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Old 07 December 2013, 02:14   #1
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Building dev versions on OS X -- creating Launcher.app & how to link to FSUAE.app

I've managed to get FSUAE.app built on OS X.
It was a bit of an adventure because I don't use Mac Ports and don't trust Fink to stick around in its current form to keep fsuae running.

I'm on os x 10.8.5; and maybe I could have built things using X Code UI but there's no instructions for fsuae for that, and I'm not familiar with X Code's UI at all. So I tried to get the command line build going.

This meant that a number of things for which Frameworks are already installed couldn't be used for building.

Ultimately I built and installed, from source tarballs, the following tools in order, to /usr/local
  • libffi-3.0.13
  • pkg-config-0.28 (with --use-internal-glib)
  • gettext-
  • glib-2.38.2
  • freetype2.5.1
  • libpng-1.6.7
I then built libfs-capsimage-4.2; which had no idea how to install. It seems there's a step required of manually copying the generated dylib to the fs-uae-2.3.11dev directory, or something like this. eg
cp libfs-capsimage-4.2/CAPSImage/libfs-capsimage.dylib fs-uae-2.3.11dev
at this point
cd fs-uae-2.3.11dev/macosx; make
worked, and I got a running FSUAE.app.

However I don't know realistically how to try it out. All the configurations I've made so far have been via the launcher app. That comes with instructions to run python setup; but i don't really want to install the launcher into the system site-packages, and I'm not too familiar with the details of python setup. Nor do I believe it will create a launcher app.

So the question 1 is: is there an established method of building the launcher as an app?

Question 2 is: how does the launcher decide how to find the fs uae app? I have two at this point (the 2.2.3 release and the one I just built), but I don't know how to tell the launcher to use one or the other.
Old 07 December 2013, 11:14   #2
FS-UAE Developer
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Originally Posted by jrodman View Post
It seems there's a step required of manually copying the generated dylib to the fs-uae-2.3.11dev directory, or something like this
Exactly like that

Originally Posted by jrodman View Post
So the question 1 is: is there an established method of building the launcher as an app?
There's a Makefile in a macosx subdir in the launcher source archive as well. So just cd macosx && make ...

Originally Posted by jrodman View Post
Question 2 is: how does the launcher decide how to find the fs uae app? I have two at this point (the 2.2.3 release and the one I just built), but I don't know how to tell the launcher to use one or the other.
It looks in more than one place, but the main place it expects to find it is inside the Launcher bundle, like this:
FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/FS-UAE.app
(They can instead just be placed alongside each other if you like that better)
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Old 07 December 2013, 14:24   #3
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Originally Posted by FrodeSolheim View Post
Exactly like that

There's a Makefile in a macosx subdir in the launcher source archive as well. So just cd macosx && make ...

It looks in more than one place, but the main place it expects to find it is inside the Launcher bundle, like this:
FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/FS-UAE.app
(They can instead just be placed alongside each other if you like that better)
Huh; surprising that the 2.2.3 distribution provides them side-by-side if the internal arrangement is sort of the default.

In any event I can certainly satisfy either one.

Now I encounter another problem:

running py2app
error: argv-emulation is not supported for 64-bit executables
make: *** [launcher] Error 1
I think this is a generic os x / py2app problem, but perhaps it deserves a mention in the README? I'm trying to work out the best course of action for myself; I suspect it involves updating py2app.

Yes; as per https://wiki.python.org/moin/MacPython/py2app , I requested my system python to fetch an updated py2app like so:

easy_install-2.7 -U py2app
It feels a little dirty to tinker with the Apple's system python like this, but if the py2app they ship doesn't even work on the platform.. well, it seems a reasonable step.

But the FS-UAE Launcher.app exits with code 255. Oh dear.

So running the internal command manually we can see it's a python exception:

jrodman@50-0-83-49:~/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev> FS-UAE\ Launcher.app/Contents/MacOS/FS-UAE\ Launcher
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/fsgs/Archive.py", line 15, in <module>
  File "/Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/lhafile/__init__.py", line 2, in <module>
  File "/Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/lhafile/lhafile.py", line 45, in <module>
ImportError: No module named lzhlib
LhaFile module import problem
checking /Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/MacOS/Portable.ini
checking /Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/Portable.ini
checking /Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/FS-UAE Launcher.app/Portable.ini
checking /Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/Portable.ini
checking /Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/Portable.ini
checking /Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/Portable.ini
checking /Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/Portable.ini
checking /Users/jrodman/var/Portable.ini
checking /Users/jrodman/Portable.ini
checking /Users/Portable.ini
checking /Portable.ini
no Portable.ini found in search path
base_dir not decided yet, checking FS_UAE_BASE_DIR
using default base_dir
- checking /Users/jrodman/Library/Preferences/fs-uae-launcher/base-dir
- checking /Users/jrodman/Library/Preferences/fs-uae/base-dir
base dir is /Users/jrodman/Documents/FS-UAE
enabling except hook
enable tread exception handler
('Darwin', '50-0-83-49.dsl.static.sonic.net', '12.5.0', 'Darwin Kernel Version 12.5.0: Sun Sep 29 13:33:47 PDT 2013; root:xnu-2050.48.12~1/RELEASE_X86_64', 'x86_64', 'i386')
[u'/Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/fs-uae-launcher']
FS-UAE Launcher 2.3.11dev

Unhandled exception detected in thread MainThread:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", line 338, in <module>
  File "/Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", line 333, in _run
  File "/Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/fs-uae-launcher", line 71, in <module>
  File "/Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/fs_uae_launcher/FSUAELauncher.py", line 21, in <module>
  File "/Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/fsui/__init__.py", line 24, in <module>
  File "/Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/fsui/qt/__init__.py", line 17, in <module>
ImportError: No module named PySide.QtCore

Unhandled exception detected in thread MainThread:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", line 338, in <module>
  File "/Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", line 333, in _run
  File "/Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/fs-uae-launcher", line 71, in <module>
  File "/Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/fs_uae_launcher/FSUAELauncher.py", line 21, in <module>
  File "/Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/fsui/__init__.py", line 24, in <module>
  File "/Users/jrodman/var/dock_app_ext/games/emu/fs-uae-2.3.11dev/FS-UAE Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/fsui/qt/__init__.py", line 17, in <module>
ImportError: No module named PySide.QtCore

2013-12-07 05:34:12.812 FS-UAE Launcher[35316:707] FS-UAE Launcher Error
I think this is trying to tell me that a python Qt thingy is missing.

Last edited by jrodman; 07 December 2013 at 14:37.
Old 07 December 2013, 14:33   #4
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Originally Posted by jrodman View Post
Huh; surprising that the 2.2.3 distribution provides them side-by-side if the internal arrangement is sort of the default.
This thread was about the dev version, right? 2.2.x - the current stable series - has them indeed side-by-side by default...

Originally Posted by jrodman View Post
running py2app
error: argv-emulation is not supported for 64-bit executables
make: *** [launcher] Error 1
I think this is a generic os x / py2app problem, but perhaps it deserves a mention in the README? I'm trying to work out the best course of action for myself; I suspect it involves updating py2app.
Yes, a generic py2app problem. You can probably just disable argv emulation (look in the setup.py file and edit accordingly).
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Old 07 December 2013, 14:52   #5
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Originally Posted by FrodeSolheim View Post
This thread was about the dev version, right? 2.2.x - the current stable series - has them indeed side-by-side by default...
Sure, I'm just taking cues from all over.

Yes, a generic py2app problem. You can probably just disable argv emulation (look in the setup.py file and edit accordingly).
Oh, perhaps this is a good time for me to learn a bit more about setup.py -- I'd love to move back towards developing more in python.

But in any event for FS-UAE launcher, I've moved on to installing QT 4.7 + PySide which seems to be the project-maintained wrappers. As far as I can tell (I haven't worked with Qt much) osx 10.8 doesn't ship with Qt installed, although I seem to have a variety of apps with bundled versions. So I'm currently downloading both of those.
Old 07 December 2013, 19:53   #6
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OK, with QT 4.7 + PySide from http://qt-project.org/wiki/PySide , the launcher is now running!

Only one little problem, in FS-UAE.app the F12 menu seems to be empty of all widgets and controls. Is it still being constructed or did I somehow fail to give freetype2 what it needs, etc?
Old 07 December 2013, 20:24   #7
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Originally Posted by jrodman View Post
in FS-UAE.app the F12 menu seems to be empty of all widgets and controls
Either your OpenGL has too few features, or FS-UAE does not find its resource files. The log file probably tells (you can attach FS-UAE/Cache/Logs/fs-uae.log.txt to a post).
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