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Old 18 December 2012, 15:08   #1
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Open-source scsi device

I started to optimise/rework scsi device.
Three versions are available: for A600 (ROM 3.0+), for A1200 and for A4000 on:


At begining reworked are Init (partially) and ReadWriteData routines
New version is a few fastest, especially for slower CPU's. Also perhaps
one original bug is fixed for ReadWriteData routine error handling.

;ReadWriteData    MOVEM.L    D2/D3,-(SP)
;    MOVE.L    D0,D2
;    MOVEQ    #0,D3
;    CMP.B    #4,D2
;    BEQ.S    WaitForReady
;lbC002F18    TST.B    D3
;    BNE.S    WaitForReady
;    MOVE.L    $20(A5),D0
;    JSR    -$13E(A6)
;WaitForReady    MOVE.B    $1E-Modulo(A4),D0
;    CMP.B    #2,D2
;    BEQ.S    lbC002F34
;    CMP.B    #4,D2
;    BNE.S    lbC002F46
;lbC002F34    BTST    #7,D0
;    BNE.S    WaitForReady
;    BTST    #0,D0
;    BNE.S    lbC002F4E            ; error handler ???
;    BTST    #3,D0
;    BEQ.S    WaitForReady
;lbC002F46    MOVE.W    lbW002F5C(PC,D2.W),D0
;    JMP    lbW002F5C(PC,D0.W)

;lbC002F4E    MOVE.B    6-Modulo(A4),$277(A2)
;    MOVE.W    lbW002F64(PC,D2.W),D0
;    JMP    lbW002F64(PC,D0.W)

;lbW002F5C    dc.w    lbC002F6C-lbW002F5C    ; 0
;    dc.w    lbC002F7E-lbW002F5C        ; 2 read data
;    dc.w    lbC002FF4-lbW002F5C        ; 4 write data
;    dc.w    lbC002F6C-lbW002F5C        ; 6
;lbW002F64    dc.w    lbC00307E-lbW002F64
;    dc.w    lbC00307E-lbW002F64
;    dc.w    lbC003072-lbW002F64
;    dc.w    lbC003072-lbW002F64

;lbC002F6C    MOVE.B    $1E-Modulo(A4),D0
;    BTST    #7,D0
;    BNE.S    lbC002F6C
;lbC002F76    MOVEQ    #0,D0
;lbC002F78    MOVEM.L    (SP)+,D2/D3
;    RTS

;lbC002F7E    MOVEA.L    $60(A3),A1    ; read data (512 bytes)
;    MOVEA.L    A4,A0
;    MOVE.L    A1,D1
;    BTST    #0,D1
;    BNE.S    lbC002FD6
;    MOVEQ    #15,D0
;lbC002F8E    MOVE.W    (A0),(A1)+    ; even address copy routine
;    MOVE.W    (A0),(A1)+
;    MOVE.W    (A0),(A1)+
;    MOVE.W    (A0),(A1)+
;    MOVE.W    (A0),(A1)+
;    MOVE.W    (A0),(A1)+
;    MOVE.W    (A0),(A1)+
;    MOVE.W    (A0),(A1)+
;    MOVE.W    (A0),(A1)+
;    MOVE.W    (A0),(A1)+
;    MOVE.W    (A0),(A1)+
;    MOVE.W    (A0),(A1)+
;    MOVE.W    (A0),(A1)+
;    MOVE.W    (A0),(A1)+
;    MOVE.W    (A0),(A1)+
;    MOVE.W    (A0),(A1)+
;    DBRA    D0,lbC002F8E
;lbC002FB2    MOVE.L    A1,$60(A3)
;    MOVEA.L    $6C(A3),A0
;    ADDI.L    #$200,8(A0)
;    ADDQ.B    #1,D3
;    CMP.B    $6C(A2),D3
;    BCS.S    lbC002FCC
;    MOVEQ    #0,D3
;lbC002FCC    SUBQ.B    #1,$4A(A3)
;    BNE.W    lbC002F18
;    BRA.S    lbC002F76

;lbC002FD6    MOVEQ    #$7F,D0        ; odd address copy routine
;lbC002FD8    MOVE.W    (A0),D1
;    SWAP    D1
;    MOVE.W    (A0),D1
;    MOVE.B    D1,3(A1)
;    LSR.L    #8,D1
;    MOVE.W    D1,1(A1)
;    SWAP    D1
;    MOVE.B    D1,(A1)
;    ADDQ.W    #4,A1
;    DBRA    D0,lbC002FD8
;    BRA.S    lbC002FB2

;lbC002FF4    MOVEA.L    $60(A3),A1    ; write data (512 bytes)
;    MOVEA.L    A4,A0
;    MOVE.L    A1,D1
;    BTST    #0,D1
;    BNE.S    lbC003052
;    MOVEQ    #15,D0
;lbC003004    MOVE.W    (A1)+,(A0)    ; from even address
;    MOVE.W    (A1)+,(A0)
;    MOVE.W    (A1)+,(A0)
;    MOVE.W    (A1)+,(A0)
;    MOVE.W    (A1)+,(A0)
;    MOVE.W    (A1)+,(A0)
;    MOVE.W    (A1)+,(A0)
;    MOVE.W    (A1)+,(A0)
;    MOVE.W    (A1)+,(A0)
;    MOVE.W    (A1)+,(A0)
;    MOVE.W    (A1)+,(A0)
;    MOVE.W    (A1)+,(A0)
;    MOVE.W    (A1)+,(A0)
;    MOVE.W    (A1)+,(A0)
;    MOVE.W    (A1)+,(A0)
;    MOVE.W    (A1)+,(A0)
;    DBRA    D0,lbC003004
;lbC003028    MOVE.L    A1,$60(A3)
;    MOVEA.L    $6C(A3),A0
;    ADDI.L    #$200,8(A0)
;    ADDQ.B    #1,D3
;    CMP.B    $6C(A2),D3
;    BCS.S    lbC003042
;    MOVEQ    #0,D3
;lbC003042    SUBQ.B    #1,$4A(A3)
;    BNE.W    lbC002F18
;    MOVEQ    #0,D3
;    MOVEQ    #6,D2            ; 6 input
;    BRA.W    lbC002F18

;lbC003052    MOVEQ    #$7F,D0        ; from odd address
;lbC003054    MOVE.B    (A1),D1
;    SWAP    D1
;    MOVE.W    1(A1),D1
;    LSL.L    #8,D1
;    MOVE.B    3(A1),D1
;    SWAP    D1
;    MOVE.W    D1,(A0)
;    SWAP    D1
;    MOVE.W    D1,(A0)
;    ADDQ.W    #4,A1
;    DBRA    D0,lbC003054
;    BRA.S    lbC003028

;lbC003072    MOVEA.L    $6C(A3),A0
;    SUBI.L    #$200,8(A0)
;lbC00307E    BSR.S    GetError
;    BRA.W    lbC002F78

;GetError    BTST    #6,$15(A2)
;    BEQ.S    lbC003092
;    BSR.W    lbC00231C        ; why ? buggy call for me (wrong output)
;    BRA.S    lbC0030BE

;lbC003092    MOVE.B    $16-Modulo(A4),D0
;    LSL.W    #8,D0
;    MOVE.B    $12-Modulo(A4),D0
;    MOVE.W    $5E(A2),D1
;    MULU.W    D0,D1
;    MOVE.L    D1,-(SP)
;    MOVE.B    $1A-Modulo(A4),D0
;    AND.W    #15,D0
;    MOVEQ    #0,D1
;    MOVE.B    $65(A2),D1
;    MULU.W    D0,D1
;    ADD.L    (SP)+,D1
;    MOVE.B    14-Modulo(A4),D0
;    SUBQ.B    #1,D0
;    ADD.L    D0,D1
;lbC0030BE    MOVE.L    D1,$68(A2)
;    MOVEQ    #2,D0
;    RTS

;lbC0030C6    MOVEA.L    $68(A3),A1
;    MOVE.B    D0,(A1)
;    RTS

; ReadWriteData (final version - 17 XII 2012)
; input   D0
; output  D0
; changed D0/D1/A0/A1

; input D0 = 0/2/4
; 0 = no data
; 2 = read command
; 4 = write command

    ifne    MC68000
    moveq    #$7F,D0            ; from odd address
    move.l    1(A2),D1    ; 2/3/4/x
    move.b    (A2),D1        ; 2/3/4/1
    rol.l    #8,D1        ; 3/4/1/2
    move.w    D1,(A4)
    swap    D1
    move.w    D1,(A4)
    addq.l    #4,A2
    dbf    D0,LoopWO
    bra.b    BackW

    movem.l    D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/A2,-(SP)
    move.b    $6C(A2),D4
    move.l    $60(A3),A2
    move.b    $4A(A3),D6
    move.l    $20(A5),D5
    moveq    #0,D2
    subq.w    #2,D0
    beq.b    GoR
    subq.w    #2,D0
    beq.b    GoW
    bra.b    QuitW

; WriteData routine

    subq.b    #1,D6
    beq.b    QuitW
    move.l    D5,D0
    jsr    -$13E(A6)            ; Wait
    moveq    #0,D3
    move.b    $1E-Modulo(A4),D0
    bmi.b    WaitForReadyW
    lsr.b    #1,D0
    bcs.b    ErrorW
    lsr.b    #3,D0
    bcc.b    WaitForReadyW
    ifne    MC68000
    move.l    A2,D1
    btst    #0,D1
    bne.b    OddWrite
    moveq    #15,D0
    move.w    (A2)+,(A4)        ; from even address
    move.w    (A2)+,(A4)
    move.w    (A2)+,(A4)
    move.w    (A2)+,(A4)
    move.w    (A2)+,(A4)
    move.w    (A2)+,(A4)
    move.w    (A2)+,(A4)
    move.w    (A2)+,(A4)
    move.w    (A2)+,(A4)
    move.w    (A2)+,(A4)
    move.w    (A2)+,(A4)
    move.w    (A2)+,(A4)
    move.w    (A2)+,(A4)
    move.w    (A2)+,(A4)
    move.w    (A2)+,(A4)
    move.w    (A2)+,(A4)
    dbf    D0,LoopWE
    addq.l    #1,D2
    addq.b    #1,D3
    cmp.b    D4,D3
    bcc.b    LoopW
    subq.b    #1,D6
    bne.b    WaitForReadyW
    move.l    D5,D0
    jsr    -$13E(A6)            ; Wait
    move.b    $1E-Modulo(A4),D0
    bmi.b    WaitW
    bra.b    QuitR

    subq.l    #1,D2
    move.l    A2,$60(A3)
    move.l    20(SP),A2        ; restore A2
    move.b    6-Modulo(A4),$277(A2)
    bsr.b    GetError
    bra.b    QuitE

; ReadData routine

    subq.b    #1,D6
    beq.b    QuitR
    moveq    #0,D3
    move.l    D5,D0
    jsr    -$13E(A6)            ; Wait
    move.b    $1E-Modulo(A4),D0
    bmi.b    WaitForReadyR
    lsr.b    #1,D0
    bcs.b    ErrorR
    lsr.b    #3,D0
    bcc.b    WaitForReadyR
    ifne    MC68000
    move.l    A2,D1
    btst    #0,D1
    bne.b    OddRead
    moveq    #15,D0
    move.w    (A4),(A2)+        ; even address copy routine
    move.w    (A4),(A2)+
    move.w    (A4),(A2)+
    move.w    (A4),(A2)+
    move.w    (A4),(A2)+
    move.w    (A4),(A2)+
    move.w    (A4),(A2)+
    move.w    (A4),(A2)+
    move.w    (A4),(A2)+
    move.w    (A4),(A2)+
    move.w    (A4),(A2)+
    move.w    (A4),(A2)+
    move.w    (A4),(A2)+
    move.w    (A4),(A2)+
    move.w    (A4),(A2)+
    move.w    (A4),(A2)+
    dbf    D0,LoopRE
    addq.l    #1,D2
    addq.b    #1,D3
    cmp.b    D4,D3
    bcc.b    LoopR
    subq.b    #1,D6
    bne.b    WaitForReadyR
    move.l    A2,$60(A3)
    moveq    #0,D0            ; success
    move.l    $6C(A3),A0
    lsl.l    #8,D2            ; *256
    add.l    D2,D2            ; *512
    add.l    D2,8(A0)
    move.b    D6,$4A(A3)
    movem.l    (SP)+,D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/A2

    ifne    MC68000
    moveq    #$7E,D0            ; odd address copy routine
LoopRO    move.w    (A4),D1
    swap    D1
    move.w    (A4),D1        ; 1/2/3/4
    rol.l    #8,D1        ; 2/3/4/1
    move.b    D1,(A2)+
    move.l    D1,(A2)
    addq.l    #3,A2
    dbf    D0,LoopRO
    move.w    (A4),D1        ; necessary due last byte is overwritten
    swap    D1
    move.w    (A4),D1        ; 1/2/3/4
    rol.l    #8,D1        ; 2/3/4/1
    move.b    D1,(A2)+
    move.b    3(A2),D1    ; backup original byte value
    move.l    D1,(A2)
    addq.l    #3,A2
    bra.b    BackR

    btst    #6,$15(A2)
    beq.b    CalcError
    bsr.w    lbC00231C
    bra.b    PutError

    move.b    $16-Modulo(A4),D1
    lsl.w    #8,D1
    move.b    $12-Modulo(A4),D1
    mulu.w    $5E(A2),D1
    moveq    #15,D0
    and.b    $1A-Modulo(A4),D0
    moveq    #0,D3
    move.b    $65(A2),D3
    mulu.w    D0,D3
    add.l    D3,D1
    move.b    14-Modulo(A4),D0
    subq.b    #1,D0
    add.l    D1,D0
    move.l    D0,$68(A2)        ; here is my fix D1 replaced with D0
    moveq    #2,D0            ; error
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Old 18 December 2012, 19:47   #2
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Nice to have a new scsi.device mate /kudos.
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Old 19 December 2012, 01:14   #3
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Whoah, this is REALLY nice!!
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Old 20 December 2012, 10:28   #4
The 1 who ribbits
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yay finaly we might get the 1 scsi.device that dos everything, and of course dose it brilantly
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Old 21 December 2012, 09:28   #5
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Next version is available, I optimised a few ReadWriteData routine.

; ReadWriteData (final version - 20 XII 2012)
; input   D0
; output  D0
; changed D0/D1/A0/A1

; input D0 = 0/2/4
; 0 = no data
; 2 = read command
; 4 = write command

	ifeq	MC68000
	move.l	$20(A5),D0
	jsr	-$13E(A6)			; Wait
	move.b	$1E-Modulo(A4),D0
	bmi.b	WaitND
	moveq	#0,D0				; no error

	tst.w	D0				; CCR set
	beq.b	NoData
	movem.l	D2/D4/D5/D6/A5,-(SP)
	move.l	$20(A5),D5
	move.b	$6C(A2),D4		; maximum number of blocks per track ?
	move.l	$60(A3),A5		; destination/source ptr
	move.b	$4A(A3),D6		; number of blocks to read/write
	moveq	#0,D2
	subq.w	#4,D0
	bne.b	GoR
	bra.b	GoW
; ReadData routine

	subq.b	#1,D1
	bne.b	WaitForReadyR
	move.l	D5,D0
	jsr	-$13E(A6)			; Wait
	move.b	D4,D1
	move.b	$1E-Modulo(A4),D0
	bmi.b	WaitForReadyR
	lsr.b	#1,D0
	bcs.b	ErrorR
	lsr.b	#3,D0
	bcc.b	WaitForReadyR
	moveq	#15,D0
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+		; 68020+ copy routine
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	dbf	D0,LoopRE
	addq.l	#8,D2			; *8
	subq.b	#1,D6
	bne.b	LoopR
	moveq	#0,D0			; no error
	move.l	A5,$60(A3)
	move.l	$6C(A3),A0
	lsl.l	#6,D2			; *64
	add.l	D2,8(A0)
	move.b	D6,$4A(A3)
	movem.l	(SP)+,D2/D4/D5/D6/A5

	subq.l	#8,D2
	move.b	6-Modulo(A4),$277(A2)
	bsr.b	GetError
	bra.b	QuitE

; WriteData routine

	subq.b	#1,D1
	bne.b	WaitForReadyW
	move.l	D5,D0
	jsr	-$13E(A6)			; Wait
	move.b	D4,D1
	move.b	$1E-Modulo(A4),D0
	bmi.b	WaitForReadyW
	lsr.b	#1,D0
	bcs.b	ErrorW
	lsr.b	#3,D0
	bcc.b	WaitForReadyW
	moveq	#15,D0
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)		; 68020+ copy routine
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	dbf	D0,LoopWE
	addq.l	#8,D2			; *8
	subq.b	#1,D6
	bne.b	LoopW
	move.l	D5,D0
	jsr	-$13E(A6)			; Wait
	move.b	$1E-Modulo(A4),D0
	bmi.b	WaitW
	bra.b	QuitR

	btst	#6,$15(A2)
	beq.b	CalcError
	bsr.w	lbC00231C
	bra.b	PutError

	move.b	$16-Modulo(A4),D1
	lsl.w	#8,D1
	move.b	$12-Modulo(A4),D1
	mulu.w	$5E(A2),D1
	moveq	#15,D0
	and.b	$1A-Modulo(A4),D0
	moveq	#0,D4
	move.b	$65(A2),D4
	mulu.w	D0,D4
	add.l	D4,D1
	move.b	14-Modulo(A4),D0
	subq.b	#1,D0
	add.l	D1,D0
	move.l	D0,$68(A2)		; here is my fix D1 replaced with D0
	moveq	#2,D0			; error


	move.l	$20(A5),D0
	jsr	-$13E(A6)			; Wait
	move.b	$1E-Modulo(A4),D0
	bmi.b	WaitND
	moveq	#0,D0				; no error

	subq.b	#1,D3
	bne.b	WaitForReadyRO
	move.l	D5,D0
	jsr	-$13E(A6)			; Wait
	move.b	D4,D3
	move.b	$1E-Modulo(A4),D0
	bmi.b	WaitForReadyRO
	lsr.b	#1,D0
	bcs.w	ErrorR
	btst	#2,D0
	beq.b	WaitForReadyRO
	moveq	#$7E,D0			; odd address copy routine
LoopRO	move.w	(A4),D1
	swap	D1
	move.w	(A4),D1		; 1/2/3/4
	rol.l	#8,D1		; 2/3/4/1
	move.b	D1,(A5)+
	move.l	D1,(A5)
	addq.l	#3,A5
	dbf	D0,LoopRO
	move.w	(A4),D1		; necessary due last byte is overwritten
	swap	D1
	move.w	(A4),D1		; 1/2/3/4
	rol.l	#8,D1		; 2/3/4/1
	move.b	D1,(A5)+
	move.b	3(A5),D1	; backup original byte value
	move.l	D1,(A5)
	addq.l	#3,A5
	addq.l	#8,D2			; *8
	subq.b	#1,D6
	bne.b	LoopROB
	bra.b	QuitR

	subq.w	#4,D0
	bne.b	GoRO
	bra.w	GoWO

	tst.w	D0				; CCR set
	beq.b	NoData
	movem.l	D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/A5,-(SP)
	move.l	$20(A5),D5
	move.b	$6C(A2),D4		; maximum number of Blocks per Track ?
	move.l	$60(A3),A5		; destination/source ptr
	move.b	$4A(A3),D6		; number of blocks to read/write
	moveq	#0,D2
	move.l	A5,D1
	lsr.b	#1,D1
	bcs.b	OddCopy
	subq.w	#4,D0
	bne.b	GoR
	bra.b	GoW

; ReadData routine

	subq.b	#1,D3
	bne.b	WaitForReadyR
	move.l	D5,D0
	jsr	-$13E(A6)			; Wait
	move.b	D4,D3
	move.b	$1E-Modulo(A4),D0
	bmi.b	WaitForReadyR
	lsr.b	#1,D0
	bcs.b	ErrorR
	btst	#2,D0
	beq.b	WaitForReadyR
	moveq	#15,D0
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+		; even address copy routine
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	move.w	(A4),(A5)+
	dbf	D0,LoopRE
	addq.l	#8,D2			; *8
	subq.b	#1,D6
	bne.b	LoopR
	moveq	#0,D0			; no error
	move.l	A5,$60(A3)
	move.l	$6C(A3),A0
	lsl.l	#6,D2			; *64
	add.l	D2,8(A0)
	move.b	D6,$4A(A3)
	movem.l	(SP)+,D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/A5

	subq.l	#8,D2
	move.b	6-Modulo(A4),$277(A2)
	bsr.b	GetError
	bra.b	QuitE

; WriteData routine

	subq.b	#1,D3
	bne.b	WaitForReadyW
	move.l	D5,D0
	jsr	-$13E(A6)			; Wait
	move.b	D4,D3
	move.b	$1E-Modulo(A4),D0
	bmi.b	WaitForReadyW
	lsr.b	#1,D0
	bcs.b	ErrorW
	btst	#2,D0
	beq.b	WaitForReadyW
	moveq	#15,D0
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)		; from even address
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	move.w	(A5)+,(A4)
	dbf	D0,LoopWE
	addq.l	#8,D2			; *8
	subq.b	#1,D6
	bne.b	LoopW
	move.l	D5,D0
	jsr	-$13E(A6)			; Wait
	move.b	$1E-Modulo(A4),D0
	bmi.b	WaitW
	bra.b	QuitR

	btst	#6,$15(A2)
	beq.b	CalcError
	bsr.w	lbC00231C
	bra.b	PutError

	move.b	$16-Modulo(A4),D1
	lsl.w	#8,D1
	move.b	$12-Modulo(A4),D1
	mulu.w	$5E(A2),D1
	moveq	#15,D0
	and.b	$1A-Modulo(A4),D0
	moveq	#0,D3
	move.b	$65(A2),D3
	mulu.w	D0,D3
	add.l	D3,D1
	move.b	14-Modulo(A4),D0
	subq.b	#1,D0
	add.l	D1,D0
	move.l	D0,$68(A2)		; here is my fix D1 replaced with D0
	moveq	#2,D0			; error

	subq.b	#1,D3
	bne.b	WaitForReadyWO
	move.l	D5,D0
	jsr	-$13E(A6)			; Wait
	move.b	D4,D3
	move.b	$1E-Modulo(A4),D0
	bmi.b	WaitForReadyWO
	lsr.b	#1,D0
	bcs.w	ErrorW
	btst	#2,D0
	beq.b	WaitForReadyWO
	moveq	#$7F,D0			; from odd address
	move.l	1(A5),D1	; 2/3/4/x
	move.b	(A5),D1		; 2/3/4/1
	rol.l	#8,D1		; 3/4/1/2
	move.w	D1,(A4)
	swap	D1
	move.w	D1,(A4)
	addq.l	#4,A5
	dbf	D0,LoopWO
	addq.l	#8,D2			; *8
	subq.b	#1,D6
	bne.b	LoopWOB
	bra.w	BackW
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Old 24 December 2012, 14:17   #6
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Next version is available. Trashed register for A1200/A4000 versions is fixed (my bug).
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Old 26 December 2012, 11:45   #7
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Tried out incorporating your scsi.device into my custom ROM, but my A1200 refuses to boot then. The ROM gets kicked via ACAtune but then my A1200 freezes.

Can it be due to this patch is missing: SCSI4345p.readme ?

My A1200 setup with 4 GB CF-Card and 2 PFS3 partitions only boots with scsidev 43.45 or Cosmos 43.47.
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Old 26 December 2012, 19:22   #8
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Originally Posted by _mandark_ View Post
Tried out incorporating your scsi.device into my custom ROM, but my A1200 refuses to boot then. The ROM gets kicked via ACAtune but then my A1200 freezes.

Can it be due to this patch is missing: SCSI4345p.readme ?

My A1200 setup with 4 GB CF-Card and 2 PFS3 partitions only boots with scsidev 43.45 or Cosmos 43.47.
It could be that you need to repartition drive with this new scsi.device or older v43.43. I have the same issues with A1200&A4000D.
To verify, check if problem exists with scsi.device 43.43 from OS3.9 (or 3.9 BB1, not sure).

EDIT: I checked - I use 43.45 so same as yours. But anyway, some versions (ie. the 44.2) refuse to work for me so try some different versions, also try another drive and partition it with new scsidev.

I will later try this new scsi from Don_Adan and tell you how it works for me.
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Old 27 December 2012, 01:02   #9
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Hi Don,

That's some Awesome work you have done on the IDE versions of scsi.device! Do you think you could help improve one of the real versions of scsi.device?

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Old 29 December 2012, 16:03   #10
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Next version is available, one my bug fixed, more routines reworked, can be a few fastest.
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Old 29 December 2012, 16:07   #11
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Originally Posted by _mandark_ View Post
Tried out incorporating your scsi.device into my custom ROM, but my A1200 refuses to boot then. The ROM gets kicked via ACAtune but then my A1200 freezes.

Can it be due to this patch is missing: SCSI4345p.readme ?

My A1200 setup with 4 GB CF-Card and 2 PFS3 partitions only boots with scsidev 43.45 or Cosmos 43.47.
Please check next version, I fixed one my bug. This is a few different version than others, but I think that all necessary fixes are already added, also MaxTransfer problem is perhaps (I don't have HD to tests this) solved too, then every MaxTransfer value can be used, and perhaps over 128GB HD can be used too (again I don't have this HD for tests).
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Old 29 December 2012, 16:11   #12
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Originally Posted by SpeedGeek View Post
Hi Don,

That's some Awesome work you have done on the IDE versions of scsi.device! Do you think you could help improve one of the real versions of scsi.device?

Yes, perhaps I can, but I can't test this version directly. I will resource ROM from the zone soon and later necessary changes can be done.

Last edited by Don_Adan; 29 December 2012 at 19:02.
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Old 29 December 2012, 19:13   #13
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Originally Posted by Don_Adan View Post
Yes, perhaps I can, but I don't have this version. Also I can't test this version directly.
Thanks Don!

I did upload the complete A2091 16KB binary to the Zone. I've done a raw dis-assembly of this binary but I have a few problems. The disassembler does not seem know the difference between real 68K code and data structures and I don't know enough about AmigaOS code and data structures to separate them yet.

But I'll post some more technical info on the A2091 thread and I can test any modified versions myself.
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Old 31 December 2012, 00:43   #14
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Originally Posted by Don_Adan View Post
Please check next version, I fixed one my bug. This is a few different version than others, but I think that all necessary fixes are already added, also MaxTransfer problem is perhaps (I don't have HD to tests this) solved too, then every MaxTransfer value can be used, and perhaps over 128GB HD can be used too (again I don't have this HD for tests).
Thanks! This version is running fine now on my A1200 and on WinUAE.

However at the moment it is a little bit slower than Cosmos v43.47, 2320 KB/s vs. 2530 KB/s on my CF-Card.
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Old 01 January 2013, 18:15   #15
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Originally Posted by SpeedGeek View Post
Thanks Don!

I did upload the complete A2091 16KB binary to the Zone. I've done a raw dis-assembly of this binary but I have a few problems. The disassembler does not seem know the difference between real 68K code and data structures and I don't know enough about AmigaOS code and data structures to separate them yet.

But I'll post some more technical info on the A2091 thread and I can test any modified versions myself.
Here is resourced and exe version. This is scsi.device v37.64.
Your binary version is wrong, you splitted both ROM files in wrong rotation. Now you can make fixes/changes inside source. After assembling, you must remove/cut first 32 bytes and last 4 bytes from exe version to receive binary version. Later perhaps you must split binary file on two ROM parts. Remember this ROM file is fully PC relative (except module structure part), then don't use non PC relative code for your changes.
Attached Files
File Type: lzx A2091V37.64.lzx (21.9 KB, 349 views)
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Old 01 January 2013, 18:19   #16
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Originally Posted by _mandark_ View Post
Thanks! This version is running fine now on my A1200 and on WinUAE.

However at the moment it is a little bit slower than Cosmos v43.47, 2320 KB/s vs. 2530 KB/s on my CF-Card.
I don't remove/change wait code for now, maybe later it can be changed too. Which speed value occured for v43.45 on your setup?
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Old 01 January 2013, 19:01   #17
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Originally Posted by Don_Adan View Post
Here is resourced and exe version. This is scsi.device v37.64.
Your binary version is wrong, you splitted both ROM files in wrong rotation. Now you can make fixes/changes inside source. After assembling, you must remove/cut first 32 bytes and last 4 bytes from exe version to receive binary version. Later perhaps you must split binary file on two ROM parts. Remember this ROM file is fully PC relative (except module structure part), then don't use non PC relative code for your changes.
Thanks very much Don!

The version I posted in the Zone was a ROM Ripped version due to lack of any Amiga software I could find to merge the even/odd binary's previously posted here on EAB. A modified and reassembled binary would have to be split into even/odd for ROM programming. PC relative is absolutely required since the A2091 ROMs can be Auto-Configed in any 64KB block of Zorro2 I/O space.

Last edited by SpeedGeek; 02 January 2013 at 17:59.
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Old 01 January 2013, 23:30   #18
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Awesome, can't wait to try this
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Old 03 January 2013, 18:27   #19
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Hi Don,

Here are some hardware design considerations for code optimizing the IDE versions of scsi.device:

- 68020/68030 internally handle dynamic bus sizing more efficiently than most 040/060 CPU cards. This is one reason (but not the only one) why word transfers seem to give better performance with 040/060.

- The A4000 state machine logic terminates the cycle on the CPU side of the bus approx. 5 clocks before the IDE side of the bus terminates it's cycle. The idea is to free the CPU to perform some other task while waiting for the IDE bus cycle to complete. This is more friendly to the OS in terms of CPU usage but if the CPU commits to a longer bus cycle due to a slower task or accessing a slower port it can delay the start of the next IDE bus cycle (resulting in a slower transfer rate).

- The 040/060 have larger internal caches and improved instruction execution pipelines so they are more likely to complete tasks and be ready to begin the next cycle on the IDE bus (but they can still be delayed by accessing a slower external port) and another reason why word transfers may be seem give a better performance with 040/060.

As you can see there are performance trade offs with word vs. longword transfers and CPU usage vs. IDE max. transfer rate. I hope this can be of some help to you.

Last edited by SpeedGeek; 03 January 2013 at 18:37.
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Old 03 January 2013, 18:44   #20
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My friend/tester reached over 3MB/s on A4000 CS 68060 80MHz, when maximum for PIO-0 is perhaps 3.3 MB/s. I don't know if A4000 IDE controller can works in PIO-2 or PIO-4 mode for reach better speed.
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