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Old 21 May 2014, 02:14   #21
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Originally Posted by Photon View Post
This gives you a lock on the current folder, though I've seen a lock of 0 is valid in some doc.
Thanks for the snippet! I didn't test it yet, but I'm assuming it should also work when launched from CLI, and not only Workbench?

I needed this for a little game I'm working on. I decided I wanted to have the game's data files in their own directory instead of the base directory where the executable resides. This is how I ended up implementing it:
  • Game is hardcoded to load data files from "PROGDIR:data/"
  • When booted from floppy, the first line in startup-sequence assigns PROGDIR to DF0:, to make up for the fact that Kickstart 1.x doesn't automatically make the assignment upon launching.
  • Game will now run properly from floppy, but can only be successfully launched from Workbench in later Kickstart versions. However this is probably good enough for my purposes.
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Old 21 May 2014, 11:22   #22
Mrs Beanbag
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Originally Posted by Photon View Post
I'm very weak on Workbench programming, but for a normal "double click icon" program I don't know what other folder it could be started from.
I'm not sure which folder it starts in but it doesn't start in the executable's path, from my experience. I have to get the lock from the WB Message and then CurrentDir to it.

Relative paths is the easiest way. I really wouldn't worry about all this "PROGDIR:" stuff. If you want to boot from floppy just prepend "data/" to the filenames in the code. "data/" is sufficient.

You could always output an informative error message if the data files are not found, like "make sure the current directory contains the program data files" or somesuch.

Last edited by Mrs Beanbag; 21 May 2014 at 11:29.
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Old 21 May 2014, 15:13   #23
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The snippet was for Leffmann - and it still only allows building up the absolute path from the current directory, not the one the exe is in.

For example, if you put the exe in c:, then cd sys:, then run c:exename, getting a lock on the dirname "" (empty string) is a lock on sys: because that was your current directory (for that shell process, presumably).

The best option to me seems to be to use relative paths for all loaded files and make sure those work in some way external to the program, like executing a script or editing an icon (if that's possible).
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Old 25 May 2014, 22:28   #24
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Thanks for the code, though the solution I presented earlier is still complete, and solves all of this... it will find the program directory and CD into it, and it works on all Kickstarts, from both Workbench and from any directory on the command line.
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Old 03 June 2014, 14:15   #25
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Originally Posted by Leffmann View Post
Thanks for the code, though the solution I presented earlier is still complete, and solves all of this... it will find the program directory and CD into it, and it works on all Kickstarts, from both Workbench and from any directory on the command line.
Hm, ok sorry. The way you wrote it made me unsure if it was tested. Buuut... wouldn't the same "current, not executable's dir" problem still be there for Process->pr_CLI->cli_SetName?
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Old 09 June 2014, 22:13   #26
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Well like I wrote in my first post, you have to make use of cli_CommandName to find the program directory, and actually you don't have to concatenate with cli_SetName at all because Lock() works on relative paths.

          include macros.i
          include dos/dosextens.i
          include workbench/startup.i

          section code

          ; Find our Process and CLI structure

          sub.l     a1, a1
          execall   FindTask
          move.l    d0, a2                   ; A2 = Process
          move.l    (pr_CLI, a2), a3         ; A3 = CommandLineInterface
          add.l     a3, a3
          add.l     a3, a3

          ; Get startup message and directory lock if we started from Workbench

          move.l    a3, d0
           lea      (pr_MsgPort, a2), a0
           libcall  WaitPort
           lea      (pr_MsgPort, a2), a0
           libcall  GetMsg
           move.l   d0, a4                   ; A4 = WBStartup
           move.l   (sm_ArgList, a4), a0
           move.l   (wa_Lock, a0), a5        ; A5 = FileLock on program dir

          moveq     #33,d0
          lea       .doslib, a1
          libcall   OpenLibrary
          move.l    d0, _DOSBase

          ; Get FileLock via command name if we started from CLI

          move.l    a3, d0
           sub      #200, sp

           ; Copy BCPL string to C-style string

           move.l   (cli_CommandName, a3), a0
           add.l    a0, a0
           add.l    a0, a0
           move.b   (a0)+, d0
           move.l   sp, d1                   ; D1 = command name string
           move.l   sp, a1
.1         move.b   (a0)+, (a1)+
           subq.b   #1, d0
           bne      .1
           sf       (a1)

           ; Get a lock on the program and its parent

           move.l   #SHARED_LOCK, d2
           doscall  Lock
           move.l   d0, d2
           move.l   d0, d1
           libcall  ParentDir
           move.l   d0, a5                   ; A5 = FileLock on program dir
           move.l   d2, d1
           libcall  UnLock

           add      #200, sp

          ; CD to the program dir, run the main program, and CD back to the
          ; previous dir

          move.l    a5, d1
          doscall   CurrentDir
          movem.l   d0/a3-a5, -(sp)
        ; bsr       mainprogram
          movem.l   (sp)+, d0/a3-a5
          move.l    d0, d1
          doscall   CurrentDir

          ; Clean up and exit

          move.l    a3, d0
           move.l   a5, d1
           libcall  UnLock

          move.l    _DOSBase, a1
          execall   CloseLibrary

          ; Reply to the startup message

          move.l    a3, d0
           libcall  Forbid
           move.l   a4, a1
           libcall  ReplyMsg

          moveq     #0, d0

.doslib   dc.b      "dos.library", 0

          section bss

_DOSBase  ds.l      1
Here's the C-version as well:
/* CD into program's own directory on Kickstart 1.3.
   Link with minimal C-startup. */

#include <string.h>
#include <dos/dosextens.h>
#include <workbench/startup.h>
#include <proto/exec.h>
#include <proto/dos.h>

typedef void* PTR;
struct DosLibrary* DOSBase;

static void mainprogram();

int main()
  struct Process* proc = (PTR)FindTask(NULL);
  struct CommandLineInterface* cli = (PTR)(proc->pr_CLI*4);
  struct WBStartup* wbmsg = NULL;
  BPTR progdir, prevdir;

  /* If we started from Workbench then we must retrieve the startup message
     before doing anything else. The startup message also contains a lock on
     the program directory. */

  if (!cli)
    wbmsg = (PTR)GetMsg(&proc->pr_MsgPort);
    progdir = wbmsg->sm_ArgList[0].wa_Lock;

  DOSBase = (PTR)OpenLibrary("dos.library", 33);

  /* If we started from CLI then we have to go via the command name to get
     a lock on the program dir. */

  if (cli)
    unsigned char* p;
    BPTR prglock;

    /* Copy the command name BCPL string to a C-style string. */

    char cmd[200];
    p = (PTR)(cli->cli_CommandName*4);
    memcpy(cmd, p+1, p[0]);
    cmd[p[0]] = 0;

    /* Lock on the command name and get its parent, which will be the program
       dir. This works because Lock() accepts relative paths. */

    prglock = Lock(cmd, SHARED_LOCK);
    progdir = ParentDir(prglock);

  /* Save the current dir, CD into the program dir, and run our program.
     We must always CD back to the dir we started in before we exit. */

  prevdir = CurrentDir(progdir);

  if (cli)  UnLock(progdir);

  /* Reply to the startup message if we received one. */

  if (wbmsg)

  return 0;

static void mainprogram()
  /* See if we can find "file", and print a status message. */

  BPTR con = Open("con:50/50/200/50/Console", MODE_NEWFILE),
       lock = Lock("file", SHARED_LOCK);

  if (lock)  Write(con, "OK file found", 13);
  else       Write(con, "ERROR file not found", 20);

  if (lock)  UnLock(lock);
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Old 10 June 2014, 10:46   #27
ex. demoscener "Bigmama"
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Interesting.. didn't think you could do ParentDir() on a file lock..
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Old 13 June 2014, 23:40   #28
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Originally Posted by hukka View Post
Thanks for the snippet! I didn't test it yet, but I'm assuming it should also work when launched from CLI, and not only Workbench?

I needed this for a little game I'm working on. I decided I wanted to have the game's data files in their own directory instead of the base directory where the executable resides. This is how I ended up implementing it:
  • Game is hardcoded to load data files from "PROGDIR:data/"
  • When booted from floppy, the first line in startup-sequence assigns PROGDIR to DF0:, to make up for the fact that Kickstart 1.x doesn't automatically make the assignment upon launching.
  • Game will now run properly from floppy, but can only be successfully launched from Workbench in later Kickstart versions. However this is probably good enough for my purposes.
There is another trick you can try. Relabel your floppy to have somewhat unique name, lets say HUKKAGAME. Now you can access all files using absolute path "HUKKAGAME:data/". This works on Kickstart 1.3 and 2.0+, it works from CLI and WB and it works even when installed to harddisk if you add HUKKAGAME assign to game executable directory.

This is how many old Amiga games worked with floppies and harddisk install.
Old 01 January 2018, 07:58   #29
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Originally Posted by Leffmann View Post
Well like I wrote in my first post, you have to make use of cli_CommandName to find the program directory, and actually you don't have to concatenate with cli_SetName at all because Lock() works on relative paths.

          include macros.i
          include dos/dosextens.i
          include workbench/startup.i

          section code

          ; Find our Process and CLI structure

          sub.l     a1, a1
          execall   FindTask
          move.l    d0, a2                   ; A2 = Process
          move.l    (pr_CLI, a2), a3         ; A3 = CommandLineInterface
          add.l     a3, a3
          add.l     a3, a3

          ; Get startup message and directory lock if we started from Workbench

          move.l    a3, d0
           lea      (pr_MsgPort, a2), a0
           libcall  WaitPort
           lea      (pr_MsgPort, a2), a0
           libcall  GetMsg
           move.l   d0, a4                   ; A4 = WBStartup
           move.l   (sm_ArgList, a4), a0
           move.l   (wa_Lock, a0), a5        ; A5 = FileLock on program dir

          moveq     #33,d0
          lea       .doslib, a1
          libcall   OpenLibrary
          move.l    d0, _DOSBase

          ; Get FileLock via command name if we started from CLI

          move.l    a3, d0
           sub      #200, sp

           ; Copy BCPL string to C-style string

           move.l   (cli_CommandName, a3), a0
           add.l    a0, a0
           add.l    a0, a0
           move.b   (a0)+, d0
           move.l   sp, d1                   ; D1 = command name string
           move.l   sp, a1
.1         move.b   (a0)+, (a1)+
           subq.b   #1, d0
           bne      .1
           sf       (a1)

           ; Get a lock on the program and its parent

           move.l   #SHARED_LOCK, d2
           doscall  Lock
           move.l   d0, d2
           move.l   d0, d1
           libcall  ParentDir
           move.l   d0, a5                   ; A5 = FileLock on program dir
           move.l   d2, d1
           libcall  UnLock

           add      #200, sp

          ; CD to the program dir, run the main program, and CD back to the
          ; previous dir

          move.l    a5, d1
          doscall   CurrentDir
          movem.l   d0/a3-a5, -(sp)
        ; bsr       mainprogram
          movem.l   (sp)+, d0/a3-a5
          move.l    d0, d1
          doscall   CurrentDir

          ; Clean up and exit

          move.l    a3, d0
           move.l   a5, d1
           libcall  UnLock

          move.l    _DOSBase, a1
          execall   CloseLibrary

          ; Reply to the startup message

          move.l    a3, d0
           libcall  Forbid
           move.l   a4, a1
           libcall  ReplyMsg

          moveq     #0, d0

.doslib   dc.b      "dos.library", 0

          section bss

_DOSBase  ds.l      1
Here's the C-version as well:
/* CD into program's own directory on Kickstart 1.3.
   Link with minimal C-startup. */

#include <string.h>
#include <dos/dosextens.h>
#include <workbench/startup.h>
#include <proto/exec.h>
#include <proto/dos.h>

typedef void* PTR;
struct DosLibrary* DOSBase;

static void mainprogram();

int main()
  struct Process* proc = (PTR)FindTask(NULL);
  struct CommandLineInterface* cli = (PTR)(proc->pr_CLI*4);
  struct WBStartup* wbmsg = NULL;
  BPTR progdir, prevdir;

  /* If we started from Workbench then we must retrieve the startup message
     before doing anything else. The startup message also contains a lock on
     the program directory. */

  if (!cli)
    wbmsg = (PTR)GetMsg(&proc->pr_MsgPort);
    progdir = wbmsg->sm_ArgList[0].wa_Lock;

  DOSBase = (PTR)OpenLibrary("dos.library", 33);

  /* If we started from CLI then we have to go via the command name to get
     a lock on the program dir. */

  if (cli)
    unsigned char* p;
    BPTR prglock;

    /* Copy the command name BCPL string to a C-style string. */

    char cmd[200];
    p = (PTR)(cli->cli_CommandName*4);
    memcpy(cmd, p+1, p[0]);
    cmd[p[0]] = 0;

    /* Lock on the command name and get its parent, which will be the program
       dir. This works because Lock() accepts relative paths. */

    prglock = Lock(cmd, SHARED_LOCK);
    progdir = ParentDir(prglock);

  /* Save the current dir, CD into the program dir, and run our program.
     We must always CD back to the dir we started in before we exit. */

  prevdir = CurrentDir(progdir);

  if (cli)  UnLock(progdir);

  /* Reply to the startup message if we received one. */

  if (wbmsg)

  return 0;

static void mainprogram()
  /* See if we can find "file", and print a status message. */

  BPTR con = Open("con:50/50/200/50/Console", MODE_NEWFILE),
       lock = Lock("file", SHARED_LOCK);

  if (lock)  Write(con, "OK file found", 13);
  else       Write(con, "ERROR file not found", 20);

  if (lock)  UnLock(lock);
Digging up an old thread. I just used this code for searching for data files in KS1.3 (Does anyone use KS1.3 anymore ?!

Seemed to work great, I don't suppose you have made any updates in the past 4 years ?

Thanks for posting
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Old 01 January 2018, 22:03   #30
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Originally Posted by alpine9000 View Post
Seemed to work great, I don't suppose you have made any updates in the past 4 years ?
Glad someone found this useful! And no, no updates, but please post if you come up with something.
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Old 30 April 2021, 17:06   #31
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I think that section with copying command name can be changed for following code

	move.l	cli_CommandName(a3),d1
	lsl.l	#2,d1		;into address
	addq.l	#1,d1		;skip size 
;out d1 - address to command name (as I checked on kick1.3 and kick3.1 is zero ended)
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Old 02 May 2021, 16:06   #32
Thomas Richter
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On 1.3, this is probably only a coincidence as the name is put into MEMF_CLEAR memory. However, for some ( improper) name lengths, this is not true. The interface doesn't define it to be NUL-terminated.
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Old 02 May 2021, 23:24   #33
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@Thomas Richter. Its very interesting, could you provide some 'bad' name example. I tried some cases but without luck. Always was zero at the end.

I tried following name length cases (kick 1.3): one char , two chars, 31 chars.

I know that cli_CommandName is a BCPL type, but I think that internally is copied c-style string into address of cli_CommandName.

As I checked on kick1.3 name in cli_Command is always 'clear' mean there is no trash after 'end' of name. Probably because there is no history buffer in k1.3.

In kick3.1 there is a trash chars but name is always ends with zero.

If I am wrong then please correct me. Thanks a lot.
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Old 03 May 2021, 17:29   #34
Thomas Richter
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Originally Posted by Asman View Post
@Thomas Richter. Its very interesting, could you provide some 'bad' name example. I tried some cases but without luck. Always was zero at the end.
Do you understand the difference between an interface an an implementation? There is no documentation that BCPL strings are zero-terminated, or this specific string is zero-terminated. The only exception is the device name in the file system startup message which is documented to be a NUL-terminated BCPL string. All others are *not*.

Originally Posted by Asman View Post
I tried following name length cases (kick 1.3): one char , two chars, 31 chars.
Try 7 characters or 11 characters (7+1 = 8, 11+1+4 = 16) which is the allocation granularity of exec. You could still end up lucky - but again: Interface != implementation.

But anyhow: There is nothing to depend upon - it's not documented. This is a BCPL string, so treat it as one.
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Old 03 May 2021, 22:24   #35
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@Thomas Richter.
Thanks for your replies.

Next approach.

	move.l	cli_CommandName(a3),a0
	add.l	a0,a0
	add.l	a0,a0
	moveq	#0,d0
	move.b	(a0)+,d0
	clr.b	(a0,d0.w)
	move.l	a0,d1
How you think is it ok ?
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Old 04 May 2021, 09:16   #36
Thomas Richter
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Originally Posted by Asman View Post
@Thomas Richter.
Thanks for your replies.

Next approach.

    move.l    cli_CommandName(a3),a0
    add.l    a0,a0
    add.l    a0,a0
    moveq    #0,d0
    move.b    (a0)+,d0
    clr.b    (a0,d0.w)
    move.l    a0,d1
How you think is it ok ?
No, obviously not. Please take 5 minutes to think about why.
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Old 04 May 2021, 12:07   #37
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@Thomas Richter
Thanks for your reply.

The obvious reason is clearing byte right after end of bcpl string.

But according this link startup.asm you can find following block of code

                move.l  cli_CommandName(a0),d0
                lsl.l   #2,d0           ; bcpl pointer conversion


                ;-- copy command name
                move.l  d0,a0
                moveq.l #0,d0
                move.b  (a0)+,d0        ; size of command name
                clr.b   0(a0,d0.l)      ; terminate the command name
So its mean there is a bug in official startup.asm or I am missing something.
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Old 04 May 2021, 13:59   #38
Thomas Richter
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Originally Posted by Asman View Post
@Thomas Richter
Thanks for your reply.

The obvious reason is clearing byte right after end of bcpl string.
Precisely. The problem is that the string was potentially allocated with just the right amount of bytes to keep it, and this way, you potentially overwrite memory beyond the allocated bounds.

Originally Posted by Asman View Post
But according this link startup.asm you can find following block of code
That pretty much looks like "outch! Don't use this!" to me.
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Old 21 May 2021, 03:52   #39
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Here's a "type" command. This is written by me; license is MIT like my pyamigadebug/amigaXfer project, which is very close to "do whatever you want" with it.

It uses LVOs and some defines for flags used in library calls, but otherwise is quite crude, Should work with AmigaDOS 1/2/3.

    include "lvo/exec_lib.i"
    include 'exec/exec.i'
    include "lvo/dos_lib.i"
    include "dos/dos.i"
bufsize equ $1000
    ;d0 dosCmdLen, a0 dosCmdBuf
    ;d5 filehandle, d6 dosCmdLen, d7 consolefh
    ;a3 buffer, a4 dosCmdBuf, a5 dosbase
    move.l d0,d6 ;save dosCmdLen
    movea.l a0,a4 ;save dosCmdBuf
    movea.l $4,a6
    lea.l dosname,a1
    jsr _LVOOldOpenLibrary(a6)
    tst.l d0
    beq.b .exit
    movea.l d0,a5
    movea.l a5,a6
    lea.l conname,a0
    move.l a0,d1
    move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
    jsr _LVOOpen(a6)
    tst.l d0
    beq.b .closedos
    move.l d0,d7
    move.l $4,a6
    move.l #bufsize,d0
    move.l #MEMF_PUBLIC,d1
    jsr _LVOAllocMem(a6)
    tst.l d0
    beq.b .closecon
    movea.l d0,a3
    move.b #0,(-1,a4,d6) ;replace ending \n with 0 in dosCmdBuf
    movea.l a5,a6
    move.l a4,d1
    move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
    jsr _LVOOpen(a6)
    tst.l d0
    beq.b .openerr
    move.l d0,d5
    move.l d5,d1
    move.l a3,d2
    move.l #bufsize,d3
    jsr _LVORead(a6)
    move.l d7,d1
    move.l a3,d2
    move.l d0,d3
    jsr _LVOWrite(a6)
    cmp.l #bufsize,d0
    beq.b .mainloop
    movea.l a5,a6
    move.l d5,d1
    jsr _LVOClose(a6)
    movea.l $4,a6
    move.l a3,a1
    move.l #bufsize,d0
    jsr _LVOFreeMem(a6)
    movea.l a5,a6
    move.l d7,d1
    jsr _LVOClose(a6)
    movea.l $4,a6
    move.l a5,a1
    jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
    clr.l d0
    lea.l openerrmsg,a0
    move.l #openerrmsg_len,d0
    jsr printmsg
    bra .freebuf
    ;a0 addr, d0 len, d7 fh
    movea.l a5,a6
    move.l d7,d1
    move.l a0,d2
    move.l d0,d3
    jsr _LVOWrite(a6)
    dc.b "dos.library",0
    ;dc.b "CONSOLE:",0
    ;'*' is deprecated, but kick <36 doesn't like 'CONSOLE:'.
    dc.b "*",0
    dc.b "Cannot open file.",10
openerrmsg_len equ *-openerrmsg

Last edited by admiral; 21 May 2021 at 04:34. Reason: better description
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Old 21 May 2021, 12:00   #40
Thomas Richter
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Originally Posted by admiral View Post
Here's a "type" command. This is written by me; license is MIT like my pyamigadebug/amigaXfer project, which is very close to "do whatever you want" with it.

A couple of minor comments: The buffer size should probably align with a (multiple) of the block size of the medium. This is of course not strictly necessary, but having a block size aligned may allow the file system to "burst" directly into your buffer instead of copying through a second level buffer. I would suggest 1024 bytes.

Also, for a buffer that small you would not need to allocate memory, the stack would be sufficient.

Last but not least, "*" is not deprecated. There is a small subtle difference between CONSOLE: and "*", and without knowing anything else, I would suggest to go for "*". "*" is the current console, "CONSOLE:" is the default console. It doesn't make a difference with CON: right now, but it may make a difference in the future to allow "job control".
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