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Old 12 January 2011, 00:40   #1
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CyberbugfixAGA - how to enable

Originally Posted by Frog View Post
Really impressive 16 colors palette. I've done myself a 64 colors palette long time ago (Newicons, RomIcons, MagicWB, GlowIcons compatible) HERE

BTW for all people crying for low chipmem, you should use CyberbugFix AGA
I remember trying this all those years ago to compare it to the ram saving techniques I was putting into place in the ClassicWB packs (FBlit+Scalos_window_task addition, WBCtrl etc) at the time.

However, when I downloaded the archive, it was missing the program C:CyberBugfix which was stated in the instructions as needing to be added to the Startup-Sequence. I couldn't get it to work. It looks like an addon for the Cyberbugfix package which I didn't have so was missing files. Looked into it more and it seemed like I was missing a copyright driver package so left it.

It has the library, the Env-Arc files/prefs and the monitor driver (that goes in devs), but no C:CyberBugfix file.


Originally Posted by Retrofan View Post
Incredible.. I'm very concerned with the Chip memory. In fact, I didn't want to upgrade OS3.9 from BB2 to BB4 because of the chipmem loss.
This were my results after upgrading two days ago:
BB2 Chip Ram: 1.416Kb (69%)
BB3 Chip Ram: 1.135 (55%)
BB4 Chip Ram: 1.170 (57%)

All was using Fblit, Ftext, and others, but I've just installed CyberbugFixAGA and my chip ram with 64 colors and BB4 now is:
1443Kb (71%). Ah, I've got a Blizzard 1260.

Thank you very much!
How did you get it to work Retrofan? Was I just being thick back in 2004? I meant to ask Frog for more advice, but forgot as I seemed to be saving all the chipram using the system I have at the moment.

I'm still willing to test this and see if it improves the packs at all.
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Old 12 January 2011, 04:28   #2
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The Russian Text doesn't mention C (I ran it through a translator).
It could just be wanting you to run the monitor?

It is quite confusing though;

Installation: remove CGXAGA from devs:monitors if it there is, and
Put instead of it CyberBugfiX. Do not forget to clean old
CyberBugfiX from startup-sequence or WBStartup! Copy a directory
CyberGraphX in ENVARC:, having replaced files existing there new.
The given version is still efficient and in a "old" mode, as
The additional utility to CGXAGA (thus the command run is not required),
But the sense in it is not present.
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Old 12 January 2011, 12:46   #3
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Thanks for the info Vairn. The text file also has this in English:

CyberBugfiX 1.1

This program is a CGXAGA companion. If you don't know, CGXAGA is an AGA
monitor driver for CyberGraphX package shipped with Phase5/DCE PPC
accelerators. This driver is very useful due to brilliant SUPERLAYERS feature
and ChipRAM economy, bit it contains serious bug: ChipRAM leak if it not
for bitmaps and screens. CBX was written for fixing this, but after this it
was transformed to multifunctional utility, that enhances CGXAGA compatibility
with miscellaneous software and economes ChipRAM even more.


CyberBugfiX does following things:

1) fixes memory leak
2) fixes OS (not CGX) bug with, for example, trashing of IBrowse's
graphics buttons.
3) fixes compatibility with blitter-using software like Prayer2.
4) moves many bitmaps to FastRAM
5) disables automatic fallback from BMF_INTERLEAVED mode - it will be
useful for software like MooVId, that uses direct moving to
interleaved bitmaps and may trash memory and hang system if
non-interleaved bitmap was allocated.
6) disables CyberGraphX detection for selected software like MooVId
PRO 2, that may be confused by absence of gfx card.


1) insert in your startup-sequence following string


before "execute s:user-startup" and "loadwb" commands. You can
even simply put CyberBugfiX in your WBStartup drawer, but it will
not give to you DOpus5's ChipRAM economy.

2) copy prefs/env-archive/CyberBugfiX/ directory to your ENVARC:
(very probably it has similar path on your boot partition).

3) enable PLANES2FAST in that directory - it must contain "1".

4) disable FAllocMem and FAllocBitMap features of FBlit, if you use
it, and move FBlit in your
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Old 12 January 2011, 12:57   #4
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Originally Posted by Bloodwych View Post
How did you get it to work Retrofan? Was I just being thick back in 2004? I meant to ask Frog for more advice, but forgot as I seemed to be saving all the chipram using the system I have at the moment.

I'm still willing to test this and see if it improves the packs at all.
AFAIR the command C:CyberBugFix is the monitor device. After some test i definitively adopt it as the best chipmem save tool
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Old 12 January 2011, 13:13   #5
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Thanks Frog, simple eh? The archive has the monitor device in the devs/monitors, so I placed it there. It crashed my Workbench on startup!

The english part of the readme mentions C:Cyberbugfix, but doesn't say it's the monitor file in devs. Also says "This program is a CGXAGA companion.", making me think of missing files or CGXAGA package. Confusing!

Ok, I'll give this another try, remembering to disable the FBlit options as stated. How many years later LOL!

Last edited by Bloodwych; 12 January 2011 at 13:24.
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Old 12 January 2011, 13:48   #6
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I have to check it but atm i've only a computer available at work. Perhaps Retrofan can answer faster to this problem.
Do you also copy cgxsystem.library to LIBS: and Prefs/Envarchives/CyberGraphX to ENVARC: ?
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Old 13 January 2011, 23:02   #7
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What`s a pity is that today my laptop PSU got broken and I`ve taken the Tower PC to repair, so I`m only in the Amiga by now.
What`s important is to disable some options in Fblit, look at the instructions. I installed CyberBugfiX after FBlit and after C:LoadMonDrvs. The true is that the instructions aren`t very clear. I installed in C the Cyberbugfix that`s inside of monitors, and in Prefs - Env-Archive, Cybergraph, but you have to click on Planes2Fast, icon, information, and change the priority to 1.
Yes, you have to copy the library file to LIBS, of course.
I think that`s all, but I`m not very sure, `cause I had to format the CF HD to install PFS3 and I installed it again. I was going to ask Frog...

EDIT (the 4th time, I think). Sorry to tell, but it`s really difficult to see all the posts in an screen like this shit I have in my Tv. I`ve just seen what you tell about the Cyberbugfix. Yes, it`s nowhere in the archive, so I used the one of Monitors, as I`ve said.

EDIT AGAIN: Bloodwych: If I were you I would add this patch to your ClassicWB, and let me take the opportunity to thank you for so good OS`s you`ve made.
My better OS is with an adapted Amikit to run on a real Amiga, but that OS is already made.

Last edited by Retrofan; 04 October 2012 at 13:43. Reason: In the Amiga I don't see a shit when I'm using IBrowse. I swear I thought I was openning another thread
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Old 15 January 2011, 16:37   #8
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Thanks for the reponse Frog and Retrofan.

I've tried with OS3.5 and 3.9, but I'm still not getting any decent results. I know it works however, as you guys are using it! It's just not saving the Chipram compared to using FBlit along with WBCtrl in the startup-sequence like this:


What I've tried from the CyberbugfixAGA archive:

I've placed the library in LIBS:, added the ENV-ARC: files and made sure PLANES2FAST is enabled with a 1, added C:CyberBugfiX to the startup-sequence and added the relevant file (looks like a Devs/Monitors file) to C:

I've also hunted down CGX-AGA, mentioned in the CyberbugfixAGA archive instructions (see bold below), and placed that in the startup-sequence before FBlit. Still nothing seems to work.

See the instructions:


1) insert in your startup-sequence following string


before "execute s:user-startup" and "loadwb" commands. You can
even simply put CyberBugfiX in your WBStartup drawer, but it will
not give to you DOpus5's ChipRAM economy.

2) copy prefs/env-archive/CyberBugfiX/ directory to your ENVARC:
(very probably it has similar path on your boot partition).

3) enable PLANES2FAST in that directory - it must contain "1".

4) disable FAllocMem and FAllocBitMap features of FBlit, if you use
it, and move FBlit in your startup-sequence AFTER CGXAGA monitor
starting (but before CyberBugfiX)

If you don't use it, I recommend you to install it. You can enable
FBltBitMap, FBltClear, FBltTemplate, FBltPattern, FBltBitMapScale, FSetRast,
QBSBlitPatch - that will do GUI seriously faster. Additionally you can install
FText - it will do text output faster by several times.


OSTLPatch, AddIBobPatch and RemIBobPatch are recommended to be disabled too.
FDraw may do line drawing faster, but it produces interference with some
software like PowerSnap and is recommended to be disabled.

Some technical info: CyberBugfiX patches AllocBitMap() function of
graphics.library and does some magical things around it. Additionally
it patches OpenLibrary() for disabling CGX feature.
If you guys who have it working can upload your startup-sequence lines and all the required files into the zone, I'll give it one more shot. I really want to compare this to traditional methods to see if it is better.
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Old 15 January 2011, 16:51   #9
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Also, in FBlit, I can disable FAllocBitMap, but FAllocMem is nowhere to be found!

Does anyone else have a FAllocMem in their FBlit prefs?
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Old 15 January 2011, 17:17   #10
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No, it hasn't it . I think you should try to use Env-Archive instead of Envarc if it doesn't have it.
I'm going to install now it in your CWB ADVSP. BTW I was installing it just now, and had to add some new Nlist.mcc and NListtree to Voodoo so it could work. Didn't you see it?

If it works, I'll sent you or try to upload it.

Last edited by Retrofan; 15 January 2011 at 18:44.
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Old 15 January 2011, 17:34   #11
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Retrofan - I meant ENV-ARCHIVE, the one in Prefs, I'd just shortened it to its assign call name of ENVARC:, plus a "-" typo

VoodooX works fine - all the relevant files are present in the ClassicWB packs. What didn't work for you? You may have overwritten the files with older versions perhaps?

Thanks for having a go.
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Old 15 January 2011, 17:47   #12
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Oh I see what you may mean. There are many newer versions of MUI libs getting released all the time. Some of them have bugs. I use versions that are compatible and tested with Scalos and have been thoroughly tested by myself as stable. VoodooX works fine with the ones provided, but by all means update them if you don't have any issues.
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Old 15 January 2011, 18:42   #13
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What an stupid I am, searching for that ENVARC... but there are OS that have it called that way instead of Env-archive or not?
Do you know what happens when you use different patches? Sometimes you don't gain but loose chip ram. This has happened to me with Executive and with SystemPatch299.

In CWB ADVSP I've just tried Cyberbugfix and you loose: from 1,779.240 to 1,766,328.
So I deleted all again. Perhaps in your CWB39 will work fine, but I don't know.
What I know is that it works with OS39 and my amikit conversion that uses Dopus.

About the Voodoo, I installed it in an empty disk and when I was going to use it, it was saying that the files were old... I don't know... wait, I installed a couple of programs, for example Genesis, that could have changed those files, surely was that.

Last edited by Retrofan; 15 January 2011 at 18:51.
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Old 15 January 2011, 18:50   #14
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If you type ENVARC: in a shell window, it takes you to Prefs/Env-Archive. It's just a system assign. If you type ENV: in a shell window, you go to RAM DISK:ENV.

I believe you! I have the ADVSP pack pretty optimized for low chipram usage, so I'm not surprised. That's why I need to test if this is any better at saving chipram. Hopefully we can work out how it works under normal Workbench then.

The ADVSP version uses Scalos windows, not Workbench, which has built in optimizations to save Chipram. All the Scalos windows and icons are drawn in Fastmem via FBlit and an added line in the FAllocBitMap section under Lists - "Scalos_Window_Task". This gives a nice speedboost too, especially on fast CPU's like yours!

Frog however has used Scalos and Cyberbugfix I think, so perhaps he can help.
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Old 15 January 2011, 18:55   #15
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That's exactly what happens: it deppends in how you're using the options, if you are using FallocBitmap and it gives a good service, to use CyberbugfiX they tell to disable it, so that't why I'm loosing. You could try to install it leaving perhaps working FallocBitmap, I don't know.

EDIT: What you should try to add to the packs are the Palettes Cammy uploaded. I was going to use the one for Scalos, but as I remember, that was the one that had a bad link, I'm going to search now.

And I have to say that I mistaken this thread, as I was going to open another. In my Tv I don't see a s...
You changed it... I though I was going mad...jojo

Last edited by Retrofan; 15 January 2011 at 19:09.
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Old 15 January 2011, 20:11   #16
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The palette I use doesn't remap well to the icons used in Classic Workbench ADVSP, the drawers appear grey instead of blue so I don't think anyone would like it. Lots of people prefer to use more than 16 colours anyway.
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Old 19 January 2011, 18:06   #17
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I had a look at cyberbugfixaga 1.1. First, the readme is bad/wrong/... (maybe translation to english is the cause). However, FAllocMem has removed since a special (see fblit.guide history section) fblit version, so you won`t find it. I`m not sure about order of fblit, loadmondrvs and cyberbugfix. I did:


Unfortunately, when CyberBugfiX starts (from S-S or WB) I get MuForce hits. The email address mentioned in the readme don`t exist more (i.e. no bugreport). Development has stopped 10 years ago.

I case someone wants to include it in a software packet this should be mentioned.
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Old 20 January 2011, 00:01   #18
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Nice info daxb. Can you explain "MuForce hits" a bit more - I take it that's bad. I've seen the phrase mentioned many times with regards to badly acting programs.

Also, what software do you use to test for these hits?

Finally, did you find a nice reduction in Chipram?
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Old 20 January 2011, 01:24   #19
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cyberbugfix might not even be needed depending on which cgx-aga is in use. I suspect the patch is for the the one that came packaged in cgx v3 which required an 040/060 to be present.

Then theres another cgx-aga which i suspect is in use here from a third party, and probably doesnt need the cyberbugfix. I mean, since source is included, any issues would have been fixed their instead of a seperate patch id think.

With Fblit configed for os39 and cgxaga I have a 64c hires laced wb with 1.680 chip available.

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Old 20 January 2011, 13:09   #20
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First, I can`t tell if cyberbugfixaga reduces chip ram usage vs. fblit + other patches because of the hits.

About MuForce hits. It is a part of MMULib archive (aminet) and a replacement for enforcer (debugging tool). Guide qoute: "MuForce watches illegal memory accesses and reports them over the serial port or any other output stream."
Debugging tools are mainly for developers but also for users if they want to test new/old software. If you notice enforcer hits it is always good to send it with a bugreport to the author (helps fixing bugs). For detailed info read the dokumentation and maybe learn programming.

The most chip ram you can get with the hack fscreen but I won`t recommend it.
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