doctor. There arrived you talk with the doctor (answers 2, 2, 3, 1). Afterwards you surround first the lower, then to the left and then the lever on the right of beside it. Then you use the found lever with the slot beside the rope hoist and pull also these. Then still another discussion with the doctor and the operation can begin. After the operation back to the Walkstreet. There give you to the taxifahrer first the map and then the clock then give it again the map and drive to Sixth scythe Investigations. To the discussion with spirit Arthur goes to it to the laboratory and the play changes again to franc. Chapter 3: The present part II after the scene with Arthur goes to it to Toys'n U where it the Analyser used. Then back to the laboratory and give the Analyser to Doc. then on to the office of Sixth to scythe and the mouse catch. If the Kaesekruemel with the mouse hole uses, then the glass with the mouse and then the beer cover with the glass. With the mouse in the glass you go now to Goldenhouers mansion, where you with Mr. Goldenhouer speak (answers 1, 2, 2, 3). Now you use the tennis ball with the right ritterruestung and examine thereafter these. After the cat terminated your nap, you use the mouse with the cat. Now you go times on ' nen jump into Charles room, where will however not for a long time stay to it. Now you go still once to the car dealer, where you procure you the broken tires and a tire pump. Afterwards to American "Cheesers" where it the tires with that hot cheese uses. Now must still inflate you the tires and the hammer of Toys'n U get. Then back to the mansion, where you with the hammer on the wheel cover strike. After Charles left its room, you go to you into this and snatch the console. The console brings it to Doc. So that you the interkeys to use can do must to it to "Go Marching into" go and the workshop there enter. There you a salesman forestalls buys you from this a car and goes then again to the workshop. Then you tell to the salesman it problems with the car have, so that he leaves you finite now into the workshop. There you use now the interkey and regain you in the Toon dimension. Chapter 4: The Toon dimension arrived in the Toon dimension, goes to it to the border and talks so for a long time with Curt to these you lets through. Then their to the market route and takes the note of the door of the Sixth scythe branch continues to go and examines this. Afterwards take to it the handbill and examine it likewise. Afterwards you go to it to the market place where to the discussion with the policeman the bell on the right side used. Now you talk with the loudspeaker (all answers function). Arrived in the secret hiding place you take the spray box and talk with Frick (the fox). There this does not fold talks it with Mr.Peanuts. To the discussion you go back to the market route into the eyeglass business. There you use the spray with the eyeglasses. Then you take the ledger and go back to the market place where it the ledger the policeman give, who stands behind the shade of a tree. Carry you forward afterwards again back in the eyeglass business where now the sun glasses. Now you go to the police station (market place) carry where you forward the adhesive. Afterwards you go again to the market cup where it the mail box examined and to it the adhesive with the envelope used, which is in the mail box. Then you open the envelope and read the letter. Now on into the park where you the guard the letter give. After a further discussion give their it the sun glasses. Then you go again to police and use the bell and mediate so for a long time between Shirley and Pokey, until this falls asleep. Then take to it the shears and cut thereby the keys off of Porkey. After a discussion with Brad Pig (! ) over the record of Mr.Peanuts you open the cell door with the keys. Then you take the uniform and give it to Brad. With the bank Brad tells you which it a part of a clock necessarily, therefore you go to it again to the police where the clock open and it forward carry. Afterwards fast back to the bank. To the explosion you go into the bank and take the three rubble before the safe deposit and afterwards the Raedchen, which were under the rubble. This uses it now with the safe deposit and opens it. Then you take the key from the safe deposit and open thereby the drawer on the right side of the area. Now you carry the record forward and bring it to Mr.Peanuts. Now can talk you with Frick and experience something about a client named Sally. Now carry forward you still the bottle on the right side and go to the market place and far for the park where you the button used over clean-coming and clog the well with the cork. Now must you again into the underground hiding place where your Arthur told that everything finished is. To the scene in the park the play changes still once to user chapter 5: The robot dimension part II after the discussion with Sally talks it with the soldier to it again into the prison is so long thrown. There give its Ralph the console and break afterwards again out (measurers with ventilation screen). Now you go still once to the Walkstreet and give to Bernie (the taxifahrer) the map. Now drive you to the computing center. First you use the switch on the right side of the area beside the flashing lights. Still far rights pulls you now the lever three times, so that the main terminal raises. Now must operate you the switch with the red edge on the left side and afterwards the lever still further left press. Next must you the monitor right above examine. Afterwards you type the code (4273) into the central processor (thus fourth button, then the second etc.) and press the large button. Everything is finite and it can back to the Walkstreet go, where you the map at Bernie give and to the Sixth scythe drive. As the latter you use the platform on the right side and it can let us remove enjoy!
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Old 04 April 2007, 19:36   #3
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wrap in html please, so I can read it ..

tried bablefish, but when I did it I couldn't understand much. and got lots of "?" everywhere...

rather have someone translate to propper german, pls .
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Old 04 April 2007, 19:39   #4
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Originally Posted by Ironclaw
wrap in html please, so I can read it ..
To lazy

use it or dont
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Old 04 April 2007, 19:42   #5
Ironclaw's Avatar
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Nah, tried bable too..... didn't like the result.. so asked for propper translation here..

So won't use it...

thanks anyway .
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Old 05 April 2007, 09:33   #6
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Ok, did a quick translation. But keep in mind that English is not my native language and I haven't played the game yet. Hope it helps.

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Solution for "Sixth Sense Investigations"

Firstly a remark: In the game there are often conversions,
that can be solved by giving the right answers. Those are
noted as numbers. (3;1) means for example that you have
to give the third answer from above and then the first.

Chapter 1: The Present

At the beginning one finds himself in the person of
Frank in a bedroom. Open the door and enter the
office in which you should use the telephone. Now
listen to and look at the scene carefully. Afterwards
you can open the right cabinet door and take the glass
and the beer mat. Then leave the office and go to
"American Cheesers" on the map. After you have seen
wherin the problem of the shopkeeper lies, take
the cheese crumbs and open the right cabinet inside the
shop. There a pole falls towards you which you use with
the stone in front on the table. With the now sharp pole
you can now stab the cheese... errr I mean prick it all
over. After the following scene take the robot's arm
and use the map. Go to the toy factory next. In the
chaos there you look for a tennis ball and the towel
(above the chest next to the forklift) and leave the
building heading for "Go marching in". Having arrived
there, use the towel to clean the battery (beside the
blue car). Take the now clean battery with you. Now
head to "Toys 'n U" again. There you open the engine
bonnet of the forklift and put the battery in (use
with engine). Now you can pull the lever and take
the medallion. Then go to the laboratory where you
give the medallion and the robot's arm to the
doctor. Now go outside shortly and immediately back
into the laboratory. Now follows a conversation
with the doctor (answer 1, 2). Use the map afterwards,
but instead of the map, Ben shows up who finds
himself in troubles in another dimension.

Chapter 2: The Robot Dimension

After arriving in the robot dimension, you talk to
robot guard Ralph (answers 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1).
After the interrogation at the emperor you use
the pocket knife with the ventilation shaft and you
can escape. After getting outside, go to the right
until you get to a street ("Walkstreet"). There
you go to the pawnbroker (down the stairs) whom
you give the necklace. You get a credit card for
it. Now take the tin, both pieces of the armour
and the Swatch watch (on the counter). Back to
the street and to the palace again (where you came
from) and use the tin with the refuse chute. Then
search the tin and you find out that inside is a
lever. Back to the street again, where you go to
the "Pub Lup". Use the tin with the oil bottle that
stands on the table. To the street again, where you
talk to the drunken robot Howard (answers 2, 2, 1)
and give him the oil. Give the map back to Howard
and on the map that shows up, go to the doctor.
Talk to the doctor there (answers 2, 2, 3, 1). After
that pull the lower lever, then the left one and then
the one right beside. Then use the found lever with
the slot next to the winch and pull it too. Then a
conversation with the doctor and the operation can
begin. After the operation back to the Walkstreet.
There give first the map and then the watch to the
driver. Give him the map again and go to Sixth
Sense Investigations. After the talk with ghost
Arthur go to the laboratory and the game switches
to Frank again.

Chapter 3: The Present Part II

After the scene with Arthur, go to "Toys 'n U"
where you use the analyser.  Back to the
laboratory and give the analyser to the doctor.
Head to the Sixth Sense office and catch the
mouse. Use the cheese crumbs with the mousehole,
then the glass with the mouse and then the beer
mat with the glass. With the mouse in the glass
go to Goldenhouer's villa where you talk to
Mr. Goldenhouer (answers 1, 2, 2, 3). Now use
the tennis ball with the right knight's armour
and examine it then. After the cat finished
sleeping, use the mouse with the cat. Now go to
Charles' room, where you don't stay long. Go to
the car dealer again, where you get the broken
tyre and the air pump. Then go to "American
Cheesers" where you use the tyre with the hot
cheese. Now pump up the tyre and get the hammer
from "Toys 'n U". Back to the villa, where you
hit the wheel cover with the hammer. After
Charles left his room, enter it and get the
console. Bring the console to the doctor.
To be able to use the Interkey, you have to go
to "Go marching in" and enter the garage. Because
a shop assistant forestalls you, buy a car from
him and go to the garage again. Then tell the
shop assistant that you have problems with the car,
so so he lets you enter the garage. There use the
Interkey and you'll find yourself in the toon

Chapter 4: The Toon Dimension

After arriving in the toon dimension, go to the
border and talk to Curt until he lets you pass.
Then go further to the market street, take the
note from the door of the Sixth Sense branch and
examine it. Take the leaflet and examine it too.
Then go to the marketplace where you use the
bell on the right after talking to the policeman.
Talk to the speaker (all answers work). After
getting to the hiding place, take the aerosol can
and talk to Frick (the fox). Because that doesn't
work, talk to Mr. Peanuts. After the conversation
go back to the market street into the glasses shop.
Use the spray with the glasses. Then take the account
book and go back to the marketplace where you give it
to the policeman who stands behind the shadow of a
tree. Back to the glasses shop where you take the
sunglasses. Then go to the market street where you
examine the letterbox and then use the glue
with the envelope that's in the letterbox. Open
the envelope and read the letter. Go to the park
and give the letter to the guard. After a further
talk with him give him the sunglasses. Go back to
the police and use the bell and arbitrate between
Shirley and Porkey until he falls asleep. Take
the scissors and cut the keys from Porkey. After
a conversation with Brad Pig about the record
by Mr. Peanuts open the cell door with the keys.
Take the uniform and give it to Brad. At the bank
Brad tells you that he needs a part of a clock, so
you go back to the police, open the wall clock and
take it. The back to the bank quickly. After the
explosion go into the bank and take the three
pieces of debris in front of the safe and then
the small whell that lies underneath. Use it with
the safe and open it. Take the key from the safe
and open the drawer on the right side of the room.
Take the record and bring it to Mr. Peanuts. Now
you can talk to Frick and you hear about a client
named Sally. Take the bottle from the right side,
go to the marketplace and further to the park where
you use the button to enter and then block the
fountain with the cork. Go back to the hiding place
again and tell Arthur that all is done. After
the scene in the park the game switches once
more to Ben.

Chapter 5: The Robot Dimension Part II

After the dialogue with Sally, talk to the soldier
until you're being cast into prison. Give Ralph the
console and then break from the prison (use knife
with air outlet). Go once more to Walkstreet and
give Bernie (the taxi driver) the map. Go to the
computer centre. First use the switch on the right
side of the room next to the flashing lights.
Further to the right you pull the lever three times,
so the main terminal boots up. Push the switch with
the red border on the left side and then the lever
even further to the left. Examine the monitor on 
the upper right next. Enter the code (4273) into
the main computer (fouth button, second button etc.)
and press the big button. Finally all is done and you
can go back to Walkstreet, where you give the map to
Bernie and go to Sixth Sense. Use the platform
on the right side and enjoy the ending.

Last edited by thor; 05 April 2007 at 10:05.
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Old 05 April 2007, 09:39   #7
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so IronC now you better test the translation, and then guess it should be uploaded to hol and eager
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Old 05 April 2007, 21:13   #8
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Originally Posted by thor
Ok, did a quick translation. But keep in mind that English is not my native language and I haven't played the game yet. Hope it helps.

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Solution for "Sixth Sense Investigations"
Firstly a remark: In the game there are often conversions,
that can be solved by giving the right answers. Those are
noted as numbers. (3;1) means for example that you have
to give the third answer from above and then the first.
Chapter 1: The Present
At the beginning one finds himself in the person of
Frank in a bedroom. Open the door and enter the
office in which you should use the telephone. Now
listen to and look at the scene carefully. Afterwards
you can open the right cabinet door and take the glass
and the beer mat. Then leave the office and go to
"American Cheesers" on the map. After you have seen
wherin the problem of the shopkeeper lies, take
the cheese crumbs and open the right cabinet inside the
shop. There a pole falls towards you which you use with
the stone in front on the table. With the now sharp pole
you can now stab the cheese... errr I mean prick it all
over. After the following scene take the robot's arm
and use the map. Go to the toy factory next. In the
chaos there you look for a tennis ball and the towel
(above the chest next to the forklift) and leave the
building heading for "Go marching in". Having arrived
there, use the towel to clean the battery (beside the
blue car). Take the now clean battery with you. Now
head to "Toys 'n U" again. There you open the engine
bonnet of the forklift and put the battery in (use
with engine). Now you can pull the lever and take
the medallion. Then go to the laboratory where you
give the medallion and the robot's arm to the
doctor. Now go outside shortly and immediately back
into the laboratory. Now follows a conversation
with the doctor (answer 1, 2). Use the map afterwards,
but instead of the map, Ben shows up who finds
himself in troubles in another dimension.
Chapter 2: The Robot Dimension
After arriving in the robot dimension, you talk to
robot guard Ralph (answers 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1).
After the interrogation at the emperor you use
the pocket knife with the ventilation shaft and you
can escape. After getting outside, go to the right
until you get to a street ("Walkstreet"). There
you go to the pawnbroker (down the stairs) whom
you give the necklace. You get a credit card for
it. Now take the tin, both pieces of the armour
and the Swatch watch (on the counter). Back to
the street and to the palace again (where you came
from) and use the tin with the refuse chute. Then
search the tin and you find out that inside is a
lever. Back to the street again, where you go to
the "Pub Lup". Use the tin with the oil bottle that
stands on the table. To the street again, where you
talk to the drunken robot Howard (answers 2, 2, 1)
and give him the oil. Give the map back to Howard
and on the map that shows up, go to the doctor.
Talk to the doctor there (answers 2, 2, 3, 1). After
that pull the lower lever, then the left one and then
the one right beside. Then use the found lever with
the slot next to the winch and pull it too. Then a
conversation with the doctor and the operation can
begin. After the operation back to the Walkstreet.
There give first the map and then the watch to the
driver. Give him the map again and go to Sixth
Sense Investigations. After the talk with ghost
Arthur go to the laboratory and the game switches
to Frank again.
Chapter 3: The Present Part II
After the scene with Arthur, go to "Toys 'n U"
where you use the analyser. Back to the
laboratory and give the analyser to the doctor.
Head to the Sixth Sense office and catch the
mouse. Use the cheese crumbs with the mousehole,
then the glass with the mouse and then the beer
mat with the glass. With the mouse in the glass
go to Goldenhouer's villa where you talk to
Mr. Goldenhouer (answers 1, 2, 2, 3). Now use
the tennis ball with the right knight's armour
and examine it then. After the cat finished
sleeping, use the mouse with the cat. Now go to
Charles' room, where you don't stay long. Go to
the car dealer again, where you get the broken
tyre and the air pump. Then go to "American
Cheesers" where you use the tyre with the hot
cheese. Now pump up the tyre and get the hammer
from "Toys 'n U". Back to the villa, where you
hit the wheel cover with the hammer. After
Charles left his room, enter it and get the
console. Bring the console to the doctor.
To be able to use the Interkey, you have to go
to "Go marching in" and enter the garage. Because
a shop assistant forestalls you, buy a car from
him and go to the garage again. Then tell the
shop assistant that you have problems with the car,
so so he lets you enter the garage. There use the
Interkey and you'll find yourself in the toon
Chapter 4: The Toon Dimension
After arriving in the toon dimension, go to the
border and talk to Curt until he lets you pass.
Then go further to the market street, take the
note from the door of the Sixth Sense branch and
examine it. Take the leaflet and examine it too.
Then go to the marketplace where you use the
bell on the right after talking to the policeman.
Talk to the speaker (all answers work). After
getting to the hiding place, take the aerosol can
and talk to Frick (the fox). Because that doesn't
work, talk to Mr. Peanuts. After the conversation
go back to the market street into the glasses shop.
Use the spray with the glasses. Then take the account
book and go back to the marketplace where you give it
to the policeman who stands behind the shadow of a
tree. Back to the glasses shop where you take the
sunglasses. Then go to the market street where you
examine the letterbox and then use the glue
with the envelope that's in the letterbox. Open
the envelope and read the letter. Go to the park
and give the letter to the guard. After a further
talk with him give him the sunglasses. Go back to
the police and use the bell and arbitrate between
Shirley and Porkey until he falls asleep. Take
the scissors and cut the keys from Porkey. After
a conversation with Brad Pig about the record
by Mr. Peanuts open the cell door with the keys.
Take the uniform and give it to Brad. At the bank
Brad tells you that he needs a part of a clock, so
you go back to the police, open the wall clock and
take it. The back to the bank quickly. After the
explosion go into the bank and take the three
pieces of debris in front of the safe and then
the small whell that lies underneath. Use it with
the safe and open it. Take the key from the safe
and open the drawer on the right side of the room.
Take the record and bring it to Mr. Peanuts. Now
you can talk to Frick and you hear about a client
named Sally. Take the bottle from the right side,
go to the marketplace and further to the park where
you use the button to enter and then block the
fountain with the cork. Go back to the hiding place
again and tell Arthur that all is done. After
the scene in the park the game switches once
more to Ben.
Chapter 5: The Robot Dimension Part II
After the dialogue with Sally, talk to the soldier
until you're being cast into prison. Give Ralph the
console and then break from the prison (use knife
with air outlet). Go once more to Walkstreet and
give Bernie (the taxi driver) the map. Go to the
computer centre. First use the switch on the right
side of the room next to the flashing lights.
Further to the right you pull the lever three times,
so the main terminal boots up. Push the switch with
the red border on the left side and then the lever
even further to the left. Examine the monitor on 
the upper right next. Enter the code (4273) into
the main computer (fouth button, second button etc.)
and press the big button. Finally all is done and you
can go back to Walkstreet, where you give the map to
Bernie and go to Sixth Sense. Use the platform
on the right side and enjoy the ending.
I'm sure it will , thanks.
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Old 12 April 2007, 02:23   #9
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Did the translation work
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Old 12 April 2007, 02:54   #10
Ironclaw's Avatar
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Yup, almost, he missed to include the part where you aquire the glue from the police station.

I added the missing part, in bold:
Solution for "Sixth Sense Investigations"

Firstly a remark: In the game there are often conversions,
that can be solved by giving the right answers. Those are
noted as numbers. (3;1) means for example that you have
to give the third answer from above and then the first.

Chapter 1: The Present

At the beginning one finds himself in the person of
Frank in a bedroom. Open the door and enter the
office in which you should use the telephone. Now
listen to and look at the scene carefully. Afterwards
you can open the right cabinet door and take the glass
and the beer mat. Then leave the office and go to
"American Cheesers" on the map. After you have seen
wherin the problem of the shopkeeper lies, take
the cheese crumbs and open the right cabinet inside the
shop. There a pole falls towards you which you use with
the stone in front on the table. With the now sharp pole
you can now stab the cheese... errr I mean prick it all
over. After the following scene take the robot's arm
and use the map. Go to the toy factory next. In the
chaos there you look for a tennis ball and the towel
(above the chest next to the forklift) and leave the
building heading for "Go marching in". Having arrived
there, use the towel to clean the battery (beside the
blue car). Take the now clean battery with you. Now
head to "Toys 'n U" again. There you open the engine
bonnet of the forklift and put the battery in (use
with engine). Now you can pull the lever and take
the medallion. Then go to the laboratory where you
give the medallion and the robot's arm to the
doctor. Now go outside shortly and immediately back
into the laboratory. Now follows a conversation
with the doctor (answer 1, 2). Use the map afterwards,
but instead of the map, Ben shows up who finds
himself in troubles in another dimension.

Chapter 2: The Robot Dimension

After arriving in the robot dimension, you talk to
robot guard Ralph (answers 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1).
After the interrogation at the emperor you use
the pocket knife with the ventilation shaft and you
can escape. After getting outside, go to the right
until you get to a street ("Walkstreet"). There
you go to the pawnbroker (down the stairs) whom
you give the necklace. You get a credit card for
it. Now take the tin, both pieces of the armour
and the Swatch watch (on the counter). Back to
the street and to the palace again (where you came
from) and use the tin with the refuse chute. Then
search the tin and you find out that inside is a
lever. Back to the street again, where you go to
the "Pub Lup". Use the tin with the oil bottle that
stands on the table. To the street again, where you
talk to the drunken robot Howard (answers 2, 2, 1)
and give him the oil. Give the map back to Howard
and on the map that shows up, go to the doctor.
Talk to the doctor there (answers 2, 2, 3, 1). After
that pull the lower lever, then the left one and then
the one right beside. Then use the found lever with
the slot next to the winch and pull it too. Then a
conversation with the doctor and the operation can
begin. After the operation back to the Walkstreet.
There give first the map and then the watch to the
driver. Give him the map again and go to Sixth
Sense Investigations. After the talk with ghost
Arthur go to the laboratory and the game switches
to Frank again.

Chapter 3: The Present Part II

After the scene with Arthur, go to "Toys 'n U"
where you use the analyser. Back to the
laboratory and give the analyser to the doctor.
Head to the Sixth Sense office and catch the
mouse. Use the cheese crumbs with the mousehole,
then the glass with the mouse and then the beer
mat with the glass. With the mouse in the glass
go to Goldenhouer's villa where you talk to
Mr. Goldenhouer (answers 1, 2, 2, 3). Now use
the tennis ball with the right knight's armour
and examine it then. After the cat finished
sleeping, use the mouse with the cat. Now go to
Charles' room, where you don't stay long. Go to
the car dealer again, where you get the broken
tyre and the air pump. Then go to "American
Cheesers" where you use the tyre with the hot
cheese. Now pump up the tyre and get the hammer
from "Toys 'n U". Back to the villa, where you
hit the wheel cover with the hammer. After
Charles left his room, enter it and get the
console. Bring the console to the doctor.
To be able to use the Interkey, you have to go
to "Go marching in" and enter the garage. Because
a shop assistant forestalls you, buy a car from
him and go to the garage again. Then tell the
shop assistant that you have problems with the car,
so so he lets you enter the garage. There use the
Interkey and you'll find yourself in the toon

Chapter 4: The Toon Dimension

After arriving in the toon dimension, go to the
border and talk to Curt until he lets you pass.
Then go further to the market street, take the
note from the door of the Sixth Sense branch and
examine it. Take the leaflet and examine it too.
Then go to the marketplace where you use the
bell on the right after talking to the policeman.
Talk to the speaker (all answers work). After
getting to the hiding place, take the aerosol can
and talk to Frick (the fox). Because that doesn't
work, talk to Mr. Peanuts. After the conversation
go back to the market street into the glasses shop.
Use the spray with the glasses. Then take the account
book and go back to the marketplace where you give it
to the policeman who stands behind the shadow of a
tree. Now you go to the police station (market place)
where you pick up the adhesive(glue) from the table.

Back to the glasses shop where you take the
sunglasses. Then go to the market street where you
examine the letterbox and then use the glue
with the envelope that's in the letterbox. Open
the envelope and read the letter. Go to the park
and give the letter to the guard. After a further
talk with him give him the sunglasses. Go back to
the police and use the bell and arbitrate between
Shirley and Porkey until he falls asleep. Take
the scissors and cut the keys from Porkey. After
a conversation with Brad Pig about the record
by Mr. Peanuts open the cell door with the keys.
Take the uniform and give it to Brad. At the bank
Brad tells you that he needs a part of a clock, so
you go back to the police, open the wall clock and
take it. The back to the bank quickly. After the
explosion go into the bank and take the three
pieces of debris in front of the safe and then
the small whell that lies underneath. Use it with
the safe and open it. Take the key from the safe
and open the drawer on the right side of the room.
Take the record and bring it to Mr. Peanuts. Now
you can talk to Frick and you hear about a client
named Sally. Take the bottle from the right side,
go to the marketplace and further to the park where
you use the button to enter and then block the
fountain with the cork. Go back to the hiding place
again and tell Arthur that all is done. After
the scene in the park the game switches once
more to Ben.

Chapter 5: The Robot Dimension Part II

After the dialogue with Sally, talk to the soldier
until you're being cast into prison. Give Ralph the
console and then break from the prison (use knife
with air outlet). Go once more to Walkstreet and
give Bernie (the taxi driver) the map. Go to the
computer centre. First use the switch on the right
side of the room next to the flashing lights.
Further to the right you pull the lever three times,
so the main terminal boots up. Push the switch with
the red border on the left side and then the lever
even further to the left. Examine the monitor on
the upper right next. Enter the code (4273) into
the main computer (fouth button, second button etc.)
and press the big button. Finally all is done and you
can go back to Walkstreet, where you give the map to
Bernie and go to Sixth Sense. Use the platform
on the right side and enjoy the ending.

I'm sure it will , thanks.
05 April 2007 09:39
This game sucks, bad voices and lots of bugs, which made it hard in some places. Can someone confirm the detective and the ghost's voices are correct?... they seem so... lame and unfitting.. also, at one time, when the fat kid speaks, he all of a sudden gets the detective's voice.... my comment from this movie on RAG:


This game was a request, or I wouldn't have recorded it as I don't like this game. It's buggy, boring tunes, bad voice acting...

Maybe it's bad emulation, donno, but the detective's voice sounds so lame when it's so low in pitch (as you can clearly hear it's not natural), and the ghost is high in pitch. At one part in the movie, the fat boy (while speaking) suddently got the detective's voice... so it could be emulation problem, and the detective's and ghost's voices maybe doesn't sound like they should. Seems a bit like one person is making the voice for several characters, and they use a sound pitch method to make them different and that is what could be buggy. OR, this IS how they should sound. I was thinging of recording this movie without the voices, not just because they suck, but when the voices are enabled, the background music is quite low.

If I were to rate this movie, I would give it 4/10, it would have gotten 6/10 if the detective's and ghost's voices wasn't so damn annoying.
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Last edited by Ironclaw; 12 April 2007 at 03:18.
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Old 12 April 2007, 02:56   #11
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Could we have this solution added to HOL please
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