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Old 22 December 2013, 13:36   #41
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Perhaps there is some Python specialist?
There is http://www.vapoursynth.com/ - on this base with Python, very efficient video processor (script/plugin) to convert to Amiga formats, perhaps native to IFF ANIM format should be possible.

i will try to learn Python anyway but... it take some time.
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Old 28 January 2014, 16:20   #42
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is it possible to make a 256 colours video with this tool or less ???
Do we have a player whch support left mouse button or joy button to exit the display ?
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Old 28 January 2014, 20:38   #43
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Originally Posted by turrican3 View Post
is it possible to make a 256 colours video with this tool or less ???
Be more specific - what kind of 256 colors video? fixed palette, each frame new palette, fixed bit (3-3-2 etc)

Originally Posted by turrican3 View Post
Do we have a player whch support left mouse button or joy button to exit the display ?
I assume most of Amiga players exit on mouse button.
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Old 07 June 2014, 20:20   #44
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Completing the idea of jimbob, using the current version of ffmpeg "version N-63623-g2e532aa" it is possible to create the video and sound output stream file in one step, like this:


ffmpg\bin\ffmpeg -i c:\tmp\The_Pink_Panther.flv -map 0:a -ar 16000 -sample_fmt u8 -acodec pcm_u8 c:\tmp\The_Pink_Panther.wav -map 0:v -r 15 -s320x216 -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb555le -vf "vflip" c:\tmp\The_Pink_Panther.avi

AVI4HV.EXE c:\tmp\The_Pink_Panther.avi


ffmpg\bin\ffmpeg -i c:\tmp\The_Pink_Panther.flv -map 0:a -ar 16000 -sample_fmt u8 -acodec pcm_u8 c:\tmp\The_Pink_Panther.wav -map 0:v -r 15 -s 320x216 -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt bgr24 -vf "vflip" c:\tmp\The_Pink_Panther_aga.avi

AVI4AGA.EXE c:\tmp\The_Pink_Panther_aga.avi

Note: The vertical flip option was neccessary, because the ouput was v-flipped. This is maybe a bug of the current ffmpeg, so if you use this option and the image is mirrored again, cancel the option out.

Last edited by skullscandle; 08 June 2014 at 23:01.
Old 07 June 2014, 22:27   #45
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Originally Posted by skullscandle View Post
@rem set samplerate=28604
@set samplerate=15977
@ffmpeg -i %1 -map 0:v -c:v rawvideo -vf "pp=hb/vb/dr/al|f/tmpnoise|4|4|4,decimate=cycle=2,scale='if(gt(a,4/3),320,-1)':'if(gt(a,4/3),-1,216)':sws_dither=a_dither:sws_flags=bicubic,format=pix_fmts=rgb555le,pad=320:216:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2,setsar=sar=1/1,format=pix_fmts=rgb555le,vflip" -y %1.avi -map 0:a -c:a pcm_u8 -af "aformat=sample_fmts=fltp,pan=stereo|FL < FL + 1.414FC + .5BL + .5SL + 0.25LFE|FR < FR + 1.414FC + .5BR + .5SR + 0.25LFE,compand='.3 .35:1 1:-60/-40 -40/-30:6:-0.15:-90:0.2',volume=1.0,aresample=resampler=soxr:osr=%samplerate%:cutoff=0.99:dither_method=0,aformat=sample_fmts=u8:channel_layouts=stereo" -y %1.wav
Hope it is last version - skullscandle idea used (multiple outputs) - thank You skullscandle! - samplerate defined as separate parameter, vflip seem to be mandatory (rawvideo in AVI probably use Windows DIB organization - vertically flipped).
As always - framerate conversion is very crude - it is advised to use some motion compensated frame rate conversion method.

I should also mention that using sample rates from PC in Amiga is bad idea - there is no 16000 or 22050 or 11025 or 24000 - Amiga sample rates are like:28604, 23646, 22168, 15977, 11260 etc This is important as video and audio will be quickly out of sync - preferable is to have video framerate equal to native Amiga framerate and sample rate closest as possible to Amiga. Also it is good to resample any audio to native Amiga sample rate otherwise it will be played or faster or slower than on original (higher or lower pitch).

Last edited by pandy71; 11 June 2014 at 21:38.
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Old 13 July 2014, 21:42   #46
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Thanks a lot pandy71 for the details.

I checked your updated ffmpg command line. It gives an improved and smaller output.

I re-assembled the asm code of the hamvid player provided by hyakushiki.net and removed the cpu depending delay loop in the end. It was very slow on slow machines. Here are the few lines of code that I changed:

;    --------------------------------------------------------------------

        move.w #15,$96(a5)    ; dmacon - turn off audio

        moveq #99,d5
        move.l _GfxBase(pc),a6
.delay: jsr _LVOWaitTOF(a6)
        dbf d5,.delay

        move.w #$8020,$96(a5) ; dmacon - turn sprites back on

I also found a bug in the program in the exit code, that may crash the machine:

        move.l _WBenchMsg(pc),d0
        beq.s .notwb
        move.l a0,a1 ; must be d0,a1
        jsr _LVOForbid(a6) ; Not sure that a1 is not modified!
        jsr _LVOReplyMsg(a6)
The code should be changed to this:

        move.l _WBenchMsg(pc),d6
        beq.s .notwb
        jsr _LVOForbid(a6)
        move.l d6,a1
        jsr _LVOReplyMsg(a6)
In the end I have added Workbench project file support. So, you may have now an icon for your video and use hamvid.run as tool now. In the same way, as you would do it for a text file.

If anyone is interessed, I can send the updated file. Finally I will send the changes to hyakushiki.net.

Last edited by skullscandle; 14 July 2014 at 00:26.
Old 15 July 2014, 22:24   #47
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I just got e-mail. TJ Edmister (hyakushiki.net) has updates the AVI4HV / HAMVid archive on his site. Thanks TJ Edmister!
Old 07 August 2014, 00:13   #48
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I tried HAM video for the first time today and I'm impressed - for certain definitions of impressed - well you understand

I thought I'd describe my Linux-centric process in case it could benefit someone.

I started by downloading http://www.hyakushiki.net/junk/avi4hv.zip and https://1.node1.de/hvconvert.tgz.

I decided to use the hvconvert script and will delve into the default conversion parameters another day. As hvconvert uses Libav which is not readily available in Fedora I decided to use one of my Debian sandboxes instead. I also decided to recompile the AVI4HV executable since the one included is probably not the latest version.

First I had to install FreeBasic. The instructions included are straightforward.

As I'm running a 64 bit Debian Wheezy I need to specifically tell Debian that I want to enable 32 bit packages before proceeding:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

The FreeBasic prerequisites can be installed using the following command:
sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib g++-multilib lib32ncurses5-dev libx11-dev:i386 libxext-dev:i386 libxrender-dev:i386 libxrandr-dev:i386 libxpm-dev:i386

The FreeBasic installation script should now run successfully. This means AVI4HV.BAS can be compiled.

Before running the hvconvert script I need to install the libav-tools package:
sudo apt-get install libav-tools

That's it - I'm now able to run ./hvconvert.sh <filename>.

On my Amiga 1200 I was not able to run HAMNEW.RUN <filename> to watch the video, all I got was a single screen flash. I don't know how to troubleshoot on the Amiga.

I was able to change the default tool in the .info file by right clicking the video and selecting "Info". Now I'm able to watch the video by simply double clicking.
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Old 22 August 2014, 15:14   #49
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Fixed version for ffmpeg (aspect ratio auto calculation works now with non ususal aspect ratios, overall flexibility improved, new: anti-aliasing* added - optional, improved audio syntax, still issues with color space - ffmpeg ignore (partially?) syntax and seem that issue is raised on ffmpeg bug-list - solution for today: piping - perhaps in next version)

@rem echo --audio--
@rem possible samplerates are for example: 28604, 23646, 22168, 15977, 11260
@set samplerate=15977

@rem possible ngain are for example: -3.0103, -6.0206, -9.0309
@set ngain=-6.0206

@rem possible audither are: 0,1,2,3
@set audither=1

@rem possible volume value are for example: 3.0103dB, 6.0206dB, 9.0309dB, 12.0412dB, 18.0618dB or 1.5 2 etc
@set avol=1

@rem echo --video--
@rem possible vidither are: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 or "bayer","ed","a_dither", "x_dither"
@set vidither=bayer
@rem possible video color space are: rgb555le (15 bit), rgb444le (12 bit - native Amiga) ;CLUT format not suitable for AVI conatiner but fine GIF (or similar format) bgr4_byte (4 bit CLUT), rgb8 (8 bit CLUT) 
@set cspc=rgb555le

@ffmpeg -threads %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%+1 -i %1 -map 0:v -c:v rawvideo -vf hqdn3d=6:6:8:8,decimate=cycle=2,pp="hb/vb/dr/al|f",format=pix_fmts=rgb24[midv1];[midv1]scale="'if(gt(a,4/3),320,-1)':'if(gt(a,4/3),-1,216)':sws_flags=spline:sws_dither=%vidither%",pad=320:216:(ow-iw)/2:0[midv2];[midv2]scale=320:-1:sws_flags=spline:sws_dither=%vidither%,vflip,format=pix_fmts=%cspc% -sws_dither %vidither% -y %1.avi -map 0:a:0 -c:a pcm_u8 -af "[in]aformat=sample_fmts=fltp[mida1] ; [mida1]pan=stereo|FL < FL + 1.414FC + .5BL + .5SL + 0.25LFE|FR < FR + 1.414FC + .5BR + .5SR + 0.25LFE[mida2] ; [mida2]highpass=f=2.5,compand='.13|.13:.35|.35:-70/-35|-35/-20|-20/-15|-15/-15:6:%ngain%:-90:0.2',treble=g=%ngain%*-2:f=%samplerate%/4,volume=%avol%[mida3];[mida3]aresample=resampler=soxr:osr=%samplerate%:cutoff=0.995:dither_method=%audither%,aformat=sample_fmts=u8:channel_layouts=stereo[out]" -y %1.wav

@rem ffmpeg -threads %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%+1 -i %1 -map 0:v -c:v rawvideo -vf hqdn3d=6:6:8:8,decimate=cycle=2,pp="hb/vb/dr/al|f"[midv1];[midv1]scale="'if(gt(a,4/3),320,-1)':'if(gt(a,4/3),-1,216)'",pad=320:216:(ow-iw)/2:0[midv2];[midv2]format='pix_fmts=bgr24',hqx=2,scale=iw/2:-1:sws_flags=spline:sws_dither=%vidither%,vflip,format=pix_fmts=%cspc% -sws_dither %vidither% -y %1_hqx.avi -map 0:a:0 -c:a pcm_u8 -af "[in]aformat=sample_fmts=fltp[mida1] ; [mida1]pan=stereo|FL < FL + 1.414FC + .5BL + .5SL + 0.25LFE|FR < FR + 1.414FC + .5BR + .5SR + 0.25LFE[mida2] ; [mida2]highpass=f=2.5,compand='.13|.13:.35|.35:-70/-35|-35/-20|-20/-15|-15/-15:6:%ngain%:-90:0.2',treble=g=%ngain%*-2:f=%samplerate%/4,volume=%avol%[mida3];[mida3]aresample=resampler=soxr:osr=%samplerate%:cutoff=0.995:dither_method=%audither%,aformat=sample_fmts=u8:channel_layouts=stereo[out]" -y %1_hqx.wav
*AA implemented as hqx http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hqx - slower, not universal, but improvements visible - to turn ON - un-rem second ffmpeg.

Automatic Audio can't be implemented currently without at least 2 pass or pipe - perhaps in future sufficient filter for ffmpeg can be used to do this.

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Old 06 August 2018, 17:31   #50
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What a fantastic thread this is! Thanks to everyone for contributing, even though it seems to be a few years old. Majesta's original tutorial was great, and the contributions of Pandy71 and the rest of you were so helpful!
I love that we can use ffmpeg to bypass all of the other programs and conversions. What a great utility.
You will find the results of all this work online soon with my new video series.
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Old 11 October 2018, 21:59   #51
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Are there any example videos I can download to try out?
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Old 12 October 2018, 23:59   #52
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*.hv6 files
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Old 13 October 2018, 03:37   #53
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I also did this HAM video on a real Amiga a few years back, I think it came out pretty well and kinda looks like an Amiga demo (helps that Space is mostly black LoL)

[ Show youtube player ]
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Old 14 October 2018, 10:38   #54
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@Frazor: wow, that looks really good!

@Nobby: Looks like your ftp site needs a password?
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Old 14 October 2018, 13:12   #55
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2 years ago I also did some HAM6 videos for myself but I used different program (I did it with AGMS from aminet - it can produce HAM videos as well).

What you can see below is :
-8 colors
-4 colors (to be played in multiview on WB screen)
-16 colors

[ Show youtube player ]

That YT video is blurred so you cannot see color ramps in HAM6. Also each pixel is very well visible when watching this live on the monitor (btw this is 21 inches monitor).
So do not be fooled that it is "so perfect" (it is not)
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Old 14 October 2018, 14:57   #56
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Originally Posted by CaptainPlanet View Post
Are there any example videos I can download to try out?
here my two test with starwars trailer in ham6/8

you can found some here :
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Old 14 October 2018, 15:22   #57
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Originally Posted by CaptainPlanet View Post
@Nobby: Looks like your ftp site needs a password?
Not mine --- it's the EAB's
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Old 15 October 2018, 02:13   #58
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Originally Posted by CaptainPlanet View Post
Are there any example videos I can download to try out?
I have a bunch on my website http://www.10marc.com

Some are movie trailers and such, others are conversions of my video series.
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Old 17 October 2018, 22:00   #59
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Awesome stuff guys, I shall try these out asap.

It's amazing to think of the Amiga playing video. I guess the only thing holding us back, back then, was hard drive space.
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Old 17 October 2018, 22:44   #60
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Originally Posted by CaptainPlanet View Post
It's amazing to think of the Amiga playing video. I guess the only thing holding us back, back then, was hard drive space.
I get better results playing Avi (CinePak), Quicktime or MPEG 1/Dat files
(1200 +Apollo 040/25 + 32 Meg)
--- Though not full screen.

I would not mind Half/Quarter screen Ham Vids
if that made them nicer...
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