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Old 02 March 2017, 08:41   #21
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you sound like an misunderstood artist, acting like a child. I respect your work and your attitude but you should grow up and learn acting with critics.
as I wrote before: In an artistical view you may be right. but thats theory, not practical everytime. change the colors like you want but accept the opinions of others guys.
In iOS the App Icons changed due to new guidelines. result: correct, but ugly and unusable.
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Old 20 March 2017, 21:37   #22
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That blue on the arcade looks like it's late night for example.
That's why buddy i precisely choosed a day light sky color for the insect island.

The project is pending since i discovered that the color palette is UNIQUE for the whole game ! Totally incredible, what the fuck did they have in mind seriously ? The new colors for insects island is unappropriated for the world 3, so i need a coder help to insert between each world a "set a new palette" function. I talked about this to Stingray on fb, but he is kinda busy at the moment (and that's always good news to be^^), so it someone is avaible before he finds the time then just tell me.

Last edited by Vollldo; 20 March 2017 at 22:57.
Old 20 March 2017, 21:44   #23
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Originally Posted by Vollldo View Post
That's why buddy i precisely choosed a day light sky color for the insect island.

The project is pending since i discovered that the color palette is UNIQUE for the whole game ! Totally incredible, what the fuck did they have in mind seriously ? The new colors for insects island is unappropriated for the world 3, so i need a coder help to insert between each world a "set a new palette" function. I talked about this to Stingray on fb, but he is kinda buzzy at the moment (and that's always good news to be^^), so it someone is avaible before he finds the time then just tell me.
yes, they used a unified 16 colors palette, thanks to the Atari ST yayyy
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Old 20 March 2017, 22:18   #24
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Well they most of all wanted to keep the exact same color for all the sprites etc during the whole game... Stupid choice honestly, because a green bug could have been a bit more or less green depending the world that it wouldn't have been a problem.
Old 20 March 2017, 22:28   #25
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you sound like an misunderstood artist, acting like a child. I respect your work and your attitude but you should grow up and learn acting with critics.
as I wrote before: In an artistical view you may be right. but thats theory, not practical everytime. change the colors like you want but accept the opinions of others guys.
Bad luck for you mate i'm not an artist. And in my field we precisely accept only well argumentated critics, and we have no respect for people who consider that to have a founded, explainable view is childish. Objectively no one can decently pretend that the Amiga palette is better or more appropriated than the coin-op. Art is subjective ok, but sujectivity has its limits, and here theory joins practice. The new palette enhances the gameplay by making the sprites more visible and by saving your eyes. And the first reason only justifies objectively the color choices i did. It's an st palette, we re on Amiga : donc "point barre".

Your version looks like "Rainbow Islands in Nordic Winter Depression Times"
Did no one tell you that rainbows appear after rain ? .

I also never liked the arcade colors, preferred the Amiga version.
That's good because i don't do it for maginal people like you who prefer the blinding Amiga palette. You belong to a vast minority, most of the gamers think the coin-op version is perfection.

Ah, and a last thing : first of all i didn't insult anyone (except if you have a different definition that me of what is "to insult"), and secondly real men don't let them influence with unfounded and marginal opinions. I didn't open this thread to discuss about the fact that the Amiga palette is good or not : IT IS NOT, and i consider this like an AXIOM, simply because this opinion is shared by a bunch list of people. This thread is opened for suggestions to change this or that, so you're out of topic. And you make me loose my time by discussing about a non sense point of view : the Amiga version palette is NOT better than the coin-op. If you think it is then you have serious vision troubles. Daltonian maybe ?

Last edited by Vollldo; 20 March 2017 at 22:59.
Old 21 March 2017, 01:18   #26
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Apparently a lot of people here do the confusion between an insult and a strong objective opinion, and also seem to take part about threads they simply don't care about. First time in 10 years at EAB that i'm really surprised about people reactions, and i really don't have time to waste by dealing with such imature behaviours. 2 pages more and i bet i would have read a "Anyway the Amiga version is the best, not only on the palette point of view". And you dare to call this unrespect from me ? Read better first, it's called "fixed palette". If you think that this game doesn't need one then what the f*** are you doing on this thread ?! In 10 years i never lacked of respect about anyone, and i also never took place on thread that i don't care about.

What made me really angry was the one who wrote "add the 3 missing islands and I will consider blabla idk what". First sign of a total unrespect. So what, is it the REAL Amiga community mentality guys ? People incapable for most of all to type 1 line of code and act as "never satisfied" ?! At my home we call this arrogance and king-child attitude.

Go on like this guys, and nothing will be released on Amiga. What makes live the community is people who do (crazy) stuffs, whatever big or not they are. A new crack, a bug fix, a palette hack, etc. Everything is worth.

Three big pending stuffs (no link with Rainbow Islands) were coming, 2 on Amiga and 1 on which i work on since 2 years.

You want to add the 3 hidden islands ? OPEN A ASM BOOK AND MOVE UR ASS TO LEARN TO CODE INSTEAD OF CRITIZING OTHERS. Ok ? This, it was an insult. You see the difference ?

I wrote to RCK to close my EAB account, thanks to all the people here with which i exchanged during these 10 years to exhibit new cracks proposals and bug fixes, it was really cool !
Old 21 March 2017, 06:17   #27
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You just called me a marginal because of my opinion. If that isn't insulting, what is? If you think telling people to move their asses and do things is an insult, but calling people names because they disagree with you isn't an insult, you must have a lot of trouble in life.

I for one will be glad not to see your aggression around here.
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Old 21 March 2017, 07:14   #28
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There is a reason why this game is using a unified 16 color palette. Let's see how you deal with rainbows, power ups and drops and main sprite when you change the palette every level. The team that created this game was one of the top teams, this wasn't tiertex.
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Old 21 March 2017, 09:48   #29
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Looking at the screenshots on the first post. The new palette looks better to my eyes.

If Vollldo wants to update the palette thats his choice.
This whole retro computer hobby is as much a waste of time as anything else in life frankly.
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Old 21 March 2017, 14:57   #30
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For people who seems not to understand (yes, you, Akira) :
The title thread is "Rainbow Islands (alternative palette)".

It's not "Speedball 2 cd32 (alternative palette)".
It's not "Should Rainbow Islands need a palete fix ?"
It's not "Was the coin-op palette a mess ?".
It's not "Is the Amiga 16 colors palette is better than the original one?"
It's not "try-to-find-unargumented-reasons-why-a-512-colors-palette-is-better-than-a-4096-or-8192-one".
It's not "Did they choise this palette for artistic reason or technical one?" (because YOU know the answer).
It's not "Why the f*** did you think that this game need a palette fix?"

If the project doesn't interest you then don't post !
If you're convinced that this game colors are perfectly chosen then don't post.
Stick to the original one.

If you think that the colors need to be fixed then suggest.
If you think that it's a mess to have choosen a st palette ten suggest.
If you think that it's ridiculous to have kept the same palette for the whole game then suggest.

I was expected different opinions than mine, but coming from people interested by the project and with the minimum common base that YES, this one needs a fix.

People who don't think the palette needs a fix are out of topic.

I am the first one opened to different opinions than mine, but it's not that some are doing here : you're giving opinions about the well-founded of a such fix, and by definition you're already out of topic.

The question is not that this game needs a fix or not : this one is taken as the base and leitmotiv of this thread. If you don't feel concerned by this then avoid to give unconstructive opinion.

I really (and i insist) retained myself not to explode verbally the ones who not only think that this game don't need a fix (what are they doing here here ???), but most of all are incapble of writting why they still prefer the original palette.

As scu68Rkr said it VERY WELL, the choice of the game is MY BUSINESS and has nothing to do with the thread topic. And i exposed precise reasons that were systematically IGNORED by those who flamed. Dennis was one of the rare to quote the founded artistic and technical reasons i raised that make a palette fix be a really relevant decision (merci compatriote, j'apprécie).

That's not a problem if you prefer the original palette, you're free to have your own tastes (even if i don't see why someone can objectively claim that a palete who make sprites be invisible is a great choice, this point is your business not mine).

The problem (and this is disrespect) is to flame someone who already started a project if you're absolutly not interested at all by the founded reasons that starts a project.
Old 21 March 2017, 15:00   #31
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Funny, your first post says:
Originally Posted by Vollldo View Post
Any opinion, suggestions or help are welcome.
I guess "any" also has an "alternative meaning" to you, like "insult". Or "respect".

This is a public forum and people can talk whatever they want. You cannot dictate what people talk about, you don't own people's opinion much less what they write here, how and where.
You just happen to hate that people have disagreed with you and called their opinions "failed", "marginal" and other colorful remarks. Obviously the game you play is intolerance. The only one doing the flaming in this thread is you towards anyone who said "the palette is fine".

The only one not understanding here, is you. Not understanding the basic rules of decency and interaction.
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Old 21 March 2017, 15:12   #32
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You just called me a marginal because of my opinion. If that isn't insulting, what is? If you think telling people to move their asses and do things is an insult, but calling people names because they disagree with you isn't an insult, you must have a lot of trouble in life.

I for one will be glad not to see your aggression around here.
Don't worry lol, no chance that we cross here again !
I highly suggest you to think a bit about the difference between "to have different opinions on a topic" and "be here as a tourist on a topic that doesn't interest tou at all".

I like a lot Dream Theater music. If you like rap and open a thread titled "The influence of Eminem in the post 2000 rap era", would i enter into it to post a "Eminem didn't influence anything". It would be to intentionally take part to a topic for which i don't feel any affinities. Considering the shortcuts you do about someone's personnality by basing yourself about a fun little project i invite you cordialy into my block list here. I don't know you, i don't know what you do in life, i don't know your personnality, and i don't allow you to bypass the strict line between topics here on EAB and real life.

Topic close, DamienD you can close the thread if you want.

Next time, if i decide to stay, i would add a mention "only for people interested by a such little project", apparently it's not seen as implicit by some here.

Really, really disappointing to see people take the right to post on a topic they fucking don't care, aand at the end read that i'm close minded to different opinions since i expexted precisely to experiment different colors with people suggestions to improve the one i choosed (you see how close minded i am so ?).
Old 21 March 2017, 15:13   #33
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A suggestions of any kind goes with arguments.
One without has zero value : learn this.

Topic close, DamienD please close the thread before i bypass my natural limits of courtesy.
Old 21 March 2017, 15:21   #34
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Yes tha's a public forum and i don'r have the power to prevent people from taking part to threads in which they're not interested. You play the game to write on topics for which you don't have affinities at all, and justify yourself by invoking your right to post ANYwhere you want. Be adult, and choose better the topics that catch your interest. Last word from me you make me loose my time, but maybe you only have this to do, right ? 16000 posts, should i conclude by using the same shortcuts than you that you have big troubles in your life to be here all the time ? See how it's easy to write non sense stuff. BYE.
Old 21 March 2017, 15:49   #35
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It is clear how this thread developed, I have nothing to prove.
Just because people disagreed with you you said the topic "does not interest them". This is your assumption based on your bias that does not accept a different opinion that says "the Amiga palette is fine". You have belittled absolutely everybody whose opinion was "the palette was fine". The topic is the palette and that is a valid opinion too, an opposing opinion, but still on topic.

Your aggressive demeanor towards me just proves your intolerance. You went and took a shot at me in another thread for no reason too, proving your "taste is superior" to anyone else's because you "are better" at whatever topic you choose to be.

And you keep referring to how you are "controlling yourself", denoting an anger issue. You keep saying how "nice" you are being by not "blowing up" about someone completely disagreeing with you. How mature.

As an adult, I entered an interesting topic only to be attacked by a little kid who decided his word was rule on the topic and nobody else opposing it had the right to speak.
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Old 21 March 2017, 16:31   #36
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Vollldo, I’d prefer not to have to close the thread but if this continues then you will leave us no choice.

What I would really like to happen is for you to chill out a bit and stop attacking people who don’t agree with you

You know that I’m one of those that don’t think the Amiga version of Rainbow Islands needs a palette change... That’s ok, it’s my opinion.

Saying that, I do think it’s great that you’re undertaking a project in your own time to correct issues that bother you, even better if others appreciate this also

...but just remember that it may not be universal. Who cares though right? You're doing this because you want the change and it shouldn't matter if others disagree.

Anyway, please try to keep this thread polite / respectful and don’t take it so personal when people disagree with what you deem to be the perfect solution.

Let's all move forward please.
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Old 21 March 2017, 22:31   #37
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I won't comment your words Akira, there're self redundant. You just prove that you love to take part about topics that don't catch your interest. The exact contrary of an adult reaction. Certainly why you have so much posts, have difficulty to choose which ones attract you maybe (irony bro) ?

My time is precious : I'm not here to debate or justify the personnal choice to fix this palette : THAT IS OUT OF TOPIC, and apparently some are not clever enough to understand that it is the base of courtesy to shut up on topics that you fucking don't care about. Not to care about is NOT THE SAME THING AT ALL that to care and have different opinions. I personnally prefer people with different opinions than mine, but a minimum base of common interests is needed. Here the thread was invaded by people who didn't fucking care about the topic itself, and instead of this drove the dialog into a "why did you want to fix it ?". It is not difficult to understand the difference. Akira, it's not because you can technically have the right to take part to topics which you fucking don't care about that i give you the right to do it. You're typically the kind of guy who put his feet everywhere, especially where he doesn't feel any interest, just to say something : i dont accept this attitude. You would have been welcome if you would have find the project interesting and propose new colors. Bad luck for you, i don't have the habit to let anyone behaving like a king that walks on my feet JUST TO FILL HIS LIFE and then complain that i bite. Pathetic, but alas common attitude. Buy a life, or choose the topic that has affinities with you, it will save your time in your life (and also mine!).

You know that I’m one of those that don’t think the Amiga version of Rainbow Islands needs a palette change... That’s ok, it’s my opinion.
Yes, i know this. And you should understand that this world is divided in 2 : people who use their counted time to debate with people who find a certain interest in one stuff, and people who use their time to debate about stuffs they fucking don't care about. It raises the question "Why are they here if they don't care?" tell me. You're all here saying that i'm agressive and that i attack people, but you should also put yourself in cause by wondering why you're here if you think that this game is perfect in his original tone. And don't tell me that i invited everywhere just because i wrote "Any" suggestions : it is implicit that the invited people must be interested by this funny little project, otherwise what is the goal to debate with them about this or that tone ? It's a public opened forum, but it doesn't justify that everyone can enter into a thread he considers USELESS IN ITS FOUNDATIONS. In real life a such situation can't happen, and you perfectly know it : people don't debate with persons not caring about a specified topic, and here just story to tell their opinion because they don't have better to do! They would be immediatly kicked ass, and count on me to be a kick asses provider. I find this behaviour imature and unproductive. If you're not interested then keep out. If you are then keep in, and give advice and help, *** especially a different view (and tell why) ***. The people here are NOT INTERESTED BY THIS, and they allow themselves to give their opinions. By definition i don't give a fuck to opinions coming from uninterested people. To be interested doesn't mean to be agree. You can disagree, and i love interested people with different opinions than mine. Almost none of you here who flamed me is interested, so at the base they have nothing to do here. That's simple.

DamienD i already told you and i repeat it, for the very last time : i wrote to RCK to close my EAB account, i presume he is kinda busy (normal and always a good stuff), so for now my request is pending. if you want to do an usefull stuff then send me link to close my account if a such option exists in the member profile page. I don't see it, i certainly missed it.

Ah, and a last stuff : i highly suggest some to open a dictionnary to read what means "to insult" someone. To tell that someone's opinion is "non sense" is not an insult. But to derivate into shortcuts putting in cause the personnality of someone, is life, etc is an insult and a giant mark of disrespect. The strict limits between "Amiga word" and "Real life world" were bypassed several times by some, and i didn't start first to take this unacceptable path. The SILLY (and wrong more other, i do maths not painting) shortcut "misunderstood artist etc" was the drop of too much. Who the fuck are you to do crazy shortcuts about someone's personnal life ? WHO. That's the main reason why i leave : in 11 years i never bypassed this limit because i estimate that i don't know each of you and i don't have the right to do STUPID shorcuts about someone's personnality. They did. I bited. Normal. Such deviances would have been directly banned on another forum, think about it : never judge someone's personnal and private life by what he can write on a forum. As an admin you should understand what it means. So, for the 2 (they will recognize themselves) who took the right to write shortcuts about me, my private life i just have one thing to tell : go to fuck off, and be happy that at this moment you're cowardly protected behind your screen to attack personnal people's life, because a slap wouldn't be a luxury. Come here and tell me this face to face, if ever you dare, dick trolls (yes, this is an insult, read and learn). Like we say in France, "vous avez du être bercés trop près du mur vous deux !"

*** DO THE NECESSARY TO CLOSE THE THREAD, RCK WILL CLOSE MY ACCOUNT ***, it's the last time i ask it politely.

Last edited by Vollldo; 22 March 2017 at 00:11.
Old 22 March 2017, 00:21   #38
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Vollldo, I've tried to be diplomatic / civil / respectful to you in this situation even though you've clearly upset a lot of members with your "attacks" (I get it that you don't see it that way but trust me, many do and there are always 2 sides to every story)...

Anyway, I've done all I possibly can... It's a shame if you want to leave EAB but at the end of the day it's your decision

I gave you what I thought was good advise via PM. Relax for a bit, let things calm down and think about everything that has occurred in this thread etc... but clearly you're not interested. It's a shame really and I am sad to see you leave on these terms over disagreements, especially as you've been a contributing member for over 10 years now...

Anyway, thread closed. I'm not sure how much more any of us can take.
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Old 22 March 2017, 00:22   #39
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Originally Posted by Vollldo View Post
count on me to be a kick asses provider [...]
go to fuck off, and be happy that at this moment you're cowardly protected behind your screen to attack personnal people's life, because a slap wouldn't be a luxury. Come here and tell me this face to face, if ever you dare, dick trolls
Yeah sure, you are the decent person here, the one actually threatening with physical violence.
Such deviances would have been directly banned on another forum
You are the one who would have gotten banned in any other forum, much faster than you were allowed to spill bile in this thread. You got it to the point that you have threatened people. Good job. This forum is SO lenient that you are still here insulting people and telling them you'll punch them in real life, and you even get a mod trying to reason with you after you wrote that pile of shit you wrote above insulting absolutely everyone.
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