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Old 07 June 2017, 22:36   #21
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Originally Posted by xboxown View Post
.if this issue is not resolved I will be forced to quit this project and any amiga development as there are really no decent programming language except for assembly. Something I have no intention of doing.
The issue is with the code, you have to analyze it and learn from what you have done, do not quit, keep at it, find the mistakes, get better, make your projects!

Something that usually helps me is to follow the code step by step by hand. Keep a paper by your side with a pen/pencil and make the math necessary. Keep track of your loop points, where they begin and where they end. Throw test data at it by hand.
Try doing this exercise slowly and with patience and see what is happening. Sure, pain in the ass, but best way to learn IMO.
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Old 07 June 2017, 22:40   #22
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Originally Posted by Akira View Post
The issue is with the code, you have to analyze it and learn from what you have done, do not quit, keep at it, find the mistakes, get better, make your projects!

Something that usually helps me is to follow the code step by step by hand. Keep a paper by your side with a pen/pencil and make the math necessary. Keep track of your loop points, where they begin and where they end. Throw test data at it by hand.
Try doing this exercise slowly and with patience and see what is happening. Sure, pain in the ass, but best way to learn IMO.
You speak wisdom and truth. Only losers quit.
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Old 07 June 2017, 23:22   #23
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Right, I've tried to keep as much of your code as I could, but lots of it was just rewritten so that it made sense. This should be much easier to follow as well as being shorter and simpler than your original

WBStartup ; Run through double clicking


Dim List CurrentPlayer.Players(1)
Dim Sound_$(1):Sound_$(0)="On ":Sound_$(1)="Off" ; The "On" string needed a space to overwrite all of the "Off" string
Dim GridSize_(3):GridSize_(0)=3:GridSize_(1)=6:GridSize_(2)=9:GridSize_(3)=12
Dim Mode_$(1):Mode_$(0)="Classic":Mode_$(1)="Disco   " ; Extra spaces added here too for the same reason
Dim SA$(9)
Gosub Initialize

; Put your main loop here instead of a subroutine that never returns

Gosub Title

quit.b = False
currentselection.b = 0
prevjy.b = 0 ; Previous joystick state
prevjb.b = 0 ; Previous joystick button state
  jy.b = Joyy(1)
  If jy AND jy <> prevjy ; Joystick moved and has changed
    WLocate 240, 100 + currentselection * 15:Print " "; clear it so no ghosting happens
    WLocate 332, 100 + currentselection * 15:Print "    "

    currentselection + jy
    currentselection = QWrap(currentselection, 0, 4) ; Wrap around at top and bottom

    WLocate 240, 100 + currentselection * 15:Print "*"
    WLocate 332, 100 + currentselection * 15:Print "*"
    ;If currentselection < 0 Then currentselection
  End If
  prevjy = jy

  jb.b = Joyb(1)
  If jb AND prevjb = 0 ; Fire has been pressed AND it wasn't pressed before
    Select currentselection
      Case 0 ; New Game
        Gosub Game
      Case 1 ; Options
        Gosub Options
      Case 2 ; Network
        Gosub Network
      Case 3 ; Quit
        quit = True
    End Select
  End If
  prevjb = jb
Until quit

CloseWindow 0
CloseScreen 0

   ; If Gameb(1)=16 AND normal=0
   ;   WLocate 80,80:Print "N  e  t  w  o  r  k      N  o  t     A  v  a  i  l  a  b  l  e!!"
   ; EndIf


S5$="Sound "+Str$(Sound_$(b)):S6$=Str$(GridSize_(iGrid))
WLocate 260,100:Print S5$
WLocate 260,115:Print "Grid "+S6$+"x"+S6$+""
WLocate 260,130:Print Mode_$(x)
WLocate 260,145:Print "Return"

ret.b = False
currentoption.b = 0

WLocate 240, 100 + currentselection * 15:Print " "; clear it so no ghosting happens
WLocate 332, 100 + currentselection * 15:Print "    "

WLocate 240, 100:Print "*"
WLocate 332, 100:Print "*"

  jy.b = Joyy(1)
  If jy AND jy <> prevjy ; Joystick moved and has changed
    WLocate 240, 100 + currentoption * 15:Print " "; clear it so no ghosting happens
    WLocate 332, 100 + currentoption * 15:Print "    "
    currentoption + jy
    currentoption = QWrap(currentoption, 0, 4) ; Wrap around at top and bottom

    WLocate 240, 100 + currentoption * 15:Print "*"
    WLocate 332, 100 + currentoption * 15:Print "*"

    ;If currentselection < 0 Then currentselection
  End If
  prevjy = jy

  jb.b = Joyb(1)
  If jb AND prevjb = 0 ; Fire has been pressed AND it wasn't pressed before
    Select currentoption
      Case 0 ; Sound
        S5$="Sound "+Str$(Sound_$(b))
        WLocate 260,100:Print S5$

      Case 1 ; Grid size
        WLocate 260,115:Print "Grid "+S6$ + " " ; +"x"+S6$+"" This line was too long and overwrote the second * so shortened it.
        If iGrid = 3 Then iGrid = 0


      Case 2 ; Mode
        WLocate 260,130:Print Mode_$(x)

      Case 3 ; Return
        ret = True
    End Select
  End If
  prevjb = jb
Until ret

WLocate 240, 100 + currentoption * 15:Print " "; clear it so no ghosting happens
WLocate 332, 100 + currentoption * 15:Print "    "

Gosub Title ; Redraw previous menu

; Adding a . before the name of a label adds it to the list on the right so it's easier to find later


;CloseWindow 1
;Window 1,0, 12, 640, 185, #FLAGNOTHING, "", 1,2
;RGB 0,0,0,0
;RGB 1,0,6,5

;You don't need to close the window to erase it. Do this instead:


;WLine 120, (640/2)*1, 240, (640/2)*1,1
;WLine 120, (640/2)*2, 240, (640/2)*2,1
WLocate 0,0:Print iGrid
For Y=0 To GridSize_(iGrid)-1
  For X=0 To GridSize_(iGrid)-1
    If iGrid=0 Then IsNum=0 Else IsNum=GridSize_(iGrid)
    WLocate 0,0:Print iGrid:WLocate 0,10:Print GridSize_(iGrid)
    Wline 111+(23*Y)*1.5,25,111+(23*Y)*1.5,142+(15*IsNum),2
    Wline 25, 45+(23*X)*1.5,215+(15*IsNum),45+(23*X)*1.5,2
  Next X
Next Y
;WLine 282,25,282,142,2
Delay_ 1
Until GameOver=1

;Goto Title ; Don't do this! If you must use Goto, never jump out of a subroutine, loop or any other block construct!


; Place to initialize all variables, screen, blitz, etc.
; Anything that needs one time initialization goes here
; Initialize player 1 setting
If AddItem(CurrentPlayer())
  CurrentPlayer()\PlayerName="Player 1"
End If
; Initialize player 2 setting
If AddItem(CurrentPlayer())
  CurrentPlayer()\PlayerName="Player 2"
End If
; Initialize screen, resolution, windows and background color
Screen 1,11,"Tic Tac Toe"
Window 1,0, 12, 640, 185, #FLAGNOTHING, "", 1,2
RGB 0,0,0,0
RGB 1,0,6,5
WindowOutput 1


Wline 65,30, 148,30,4:Wline 106,30,106,75,4:Wline 170,30,170,75,4
S$="C  l  a  s  s  i  c             E  d  i  t  i  o  n             "

SA$(0)="New Game ":SA$(1)="Options  ":SA$(2)="Networks  ":SA$(3)="Exit   "
WLocate 80,80:Print S$
WLocate 260,100:Print SA$(0)
WLocate 260,115:Print SA$(1)
WLocate 260,130:Print SA$(2)
WLocate 260,145:Print SA$(3)

currentselection.b = 0

WLocate 240, 100:Print "*"
WLocate 332, 100:Print "*"

Return ; Don't get carried away putting stuff in subroutines
Also, don't be afraid of using the debugger. Put a Stop command wherever you want to check a variable and the debugger will open. You can use it to check the contents of a variable or that a particular section of code is running.
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Old 08 June 2017, 01:36   #24
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Location: Vancouver/Canada
Posts: 678
Originally Posted by Daedalus View Post
Right, I've tried to keep as much of your code as I could, but lots of it was just rewritten so that it made sense. This should be much easier to follow as well as being shorter and simpler than your original

WBStartup ; Run through double clicking


Dim List CurrentPlayer.Players(1)
Dim Sound_$(1):Sound_$(0)="On ":Sound_$(1)="Off" ; The "On" string needed a space to overwrite all of the "Off" string
Dim GridSize_(3):GridSize_(0)=3:GridSize_(1)=6:GridSize_(2)=9:GridSize_(3)=12
Dim Mode_$(1):Mode_$(0)="Classic":Mode_$(1)="Disco   " ; Extra spaces added here too for the same reason
Dim SA$(9)
Gosub Initialize

; Put your main loop here instead of a subroutine that never returns

Gosub Title

quit.b = False
currentselection.b = 0
prevjy.b = 0 ; Previous joystick state
prevjb.b = 0 ; Previous joystick button state
  jy.b = Joyy(1)
  If jy AND jy <> prevjy ; Joystick moved and has changed
    WLocate 240, 100 + currentselection * 15:Print " "; clear it so no ghosting happens
    WLocate 332, 100 + currentselection * 15:Print "    "

    currentselection + jy
    currentselection = QWrap(currentselection, 0, 4) ; Wrap around at top and bottom

    WLocate 240, 100 + currentselection * 15:Print "*"
    WLocate 332, 100 + currentselection * 15:Print "*"
    ;If currentselection < 0 Then currentselection
  End If
  prevjy = jy

  jb.b = Joyb(1)
  If jb AND prevjb = 0 ; Fire has been pressed AND it wasn't pressed before
    Select currentselection
      Case 0 ; New Game
        Gosub Game
      Case 1 ; Options
        Gosub Options
      Case 2 ; Network
        Gosub Network
      Case 3 ; Quit
        quit = True
    End Select
  End If
  prevjb = jb
Until quit

CloseWindow 0
CloseScreen 0

   ; If Gameb(1)=16 AND normal=0
   ;   WLocate 80,80:Print "N  e  t  w  o  r  k      N  o  t     A  v  a  i  l  a  b  l  e!!"
   ; EndIf


S5$="Sound "+Str$(Sound_$(b)):S6$=Str$(GridSize_(iGrid))
WLocate 260,100:Print S5$
WLocate 260,115:Print "Grid "+S6$+"x"+S6$+""
WLocate 260,130:Print Mode_$(x)
WLocate 260,145:Print "Return"

ret.b = False
currentoption.b = 0

WLocate 240, 100 + currentselection * 15:Print " "; clear it so no ghosting happens
WLocate 332, 100 + currentselection * 15:Print "    "

WLocate 240, 100:Print "*"
WLocate 332, 100:Print "*"

  jy.b = Joyy(1)
  If jy AND jy <> prevjy ; Joystick moved and has changed
    WLocate 240, 100 + currentoption * 15:Print " "; clear it so no ghosting happens
    WLocate 332, 100 + currentoption * 15:Print "    "
    currentoption + jy
    currentoption = QWrap(currentoption, 0, 4) ; Wrap around at top and bottom

    WLocate 240, 100 + currentoption * 15:Print "*"
    WLocate 332, 100 + currentoption * 15:Print "*"

    ;If currentselection < 0 Then currentselection
  End If
  prevjy = jy

  jb.b = Joyb(1)
  If jb AND prevjb = 0 ; Fire has been pressed AND it wasn't pressed before
    Select currentoption
      Case 0 ; Sound
        S5$="Sound "+Str$(Sound_$(b))
        WLocate 260,100:Print S5$

      Case 1 ; Grid size
        WLocate 260,115:Print "Grid "+S6$ + " " ; +"x"+S6$+"" This line was too long and overwrote the second * so shortened it.
        If iGrid = 3 Then iGrid = 0


      Case 2 ; Mode
        WLocate 260,130:Print Mode_$(x)

      Case 3 ; Return
        ret = True
    End Select
  End If
  prevjb = jb
Until ret

WLocate 240, 100 + currentoption * 15:Print " "; clear it so no ghosting happens
WLocate 332, 100 + currentoption * 15:Print "    "

Gosub Title ; Redraw previous menu

; Adding a . before the name of a label adds it to the list on the right so it's easier to find later


;CloseWindow 1
;Window 1,0, 12, 640, 185, #FLAGNOTHING, "", 1,2
;RGB 0,0,0,0
;RGB 1,0,6,5

;You don't need to close the window to erase it. Do this instead:


;WLine 120, (640/2)*1, 240, (640/2)*1,1
;WLine 120, (640/2)*2, 240, (640/2)*2,1
WLocate 0,0:Print iGrid
For Y=0 To GridSize_(iGrid)-1
  For X=0 To GridSize_(iGrid)-1
    If iGrid=0 Then IsNum=0 Else IsNum=GridSize_(iGrid)
    WLocate 0,0:Print iGrid:WLocate 0,10:Print GridSize_(iGrid)
    Wline 111+(23*Y)*1.5,25,111+(23*Y)*1.5,142+(15*IsNum),2
    Wline 25, 45+(23*X)*1.5,215+(15*IsNum),45+(23*X)*1.5,2
  Next X
Next Y
;WLine 282,25,282,142,2
Delay_ 1
Until GameOver=1

;Goto Title ; Don't do this! If you must use Goto, never jump out of a subroutine, loop or any other block construct!


; Place to initialize all variables, screen, blitz, etc.
; Anything that needs one time initialization goes here
; Initialize player 1 setting
If AddItem(CurrentPlayer())
  CurrentPlayer()\PlayerName="Player 1"
End If
; Initialize player 2 setting
If AddItem(CurrentPlayer())
  CurrentPlayer()\PlayerName="Player 2"
End If
; Initialize screen, resolution, windows and background color
Screen 1,11,"Tic Tac Toe"
Window 1,0, 12, 640, 185, #FLAGNOTHING, "", 1,2
RGB 0,0,0,0
RGB 1,0,6,5
WindowOutput 1


Wline 65,30, 148,30,4:Wline 106,30,106,75,4:Wline 170,30,170,75,4
S$="C  l  a  s  s  i  c             E  d  i  t  i  o  n             "

SA$(0)="New Game ":SA$(1)="Options  ":SA$(2)="Networks  ":SA$(3)="Exit   "
WLocate 80,80:Print S$
WLocate 260,100:Print SA$(0)
WLocate 260,115:Print SA$(1)
WLocate 260,130:Print SA$(2)
WLocate 260,145:Print SA$(3)

currentselection.b = 0

WLocate 240, 100:Print "*"
WLocate 332, 100:Print "*"

Return ; Don't get carried away putting stuff in subroutines
Also, don't be afraid of using the debugger. Put a Stop command wherever you want to check a variable and the debugger will open. You can use it to check the contents of a variable or that a particular section of code is running.

Thank you so much! Today when I go home I will implement this code back and post the flow chart for posting!
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Old 08 June 2017, 23:25   #25
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I have one question to ask. When I go to the option menu and select the return button t goes to title but instantly it also executes the new game and start the game immediately. What do I need to do to make t stay in title and wait for user to select new game before it start the game?

By the way I have attached my schematic. Any advice?
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Old 09 June 2017, 00:56   #26
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Hmmm, it worked fine here - the jb and prevjb variables are shared between the main menu and the options menu so that you need to release the fire button before it will let you select something in the previous menu. Perhaps your joystick button is slightly "bouncy" - issuing multiple signals that the program is then interpreting as separate presses. I would suggest inserting a VWait 5 or something after the main menu is drawn (perhaps at the end of the Title subroutine), which will give a small delay before looking for input again.

As for the flowchart, it looks good to me. If a box gets complicated (as it will for the Game subroutine), you can use a separate diagram just for that box, rather than trying to squeeze it all into one page. Having diagrams like that as you code will help greatly when it comes to keeping your program flow in order.
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