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Old 05 December 2006, 11:44   #1
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Playstation 3 and Amiga OS 4

Hello to everyone I am an ancient user of Amiga and I am still interesting in the news of the Amiga world.

I saw the news about discretFX and I thought and if they could have a partenership with sony to have the possibility of a portage of the OS on the playstation 3 (Power PC structure).

I sincerly think it's the best solution with an hardware easily finding, this would set up the problem of an hardware for the amiga OS and furthermore sony must sell a lot of Cell processor to make profitable his factory production.

What do you think about this?

PS : sorry for my poor english
Old 05 December 2006, 12:23   #2
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Are you kidding? If the console doesn't sell well or good software stops coming, it will die just like that.

If we want available hardware, just do the OS on a PC. That will be around for a while. If we want GOOD hardware we must make our own.

Using any other processor but the native one will result in basically running an emulator, degrading performance as hell. If that's what we want, just code a WinUAE for AmigaOS 4
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Old 05 December 2006, 13:17   #3
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I understand that the best way would be to have a new machine, but it's difficult to imagine nowadays, and for the playstation 3 the Cell processor is based ont the power PC x86 Chip so it's not for emulate but to have amiga os on native on the machine.

And if you search on the net you can find project for this and amiga Inc is agree with a probably portage.


" It would be eminently suitable for - and relatively trivial to port to - the STI Cell processor used in the Playstation 3 "


Last edited by vince8835; 05 December 2006 at 13:25.
Old 05 December 2006, 13:27   #4
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Originally Posted by Photon
Are you kidding? If the console doesn't sell well or good software stops coming, it will die just like that.

If we want available hardware, just do the OS on a PC. That will be around for a while. If we want GOOD hardware we must make our own.

Using any other processor but the native one will result in basically running an emulator, degrading performance as hell. If that's what we want, just code a WinUAE for AmigaOS 4
can you seiously see the ps3 failing ? sure its expensive but that didnt stop them being able to sell their entire stock it may not be much better then the 360, but they games I wanna play will likely only be on ps3 so im guaranteed to own one.

The console was created to be the new amiga but sony wanted to keep the playstation name

Id realy like to see AOS4 ported and its the perfect os to fit the hardware specs and can bring amigaos back to the masses to show how backwards other more marketed oses really are
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Old 05 December 2006, 13:37   #5
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Please to see that I am not alone to think in this way.

I precise that the PS3 is very evolutive with the USB port keyboard mouse, and you can change easily the hard drive for another one.

To finish linux fedora is already running on the PS3.


Last edited by vince8835; 05 December 2006 at 13:56.
Old 05 December 2006, 15:20   #6
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Originally Posted by Mad-Matt
Id realy like to see AOS4 ported and its the perfect os to fit the hardware specs
No it isn't. Linux is. Linux (which incidentally I don't use) has a (relevant) software library thousands of times that of AmigaOS, is up to date (and not in the hands of a company that doesn't know it's arse from it's elbow) and isn't, well, dead!

Originally Posted by Mad-Matt
can bring amigaos back to the masses
Not gonna happen. Only a tiny handful of PS3 owners will install/use Linux on it and I would estimate about 1% of those would try using AmigaOS. It's a waste of time and it'll die a death just like all other stupid Amiga decisions.

Originally Posted by Mad-Matt
and can bring amigaos back to the masses to show how backwards other more marketed oses really are
I love Amiga, however I would use Windows, MacOS, Linux, BSD or BeOS/Zeta/Haiku over it any day of the week. I think most people would agree.

AmigaOS is dead except for hobbyists. If you agree with the hobbyists part, you also agree the use of the word 'masses' is laughable.

For every one person that uses AmigaOS on their Playstation, there will be 100,000 users who don't.

Last edited by P-J; 05 December 2006 at 15:28.
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Old 05 December 2006, 15:32   #7
Ya' like it Retr0?
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I donno P-J,

I can see what you mean about only the hardcore but it got me to thinking.

What if the person whom got thier PS3 didn`t have another computer / PC..
or even if they did......

what if a cheap OS with lots of free / downloadable applictions for things like Music / Graphics / DTP / thats absolute Massive Retro-compu-gamming potential ....


any way just lump on a bluetooth keyboard and mouse... hell you could even do ones home work ...

and you get to play the graphically hottest spank-o-matic games developed today!!!!

not bad for a £500 games console.... not bad at all.....

still I would like it for the PC too (been having a little fun with Amithalon... shame that got brushed aside!!!)
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Old 05 December 2006, 15:40   #8
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Originally Posted by Zetr0
what if a cheap OS with lots of free / downloadable applictions for things like Music / Graphics / DTP / thats absolute Massive Retro-compu-gamming potential ....
There is a free one! It's called Linux. I mentioned it above

You can run all your classic games on there, not just Amiga... and the applications aren't out of the 20th century.

Seriously, let the pipe-dream stay in your head. Like I said, I love Amiga as much as the next man but modern Amiga is long since dead and it'll never come back. Just be happy with the memories!

You guys just torture yourselves with this stuff.

Originally Posted by Zetr0
I can see what you mean about only the hardcore but it got me to thinking.

What if the person whom got thier PS3 didn`t have another computer / PC..
not bad for a £500 games console.... not bad at all.....
If they didn't have a PC, why for the love of god do you think they would be even remotely technical enough to use AmigaOS or even install it on their console, quite possibly voiding their warranty or hosing their disk?
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Old 05 December 2006, 16:33   #9
Ya' like it Retr0?
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I was under the impression that SONY are actively asking and encouraging Third part OS's vendors and encouraging users to use such things

And the idea I was thinking of involving the PS3 was simple, but I dont think i communicated it propely:-

To improve the use of the system (PS3) by that of an OS that simple and intuitive to use. With this an added bonus of where needed a (transparent) emulation layer for classic (metal banging stuff) games to run but the importantly for system legal and non hardware specific coded software it will run a sh*t load faster as it wont need to emulate it (as far as the software is aware its will running in a Native environment).

things like grpahics programs / music / dtp / word processing etc etc etc

Consider it like Amithalon(no longer officially supported except for die hards) with the exception of a emulation layer for games etc its like having a 68060@2.4GHZ running in Hi-resolution yummyness....

The thing about *NIX

I have plenty of *nix distros and flavours I run arround here and i have to admit that the latter lot for example Fedora core 5 provide a VERY nice suit..

Now if you prefer *nix thats fine... but most here are technical people, we can configure computers while hands tied behind our back and in another room!!!!, this is not the case for most gammers and would be leasurely users...

if everything is given to them in one simple bundle (to click here) then I am pretty sure thats what they will plumb for (just look where microsoft's goto these days).

Its not a pipe-dream to relive old gory days... hell no, for one its a sony console. but I see a profitable marketing stratagy for something like OS4 as a bundle with a keyboard and mouse and or joystick for use with your machine.

Imagine an OS4 bundle like its just like one of them ATARI retro game classic packs for what ever you are psp/ps1,2,3 XBox(s) Mac/PC what ever

I see it as adding to an existing platform not as a platform itself.

now.... lets get down to this torturing that you metion.....
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Old 05 December 2006, 16:41   #10
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Contrary to the other console sony encourage linux and homebrews program on the PS3

So the console is very easy to boot on another OS juste option in a menu !!!
It's not a hacking or modified console the yellow dog edition of linux is suported by sony!!


So I don't know if this "revolution" will interest the majority of PS3 users but it' very exiting that a hardware is available to support OS software!!

Old 05 December 2006, 18:18   #11
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Originally Posted by Zetr0
Its not a pipe-dream to relive old gory days... hell no, for one its a sony console. but I see a profitable marketing stratagy for something like OS4 as a bundle with a keyboard and mouse and or joystick for use with your machine.
This is where we differ-- To me, this whole paragraph is the Amiga pipe-dream. I guess I just gave up on Amiga (and it's technology) too long ago.

As far as I'm concerned, if you get anything with the Amiga name on anywhere near the mainstream in the next 10 years, it'll be so far removed from anything we know that only the real true hardcore zealots (the type you would emigrate to avoid) will be interested.

I don't see the market and I don't see the use. It'll be nothing like an Amiga.

Dell shitbox + WinUAE = Close enough. Closer than a PS3 with AmigaOS vaporware on it
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Old 05 December 2006, 18:27   #12
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Originally Posted by P-J
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Old 05 December 2006, 19:32   #13
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Hmm P-J, can WinUAE do Amiga OS 4? Cool if so I think Vince wanted something that can run the real thing.

Vince: PowerPC cpu is an x86 CPU? It wasn't when it came, But I admit I only read the Programmer's Handbook for it like 10+ years ago Is Amiga OS 4 coded for x86 CPUs? Ugh :S

As you can see I know very little about Amiga OS 4, but my main worry is how many years PS3 will be manufactured. Have they stopped producing PS2s, PS1's etc yet? And after that period we would have yet another platform that isn't sold anymore, and another piece of hardware that can't keep up with "regular platforms" like PC/Mac.

Nah, better to do a proper hardware that runs code with a simple recompile and is designed to be upgradable.

Personally, I'd like to see a _proper_ platform for gaming, i.e. instant feedback, none of this "let's triple buffer the graphics and read the joystick moves at the start of next frame and not allow the sound card to store sound so there is a delay" etc. And no "20-40 REAL fps LCDs with lag". Bah.
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Old 05 December 2006, 20:30   #14
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Photon sorry I made a mistake the cell processor is based on the power pc structure not x86 (I don't know why I mention it)
so amigaOS4 could be native

It's true that the ps3 stay and will stay a game machine, but it could be a good oportunity to ancient amiga user to try amigaos4 if they want. And except buy a non viable µa1 there is non solution, the best is surely a real proper hardware designe for amigaOS but in staying this hardware I will be very please to meet the amiga world.

Last edited by vince8835; 05 December 2006 at 20:50.
Old 05 December 2006, 21:12   #15
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Originally Posted by P-J
This is where we differ-- To me, this whole paragraph is the Amiga pipe-dream. I guess I just gave up on Amiga (and it's technology) too long ago.

As far as I'm concerned, if you get anything with the Amiga name on anywhere near the mainstream in the next 10 years, it'll be so far removed from anything we know that only the real true hardcore zealots (the type you would emigrate to avoid) will be interested.

I don't see the market and I don't see the use. It'll be nothing like an Amiga.

Dell shitbox + WinUAE = Close enough. Closer than a PS3 with AmigaOS vaporware on it
Its all clear now I can see where youre hate comes from

you want to see the glory days of the Amiga fully functional and emulated and if that cant be achieved..you dont want to know.

what I belive this thread is getting at and my personal view point is that this is the chance and possably the very last chance that the Amiga gets to move forward with its OS. theres never going to be any mass produced hardware specificaly amiga produced again but the pc3 is as near as were gonna get to mass produced hardware suiatable for aos4.

while it cant play classic amiga games without somekind of emulation I wellcome the move. This is where the amiga was heading with PPC and RTG cards and leagacy chipset was deffinatly being left behind. now is the chance to use a machine that unfortunatly doesnt carry the amiga name, but can bring us its OS which makes a great games machine and a computer in one as the amiga once was. Support for aos games and apps would shurly come later (although I expect only open-source ports as is already the case).

If commodore/Amiga hadnt died in 93 and continued with a similar vision as above ...would users have continued with amiga or would it have been its downfall and amiga would have died any way ..

free linux im sure will have its fans, but im not one of them
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Old 06 December 2006, 00:29   #16
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Originally Posted by Mad-Matt
free linux im sure will have its fans, but im not one of them
Me neither buddy, but it's clearly significantly more useful than AmigaOS in any situation other than, well, tinkering with your OS.
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Old 06 December 2006, 04:29   #17
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Originally Posted by Mad-Matt
can you seiously see the ps3 failing ? sure its expensive but that didnt stop them being able to sell their entire stock it may not be much better then the 360, but they games I wanna play will likely only be on ps3 so im guaranteed to own one.

The console was created to be the new amiga but sony wanted to keep the playstation name

Id realy like to see AOS4 ported and its the perfect os to fit the hardware specs and can bring amigaos back to the masses to show how backwards other more marketed oses really are
Keep dreaming. Amiga fanatics smell. They make me sick.
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Old 06 December 2006, 09:32   #18
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The Cell has a ppc core (PPE) and 8 SPEs. The SPEs are not legacy processors and are extremely fast.
STI stands for Sony, Toshiba and IBM.
The PPC architecture has nothing to do with X86.
Using SPEs can be a significant boost to your code, but even running code on the PPE only would be several times faster than any of the A1 solutions.

Technically speaking it should be fairly straightforward to port OS4 to PS3 and a competent PS3 developer can do it.
OS4 can run as a guest OS on the system, just like linux.
You'll need SCE's support for this though.

Peripherals such as keyboard and mouse are supported by the system out of the box.

The UK price will be 425, not 500.

Finally, it is fairly easy to predict that quite a huge number of PS3s will be sold. Consoles on today's market sell more units in a few days than consumer electronics products used to sell in Amiga's heyday in years.
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Old 06 December 2006, 09:54   #19
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I can buy a full PC for less than a PS3 and no vga out by default, whats the point? More expensive proprietry hardware and knowing sony faulty is the exact opposite direction OS4 should be going in imo...
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Old 06 December 2006, 10:43   #20
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Originally Posted by T_hairy_bootson
I can buy a full PC for less than a PS3 and no vga out by default, whats the point? More expensive proprietry hardware and knowing sony faulty is the exact opposite direction OS4 should be going in imo...
It's the old argument buddy. People think the AmigaOS will come back to life because it's been licensed to a device with specific hardware (like the old Amiga) and x86 is no good for this.

Why not specify an exact x86 hardware set for the AmigaOS much like the BeBox(?) was? Just more stupid decisions. Making it on PPC was mistake number one. It's as if Amiga doesn't want to survive.

If someone can give me one single unique selling point of AmigaOS, I'll bow down and admit I'm totally wrong.

Stability is not one. I can get that on at least three other operating systems.
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