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Old 09 July 2019, 01:32   #41
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Originally Posted by ross View Post
You're cheating! Nah, I'm kidding

If there is no other way this is the right one.
I look forward for the release
There is no other way, it is quite an ingeniously setup protection.

So Disk 1 is part interrupt loading format and part standard MFM, with $1900 size tracks.

Disk 2 is entirely interrupt loading format, and that format is like this.

So interrupt disk format is two different sync marks, $4489 and $4522, but the data is structured not as one complete $1900, but as two big "sectors" of $c80 bytes.

So first part of track is $4489 and $c80 worth of data, then the second part of that track is $4522 and also $c80 worth of data.

The problem is that the programmer only loads in $c80 sizes when interrupt loader is running, which means he has set a REALLY small track buffer to decode MFM data, which is neatly positioned inbetween code and onscreen graphics, when wanting to load next half of the track, he just swaps the SYNC and it will load the next part, of course AmigaDOS $4489 style track can not be decoded in such a tiny memory space and there is literally NO room in 512k in which to do it.

The disk format is also quite large, $FA000 per disk, so even if I could find the room, I wouldn't be able to fit all the data on the disks and keep it as two like the original.

Lots of sneaky stuff, like if you try and bypass his interrupt loader entirely, it will miss stuff that is setup in memory for other routines which will crash, lots of self modifying encryption (the weakest part of the protection), checksums (again, strangely weaker than the disk protection), if you try and mess with the interrupt loader, it does stuff like seek to track 83 which is all kinds of fun the first time it happens!!!!!

So now i've had to change the interrupt loader system to a multi loader, I have to preserve chip memory to extra memory so I can load the different parts and then restore that used memory, it was quite the headache to figure out a system that wouldn't fall foul of the programmers stuff trying to trip me up.

Very competent protection, and a few schoolboy errors by me along the way didn't help either!
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Old 09 July 2019, 09:02   #42
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Very detailed description, thanks!

Originally Posted by Galahad/FLT View Post
So interrupt disk format is two different sync marks, $4489 and $4522, but the data is structured not as one complete $1900, but as two big "sectors" of $c80 bytes.
The disk format is also quite large, $FA000 per disk,
This somehow reminds me of WotD, same $FA000 per disk, same net $1900 per track, similar macro-sectors split ($640x4),
but fortunately big MFM buffer, same sync and no tight IRQ loader (so one track load per rotations).

Lots of sneaky stuff, like if you try and bypass his interrupt loader entirely, it will miss stuff that is setup in memory for other routines which will crash, lots of self modifying encryption (the weakest part of the protection), checksums (again, strangely weaker than the disk protection), if you try and mess with the interrupt loader, it does stuff like seek to track 83 which is all kinds of fun the first time it happens!!!!!
Very competent protection
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Old 09 July 2019, 10:51   #43
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Originally Posted by ross View Post
I quote myself.

Beta version for the new nrv2b 68k data compression handler ready.
Only a beta because my idea is to add some facilities for in-place decompression.
But would require a modification of the bit-coding..

I'm sure that WayneK would like to try it

I can confirm this

Been busy on other stuff (c64, playing some CTF's), but you can never leave Amigaaaaa!
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Old 15 July 2019, 17:55   #44
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I love to read this kinda stories, and i'm perfectly clear now why we never where able to crack this back in the dayz....recognize some things about the disk format and the buffer between the code and the graphics, but i'm sure we couldn't crack this kinda impressive code anywayz. but i'll like it to see that this kinda things is possible after so many years.... a big, big cheers for all involved by this project......
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Old 14 August 2019, 12:31   #45
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I'd need something that encodes on Mac OS X (I build all my stuff in a shellskript there), and decodes on the Amiga (off course ).

Seems LZ4 would be the way to go, but I'd also love to have a good compresson rate (which LZ4 doesn't seem to have?)
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Old 24 August 2019, 11:33   #46
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if anyone is interested by a fast LZ4 68k depacker, you can use one of my three version here: (tiny, normal and fast )


If you need extreme packing ratio and you don't care of decompression time then use Shrinkler.
If you need very good packing ratio with average depacking speed ( about 15KiB/s, same speed as floppy loading), use ARJ mode 7
If you need almost same good packing ratio than ARJ mode 7 and about 2 times faster depacking, use UPX (nrv2b )
If you need extremly fast depacking speed withtout ridiculous packing ratio, use LZ4

I did a ATARI depacking benchmark, you can look results here: https://ibb.co/JKtQFVt

first column is the packed binary file size ( smaller is better ). Then the name of the file ( you have lz77, pft=packfire tiny, lz, am7=arj mode 7, shk=shrinkler

the number between bracket () is the decompressor code size.

Then the last column is the decompressor speed ( number of 50hz tick to depack). Smaller is faster.

Last edited by leonard; 24 August 2019 at 16:26.
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Old 24 August 2019, 12:13   #47
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Originally Posted by leonard View Post
If you need almost same good packing ratio than ARJ mode 7 and about 3 times faster depacking, use UPX (nrv2b )
Hi leonard, you should try nrv2r.

Is an improvement and a fork over nrv2b, born for in-place decompression.

Depacker code:
; nrv2r decompression in 68000 assembly
; by ross
; On entry:
;	a0	src pointer
;	[a1	dest pointer]
; (decompress also to a1=a0)
; On exit:
;	all preserved but
;	a1 = dest start
; Register usage:
;	a2	m_pos
;	a3	constant: $cff
;	a4	2nd src pointer (in stack)
;	d0	bit buffer
;	d1	m_off
;	d2	m_len or -1
;	d3	last_m_off
;	d4	constant: 2
;	d5	reserved space on stack
; Notes:
;	we have max_offset = 2^23, so we can use some word arithmetics on d1
;	we have max_match = 65535, so we can use word arithmetics on d2

		movem.l	d0-d5/a0/a2-a4,-(sp)

		lea	(a0),a1						; if (a1) lea (a0),a4
		adda.l	(a0),a0					; end of packed data
		move.l	-(a0),(a1)				; if (a1) move.l -(a0),(a4)
		adda.l	-(a0),a1				; end of buffer
		move.b	-(a0),d0				; ~stack usage
		moveq	#-2,d5
		and.b	d0,d5
		adda.l	d5,sp					; reserve space
		lea	(sp),a4
_stk	move.b	-(a0),(a4)+
		addq.b	#1,d0
		bne.b	_stk

; ------------- setup constants -----------

		moveq	#-$80,d0				; d0.b = $80 (byte refill flag)
		moveq	#-1,d2
		moveq	#0,d3					; last_off = 0(1)
		moveq	#2,d4
		movea.w	#$cff,a3

; ------------- DECOMPRESSION -------------

		move.b	-(a0),-(a1)

		add.b	d0,d0
		bcc.b	decompr_match
		bne.b	decompr_literal
		move.b	-(a0),d0
		addx.b	d0,d0
		bcs.b	decompr_literal

		moveq	#1,d1
		add.b	d0,d0
		bne.b	_g_1
		move.b	-(a0),d0
		addx.b	d0,d0
_g_1	addx.w	d1,d1					; max 2^23!

		add.b	d0,d0
		bcc.b	decompr_gamma_1
		bne.b	decompr_select
		move.b	-(a0),d0
		addx.b	d0,d0
		bcc.b	decompr_gamma_1

		subq.w	#3,d1
		bcs.b	decompr_get_mlen		; last m_off
		bmi.b	decompr_exit_token
		lsl.l	#8,d1
		move.b	-(a0),d1
		move.l	d1,d3					; last_m_off = m_off

decompr_get_mlen						; implicit d2 = -1
		add.b	d0,d0
		bne.b	_e_1
		move.b	-(a0),d0
		addx.b	d0,d0

_e_1	addx.w	d2,d2
		add.b	d0,d0
		bne.b	_e_2
		move.b	-(a0),d0
		addx.b	d0,d0

_e_2	addx.w	d2,d2

		lea		1(a1,d3.l),a2
		addq.w	#2,d2
		bgt.b 	decompr_gamma_2  

		move.l	a3,d1
		sub.l	d3,d1
		addx.w	d4,d2

L_copy2	move.b	-(a2),-(a1)
L_copy1	move.b	-(a2),-(a1)
		dbra	d2,L_copy1
L_rep	bra.b	decompr_loop

decompr_gamma_2							; implicit d2 = 1
		add.b	d0,d0
		bne.b	_g_2
		move.b	-(a0),d0
		addx.b	d0,d0
_g_2	addx.w  d2,d2
		add.b	d0,d0
		bcc.b	decompr_gamma_2
		bne.b	decompr_large_mlen
		move.b	-(a0),d0
		addx.b	d0,d0
		bcc.b	decompr_gamma_2

		move.b	-(a2),-(a1)
		move.b	-(a2),-(a1)
		cmpa.l   d3,a3
		bcs.b   L_copy2
		move.b	-(a2),-(a1)
		dbra	d2,L_copy1

		lea	(a4),a0
		bclr	d2,d2					; ;)
		bne.b	L_rep
		suba.l  d5,sp
		movem.l	(sp)+,d0-d5/a0/a2-a4
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Old 24 August 2019, 12:47   #48
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ross: interesting! do you have some numbers to share about perf difference between nrv2b and nrv2r you mentionned? ( both in term of packing ratio and compression speed? )
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Old 24 August 2019, 13:35   #49
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Originally Posted by leonard View Post
ross: interesting! do you have some numbers to share about perf difference between nrv2b and nrv2r you mentionned? ( both in term of packing ratio and compression speed? )


or the whole thread:

Not exaustive at all, I wanted to do something complete but I never found the time..
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Old 31 October 2019, 22:02   #50
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I've been adding some depacker support to my framework. Doing a onefiler targeting the A500 512+512 config. So I'm shunting data from fast mem to chip as needed. Instead of just copying I've been playing around with some of the packers in this thread. Got packfire/shrinkler/lz4 working nicely. I want to try upx nrv2b next but getting stuck.

First off how exactly do you get a data file compressed? Upx doesn't seem to do it. I saw reference to a modified upx exe on an ST forum but not been able to track it down. What are you guys using?

Decompression-wise is this the routine people are using? https://github.com/upx/upx/blob/mast...8k/nrv2b_d.ash
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Old 31 October 2019, 23:05   #51
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Originally Posted by Antiriad_UK View Post
I want to try upx nrv2b next but getting stuck.

First off how exactly do you get a data file compressed? Upx doesn't seem to do it. I saw reference to a modified upx exe on an ST forum but not been able to track it down. What are you guys using?

Decompression-wise is this the routine people are using? https://github.com/upx/upx/blob/mast...8k/nrv2b_d.ash
Drop a pm to Ross... he's the boy.
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Old 31 October 2019, 23:12   #52
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Originally Posted by mcgeezer View Post
Drop a pm to Ross... he's the boy.
He is, and he'd already PMed me
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Old 01 November 2019, 12:23   #53
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You could also take a look at DoynaxLZ, which was used in the Oxyron demo Planet Rocklobster.

It's a port of a c64 packer to 68000, he released the tools in the demo source.
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Old 01 November 2019, 12:39   #54
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Originally Posted by WayneK View Post
You could also take a look at DoynaxLZ, which was used in the Oxyron demo Planet Rocklobster.

It's a port of a c64 packer to 68000, he released the tools in the demo source.
Yep, good packer and very fast unpacker.
I use it when I'm not concerned by space constraints.
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Old 01 November 2019, 14:00   #55
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Yes, I used it for Trap Runner and Solid Gold. The portable packer is extremely slow, though. Takes hours on real 68k hardware.
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Old 01 November 2019, 14:24   #56
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A problem for Doynax 68k is that the way encoding is built is impossible to use for in-place decompression.

But the double stream is conversely a strong point because it allows to reach impossible speeds for the token byte fetch decoders.
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Old 02 November 2019, 13:14   #57
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Originally Posted by ross View Post
A problem for Doynax 68k is that the way encoding is built is impossible to use for in-place decompression.

Yes, I mentioned it to Antiriad_UK because he specifically said he was looking to depack from fast -> chip mem :P
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Old 02 November 2019, 13:25   #58
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Originally Posted by WayneK View Post
Yes, I mentioned it to Antiriad_UK because he specifically said he was looking to depack from fast -> chip mem :P
It would be interesting to make a comparison with LZ4 or LZ4W.
is there a volunteer?
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Old 02 November 2019, 13:42   #59
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Not a very scientific report here. But in one routine I've got a lev3 interrupt running using 99% of CPU and outside the interrupt I'm doing a depack of an image from fast to chip (just in time for it to be displayed after about 10 seconds)

So the CPU is maxed and depack is very much slowed but the relative results are interesting:
Original image: 40KB
LZ4, 9247 bytes, 1-2 seconds
Doynamite, 8125 bytes, 4 seconds
nrv2s, 7840 bytes, 5 seconds
shrinkler, 6528 bytes, 20 seconds

For all the images i've compressed I'm seeing similar sorts of packing ratios. I'm spoiled for choice really now. I'm thinking lz4 for anything that needs ludicrous speed and doynamite/nrv2s for pretty much anything else (nrv2s/r if in-place needed ofc). Maybe shrinkler where you have loads of free time and need the best ratio.

Last edited by Antiriad_UK; 02 November 2019 at 13:52. Reason: Added shrinkler
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Old 02 November 2019, 14:04   #60
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Thanks for testing.

This is somehow interesting.
While the difference in ratio is expected considering the algorithms, I expected greater speed difference between doynamite and nrv2s.
This makes me think that maybe a dual stream version for nrv2x might make sense.
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