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Old 30 June 2016, 21:33   #1
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AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition A1200 / Blizzard PPC Installation Step-by-Step Guide

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Support Files attached.

AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition A1200 / Blizzard PPC Installation Guide

Based on WinUAE 3.3.0 64-bit with QEMU plugin.

Contents of the support archive:

-> As files:

- Blizzard PPC 060 ROM 256k
- This installation guide as a text file

-> Inside an ADF:

- Ethernet driver
- UAEGfx monitor files from AmigaOS 3.9 CD installation
- Lha archiver, OS4 native PPC version
- nm2mw utility, enables scroll wheel on your mouse, see readme on the disk for it

What is not included:

- Amiga 1200 Kickstart ROM
- AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition boot floppy and installation CD ISO.

-> Buy Amiga Forever Plus for the Amiga 1200 Kickstart ROM (as a bonus to this you will also get all Amiga operating systems from 1.x to 3.x to use) and also buy AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Classic from Cloanto if you need them.

-> https://www.amigaforever.com/shop/

We will be installing in AGA mode and post-install switching over to RTG graphics.

Open WinUAE, under Quickstart choose "Model" A1200, and "Configuration" Blizzard PPC. Click "Set Configuration."

Under CPU and FPU tab, click "Fastest Possible."

Under Chipset tab, uncheck "Wait for Blitter."

Under ROM tab, ensure "Main ROM file" is "KS ROM v3.1 (A1200) rev 40.68 (512k)." Also, "Advanced UAE Expansion board/Boot ROM Settings" should be "New UAE (128k, ROM, Indirect)."

Under Expansion tab, for "Accelerator board ROM file" ensure "Blizzard PPC 68060 (512k)" is selected. If you only have a 256k ROM then boot the system with the Blizzard accelerator active while holding the escape key and once in that system menu choose "Save" to make your 256k ROM 512k. You should do this on a backup of the 256k ROM.

Set the Accelerator board memory to 256MB.

Also under the Expansion tab, check A2065 Z2, and change it to "SLIRP + Open ports."

All other hardware settings stay at their defaults for now.

Go to the "Floppy drives" tab and ensure that only DF0: is checked and insert your AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition BootFloppy.adf into it.

Under "CD & Hard drives," click on "Add SCSI/IDE CD Drive," ensure the "HD Controller" is "IDE (Auto)" and the unit number next to that is "0." Click "Add CD Drive."

In the "Optical media options" section, click "Select image file" and choose your AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Classic installation ISO.

Go to the "Configurations" tab and give the configuration a Name and Description and Save it.

-- Optional --

This following step is optional and may only apply to WinUAE version 3.3.0. It greatly improves the performance of the operating system. If you run into any issues at all revert this setting first and try again.

Quit WinUAE.

In Windows Explorer, for the default location of configuration files, navigate to:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Amiga Files\WinUAE\Configurations

You should see your saved configuration there unless you saved it somewhere else - in that case navigate to where you actually saved it.

Right-click on your saved configuration file and choose "Open with -> Notepad." Find "ppc_model=automatic" and change it to: "ppc_model=604e_v2.4" Save the file and close Notepad.

Launch WinUAE and in the "Configurations" tab, click on your configuration ONCE and press the "Load" button.

-- End Optional --

Under "CD & Hard drives," click on "Add Hardfile," for the "HD Controller" ensure "UAE" is selected. Then at the bottom under "New hard disk image file" put "3900" in the MB box, check "Dynamic HDF," ensure "RDB/OFS/FFS" is chosen, and click "Create." Give your disk image a name and then save it to a location. Then on the top of the settings, change "Device" to "DH0" ensure "Bootable" is checked, and click "RDB mode." Click OK to finalize the hard drive.

Click on "Add Hardfile," for the "HD Controller" ensure "UAE" is selected. Then at the bottom under "New hard disk image file" put "8000" in the MB box, check "Dynamic HDF," ensure "RDB/OFS/FFS" is chosen, and click "Create." Give your disk image a name and then save it to a location. Then on the top of the settings, change "Device" to "DH1" click "RDB mode", and uncheck "Bootable", click OK to finalize the hard drive.

Go to the "Configurations" tab and save your updated configuration.

Click the "Start" button to begin emulation. It will be in a low color mode because we are installing in AGA mode.

Wait for the installation Wizard to boot. When it appears follow the following options.

Click on "Workbench Live CD."

Once the desktop loads, click once on "Prepare Hard Disks" and wait for it to load.

Double-click on "uaehf.device."

Click once on your boot "Fixed hard disk" and press the "Install" button. Click on "Install/read configuation." Click "Yes."

Click "Ok - accept changes."

Click "Edit partitions and filesystems."

Ensure the gray area is selected and click "Add partition."

Resize the box a bit smaller than maximum as we will be adding a SWAP partition. Drag the right arrow on the green box to the left a reasonable amount.

Click in the now gray area, and again "Add partition."

This will add a second partition. You can now drag the sliders back and forth and see the sizes reflected in the list. Once you are satisfied with your sizes proceed to the next step.

Click on the partition you want Workbench installed to and ensure the name is "DH0", ensure the partition is set to automount and is also set as bootable. With "DH0" selected in the list, click on "Select filesystem/edit details" and make sure the "Type" is "Standard filesystem". Change the "Blocksize" to "512." Ensure that "FastFileSystem" and "International" are pushed. Press "Ok - accept changes." With "DH0" still selected, click on "Add, remove, or edit filesystems." Click on "Add new FS." Select "FastFileSystem," click "Ok," then press "Ok - accept changes" again to confirm the details.

Click on the smaller partition you are going to use as swap and change it's "Name" to "SWAP" You have to press enter in the text field after you change the name to update the main list. Click on "Select filesystem/edit details" and change the "Type" to "SWAP" and change the "Blocksize" to "512." Click "Ok - accept changes."

Click "Ok - accept changes."

With the boot hard drive selected choose "Save to disk." Click "Yes, save."

Click once on your data "Fixed hard disk" and press the "Install" button. Click on "Install/read configuation." Click "Yes." Click "Ok - accept changes."

With your data hard drive selected, click "Edit partitions and filesystems." Make sure the gray area is selected and click "Add partition." Ensure the name is "DH1", ensure the partition is set to automount. With "DH1" selected in the list, click on "Select filesystem/edit details" and make sure the "Type" is "Standard filesystem". Change the "Blocksize" to "512." Ensure that "FastFileSystem" and "International" are pushed. Press "Ok - accept changes." With "DH1" still selected, click on "Add, remove, or edit filesystems." Click on "Add new FS." Select "FastFileSystem," click "Ok," then press "Ok - accept changes" again to confirm the details.

With the data hard drive selected choose "Save to disk." Click "Yes, save."

Close the window. Click "Yes, reboot NOW!"

Wait for the the CD to boot again.

Once it is loaded again, click on "Install AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition."

Choose your Language, Country, and Time zone and click "Use."

Click "Proceed" for the keyboard and input preferences.

Choose your keyboard layout and uncheck "Classic Amiga keyboard." Click "Use."

Click "Proceed."

Click once on "AmigaOS 4.1 Installation" at the bottom of the screen. When the installer loads, click "Next." Check your acceptance of the agreement and click "Next" or press F12 and quit the emulator. Click "Next" after reading the JXFS filesystem warning. Your Amiga model should be pre-selected as an Amiga 1200, keep that and click "Next."

Click the "Format disk(s)" button.

Select "(DH0)," you will likely have to drag the horizontal scroll-bar to the right a bit to see the device. Click "Continue." Change the name to "Workbench", choose whether to keep "Put Trashcan" selected, ensure both "Fast File System" and "International Mode" are checked. Click "Quick Format." Click "Format," click "Format."

Click the "Format disk(s)" button.

Select "(DH1)," you will likely have to drag the horizontal scroll-bar to the right a bit to see the device. Click "Continue." Change the name to "Store", choose whether to keep "Put Trashcan" selected, ensure both "Fast File System" and "International Mode" are checked. Click "Quick Format." Click "Format," click "Format."

Click "Next" after the format dialog disappears. Leave the disk selection as "DH0:" and click "Next." Leave the graphics as "AGA" and leave "Include Boot VGA" checked. Click "Next." Select the highest resolution of your physical monitor (don't worry about the refresh rate, just the resolution) and click "Next." Do not enable IDEFix, and "cybppc.device" is grayed out, click "Next." Your floppy should be detected so you can leave the box cleared, click "Next." Do not change the base page access setting or enable GRex support unless you have very good reasons to. Click "Next." Review the summary and if everything looks good click "Next." The system will now install.

Wait for the installer to do final configuration on your installation and then click "Next." On the next screen DO NOT click finish as that will reboot the machine back into the CD installer. Instead press F12 to bring up the WinUAE control panel and choose "Quit."

Launch WinUAE again. Click ONCE on your configuration in that tab and click the "Load" button. Go to the "Floppy drives" tab and eject the bootfloppy. Go to the "CD & Hard drives" tab and eject the installation ISO. Go back to the "Configurations" tab and click ONCE on your configuration and press the "Save" button. Click "Start" to begin emulation.

When the desktop loads you will be asked to set a post-install screen resolution. Choose "No" to this question. The base install is now complete.

Press F12 and insert the "Support.adf" into DF0: then return to the emulation. When the floppy loads, click on "Shell" at the bottom of the screen. Once in the shell, execute these commands:

copy df0:lha C:
copy df0:ethernet.device Devs:Networks/
copy df0:uaegfx Devs:Monitors/
copy df0:uaegfx.info Devs:Monitors/

Quit the shell with "endcli".

- Configure Network
Click on your "Workbench" hard disk, go into Internet, choose "New Connection." Select "Local Area Network" and click "Next." Choose "Manual configuration" and click "Next." Select "Commodore A2065" in the list. Click the file picker gadget to the right of "Name". Navigate to "Devs:Networks" and pick the "ethernet.device". Test this configuration. It should say it passed. Click "Next," "Next," "Finish." Wait for the "Okay" dialog, click that, and close the Shell window.

- UAEGfx
Click on your "Workbench" hard disk, go into Devs, into Monitors, click once on "uaegfx" and hold right-click and under the "Icons" menu at the top choose "Information." Switch to the "Icon" tab and at the bottom of the Tooltips list add "NOBLITTER=Yes". Save the updated information.

Now we will configure the RTG graphics in WinUAE. Press F12 to bring up the UAE control menu. Choose Quit. Relaunch WinUAE and click your configuration once and press the "Load" button.

Under the "RTG board" tab, in "RTG Graphics Card", choose "UAE Zorro III", give it 64MB of VRAM. In the "Color modes" from top to bottom: 8-bit, B5G5R5PC, (24bit), A8B8G8R8. Uncheck "Hardware sprite emulation." In your "Host" "Display" tab set your screen how you like.

Go to the "Configurations" tab, click once on your configuration and press the "Save" button. WinUAE is now fully configured.

Click "Start" to begin emulation.

Go to "Workbench" then "Prefs" then "Screenmode." Choose the resolution you want with an "ABGR32" mode to match the previous settings we did in the WinUAE RTG Expansion tab. Below the mode selection there are two fields, Width and Height, you'll need to change those to the matching size for the mode. Test your mode before you save it just in case.

Now is the time to register your product key on the Hyperion website as you will need your login information from there to put into the AmiUpdate utility to get system updates. Don't forget to reinsert the Installation CD and install the plenty of extras that are on it. It's better to install the extras you like first and then go to AmiUpdate for the latest updates.

-> http://hyperion-entertainment.biz/

Don't forget about the nm2mw utility on the support.adf - it enables your mouse wheel in your emulated environment.

You now have a fully configured AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition environment. Some recommended websites to visit include:


Congratulations, enjoy your new Amiga!
Attached Files
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Last edited by headkase; 03 July 2016 at 16:22. Reason: Major update, new - simpler - instructions.
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Old 01 July 2016, 20:13   #2
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thanks for your work - good guides are allways appreciated.
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Old 01 July 2016, 20:36   #3
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Right on, you're welcome.
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Old 02 July 2016, 06:11   #4
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Well, I now know why overriding the ppc_model greatly improves emulation. The Blizzard PPC processor is a 603, and the Cyberstorm PPC processor is a 604. Overriding ppc_model basically puts the (much better) Cyberstorm PPC processor into the Blizzard PPC settings.
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Old 02 July 2016, 08:05   #5
Toni Wilen
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Then it only fixes emulation problem or uses some different parts of emulator due to CPU architecture differences.

Emulators designed to be as fast as possible NEVER get faster by selecting "better" CPU! (Usually it is the opposite due to emulated CPU being more complex).

(Oddly enough long time ago I was told that there is no speed difference. Use of CSPPC CPU model in BPPC was my very first suggestion..)
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Old 02 July 2016, 08:17   #6
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603 has 16Kb L1, 604 has 32Kb L1, also out of order improvements and execution units, that kind of stuff. I'm not going to pretend that I know *why* I just darn well know the 604 works a lot better. Right now I'm running a 604r as the ppc_model and it is working nice and fast too.
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Old 02 July 2016, 08:21   #7
Toni Wilen
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Emulation does not bother with those. Emulating cache and internal invisible things would only slow down it extremely greatly.

It is just a bug/feature of QEMU.

btw, does BPPC boot faster from uaehf.device ("UAE" controller) hardfile or is IDE emulation still faster? (I don't bother with these kinds of tests as usual..)
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Old 02 July 2016, 08:27   #8
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I'll try to change it on the fly, and see if it boots faster. If it doesn't work I'll try to find some time to reinstall using uaehf.device, It would be worth it to also see if I can get Smart File System working. Be back in a minute.
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Old 02 July 2016, 08:31   #9
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Does not boot when changing to UAE controller with an installed IDE system. Will have to try a reinstall with UAE from scratch.
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Old 02 July 2016, 10:26   #10
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No matter what file system I choose, FFS SFS - variations of them, after partitioning the disk and then rebooting to do the install proper I always get a "DH0 not a DOS disk" error and just can't get past it. This is with uaehf.device, with the built-in IDE the exact same steps worked.
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Old 02 July 2016, 12:26   #11
Toni Wilen
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Originally Posted by headkase View Post
No matter what file system I choose, FFS SFS - variations of them, after partitioning the disk and then rebooting to do the install proper I always get a "DH0 not a DOS disk" error and just can't get past it. This is with uaehf.device, with the built-in IDE the exact same steps worked.
Attach winuaelog.txt when attempting to boot it in UAE mode.
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Old 03 July 2016, 06:04   #12
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Major update to the guide. Now based on UAE hard files.

I was able to solve the "non-DOS" error Toni, had to make the boot CD an IDE device and the first in the list.

However, no matter what I do I cannot get the installation to work with any filesystem other than fast file system. I can install drives as other filesystems, like SFS, but once I get to the "Format disk(s)" part of the installation then unless the filesystem is FFS then the drive will simply not be in the list and you cannot continue.

With uaehf.device the boot time from flashing pink is about 15 seconds. Normal IDE boot from flashing pink is about 30 seconds, so it is an improvement.
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Old 03 July 2016, 19:22   #13
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Well, I found out why the Smart File System wasn't working at all. It does NOT work when you override the ppc_model to any 604. So you have to use the 603 family. And all the models of the 603 use the same core (from looking at the source code). So, it's either good emulation speed and Fast File System ONLY, or it's not good emulation speed and Smart File System.

Here are the complete instructions for Smart File System. The support files are identical to the first post in this thread.


AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition A1200 / Blizzard PPC Installation Guide

Based on WinUAE 3.3.0 64-bit with QEMU plugin.

Contents of the support archive:

-> As files:

- Blizzard PPC 060 ROM 256k
- This installation guide as a text file

-> Inside an ADF:

- Ethernet driver
- UAEGfx monitor files from AmigaOS 3.9 CD installation
- Lha archiver, OS4 native PPC version
- nm2mw utility, enables scroll wheel on your mouse, see readme on the disk for it

What is not included:

- Amiga 1200 Kickstart ROM
- AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition boot floppy and installation CD ISO.

-> If you do not already own them, buy Amiga Forever Plus for the Amiga 1200 Kickstart ROM (as a bonus to this you will also get all Amiga operating systems from 1.x to 3.x to use) and also buy AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Classic.

Both of them can be purchased here:

-> https://www.amigaforever.com/shop/

Open WinUAE, under Quickstart choose "Model" A1200, and "Configuration" Blizzard PPC. Click "Set Configuration."

Under CPU and FPU tab, click "Fastest Possible."

Under Chipset tab, uncheck "Wait for Blitter."

Under ROM tab, ensure "Main ROM file" is "KS ROM v3.1 (A1200) rev 40.68 (512k)." Also, "Advanced UAE Expansion board/Boot ROM Settings" should be "New UAE (128k, ROM, Indirect)."

Under Expansion tab, for "Accelerator board ROM file" ensure "Blizzard PPC 68060 (512k)" is selected. If you only have a 256k ROM then boot the system with the Blizzard accelerator active while holding the escape key and once in that system menu choose "Save" to make your 256k ROM 512k. You should do this on a backup of the 256k ROM.

Set the Accelerator board memory to 256MB.

Also under the Expansion tab, check A2065 Z2, and change it to "SLIRP + Open ports."

Go to the "Floppy drives" tab and ensure that only DF0: is checked and insert your AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition BootFloppy.adf into it.

Under "CD & Hard drives," click on "Add SCSI/IDE CD Drive," ensure the "HD Controller" is "IDE (Auto)" and the unit number next to that is "0." Click "Add CD Drive."

In the "Optical media options" section, click "Select image file" and choose your AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Classic installation ISO.

Under "CD & Hard drives," click on "Add Hardfile," for the "HD Controller" ensure "UAE" is selected. Then at the bottom under "New hard disk image file" put "3900" in the MB box, check "Dynamic HDF," ensure "Custom" is chosen and give it the value of "0x53465300", and click "Create." Give your disk image a name and then save it to a location. Then on the top of the settings, change "Device" to "DH0" ensure "Bootable" is checked, and click "RDB mode." Click OK to finalize the hard drive.

Click on "Add Hardfile," for the "HD Controller" ensure "UAE" is selected. Then at the bottom under "New hard disk image file" put "8000" in the MB box, check "Dynamic HDF," ensure "Custom" is chosen with the value "0x53465300", and click "Create." Give your disk image a name and then save it to a location. Then on the top of the settings, change "Device" to "DH1" click "RDB mode", and uncheck "Bootable", click OK to finalize the hard drive.

Go to the "Configurations" tab and save your configuration.

Click the "Start" button to begin emulation. It will be in a low color mode because we are installing in AGA mode.

Click on "Workbench Live CD."

Once the desktop loads, click once on "Prepare Hard Disks" and wait for it to load.

Double-click on "uaehf.device."

Click once on your boot "Fixed hard disk" and press the "Install" button. Click "Ok - accept changes."

Click "Edit partitions and filesystems."

Ensure the gray area is selected and click "Add partition."

Resize the box a bit smaller than maximum as we will be adding a SWAP partition. Drag the right arrow on the green box to the left a reasonable amount. A reasonable size for the SWAP partition is 0.50GB.

Click in the now gray area, and again "Add partition."

This will add a second partition. You can now drag the sliders back and forth and see the sizes reflected in the list. Once you are satisfied with your sizes proceed to the next step.

Click on the partition you want Workbench installed to and ensure the name is "DH0", ensure the partition is set to automount and is also set as bootable. With "DH0" selected in the list, click on "Select filesystem/edit details" and make sure the "Type" is "SFS\00". Change the "Blocksize" to "512." In the "Maxtransfer" field put "1FE00" and press enter, in the "Mask" field put "7FFFFFFE" (that is six "F"'s) and press enter. Press "Ok - accept changes." With "DH0" still selected, click on "Add, remove, or edit filesystems." Click on "Add new FS." Select "SmartFileSystem," click "Ok," then press in the "DosType" field put "53465300" and press enter. The box on the right should now say "SFS\00" Press "Ok", and press "Ok - accept changes " to confirm the details.

Click on the smaller partition you are going to use as swap and change it's "Name" to "SWAP" You have to press enter in the text field after you change the name to update the main list. Click on "Select filesystem/edit details" and change the "Type" to "SWAP" and change the "Blocksize" to "512." Click "Ok - accept changes."

Click "Ok - accept changes."

With the boot hard drive selected choose "Save to disk." Click "Yes, save."

Click once on your data "Fixed hard disk" and press the "Install" button. Click "Ok - accept changes."

With your data hard drive selected, click "Edit partitions and filesystems." Make sure the gray area is selected and click "Add partition." Ensure the name is "DH1", ensure the partition is set to automount. With "DH1" selected in the list, click on "Select filesystem/edit details" and make sure the "Type" is "SFS\00". Change the "Blocksize" to "512." In the "Maxtransfer" field put "1FE00" and press enter, in the "Mask" field put "7FFFFFFE" and press enter. Press "Ok - accept changes." With "DH1" still selected, click on "Add, remove, or edit filesystems." Click on "Add new FS." Select "SmartFileSystem," click "Ok," then press in the "DosType" field put "53465300" and press enter. The box on the right should now say "SFS\00" Click "Ok," then click "Ok - accept changes" again to confirm the details.

With the data hard drive selected choose "Save to disk." Click "Yes, save."

Close the window. Click "Yes, reboot NOW!"

Wait for the the CD to boot again.

Once it is loaded again, click on "Install AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition."

Choose your Language, Country, and Time zone and click "Use."

Click "Proceed" for the keyboard and input preferences.

Choose your keyboard layout and uncheck "Classic Amiga keyboard." Click "Use."

Click "Proceed."

Click once on "AmigaOS 4.1 Installation" at the bottom of the screen. When the installer loads, click "Next." Check your acceptance of the agreement and click "Next" or press F12 and quit the emulator. Click "Next" after reading the JXFS filesystem warning. Your Amiga model should be pre-selected as an Amiga 1200, keep that and click "Next."

Click the "Format disk(s)" button.

Select "(DH0)," you will likely have to drag the horizontal scroll-bar to the right a bit to see the device. Click "Continue." Change the name to "Workbench", choose whether to keep "Put Trashcan" selected. Click "Quick Format." Click "Format," click "Format."

Click the "Format disk(s)" button.

Select "(DH1)," you will likely have to drag the horizontal scroll-bar to the right a bit to see the device. Click "Continue." Change the name to "Store", choose whether to keep "Put Trashcan" selected. Click "Quick Format." Click "Format," click "Format."

Click "Next" after the format dialog disappears. Leave the disk selection as "DH0:" and click "Next." Leave the graphics as "AGA" and leave "Include Boot VGA" checked. Click "Next." Select the highest resolution of your physical monitor (don't worry about the refresh rate, just the resolution) and click "Next." Do not enable IDEFix, and "cybppc.device" is grayed out, click "Next." Your floppy should be detected so you can leave the box cleared, click "Next." Do not change the base page access setting or enable GRex support unless you have very good reasons to. Click "Next." Review the summary and if everything looks good click "Next." The system will now install.

Wait for the installer to do final configuration on your installation and then click "Next." On the next screen DO NOT click finish as that will reboot the machine back into the CD installer. Instead press F12 to bring up the WinUAE control panel and choose "Quit."

Launch WinUAE again. Click ONCE on your configuration in that tab and click the "Load" button. Go to the "Floppy drives" tab and eject the boot floppy. Go to the "CD & Hard drives" tab and eject the installation ISO. Go back to the "Configurations" tab and click ONCE on your configuration and press the "Save" button. Click "Start" to begin emulation.

When the desktop loads you will be asked to set a post-install screen resolution. Choose "No" to this question.

Press F12 and insert the "Support.adf" into DF0: then return to the emulation. When the floppy loads, click on "Shell" at the bottom of the screen. Once in the shell, execute these commands:

copy df0:lha C:
copy df0:ethernet.device Devs:Networks/
copy df0:uaegfx Devs:Monitors/
copy df0:uaegfx.info Devs:Monitors/

Quit the shell with "endcli".

Eject the support floppy.

Click on your "Workbench" hard disk, go into Internet, choose "New Connection." Select "Local Area Network" and click "Next." Choose "Manual configuration" and click "Next." Select "Commodore A2065" in the list. Click the file picker gadget to the right of "Name". Navigate to "Devs:Networks" and pick the "ethernet.device". Test this configuration. It should say it passed. Click "Next," "Next," "Finish." Wait for the "Okay" dialog, click that, and close the Shell window.

Click on your "Workbench" hard disk, go into Devs, into Monitors, click once on "uaegfx" and hold right-click and under the "Icons" menu at the top choose "Information." Switch to the "Icon" tab and at the bottom of the Tooltips list add "NOBLITTER=Yes". Save the updated information.

Press F12 to bring up the UAE control menu. Choose Quit. Relaunch WinUAE and click your configuration once and press the "Load" button.

Under the "RTG board" tab, in "RTG Graphics Card", choose "UAE Zorro III", give it 64MB of VRAM. In the "Color modes" from top to bottom: 8-bit, B5G5R5PC, (24bit), A8B8G8R8. Uncheck "Hardware sprite emulation." In your "Host" "Display" tab set your screen how you like.

Go to the "Configurations" tab, click once on your configuration and press the "Save" button.

Click "Start" to begin emulation.

Go to "Workbench" then "Prefs" then "Screenmode." Choose the resolution you want with an "ABGR32" mode to match the previous settings we did in the WinUAE RTG Expansion tab. Below the mode selection there are two fields, Width and Height, you'll need to change those to the matching size for the mode. Test your mode before you save it just in case.

Now is the time to register your product key on the Hyperion website as you will need your login information from there to put into the AmiUpdate utility to get system updates. Don't forget to reinsert the Installation CD and install the plenty of extras that are on it. It's better to install the extras you like first and then go to AmiUpdate for the latest updates.

-> http://hyperion-entertainment.biz/

Don't forget about the nm2mw utility on the support.adf - it enables your mouse wheel in your emulated environment.

You now have a fully configured AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition environment. Some recommended websites to visit include:


Congratulations, enjoy your new Amiga!


So, it looks like we're going to have to wait for an updated QEMU plugin to fix the issue as the only solution.
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Old 04 July 2016, 10:05   #14
B14ck W01f
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Excellent guide, bro. I have one request. Please update this guide so that it doesn't get filled with redundant information caused by Toni modifying expansions inside WinUAE.
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Old 05 July 2016, 22:36   #15
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Thank you so much. At last I got a smooth and fast working OS4.1 PPC installation in Full HD. According to this the preconfigured OS4 in Amiga Forever is crap, sorry. The only error, which appeared was a Guru, when I tried to install the RuninUAE at the WHDLoad key selection. Please could Tell me, how I could prevent this?
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Old 05 July 2016, 23:05   #16
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You're welcome. Unfortunately I've never used RuninUAE as with the purchase of Amiga Forever you get all the various Amiga operating systems anyway. I've just installed those as their own configurations.
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Old 06 July 2016, 02:11   #17
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Originally Posted by headkase View Post
with the purchase of Amiga Forever you get all the various Amiga operating systems anyway.
No, actually you don't.
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Old 06 July 2016, 13:18   #18
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Originally Posted by Minuous View Post
No, actually you don't.
With Amiga Forever, you get 1.x to 3.1. The classic m68k operating systems. Right now you don't get 3.5 or 3.9 though. This is with the Plus version. The Value version only comes with 1.3. And 4.1 Final Edition is a separate purchase.

Edit: And as you have to purchase Amiga Forever Plus to legally have the Amiga 1200 Kickstart ROM then you have all those other operating systems available for emulation as well.

Edit2: And looking in my Amiga Forever folders, Workbench 1.x to 3.0 come as single-disk images, while Workbench 3.1 comes with all 6 disk images to do a proper hard drive install. That is fine.

Edit3: I just noticed on Cloanto's store there is also a floppy and hard disk image set available for purchase as well. This gives full install disk sets for a wider range of operating systems.

Edit4: I also went and bought the image set mentioned in edit3, it's a two disk OS1.3 (which has no hard drive installer but you just copy the files yourself anyway), and full sets of both OS2.1 and 3.1 disks.

Last edited by headkase; 07 July 2016 at 02:22.
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Old 13 July 2016, 01:13   #19
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Excellent guide, my first time using OS4, just a few things confused me.

The ROM lookup for the Blizzard PPC preset, selecting the A1200 with one in the quick-start, says "512k" ROM. The rom you provided is 256K, and it does work, but WinUAE cannot recognise it, and while that preset is selected as the default every launch of WinUAE will complain about the "missing" ROM.

The solution is in two parts here (re-save the rom with default settings):
and here (rename the rom file blizzardppc_060.rom ):

I also didn't know how much swap space to allocate, you might give some guidance on this. In the end I gave it 500Mb (approx 2x PPC memory).
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Old 02 November 2017, 15:22   #20
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Getting to this part of the guide

"Go to "Workbench" then "Prefs" then "Screenmode." Choose the resolution you want with an "ABGR32" mode to match the previous settings we did in the WinUAE RTG Expansion tab. Below the mode selection there are two fields, Width and Height, you'll need to change those to the matching size for the mode. Test your mode before you save it just in case."

I select 1280x1024 as the resolution, now either I test and everything locks up or I click save and all I get is a grey screen/lockup.

Am I missing something? Winuae 3.5.0 x64 Using all the correct roms as listed in the guide apart from getting UAEGFX to work os4.1 boots just fine.
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