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Old 06 April 2022, 00:23   #1
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Havie's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2012
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Posts: 1,897
Game not working on 1.3

I know this has been a topic of conversation before but has anyone worked out why a game works on 2.0 but not 1.3?

My Flappy Bird game is the Amiga Addict cover disk and works on an A500+ upwards but fails on an A500. I realised that my startup-sequence didn't work (had assign) but even when I remove this the game just gurus? It does ask for L: on boot so not sure if I should be doing something with this?

Or are some commands not 1.3 compatible? Can't see anything in the manual saying this and does say that on floppy it starts from a minimal 1.3 environment.

If anyone fancies looking at the source code:


;tiles for pipes
LoadShape 1,"graphics/pipe1"
LoadShape 2,"graphics/pipe2"
LoadShape 3,"graphics/pipe3"
LoadShape 4,"graphics/blank"
;LoadShape 5,"graphics/pipemove"

;flappy bird sprite
LoadShape 8,"graphics/flappy1":GetaSprite 7,8
LoadShape 9,"graphics/flappy2":GetaSprite 8,9
LoadShape 10,"graphics/flappy3":GetaSprite 9,10
LoadShape 11,"graphics/flappyup1":GetaSprite 0,11
LoadShape 12,"graphics/flappyup2":GetaSprite 1,12
LoadShape 13,"graphics/flappyup3":GetaSprite 2,13
LoadShape 14,"graphics/flappydown1":GetaSprite 3,14
LoadShape 15,"graphics/flappydown2":GetaSprite 4,15
LoadShape 16,"graphics/flappydown3":GetaSprite 5,16
LoadShape 17,"graphics/flappydown4":GetaSprite 6,17
LoadShape 18,"graphics/lemming":GetaSprite 20,18
LoadShape 19,"graphics/shot":GetaSprite 21,19

;background elements
LoadShape 20,"graphics/background28"
LoadShape 21,"graphics/background38"
LoadShape 24,"graphics/background8"
LoadShape 25,"graphics/gameover"
LoadShape 26,"graphics/backgroundend"
LoadShape 27 ,"graphics/getready"
LoadShape 28,"graphics/flappywin"
LoadShape 29,"graphics/startscreen"

LoadShape 30,"graphics/zero":GetaSprite 10,30
LoadShape 31,"graphics/one":GetaSprite 11,31
LoadShape 32,"graphics/two":GetaSprite 12,32
LoadShape 33,"graphics/three":GetaSprite 13,33
LoadShape 34,"graphics/four":GetaSprite 14,34
LoadShape 35,"graphics/five":GetaSprite 15,35
LoadShape 36,"graphics/six":GetaSprite 16,36
LoadShape 37,"graphics/seven":GetaSprite 17,37
LoadShape 38,"graphics/eight":GetaSprite 18,38
LoadShape 39,"graphics/nine":GetaSprite 19,39
LoadShape 40,"graphics/0"
LoadShape 41,"graphics/1"
LoadShape 42,"graphics/2"
LoadShape 43,"graphics/3"
LoadShape 44,"graphics/4"
LoadShape 45,"graphics/5"
LoadShape 46,"graphics/6"
LoadShape 47,"graphics/7"
LoadShape 48,"graphics/8"
LoadShape 49,"graphics/9"

LoadShape 50,"graphics/bronze"
LoadShape 51,"graphics/silver"
LoadShape 52,"graphics/gold"
LoadShape 53,"graphics/platinum"

;AA Logo
LoadShape 54,"graphics/AAlogo"

;set up palette
LoadPalette 0,"graphics/pipe3"
LoadPalette 0,"graphics/AAlogo",8
LoadPalette 0,"graphics/flappy1",16

LoadPalette 1,"graphics/pipe3"
LoadPalette 1,"graphics/AAlogo",8
LoadPalette 1,"graphics/lemming",16
LoadPalette 2,"graphics/backgroundend"
LoadPalette 3,"graphics/flappywin"

;load sounds
LoadSound 0,"sounds/flap.iff"
LoadSound 1,"sounds/ping.iff"
LoadSound 2,"sounds/smack.iff"
LoadSound 3,"sounds/shot.iff"

BitMap 0,576,256,3
BitMap 1,576,256,3
BitMap 2,320,256,3
BitMap 3,320,256,5

;dualplayfield $20+$6 (for 6 bitplanes)
;set colours to 32 for sprites
InitCopList 0,44,256,$20+$6,8,32,0
InitCopList 1,44,256,$5,8,32,0
InitCopList 2,44,256,$5,8,32,0

  DisplayBitMap 1,3

BlitzKeys On

; load highscore from disk

If OpenFile (0,"highscoret.dat")=-1
Fields 0,highold
End If
Get 0,0
CloseFile 0


Dim sc(3)
Dim pipex(6)

DisplayAdjust 0, 0,0,0,95,-95; narrow display
DisplayAdjust 1, 0,0,0,95,-95; narrow display

Buffer 0,16384


DisplayPalette 0,1
CreateDisplay 0

Use BitMap 2: Block 24,0,0
Use BitMap 0: Cls
UnBuffer 0

DisplayBitMap 0,0,0,0,2,0,0

;set up random map
Dim map(1500): mp=0
Dim r(1500)

Gosub setup_map

SetColl 7,3,1; set colour - bird to collide with pipes

;pipe variables
pipex=0 :pipe_y=0:pipe_count=0:px=48:py=0

;main variables
flap=0 :sc1=0

cheat=0; set cheat=0 for no collisions

gravity=0:jump=0 :sp=1 : die=0 : starty=1 :mv=1:mdir=1:speed=1


;reset pipe position counter for new game
For n=0 To 6: pipex(n)=0: Next n

DisplayPalette 0,1

While RawStatus(69)=0
;Poke.w $dff180,$f00

If starty=1 Then VWait(1)

If starty>0 Then UnBuffer 0
Use BitMap db

If mp=1000 Then lemming=1

;show variables
;BitMapOutput 2:Colour 4,5
; Locate 10,25:Print"by=":Print by:Print" "
; Locate 10,26:Print"vy=":Print vy:Print" "
; Locate 10,27:Print"die=":Print die:Print" "
; Locate 10,28:Print"m=":Print m:Print" ":Print"mp=":Print mp:Print" "
; Locate 10,29:Print"scrollx=":Print scrollx:Print" "
;Locate 10,25:Print"lx=":Print lx
; MouseWait
;slow down game
;VWait  (5)

If die=1 Then Goto loop4
If starty>0  Then Goto loop2

If control=1
  If RawStatus(64)=0 Then flap=0
  If RawStatus(64)=-1  AND jump=0 AND flap=0  Then ani=1:Sound 0,1:  flap=1: jump=1 : sp=8:gravity=0
End If

If control=2
  If Joyb(0)=0 Then flap=0
  If Joyb(0)=1  AND jump=0 AND flap=0  Then ani=1:Sound 0,1:  flap=1: jump=1 : sp=8:gravity=0
End If

If control=3
  If Joyb(1)=0 Then flap=0
  If Joyb(1)=1  AND jump=0 AND flap=0  Then ani=1: Sound 0,1:  flap=1: jump=1 : sp=8:gravity=0
End If

;bouncing code
 If jump=1 Then vy=4 :jump=0
If cheat=0 Then  by=by-vy:vy=vy-grav: If vy<-6 Then vy=-6


If mp>1021 Then Goto loop4

;Poke.w $dff180,$0f0

If count>192 Then Goto skip2

;if pipe_count=0 then get number from array and inc pipe_count
If pipe_count=0


End If


If pipe_count>12 AND pipe_count<17 Then Goto skip2
If pipe_count>28 Then Goto skip2

;blit pipe or space
If m=0 Then Block 4,px,py
If m=1 Then Block 1,px,py
If m=2 AND py>103 Block 1,px,py
If m=2 Then Block 3,px,80
;y+16 to draw next piece of pipe


;draw gaps
If m=1
  If pipe_count=13 Then Block 2,px,gap
  If pipe_count=14 Then Block 4,px,gap+16
  If pipe_count=15 Then Block 4,px,gap+32
  If pipe_count=16 Then Block 3,px,gap+48: pipex(p)=128:p=p+1:If p=6 Then p=0

  If pipe_count=29 Then Block 2,px,gap
  If pipe_count=30 Then Block 4,px,gap+16
  If pipe_count=31 Then Block 4,px,gap+32
  If pipe_count=32 Then Block 3,px,gap+48
End If

;copy pipe to next screen
If pipe_count=16 Then px=px+224-32:py=0
If pipe_count=32 Then px=px-224+32:px=px+32:pipe_count=0:mp=mp+1:py=0

;reset if full screen drawn
If count=224-32 Then  px=48:py=0:count=1:pipe_count=0:mp=mp+1:py=0

If cheat=1 Then Goto nodie

If PColl(0)=-1 Then Sound 2,1:die=1


;decrease pipex variable (if not 0) and check to see
;if this equals bx to increase score

For n=0 To 5
  If pipex(n)=0 Then Goto skip3


  If pipex(n)=0 Then  score=score+1 :Sound 1,2

Next n


;die routie
If die=1
  If by>184

    Use BitMap 0:Cls
    DisplaySprite 0,1,320,0,0
    For n=1 To 6 Step 2
    DisplaySprite 0,1,320,0,n
    Next n

    CreateDisplay 1
    DisplayPalette 1,2
    Use BitMap 3

    Blit 26,0,0
    ;Blit 25,95,50

    s$=Str$(score) :l=Len(s$)
    For n=1 To l
    Blit sc(n)+40,164+(n*7)-((l-1)*9),98;,n-1
    Next n

   s$=Str$(high) :l=Len(s$)
   For n=1 To l
  Blit sc(n)+40,170+(n*7)-((l-1)*9),118,n+2
   Next n

If score>=10 AND score<20 Then Blit 50,117,112
If score>=20 AND score<30 Then Blit 51,117,112
If score>=50 AND score<100  Then Blit 52,117,112
If score>=100 Then Blit 53,117,112

  DisplayBitMap 1,3
    If score>high Then high=score

    VWait(200): Goto restart
  End If
  ;Goto loop2
End If

If  die=1 OR vy<-5.99 Then DisplaySprite 0,6,100,by,0:Goto loop3

If by>184 Then by=184


If ani=3 Then ani=0
If jump=0 Then DisplaySprite 0,7+ani,100,by,0
;If jump>2 AND jump<4 Then DisplaySprite 0,7+ani,100,by,0
;If jump>4 Then DisplaySprite 0,1,100,by,0

ami_count=ami_count+1: If ami_count=5 Then ami_count=0:ani=ani+1

;lemming appears
 If mp>1020 AND lx>7 Then DisplaySprite 0,20,lx+182,62,4:lx=lx-1

;lemming fires
 If lx<8

  If fx<90 Then fydir=Rnd(4)-2:fx=lx+180:fy=74:fireball=fireball+1:Sound 3,4
  If fireball=50 Goto game_finished
  DisplaySprite 0,21,fx,fy,2

 If RectsHit (100,by,15,11,fx,fy,6,6)=-1 Then Sound 1,2:die=1
 End If

; by=by+gravity:gravity=gravity+gr : If gravity>8  Then gravity=8

;don't touch the floor or ceiling
If by>185 Then die=1 : Sound 2,1
If by<6 Then die=1  :Sound 2,1  :by=6

;If die=1 AND by>185
;End If

;display score
If mp<1021 AND starty=0
  s$=Str$(score) :l=Len(s$)
  For n=1 To l
    DisplaySprite 0,sc(n)+10,140+(n*13)-((l-1)*11),10,n*2
  Next n
End If

Use BitMap 2

If starty=1 AND RawStatus(64)<>0 Then starty=2:control=1
If starty=1 AND Joyb(0)<>0 Then starty=2:control=2
If starty=1 AND Joyb(1)<>0 Then starty=2:control=3

If starty=1
 Block 29,0,0;:Blit 20,sc1+71,192
 DisplaySprite 0,8+ani,100,fb+38,0

End If

If starty>1
  If starty=2

   Block 24,0,0 :Blit 20,sc1+71,192
   ; Use BitMap 1:Block 24,0,0 :Blit 20,sc1+71,192
  End If

  BBlit 0,27,101,50:
  If starty=50
    UnBuffer 0
    Block 24,0,0


If starty=1
  fb=fb+fb1: If fb>40 Then fb1=-2:ani=ani+1
  If fb<25 Then fb1=2  :ani=ani+1
  If fb=30 Then ani=ani+1
  If ani=2 Then ani=0
End If

;Poke.w $dff180,$00f
;Use BitMap 2

If mp<1022 AND starty=0
  Blit 20,sc1+71,192 : sc1=sc1-1:If sc1<-11 Then sc1=0
  scrollx=scrollx+1: If scrollx=224-33 Then scrollx=0
End If

If starty=0 Then  DisplayBitMap 0,db,scrollx,0,2,0,0
If starty>0 Then  DisplayBitMap 0,0,0,0,2,0,0
;Poke.w $dff180,$0ff



 If high>highold
  dummy= OpenFile (0,"highscoret.dat")=-1
  Fields 0,high
  Put 0,0
  CloseFile 0
 End If


;easy pipes
For n= 0 To 50
  If mp=1 Then map(n)=1: r(n)=Rnd(100)+8
  mp=mp+1: If mp=3 Then mp=0

Next n

;harder pipes
For n= 51 To 100
  If mp=1 Then map(n)=1: r(n)=Rnd(100)+8
  mp=mp+1: If mp=2 Then mp=0

Next n

;25% chance of doubles
For n= 110 To 160
  If mp=1 Then map(n)=1: r(n)=Rnd(100)+8
  If mp=2 AND  Rnd(100)>75 Then map(n)=1:r(n)=r(n-1)
  mp=mp+1: If mp=3 Then mp=0
Next n

;harder pipes
For n= 161 To 210
  If mp=1 Then map(n)=1: r(n)=Rnd(100)+8
  mp=mp+1: If mp=2 Then mp=0

Next n

;50% chance of doubles
For n= 221 To 270
  If mp=1 Then map(n)=1: r(n)=Rnd(100)+8
  If mp=2 AND  Rnd(100)>50 Then map(n)=1:r(n)=r(n-1)
  mp=mp+1: If mp=3 Then mp=0
Next n

;harder pipes
For n= 271 To 320
  If mp=1 Then map(n)=1: r(n)=Rnd(100)+8
  mp=mp+1: If mp=2 Then mp=0

Next n

;75% chance of doubles
For n= 331 To 380
  If mp=1 Then map(n)=1: r(n)=Rnd(100)+8
  If mp=2 AND  Rnd(100)>25 Then map(n)=1:r(n)=r(n-1)
  mp=mp+1: If mp=3 Then mp=0
Next n

;harder pipes
For n= 382 To 432
  If mp=1 Then map(n)=1: r(n)=Rnd(100)+8
  mp=mp+1: If mp=2 Then mp=0

Next n



For n= 442 To 464 Step 3
  For i= 0 To 2
   map(n+i)=1: r(n+i)=r
 Next i

Next n

For n= 466 To 490  Step 3
  For i= 0 To 2
   map(n+i)=1: r(n+i)=r
 Next i

Next n

;All doubles
For n= 495 To 545
  If mp=1 Then map(n)=1: r(n)=Rnd(100)+8
  If mp=2 Then map(n)=1:r(n)=r(n-1)
  mp=mp+1: If mp=3 Then mp=0
Next n

;harder pipes
For n= 550 To 600
  If mp=1 Then map(n)=1: r(n)=Rnd(100)+8
  mp=mp+1: If mp=2 Then mp=0
Next n

;straight tunnel 1
For n= 601 To 630  Step 3
 For i= 0 To 2
   map(n+i)=1: r(n+i)=r
 Next i
Next n

;straight tunnel 2
For n= 635 To 662  Step 3
 For i= 0 To 2
   map(n+i)=1: r(n+i)=r
 Next i
Next n

;straight tunnel 3
For n= 667 To 694  Step 3
 For i= 0 To 2
   map(n+i)=1: r(n+i)=r
 Next i
Next n

;harder pipes
For n= 700 To 750
  If mp=1 Then map(n)=1: r(n)=Rnd(100)+8
  mp=mp+1: If mp=2 Then mp=0
Next n

;diagonal tunnel up and down
For n= 755 To 766  Step 3
 For i= 0 To 2
   map(n+i)=1: r(n+i)=r
 Next i

Next n
For n= 767 To 778  Step 3
 For i= 0 To 2
   map(n+i)=1: r(n+i)=r
 Next i

Next n
For n= 779 To 790  Step 3
 For i= 0 To 2
   map(n+i)=1: r(n+i)=r
 Next i

Next n
For n= 791 To 802  Step 3
 For i= 0 To 2
   map(n+i)=1: r(n+i)=r
 Next i

Next n

;All doubles  big gaps
mp=0 :rr=0
For n= 805 To 860
  If mp=1 OR mp=5 Then map(n)=1: r(n)=108+rr
  If mp=2 OR mp=6 Then map(n)=1:r(n)=r(n-1)
  mp=mp+1: If mp=7 Then mp=0
  If rr=0 AND mp=5 Then rr=-92:Goto loop5
Next n

;diagonal tunnel up and down
For n= 862 To 873  Step 3
 For i= 0 To 2
   map(n+i)=1: r(n+i)=r
 Next i

Next n
For n= 874 To 885  Step 3
 For i= 0 To 2
   map(n+i)=1: r(n+i)=r
 Next i
Next n

;harder pipes
For n= 886 To 950
  If mp=1 Then map(n)=1: r(n)=Rnd(100)+8
  mp=mp+1: If mp=2 Then mp=0
Next n

;straight tunnel middle
For n= 951 To 999  Step 3
 For i= 0 To 2
   map(n+i)=1: r(n+i)=r
 Next i
Next n

;platform for lemming




CreateDisplay 2
DisplayPalette 2,3
DisplayBitMap 2,3
Block 28,0,0
VWait (250)

For n=0 To 4
DisplaySprite 0,0,0,0,n
Next n

Goto restart
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Old 06 April 2022, 08:37   #2
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Honitos's Avatar
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I guess you are talking about BlitzBasicII as the used compiler?
What guru occurs?
Did you try to run the game directly from BB2 with activated debugger?
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Old 06 April 2022, 10:56   #3
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Daedalus's Avatar
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Over the years I've come across a couple of commands that don't work under 1.3 but are fine under 2.0+... I can't remember now which ones are like that, but they do exist. However, I can't see anything in your code that makes me thing it's the culprit.

Running from the editor as suggested is a good idea, but make sure you run the editor under 1.3 as well so any 2.0-specific requirements trigger a failure that the debugger can hopefully catch.

L: is needed on 1.3 because the RAM handler isn't built into ROM and needs to be loaded from disk. You can probably avoid the requirement if you don't reference RAM: anywhere in the startup-sequence. What was the Assign doing? Perhaps it's required by the code?

When the Blitz manual talks about starting from a minimal 1.3 environment, it means the basic editor. The code is a different story, and while most of the core stuff will work on 1.3, if you include anything that needs 2.0 (e.g. GadTools), the resulting executable will naturally need 2.0 and will crash on 1.3.
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Old 06 April 2022, 17:39   #4
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Running from compiler in 1.3 sounds like a sensible idea. Thanks both for the suggestion.

Would like to sort this as would like my Target Renegade to run on A500 if possible.
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