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Old 18 November 2009, 05:26   #1
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Well i decided to try this game out tonight. Looks like a good game but......Its proving to be very very confusing right from the start. I've tried to google a walkthrough but had no luck at all. So far from what i can understand, i'm supposed to find some cave that has some items in it for me.(at least according to the grandfather.)

I've dug around the house and found everything in it. I think i found the cave but the orcs right outside it 1 hit me. Tried using the town to the west of the house you start in to get better supplies maybe with the small gold i have to start. That just results in me getting assaulted by bandits and dieing every time. Not to mention the town is huge and i can't find a useful shop before dieing.

Any tips for getting started on this game, and maybe even a walkthrough? It looks pretty interesting, but it seems a real pain in the ass to get started on......
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Old 18 November 2009, 08:56   #2
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Erm, try looking in the cellar of your grandfathers house to begin with?

Use your MAP to see where you are in relation to the cities?
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Old 18 November 2009, 08:58   #3
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Here's a German walkthrough which I took thru the Google Translator. Should get you started..

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Old 18 November 2009, 09:04   #4
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I'll post you the first two chapters of a walkthrough we have at Thalion Webshrine. I think everyone has been able to work out this by themselves so I'm not giving away any spoilers.

Ambermoon Walkthrough

Written April-July, 1999
Michael Böhnisch

1. Exploring your home

You start your quest at home in the sleeping room of your grandfather. He
is in his bed, deadly sick. Say "HELLO" to him and listen what he's got to

Your first task is to fetch some of the old equipment of your grandpa from
the cellar of the house. But first you should prepare yourself - even the
cellar of the house you live in is not without dangers.
There is a wardrobe at the northern wall of your grandpa's sleeping room.
Open it and you'll find a robe, a pair of leather shoes, a buckler, 6
healing potions II, 3 healing potions III and 3 potions of cure poison.
Take everything out and wear the clothes. You can discover some other
armour in your own room, but the things of your grandfather are better.
There is a locked chest near the eastern wall of the room. Ignore it for
now, you need a special key to open it.
Now go south, then east and into the entry hallway. On the northern wall,
east of the door hangs a magical picture. Take it and use it. It will
provide you with a view that permanently indicates day and night on
Lyramion's surface - even if you are deep in some dungeon.
Located to the east of the hallway is your own sleeping room. The wardrobe
at the northern wall contains clothes, a pair of sandals and a hat. Take
out the hat and wear it. The chest to the east holds 2 lockpicks, a rope
and 37 gold coins. Take out a single lockpick and leave the rest.
Head back for the hallway and go north to the dining room. A book shelf to
the west has the Book Of Arachnids. Get and read it, it contains a hint
how to handle a certain kind of spider's web. The cupboard at the north
wall contains a set of silver cutlery. Leave it there for the moment,
later you can sell it and get some money to buy better weapons and armor.
Put the book into the cupboard. Once you have read the hint, there is no
need to burden yourself with it any more.
Go west into the kitchen. A cupboard near the north-western corner holds
two knives, a dagger and 15 rations of food. Take out the dagger only and
ready it.
To the west of the kitchen there is a small storage room. The baskets here
contain 6 rations and 5 torches. Take all of it and use a torch.

This is a good opportunity to save the game for the first time. You're
ready now to overcome the lurking horrors of your grandpa's cellar!

2. Grandfather's cellar

Go down the stairs and follow the passage first east, then south. You'll
find a square-sized room with doors to the east, the south and to the west.
Don't bother if you encounter a small spider at the ceiling or running
around on the floor. These small ones won't harm you - probably they feel
more fear than you do. (At least that's what my mommy kept telling me when
I was little. Check the number of legs you own before you enter my room,
though. Chances for survival are low if your count exceeds two.)

It's easy to loose orientation in the 3-D dungeons if you're not used to
the steering. Simply use the map gadget whenever you're not sure of your

A well can be found in the centre of the room. Do not touch it yet! Pass
the east door and discover a short sword in the south east corner of the
adjacent room. Ready it and keep your dagger in your backpack.
Unfortunately your inexperienced hero is a bit clumsy and tends to break
his weapons when using them. Try to always have some replacement in store.

Go back to the room with the well and have a look at it. Isn't there
something moving beyond the water surface? Try to grab it and stir up a
deadly, dangerous pond lizard!
This vicious beast horrendously darts at you and attacks! It is one feet
and some inches long - at the very least!!! Defend your ankles, fight for
your life and finish the monster off.
Congratulations! You just killed the first in a long row of opponents in
the adventures to come. Be sure to take the tasty remains of the lizard
with you (two rations of food). Some supply of food always is handy to
have. During a rest your character needs one ration to regain health after
a fight.

If you broke your sword or your robe during the fight, this is very bad
news right now and hard to take. There are some more fights to win until
there is a opportunity to get equally suited replacement. You might as
well reload your saved game and retry the fight for a better result. Also,
this is the main reason why should save your game now and after any further
melee if everything went well. Make this a habit until you are sure of a
reasonable supply of equipment.
Later in the game the danger to break some invaluable equipment becomes
smaller gradually.
Of course, if you feel this is cheating, you may as well show you have the
guts to continue without reloading after such an accident. Be sure of my
deep respect.

Now go through the west door and head north. You'll get attacked by a big
spider but you should be able to handle the fight. The room you just
entered holds 2 potions of cure poison, 5 potions of healing I and a potion
of healing II. Go to the west into a food storage room. Yummy! 39
rations of food just for you alone!

Go back to the door to the well room but do not pass it. Instead follow
the passage to the south. After a bend to the west, pass a door south and
your way is blocked by a spider's web. Simply walk through it, it's easily
ripped, just to be attacked by another big spider.

Follow the passage until another web is in your way. This one is not as
easy to destroy as the first one. Save your game now! The next fight is
quite tough and there is a good chance of not surviving it. As an option
you may well ignore the web for now and return here later.
If you decide for heroism now, you have to find a way to destroy the web.
Do you remember the hint from the Book of Arachnids? Stand right in front
of the web and use a torch. The web will burn up and a big spider and a
poison spider will attack you. As a hint for the fight, use a healing
potion if your health drops below 5 points, concentrate on one enemy first
and finish him off before attacking the next one. The poison spider will
cast some intoxication spells on you first (with a very moderate success
rate). If you get poisoned, ignore this for now. Use a potion of cure
poison after the fight to cure the condition.
As a reward you get a nice dose of 65 experience points and you find a
chest in the north-west corner of the spider's lair. Use the lockpick on
the chest and collect as many items as you can carry. The contents of the
chest is quite impressive:

3 healing potions I,
1 healing potion II,
2 potions of cure poison,
1 revitalizing flask,
4 spell point potions I,
1 spell point potion II,
1 scroll of Dispel undead,
3 scrolls of Light,
2 scrolls of Blink,
1 scroll of Magic Shield,
1 scroll of Hurry,
4 scrolls of Monster Knowledge,
1 scroll of Knowledge,
5 scrolls of Magical Compass,
1 scroll of Find Persons,
4 scrolls of Magical Projectile,
1 scroll of Sleep,
2 scrolls of Mudsling,
1 scroll of Wind devil,
1 sling stone,
3 ropes,
and 58 coins of gold.

The scrolls with white letters are for healers, the blue coloured ones are
alchemist's scrolls, the yellow ones hold mystic knowledge and the black
ones have inscriptions of destructive powers.
Close windows and lock your door before using them. In a single,
continuous stroke draw a thirteen-pronged star to the floor. Place a black
coloured, cursed candle into each of the corners. Dance three times around
the freshly chopped head of a rabbit. Anti-clockwise. Incant the words
for calling a major demon.
If you now sense a strange odour you just created a good opportunity to
change your pants.

To be honest, the scrolls are not of much use for you now. Keep them in
store in your house, though. Later you and your companions can learn
spells written on them to aid thee in your quest.
Note that character class restricts which scrolls you are able to use.
Some classes can read scrolls only, not learn the spells, a feature that
might help in desperate situations. Fighters can't use them at all.

Most probably you cannot carry that many items. Transport as much as you
can back to your room up in the house, put the scrolls and ropes into a
chest, cupboard or other container. Return here and pick up the rest.

Now go back to the room with the well and go through the south door. In
the south-east corner of the room you will find 6 torches. To the
north-west there are 13 sling stones.
There is a door to the south. Pass it and follow the passage up to a wall
with a riddle mouth. Talk to the mouth and tell him the code word "WINE",
just as your grandfather instructed you. The wall with the mouth will
vanish and allow passage to the east, then north.
A sign next to the door you now see indicates that you are about to enter
the wine cellar of your grandpa. Go in and collect the 27 sling stones
found on the west side. The north wall has a button. Touch it using the
"hand" gadget and a wall opens to the west, just to release another big
spider. Kill the creep and climb down the ladder to...

3. The Old Cave - first level
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Old 18 November 2009, 09:18   #5
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Originally Posted by alexh View Post
Erm, try looking in the cellar of your grandfathers house to begin with?

Use your MAP to see where you are in relation to the cities?
Apparently i missed a couple items in the house(namely the picture and baskets with torches). Because of that exploring the cellar was impossible seems how it was pitch black. Also i don't know what map you're referring to o.O. Using a ADF version of the game i got off planetemu that i installed to HD with the games normal installer.

Anywho that walkthrough bit clears up a few things, hopefully things will be a bit easier now.
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Old 18 November 2009, 09:42   #6
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Originally Posted by rmcin329 View Post
Also i don't know what map you're referring to Using a ADF version of the game i got off planetemu that i installed to HD with the games normal installer.
Of course you don't cos when planetemu took the files from Thalion Webshrine they excluded the map.


The map comes in the box with the game as did rune table, required for translating some text in the game. (MAP & RUNE table are on PAGE 2)

There are some higher resolution maps here generated from the in-game gfx.
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Old 18 November 2009, 10:21   #7
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hmmn i see, those maps might be handy. Well if get far enough that is, that remains to be seen.
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Old 18 November 2009, 23:03   #8
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Originally Posted by rmcin329 View Post
Apparently i missed a couple items in the house(namely the picture and baskets with torches). Because of that exploring the cellar was impossible seems how it was pitch black.
Don't feel bad, I made exactly the same mistake the first time I played it.
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Old 18 November 2009, 23:25   #9
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well only putting in a couple of hours here and there but so far, i still haven't figured out how ugprading the character will work, or if he's even gained a level yet. But things are slowly progressing nonetheless.
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Old 19 November 2009, 22:16   #10
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Hmmn well on an update, i've now gained a few lvls and found where to train attack and parry at least. Despite buying a longsword, chainmail, and leather boots, orcs kill me still. Against orcs seems like i only do 1 damage most of the time and if i get lucky a 4. Haven't managed to kill even 1 of them before dieing when i try.

Also i've found the gold horseshoe upstairs in the bandits house but can't win the fight that involves the bandit chief. Despite the fact the bandit chief uses a shortbow and the orc chief(volcano) a longbow i've noticed the bandit chief consistently harms me for higher amounts of damage. I also have no clue where to look for the other horseshoes. Oh well for now i suppose its gain another level or 2 and see what happens, not going to waste healing potions on either of those fights seems how i cant find any npcs who will sell me new ones.

i would visit the thieves guild or explore more of the alchemists tower, but haven't the slightest clue what the passwords for the riddle mouths are.

Last edited by rmcin329; 19 November 2009 at 22:35.
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Old 19 November 2009, 23:15   #11
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You need to follow the plots by finishing dungeons. The key to winning is to explore and try to recruit someone you meet, someone who already has combat experience or magic skills.
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Old 16 June 2010, 22:15   #12
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Hello guys,
I got a question how can I get all 4 characters from Spanenberg (1st island) Thalion, Egil, Nelvin and Selen to Burnville (2nd island), when I can't buy/loan a ship (because shipmaster is in prison on 2nd island) and on 1st island I get only one Ring of Sobek (through which I can swim).

Is it possible?
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Old 17 June 2010, 11:23   #13
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I don't know for sure without looking at my notes but I think it involved resurrection. I'll check tonight.
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Old 20 June 2010, 18:47   #14
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Originally Posted by alexh View Post
I don't know for sure without looking at my notes but I think it involved resurrection. I'll check tonight.
Have you found a solution to my problem in your notes of how to get to second island or do I must play with only one member?

Resurrection is imposible in this game part.
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Old 20 June 2010, 23:29   #15
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Here are the notes :
Make your own character wear the ring of Sobek and release Egil from the
party. Now leave Spannenberg and find the quay just south west of the town.
Jump in the water. Nelvin and Selena will drown quickly but you yourself
are not harmed.

Your relative safety results from the ring of Sobek little Sally gave you!
It makes a character a perfect swimmer when worn and has further magic
properties we will encounter soon.

Swim to the south until you reach the shores of another island. Follow the
coastline to the west until you reach a quay and a raft that awaits you
there. Mount the raft and go back to Spannenberg. Visit Egil at the
fighting trainer and recruit him again.

Get some gold from your stores and go to the healer's shop in the chapel.
Resurrecting Nelvine and Selena costs 1000 gold coins each, but that's nothing
compared to the hassle of releasing them and travelling around the
island and two dungeons to recruit them again.
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Old 21 June 2010, 22:41   #16
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Originally Posted by alexh View Post
Here are the notes :
Oh great, the whole time I had no idea that it is a raft, I thought it was the only part of the harbor.
Thank you for this help
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Old 27 December 2010, 19:16   #17
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Ambermoon Walkthrough by Michael Böhnisch

Hello Alex,

Is it possible that you post a link for this walkthrough on the Thalion Webshrine? I have not been able to locate the link on at http://thalion.exotica.org.uk/...

Much Appreciated...

Daniel Porter
Old 27 December 2010, 22:59   #18
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I never published it.
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