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Old 28 July 2002, 19:17   #1
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Classic WorkBench 3.0 install package

EDIT - This is an old development thread. The new ClassicWB packages are available from here

As many of you will be aware, I've been working on a Classic looking Amiga Workbench. It's been developed slowly over a period of a few months, having bits added here and there.

I now feel this project is relatively complete, with any future updates being minor software additions to programs such as VirusExecutor.

Since these relatively finalised versions now require the original Workbench 3.0 disk in order to operate, I feel it's safe to allow people to freely use these WB's on their real Amigas.


AIAB is a great all in one Workbench 3.0/3.1 set-up for WinUAE, but try running it on a real Amiga! Unless you've got one kick-ass machine with at least an '040 and graphics card, you're going to end up with no CHIPRAM, a 20 minute response time and some ugly looking icons, especially at 640x256.

I've tried other set-up's I've found around the net, but the icons are never proportioned for 640x256, the install isn't optimised and the set-up wasn't refined for simplicity and usability.

That's where I come in. Since the vast majority of WB 3.0/3.1 runners are using A1200's with TV resolutions (640x256) I decided to create a WB set-up specifically for us!

The main theme I wanted to follow was that of the original WB creator - power with simplicity and usability, implemented using the minimum of resources.

These WB's are designed to work on real Amiga's at TV RESOLUTIONS (640x256) viewed through monitors or actual TV sets. The MagicWB coloured Icons are all proportioned for this res - no more ugly "tall" icons!

They perform extremely well on 68020 Amiga's for which they were designed and providing you have FAST RAM will leave nearly all your CHIPRAM intact. Finally, decent WB set-ups that look good at 640x256, run fast on a standard A1200 020's and use minimum resources.

Although the FULL version is designed for A1200's with fast ram, I recognise that many of you are stuck with stock 2MB A1200's. Don't worry! I've provided a LITE version that should run fine on your machine.

As a bonus, these Workbench set-ups run great in WinUAE with no need for Picasso (graphics card) emulation! As a result WHDload games compatibility is improved.

Screen grabs of the versions are shown below. Don't be fooled by the "Classic" WB 3 look! The FULL version is very powerful and even the LITE has all the necessary tools that the average Amiga user will require.

If you're fortunate enough to have a more powerful Amiga and own a monitor capable of running at higher resolutions then an advanced (ADV) WB is available using more colours and running icons designed for square pixels (eg Productivity, 640x480, 800x600 etc.).

Last edited by Bloodwych; 04 August 2004 at 20:55.
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Old 28 July 2002, 19:18   #2
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Test System: A1200HD with stock 68020 CPU and 10 MB RAM.

Recommended Minimum Specs:


Classic WB LITE V4 (Ideal for 2MB Amiga's)

ECS/AGA, 3.0 ROMS, 68020, 2MB RAM, 40MB Hard Drive, PAL/NTSC TV/monitor.


Classic WB FULL V8 (3MB Amiga's and above)

ECS/AGA, 3.0 ROMS, 68020, 3MB RAM, 60MB Hard Drive, PAL/NTSC TV/monitor.


Classic WB ADV V1 (Higher Res screen modes)

ECS/AGA, 3.0 ROMS, 68020, 3MB RAM, 60MB Hard Drive, TV/Monitor (Designed for Interlaced/Multisync/VGA)


Last edited by Bloodwych; 03 September 2002 at 14:03.
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Old 28 July 2002, 19:18   #3
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This Package will install the Classic WB onto a HardDrive DH0:

In order to install this WB, you MUST use the install disk/ADF provided. Failure to do
so will result in a non-functioning Workbench.

You'll need a valid Workbench 3.0 Disk/ADF, without one the disk install will fail.
Vital and copyright files contained on the disk will be copied during installation.

This is required because WorkBench 3.0 is still sold commercially.

A valid disk/ADF can be bought at: http://cloanto.com/products/


WinUAE install method using a HDF:

1. Setup WinUAE with a configuration that at least matches the minimum specs outlined
in the text file provided with this Workbench.

2. Add at least one HDF file to the harddrives tab and call it any name what you want.
It will automatically be assigned as DH0:

3. Add a PC directory to the harddrives tab.

4. Place System.zip into the PC directory added in (3)

5. Boot from your Workbench 3.0 disk/ADF and format the Harddrive/HDF. Call it
anything you wish. Copy System.zip from the PC directory onto the harddrive/HDF DH0:

6. Boot from the install disk/ADF provided and follow the on screen instructions.

WinUAE install using a PC directory

I don't recommend or support installing this Workbench into a PC directory. See Tips and
FAQ for details.

Real Amiga install method:

In order for the install disk to work, make sure your first HD partition is called DH0:
I suggest using HDtoolbox found on the Workbench3.0 Install disk to name partitions
DH0:, DH1:, DH2: etc. This can be done without losing any data stored on those partitions.


Updating a Pre-installed Amiga Partition

1. Copy the "System.zip" file onto your first HD partition, device DH0:

2. Boot your Workbench 3.0 disk and manually delete all files on DH0:, except System.zip

3. Boot from the install disk provided and follow the on screen instructions.

Installing from scratch

1. Boot you Workbench 3.0 install disk and use HDtoolbox to setup your Harddrive, naming
the first partition DH0:

2. Boot your Workbench 3.0 disk and format DH0:, calling it whatever you wish.

2. Copy the System.zip file onto your first HD partition, device DH0:

3. Boot from the install disk provided and follow the on screen instructions.

Last edited by Bloodwych; 10 August 2002 at 20:02.
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Old 28 July 2002, 19:20   #4
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Classic WB A-Z of Features

ARexx application ready

Anticlick so floppy drives are silent

Archive handling suite - Packing/unpacking of ADF, DMS, LHA, ZIP...etc.

Classic look and feel!

Collection of the best true (play in a window) Workbench Games

Deliplayer, Eagleplayer and addons recognising a HUGE collection of Amiga music formats

Disk software suite - Reorg, Salvage, Dopus, FindFile, Powerful new Format requester...etc.

Easy to access preferences and Help files under a custom title bar "tools" menu

FAST performance on 14Mhz 68020 CPU's

File Type recognition - double click support for Docs, pics, mods, ADF's, DMS's, LHA's..etc.

File identification system - recognise the ID of any mystery Amiga file

Fully configured & powerful popup menus for windows, file-icons, disk-icon...etc.

Fully featured text/script editor

Hardware and system testing utilities

HD game ready using JST & WHDload (Unregistered)

HEX editor

Highly organised layout with the minimum of redundant files

HTML file viewer

Icon update and creation system supporting normal icons and the addition/removal of newicons

KingCon fully featured shell replacement interface

Large collection of datatypes (for picture formats, Binary Display etc.)

Low chipram usage due to efficient palette - 8 or 16 colours depending on version

Minimum amount of system hacks/additions means more performance, compatibility & stability

MUI Ready

Most up-to-date and useful Libs installed

NewIcon & MagicWB compatible

Network support for PC<->Amiga serial/parallel cable transfer

Powerpacker, Fcopy II and DPaint software suite

Proportional Icons & Fonts for PAL/NTSC (TV Res) or square pixel resolutions (eg 640x480)

RAM clear icon on the workbench allowing fast and easy recovery of free RAM

Scal-OS painstakingly setup from scratch adding MANY benefits (www.Scalos.co.uk for details)

TUDE degrader allowing older software to work

Title Bar Clock & Hardware Details

Virtual floppy disk mounting in RAM

Virus checker with the latest reference & Program files (Sept 2002)

...........and much more that I've probably forgotten to mention!!!

Please note: Some of these options may differ in the LITE versions in order to conserve RAM

Last edited by Bloodwych; 11 September 2002 at 12:33.
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Old 28 July 2002, 19:27   #5
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I have they will be on mine too when I get chance to move all 20+ gb of Amiga stuff over to the slightly bigger HD

BTW, now you have removed the copyrighted files, why not ask RCK if he want's to host them, I seem to remember him saying something about this a when you first started doing your WB.
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Old 30 July 2002, 21:54   #6
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That looks fantastic! Where Can I get hold of it again?
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Old 31 July 2002, 11:42   #7
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Daz, you have a private message.

Ian, I don't know if you've noticed but these versions are newer than the V6 FULL & V3 LITE that I upped to Tony's and your FTP's! I know I said I wasn't going to update them but I found little annoying things I had to fix.

I've now tested these new versions for weeks and they've remained unchanged. I'm extremely happy with these releases so I think it's safe to grab them!

You'll notice only two versions now exist - LITE and FULL. These replace all previous versions, which can now be purged from your HD space.

As for asking Rck, I'll pm him and see what he says.
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Old 31 July 2002, 23:41   #8
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Thanks Bloodwych, It's the Full I was thinking of using, I'll let you Know
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Old 08 August 2002, 19:24   #9
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Availability update!

Rck has kindly put together a new EAB download page with lots of goodies!

All hail Rck!!

Included are the Classic WB install packages!

Enjoy - EAB Download Page
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Old 10 August 2002, 20:04   #10
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Tips & FAQ V1

Tips (FULL version only):

* Help files, hardware details and preferences can be found under the tools menu by right
clicking in the top left hand corner of the screen. More help files can be found in the
actual program folders. Together, these will tell you exactly what each program does.

* Double clicking on common files without icons such as LHA's (and other archived files),
mods, html's, adf's, dms's, IFF's, text docs (startup-sequence, readme files) etc will
automatically open the relevant program.

* Right clicking on highlighted Windows, DiskIcons and Files will bring up different
popup menus, each one tailored for the selected item.

* Ami2PC is a network solution for transferring files from PC->Amiga and back. It works
with either a serial or 4-way laplink cable, the settings setup to the latter. You'll
need the package Ami2PC.lha off Aminet in order to obtain the required PC software. The
readme explains how this software works.

*For those running the advanced Classic WB in laced mode on PAL/NTSC TVsets or monitors,
MagicTV is included in the C directory but not run by default. MagicTV is a utility that
greatly reduces flicker in 16-colour interlaced screenmodes. The AGA chipset is also
required. In order to run it, add the line "MagicTV" after setpatch in the startup-

FAQ (All versions)

* Q: When I unzip System.zip in Windows, some files seem corrupt.

* A: The zips are fine. The problem is they contain Amiga files that are not compatible
with PC file systems like "AUX" and certain international characters. Unzipping them on a
real Amiga or from within WinUAE onto a HDF file would produce zero errors and I encourage

If you unzip them into a PC folder, errors will occur because some Amiga files and names
are incompatible with PC file systems. Due to this fact, I don't support running this

When I created the Workbenches, I did so on a HDF using WInUAE in order to preserve all
filenames and avoid PC filesystem compatibility issues. Then I zipped the files from
within WinUAE and copied the zip to a PC directory.

Last edited by Bloodwych; 03 September 2002 at 11:47.
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Old 10 August 2002, 20:05   #11
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Common Methods of copying System.zip to Harddrive DH0:

Using Crossdos

CrossDOS allows an Amiga to read PC formatted 720K disks. In order to use it, the files
PC0: (1 DiskDrive) and PC1: (2 DiskDrives) must be copied from the storage/DosDrivers
drawer to the devs/DosDrivers drawer on either your hardrive or bootable Workbench disk
depending on which you use.

Once installed, you will see extra Icons appear for any disk inserted into the drive. Use
the icon(s) to format floppy disks for use on a PC.

Download Chunker.lha (or similar program) from Aminet and split the System.zip file into
approx. 700K chunks. Then use the PC formatted floppies to copy over the files to your
Amiga HardDisk. Once all have been copied over, use dechunk to join them back together and
re-create the System.zip file.

Using a serial cable

A serial cable and relevant software off Aminet can be used to copy over System.zip.
I suggest pacing the software on a bootable floppy disk. One such program is PC2Am308.lha
available from Aminet.

Using a 4-way LapLink Parallel cable

The Classic WB has the software PC2Amiga pre-installed and setup for this method of transfer
once it's installed. Again the software PC2Am308.lha can be used on a bootable floppy to
copy over the file using this cable.
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Old 27 August 2002, 15:49   #12
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@Bloodwych: i've downloaded your workbench 3.0 hdf: it's really cool, but i've already screwed it up trying to install picasso96...

does anybody know the right way to install it? actually i've just copyed the stuff from aiab but i did'nt touch the startups... i know, i'm stupid
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Old 27 August 2002, 16:16   #13
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Hi marco and thanks for trying out my Workbench. I'm guessing your using the latest V7 FULL from the abime download page.

If you're running a WB in WinUAE it's probably best to stick to AIAB with Picasso96 already installed. My WB is designed for real amiga's with TV resolutions and not setup for picasso96 - the icons/fonts will look distorted at picasso96 resolutions.

If however, you like the layout/features/menus of my WB and you're trying to upgrade the appearance only, the best place to start for picasso support is their homepage. There you should find an Amiga install package that can be run from within the Classic WB. I've never bothered using Picasso myself, but I'm sure if you can't find a guide on the net someone here will help you out.
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Old 27 August 2002, 16:39   #14
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thx you
i like your wb 'cause it's really 1200-like, it's almost similar to the custom one i used to run on my A1200, but i've no HD then (my 1200 is now on retirement)
However i want more resolution, but scalos stop picasso to work i think ("intuition lib attempts to change the screen... please close all progs but drawers" but i can't close scalos). i will try some startup-seq tweak
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Old 27 August 2002, 16:45   #15
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If you want more resolution, have you tried running in interlaced mode? It will give you extra res and of course no flicker in WinUAE due to progressive PC monitors.
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Old 27 August 2002, 17:01   #16
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oh yes... sorry: it messed up the screen, blocking the pointer on a area of just a third of the monitor to left, setting the colors to four and making the wb looking "elongated", i mean, the icons were abouttwo inches of height! what i did wrong?
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Old 27 August 2002, 18:12   #17
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Works fine for me.

The icons/fonts are out of proportion because of what I said before:

"My WB is designed for real amiga's with TV resolutions and not setup for picasso96 - the icons/fonts will look distorted at picasso96 resolutions. "

This applies to any square pixel resolutions (eg 640x480. 800x600, 1024x768 etc), so picasso96 or certain interlaced resolutions will look out of proportion. This WB is designed for TVres and rectangular pixels, PAL/NTSC 640x256, whilst AIAB is designed for square pixels.

Running superhires laced (something like 1280x512) will give the icons a proportioned look, but WinUAE doesn't display this very well although it does work.

I'm afraid there is no other way of obtaining more resolution without replacing the icons and fonts to those that support square resolutions. These icons can be found on Aminet and updated like I explained in your other thread.

Last edited by Bloodwych; 03 September 2002 at 11:49.
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Old 27 August 2002, 19:44   #18
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Hola! just to make you know that after i've reinstalled it, all works just fine! and picasso works too...
the icon stuff is great and now i'm going to customize
really cool!
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Old 29 August 2002, 16:28   #19
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I was thinking about doing a 16 colour version of my WB designed for people with multisync/vga monitors or those brave enough to use MagicTV and laced mode on their tvsets.

The problem is it will eat more chipRAM.

Remember these are WB's for REAL Amiga's without graphics cards. You can run them in WinUAE, but you might as well install AIAB using picasso if that's the case.

If there is enough interest I'll finish the conversion.

Last edited by Bloodwych; 03 September 2002 at 11:48.
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Old 03 September 2002, 12:32   #20
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All versions have now been updated, but have yet to make it off my hard drive.

I think I have a Classic WB version to cater for ALL known Amiga 3.0/3.1 setups known to man!!! Best thing is it's allowed me to use my Amiga productively, resulting in an enjoyable challenge!

All versions now only require the ECS chipset (or above) as copperdemon has been removed. They do still however need at least a 68020 processor due to 020 optimised libraries being installed and of course 3.0 ROMS.

New to the family is the Classic WB ADV (advanced) designed for 16 colour high res screen modes and above. It can be run on a tv in interlaced mode using magictv, or even better productivity/dblPAL/Graphics-Card etc if you have a multisync monitor. Great thing is it still performs very well on my 68020 14Mhz Amiga 1200, looks cool but retains that classical feel!

Last edited by Bloodwych; 05 September 2002 at 15:59.
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