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Old 21 February 2024, 19:02   #1
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CanDo General Help Thread

I thought I'd start this thread in case anyone out there wants to try out the multi-media creator CanDo.

There are quite a few things I discovered by trial and error, so if anyone wants advice or can share tips, that would be great.

I found V3.0 on the EAB file server, or it could be on Archive.org. There may be other places like PlanetEmu etc. Once installed, run it, then quit. Then run the V3.008 update patch from Aminet.

The update patch switches off the interlaced interface, so you might want to press the Config button, Screen, Cando - and click Interlace, and Save it - to switch it back on again.

Originally Posted by fstltna View Post
I'm using CanDo 3.0 and its just like i remember. But I can't remember how to return values from routines. For example:
Let X=RandomX
Where RandomX is my routine.
Any answers?
Also, my tutorial is for CanDo 1.x/2.x - is there one for the 3.0 version?

I still need the tutorial if anyone has it, but found the answer to my question myself.

At the end of your routine you put:
ExitScript <Return value>
Then you call the routine like this:
Return = Do "myroutine"

This quote is from an old post. I tried to use the return command but it seems this doesn't appear in the Lexicon, and comes up with an error. I'm looking for a reliable way to loop the inputs so that the game checks for joystick inputs every few jiffies, but otherwise keeps the game rolling. I want to call the joystick function but I dont know how to do this, as the function is not a routine I can access?

I can force the game to run in a while loop, but doing so locks me out of the interface, and the buttons, so there is no way to break out of it - causing the game to lock up.

In an ideal world I would put

Wait Until Joystick Arg2<>Nothing

But I cant get my head around it.


FYI - Some handy shortcut keys

Main Window:

RAmiga + 1 = Config
RAmiga + 2 = Routines
RAmiga + 3 = IFF Screen Grab
RAmiga + 8 = Clear Window
RAmiga + 9 = Clear Variables
RAmiga + 0 = Clear Buffers

Routine Editor:

RAmiga + 1 = Expression Calculator
RAmiga + 2 = Switch Events
RAmiga + 3 = Lexicon Assistant (very useful!!!)
RAmiga + 4 = Run Script
RAmiga + 6 = Routines
RAmiga + 7 = Run Debugger

CTRL + F4 = Break (?)
CTRL + F9 = Raise/Lower Script Editor Window

Last edited by lifeschool; 21 February 2024 at 19:32.
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Old Yesterday, 05:13   #2
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Thanks, didn't realize AmiNet had CanDo update. But any chance do you have the English CanDo v3 manual?

NV, found it!

Last edited by FerociousAmiga; Yesterday at 05:22.
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Old Yesterday, 19:14   #3
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Yes, those two are the manuals I have as well.

There is nothing about V3 commands in those books, but here is the ful V3 commands list:
Note: I think it is Alt+3 (or something) to bring up this text within the package.

Integer = Absolute({Number})
Real = ACos({Number})
AdjustPeriod {Period} ,{Channel}
AdjustVolume {Volume} ,{Channel}
Variable = Alias({VarName})
Logical = AnimationStatus
Ansi = AnsiPressed
Logical = AnyChangedBuffers
AreaCircle {X}, {Y}, {Radius}
AreaCopy {X}, {Y}, {Width}, {Height}, {DestX}, {DestY}
AreaEllipse {X}, {Y}, {XRadius}, {YRadius}
AreaPalette {X}, {Y}, {Width}, {Height} [,{Rows} [,{LowColor} [,{HighColor}]]]
AreaPolygon {X1}, {Y1}, {X2}, {Y2}, {X3}, {Y3} [,up to six points]
AreaRectangle {X}, {Y}, {Width}, {Height}
AreaScroll {X}, {Y}, {Width}, {Height}, {DeltaX}, {DeltaY}
Argument = Arg1
Integer = ArgCount
Arguments <Varname>[={default}] [,<Varname>[={default}] ...]
Integer = Ascii({String})
Angle = ASin({Number})
Name = AskForFileName({Def} [,{Title} [,{X} [,{Y} [,{W} [,{H}]]]]])
Nothing = AskForHelp({FileName} ,{NodeName}[, {PubScreen}]
Select = AskForResponse({Message} [,{Title} [,{Choices}]])
FuncVar = AssignFunction({RoutineName})
NewFuncVar = AssignFunctionValue({FunctionVar})
Angle = ATan({Number})
AttachObject {ObjectName} [,{Arg1} [,up to ten arguments]]
Audio {Logical} [,{Channel}]
Integer = AvailableChipMemory
Integer = AvailableFastMemory
Integer = AvailableMemory
BrushAnims {Logical}
BufferType = BufferType({BufferName})
String = BumpRevision({CurrentRevision})
String = CanDoLegalNotice
CardName = CardName
Result = Case({Index}, {Expression1} [,up to ten expressions] )
CauseError {errorcode}
String = CenterString({String}, {Length} [,{Fillstring}])
String = Char({Integer})
String = CharsToBegOfLine
String = CharsToEndOfLine
HexString = CharsToHex({String})
string = CheckBreakFlags
Clear <flags>
ClearWindow [{ColorReg}]
ClipBrush {X}, {Y}, {Width}, {Height}, {BrushBufferName} [,<memflag>]
ClipIconImage {IconBufferName}, {BrushBufferName} [,{AltBrushBufferName}]
ClipPicture {PictureBufferName} [,<memflag>]
Integer = ClipTransparentColor
Close {BufferName}
ColorReg = ColorOfPixel({X}, {Y})
CopyDocumentTo {document}
Value = Cos({Angle})
Value = CosH({Value})
CreateBrush {BufferName}, {Width}, {Height}, {Depth}
Text = CurrentListenTo
String = CurrentSongName
Integer = CurrentSongTempo
Integer = CurrentSongType
Integer = CurrentSongVolume
Text = CurrentSpeakTo
CycleColors {FromColorReg},{ToColorReg}[,<directionflags>]
String = DeckName
FilePath = DefaultTool({IconBufferName})
RadianAngle = DegToRad({DegreeAngle})
Delay {Minutes}, {Seconds}, {Jiffies}
Delete <flags>[,{Count}]
DeleteArrayEntry <ArrayVar>, {ArrayIndex}
DetachObject {ObjectName}
DisableObject {ObjectName}
Dispose <VarName1> [,<VarName2> [,up to ten VarNames]]
Do {RoutineName} [,{Argument1} [,up to ten arguments]]
value = Do({RoutineName} [,{Arg1} [,up to ten arguments]])
DocBufName = DocumentName
DoObjectScript {ObjectName},<ScriptType> [,{Argument1} [,up to ten arguments]]
DoOnError {RoutineName} [{Argument1} [,up to ten arguments]]
Dos {DOSCommandLine} [,<STDOUT>]
DrawBorder {X}, {Y}, {Width}, {Height}, <borderflags> [,{Pen1} [,{Pen2}]]
DrawCircle {X}, {Y}, {Radius}
DrawEllipse {X}, {Y}, {XRadius}, {YRadius}
DrawLine {X1}, {Y1}, {X2}, {Y2}
DrawPixel {X}, {Y}
DrawPolygon {X1}, {Y1}, {X2}, {Y2}, {X3}, {Y3} [,up to six points]
DrawRectangle {X}, {Y}, {Width}, {Height}
DrawTo {X}, {Y}
String = DupeString({String}, {Count})
Echo [{String} [,<NOLINE>]]
ElseIf {Logical}
EnableObject {ObjectName} [, {Switch}]
Integer = ErrorCode
Integer = ErrorLineNumber
String = ErrorObjectName
String = ErrorObjectType
Logical = Errors
String = ErrorScriptName
String = ErrorScriptType
String = ErrorSourceLine
String = ErrorText
Result = Evaluate({Expression})
Result = EvaluateExpression({Expression})
Logical = Exists({FilePath})
ExitScript [{Result}]
Value = Exp({Value})
Logical = False
FastFeedback {Logical}
FileName = FileOf({FilePath})
FileReadChars {FileReadBufferName}, <VarName>, {Count} [,<HEX>]
FileReadLine {FileReadBufferName}, <VarName>
Integer = FileSize({FilePath})
String = FileType({FilePath})
FileWriteChars {FileWriteBufferName}, {String} [,{Count} [,<HEX>]
FileWriteLine {FileWriteBufferName}, {String}
FillToBorder {X}, {Y}, {ColorReg}
FilterDocument {pattern}
Integer = FindChars({SourceString}, {SearchString} [,{StartAtChar}])
Integer = FindWord({SourceString}, {SearchString} [,{StartAtWord} [,{WordDelimiters}]])
ArrayIndex = FirstArrayIndex(<ArrayVar>)
FirstCard [{Arg1} [,up to ten arguments]]
FloodFill {X}, {Y}
Flush {BufferName}
String = FormatValue({Value}, {FormatString})
Value = Fraction({Number})
FrameNumber = FrameOfAnimation({BAnimBufferName})
Variable = GetArgs({String}, [,{Index}])
GetAttr {DocumentObject}, <Switch>, <AttrReturned>
GetBrushAnimCoordinates {BAnimBufferName}, <XVarName>, <YVarName>
GetBufferInfo {BufferName}, <Var1>[, <Var2>[, <Var3>[, <Var4>]]]
Text = GetChars({String}, {StartingChar}, {NumberOfChars})
RecordVar = GetDBObjects
GetDiskInfo {FilePath}, <NumberOfBlocksVar> [,<NumberUsedVar> [,<BytesPerBlockVar>]]
GetFileInfo {FilePath}, <SizeInBytesVar> [,<NumberOfBlocksVar> [,<AttributesVar>
GetFontInfo <Source>, <FontName>[, <FontSize>]
GetInsertedLineColors <Foreground>, <AltForeground>
GetLineAttribute <Attribute>, <color>
GetPropPosition {ObjectName}, <HorizPosVarName> [,<VertPosVarName>]
GetPropRange {ObjectName}, <LowHorizVarName>, <HighHorizVarName> [,<LowVertVarName>, <HighVertVarName>]
GetPropVisibleRange {ObjectName}, <DisplayHorizVarName> [,<DisplayVertVarName>]
GetRGB {ColorReg}, <RedVar>, <GreenVar>, <BlueVar>
ColorReg = GetScreenPen({Entry})
GetTextDimensions {String}, <WidthVarName>, <HeightVarName> [,<BaselineVarName>]
GetTextExtent <string>, <width>, <height>
GetTextFit <string>, <width>, <numchars>
GetViewOffset <XVarName>, <YVarName>
GetWindowLimits <MinWidthVarName>, <MinHeightVarName>, <MaxWidthVarName>, <MaxHeightVarName>
String = GetWord({String}, {WordNum} [, {WordDelimiters}])
Global <VarName1>, [<VarName2>,... [up to 10 VarNames]]
GotoCard {CardName} [,{Arg1} [,up to ten arguments]]
String = HexToChars({HexString})
Integer = HexToInteger({HexString})
Logical = HiRes
String = IconHighlight({IconBufferName})
String = IconType({IconBufferName})
If {Logical}
Result = IfThen({Logical}, {TrueExpression} [,{FalseExpression}])
Real = Infinity
String = Input({Prompt})
InsertArrayEntry <ArrayVar>, {ArrayIndex}
String = InsertChars({SourceString}, {DestinationString} [,{StartAtChar}])
InsertDeviceList [<flags>]
InsertDirectoryList [<flags>]
InsertDocument {SourceDocumentName} [,{StartingLine} [,{LineCount}]]
InsertEffectsList {Flags}
InsertRecordNames <RecordVar>
InsertToolTypeList {IconBufferName}
InstallClipRegion {X}, {Y}, {Width}, {Height} [,<methodflags>]
Integer = Integer({Expression})
Integer = IntegerFrom({ObjectName})
HexString = IntegerToHex({Integer})
Logical = Interlace
Integer = IntuitionVersion
Logical = IsAlias(<VarName>)
String = KeyPressed
Integer = LargestChunkOfMemory
ArrayIndex = LastArrayIndex(<ArrayVar>)
LastCard [{Argument1} [,up to ten arguments]]
String = LeftJustify({String}, {Width} [,{Fillstring}])
Integer = LengthOfLine
Let <VarName>={Expression} [,<VarName>={Expression}, [...up to 10 VarNames with Expressions]]
String = LibraryVersion
Integer = Limit({MinLimit}, {MaxLimit}, {TestInteger})
Integer = LinesInDocument
ListenTo {ARexxPortName}
LoadBrush {FilePath} [,{BrushBufferName} [,<loadflags>]]
LoadBrushAnim {FilePath} [,{BAnimBufferName} [,<loadflags>]]
LoadDocument {FilePath} [,{DocumentBufferName} [,<loadflags>]]
LoadIcon {FilePath} [,{IconBufferName} [,<loadflags>]]
LoadPalette {FilePath} [,{PaletteBufferName} [,<loadflags>]]
LoadPicture {FilePath} [,{PictureBufferName} [,<loadflags>]]
LoadShape {BrushFile}[, {ShapeBuffer}[, <Options>]]
LoadSound {FilePath} [,{SoundBufferName} [,<loadflags>]]
LoadSubDeck {FilePath} [,{SubDeckBufferName} [,<ASNEEDED>]]
Result = LoadVariable({FilePath})
Local <VarName1>[={value1}] [,<VarName2>[={value2}] ...]
LockPalette [{FirstColor}[, {LastColor}]]
Value = Log10({Value})
Value = LogE({Value})
Logical = Logical({Expression})
Loop [<LoopVar>, {Var1}[, {Var2}[, {Var3}]
String = LowerCase({String})
MakeDocument {DocumentBufferName}
MakeIcon {IconBufferName}, <flags>, {BrushBufferName} [,{AltBrushBufferName}]
Integer = Match({ToLocate}, {MatchingData1} [,up to ten matching datas])
Integer = Max({Integer1}, {Integer2} [,up to ten integers])
Integer = MaxInteger
Value = MaxValue
Integer = MessageErrorCode
Text = MessageReturned
Integer = Min({Integer1}, {Integer2} [,up to ten integers])
Integer = MinInteger
Value = MinValue
Integer = MouseX
Integer = MouseY
MoveBrushAnim {BAnimBufferName}, {XVel}, {YVel} [, {XAccel}, {YAccel}[, {Frames} [,<flag>]]]
MoveBrushAnimTo {BAnimBufferName}, {DestX}, {DestY} [,{Frames} [,<flag>]]
MoveCursor <directionflags> [,{Count}]
MoveCursorTo <flags> [,{Count}]
MoveObject {ObjectName}, {X}, {Y}
MovePen {X}, {Y}
MoveScreen {DeltaX}, {DeltaY}
MoveWindow {DeltaX}, {DeltaY}
ArrayIndex = NextArrayIndex(<ArrayVar>, {ArrayIndex})
NextCard [{Argument1} [,up to ten arguments]]
Logical = No
Real = NotANumber
Nothing = Nothing
Logical = NTSC
Integer = NumberOfArrayEntries(<ArrayVar>)
Integer = NumberOfChars({String})
Integer = NumberOfWords({String} [,{WordDelimiters}])
Logical = ObjectAttached({ObjectName})
String = ObjectName
Logical = ObjectState({ObjectName})
Logical = Off
Logical = On
Result = OpenDeck({DeckName} [,{string1}... [up to 10 Arguments]]
OpenFile {FilePath}, {FileIOBufferName}, <IOflags>, <AccessFlags>
OpenRequester {SubDeckBufferName}, {CardName} [,{Arg1} [,up to ten arguments]]
OpenWindow {SubDeckBufferName}, {CardName} [,{Arg1} [,up to ten arguments]]
PathName = ParentOf({PathName})
FilePath = PathAndFile({PathName}, {FileName})
PathName = PathOf({FilePath})
Boolean = PatternMatch({String}, {Pattern})
ColorReg = PenA
ColorReg = PenB
ColorReg = PenO
Perform {String}
PerformDocument {Document}
Real = Pi
PlaySong {filename or filepattern} [, WAIT CONTINUOUS]
PlaySound {SoundBufferName} [,<audioflags> [,{PeriodRate}]]
PlaySoundSequence {DocumentBufferName} [,<audioflags> [,{PeriodRate}]]
Pointer {Logical}
Integer = PositionOfWord({String}, {WordNum} [,{WordDelimiters}])
PositionOnLine {LineNumber}
Integer = PreviousArrayIndex(<ArrayVar>, {ArrayIndex})
PreviousCard [{Arg1} [,up to ten arguments]]
PrintScreen [{x} [,{y} [,{width} [,{height}]]]]
PrintText {String} [, {X}, {Y}]
PrintWindow [{x} [,{y} [,{width} [,{height}]]]]
Boolean = PubScreenExists({ScreenName})
String = QualifiersPressed
Quit [{Result}]
DegreeAngle = RadToDeg({RadianAngle})
Integer = Random({MinimumInteger}, {MaximumInteger})
Integer = RawKeyCode
RayTo {X}, {Y}
Real = Real({expression})
ReattachObject {ObjectName} [,{Arg1} [,up to ten arguments]]
RecreateMask {BufferName} [,{TransparencyColor}]
RefreshObject {ObjectName}
RemoveBrushAnim {BAnimBufferName}
String = RemoveChars({String}, {StartAtChar}, {NumberOfChars})
RenderTo <TypeOfRender> [,{BufferName}]
Replace {SearchString}, {ReplaceString} [,<flags>]
ReplaceAttribute <Switches>, {Old} ,{New}
ReplyARexxWith <flag> [,{Message or ErrorCode}]
ResetBrushAnimFrame {BAnimBufferName} [,{FrameNumber}]
ResizeWindow {Width}, {Height}
String = RightJustify({String}, {Length} [,{Fillstring}])
Value = Round({Value} [,{DigitPlace}])
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Old Yesterday, 19:15   #4
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SaveBrush {BrushBufferName} [,{SaveFilePath}]
SaveDocument {DocumentBufferName} [,{FilePath} [,<flags>]]
SaveIcon {IconBufferName} [,{SaveFilePath}]
SavePicture {PictureBufferName} [,{SaveFilePath}]
SaveVariable <VarName>, {FilePath}
Integer = ScreenAddress
Integer = ScreenColors
Integer = ScreenHeight
Integer = ScreenModeID
String = ScreenTitle
ScreenTitleBar {Logical}
ScreenTo <flags>
Integer = ScreenWidth
Integer = ScreenX
Integer = ScreenY
ArrayIndex = SearchArray(<ArrayVar>, {DataToSearchFor} [,{KeyString} [,{StartAtIndex}]])
SearchFor {SearchString} [,<flags>]
SearchForAttribute <Switch> ,{Value}
Logical = SearchFound
SendMessage {Message} [,<flags>]
SendToParentDeck [{Argument1} [,up to ten arguments]]
SendToSubDeck {SubDeckBufferName} [,{Argument1} [,up to ten arguments]]
SetAreaDrawMode <flags>
SetAttr {ObjectName}, <Switch>, {value}
SetAutoFileRequester {Logical}
SetAutoLoadFlags <flags>
SetBrushAnimFlags {BufferName}, <flags> [,{PlayTicks}]
SetBusyPointer [{BrushBuffer} [,{XHotSpot}, {YHotSpot}]
SetChannel {ChannelNumber}
SetClipTransparentColor {ColorReg}
SetCurrentDirectory {PathName}
SetDBObjects <RecordVar>
SetDefaultTool {IconBufferName}, {ToolString}
SetDrawMode <drawflags>
SetEffect <efxmode> ,{Argument1} [,{Argument2}]
SetExpression <flags>
SetFileBufferSize {KiloBytes}
SetFileRequestMode <type>,<flags>
SetFileRequestPattern {Initial} [,{Accept} [,{Reject}]]
SetIconHighlight {IconBufferName}, <flags> [,{AltBrushBufferName}]
SetIconImage {IconBufferName}, {BrushBufferName} [,{AltBrushBufferName}]
SetInsertedLineColors {foreground}, {altforeground}
SetInteger {ObjectName}, {Integer}
SetLineAttribute <Switch>, {color}[, {number of lines}]
SetObjectState {ObjectName}, {Logical}
SetPen {PenAColorReg} [,{PenBColorReg} [,{PenOColorReg}]]
SetPointer [{BrushBufferName} [,{XHotSpot}, {YHotSpot}]]
SetPrintFont {FontName}, {PointSize}
SetPrintStyle <styleflags> [,{ExtraPen1} [,{ExtraPen2}]]
SetPromotion ON|OFF
SetPropPosition {ObjectName}, {HorizPos} [,{VertPos}]
SetPropRange {ObjectName}, {LowHoriz}, {HighHoriz} [,{LowVert}, {HighVert}]
SetPropVisibleRange {ObjectName}, {DisplayHoriz} [,{DisplayVert}]
SetRGB {ColorReg}, {RedValue}, {GreenValue}, {BlueValue}
SetScreenTitle {String}
SetSearchArrayFlags <flags>
SetSongTempo {tempo}
SetSongVolume {volume}
SetStandardOut {FileWriteBufferName}
SetText {ObjectName},{String}
SetToolTypeList {IconBufferName}, {DocumentBufferName}
SetViewOffset {X}, {Y}
SetVolume {Integer} [,{ChannelNumber}]
SetWindowBrushAnimTPS {TicksPerSecond}
SetWindowLimits {MinWidth}, {MinHeight}, {MaxWidth}, {MaxHeight}
SetWindowTitle {String}
SetWordDelimiters {WordDelimiters}
ShowBrush {BrushBufferName}, {X}, {Y} [,<paletteflags> [,{MinTermValue}]]
ShowBrushAnim {BAnimBufferName}, {XCoor}, {YCoor} [,{NTimes}]
ShowBrushEfx {buffer}, {dx}, {dy}, {efx}, {speed} [, {dw}, {dh}[, {sx}, {sy}, {sw}, {sh}]]
ShowPalette {PaletteBufferName}
ShowPaletteEfx {Efx}, {Duration} [, {Buffer}]
ShowPicture {PictureBufferName}
Integer = Sign({Value})
Value = Sin({Angle})
Value = SinH({Value})
Integer = SizeOfDocument
Song <switches>
SortArray <ArrayVar>, <flags> [,{KeyString}]
SortDocument <flags> [,{StartingColumn}]
SpeakTo {ARexxPortName}
SplitLine [{Count}]
Value = SquareRoot({Value})
Logical = StartedFromWorkbench
Static <VarName1>[={value1}] [,<VarName2>[={value2}] ...]
StopScript [{Result}]
String = String({Expression})
Logical = Supervised
SystemControl <Option> [, {Value}]
Value = Tan({Angle})
Value = TanH({Value})
String = TextFrom({ObjectName})
String = TextFromDocument({DocumentName})
String = TheCharacter
Integer = TheColumnNumber
Logical = TheCommandLine
PathName = TheCurrentDirectory
String = TheDate
String = TheDrawMode
String = TheLine
Integer = TheLineNumber
String = TheMessage
Name = TheOriginDirectory
String = TheTime
String = TheWord
String = TheWordDelimiters
Integer = TimeLeftOnChannel({ChannelNumber})
Integer = TotalAllocatedMemory
Transparent {Logical}
Logical = TransparentStatus
String = TrimString({String})
Logical = True
Type {String} [,<flag>]
UnlockPalette [{FirstCol}[, {LastCol}]]
Until {Logical}
Integer = UnusedAllocatedMemory
String = UpperCase({String})
UseColoredLines {boolean}
Boolean = UsingColoredLines
Logical = ValidReal({Real})
String = VarType(<Var>)
Logical = VerifyExpression({String})
While {Logical}
Value = Whole({Expression})
Integer = WindowAddress
Integer = WindowBorderBottom
Integer = WindowBorderLeft
Integer = WindowBorderRight
Integer = WindowBorderTop
Integer = WindowColors
Integer = WindowHeight
String = WindowName
String = WindowOnFrontScreen
String = WindowTitle
WindowTo <flags>
Integer = WindowWidth
Integer = WindowX
Integer = WindowY
Integer = WorkbenchColors
Integer = WorkbenchHeight
Integer = WorkbenchWidth
WorkWithDocument {DocumentBufferName}
Logical = Yes
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