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Old 10 September 2012, 10:46   #21
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This is what I wanted to hear/know:

@Amikit: "Retrofan, sorry for late answer. I don't own real Amiga for about 10 years now so it's not within my scope of interest.

But if you have working conversion it would be possible to share it if you delete all the system files... which need to be installed on first run. Just like AmiKit on Windows or other platforms."

So I just would need an installer the way CWB39 does. But I've got no idea...

Edit: BTW I'm going to try to install the latest updates, as mine is 1.5.9 and a couple of days ago it was released 1.6.2
In my system I've noticed it was only downloading the updates but not installing them . To do so, now I've just put at the end of the user-startup:
IF EXISTS SYS:Expansion/Amikit_UpdateScript160
Execute >NIL: SYS:Expansion/Amikit_UpdateScript160
C:Delete >NIL: SYS:Expansion/Amikit_UpdateScript160 FORCE QUIET

And the same for the rest of updates. I'm not a programmer. I used those commands time ago when I coudn't update my first Amikit conversion, and by then, years ago this instructions where in some place that now doesn't exist.

At the end you could put some commands to reboot, but anyway you know you must do it, so... (Edit: Ok, I've put it too).

Don't know if I can update without many problems, and what I know is that a lot of things won't work.

Edit: Done. It works. I've had to change the logo of Amikit 1.6.2 and I've changed also the commands, so now with the next update it will be shown (that's 'cause I changed the commands to point to an .iff file, but you know you can name an .iff file as .png, it will be iff the same). Anyway I will always have to remap them. Apart of this I've only changed CopyIcon and ReckAttack from my previous as dont know why it wasn't working right. I think I will delete NetSurf and I have to search for a working version of ScummVm.
Edit: I've updated in another copy of Amikit and I didn't have any problem with ReckAttack, but with CopyIcon, the same than in the other, so Ive just copied it again and works perfect. I was having a problem now with Maestix in WBStartup, but I've noticed that that's a driver for MaestroPro, so it has to be deleted, I don't need it.

Last edited by Retrofan; 12 September 2012 at 11:11. Reason: Inserted <noparse> </noparse> tags.
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Old 11 September 2012, 10:06   #22
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will look into this more when I get chance

anything that uses the aussie palate can`t be bad
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Old 11 September 2012, 23:51   #23
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Today I've done some great improvements. I've got now YAM (Yet Another Mailer) working with nice backdrop, fonts and NewIcons. I've also installed another AmiSSL from here http://www.heightanxiety.com/AmiSSL/ because it was complaining some problem, and at least in WinUAE now the connection with IBrowse flies.

I tried yesterday SabreMSN with the the great icons and configuration Rebel made (link above), and it's fantastic.

I've bought another Cf Hd, as the one I was using with 4Gb has kept very small and I can't even store the updates. I keep on now in WinUAE and it's updated to the latest, released a couple of days ago, Amikit 1.6.2 , and now I will install the right ScummVm version to substitute the existing.

Now I only would like that Rebel and Cammy could finish the icon pack they were making and that will include a marvellous WB2000 bar.
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Old 12 September 2012, 01:18   #24
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It could be a while before I have finished the iconset and images for all these programs. I'm trying to work on it all, bit by bit. I'd prefer to show people how to make their own consistent icons in the same style, and provide all the ones I've made so far on a large bitmap for anyone to use, study or modify for their own icons. I pretty much have to make an icon for every default program in Workbench as well as all the programs we have installed, and I'm trying to make icons for all the more recent games too.

The WB2000 bar image needs to have a large area of grey below it, it's the same image that's used for the bar and the "Start" menu, so it will tile itself from the top corner.
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Old 12 September 2012, 02:17   #25
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Originally Posted by Rebel-CD32 View Post
The WB2000 bar image needs to have a large area of grey below it, it's the same image that's used for the bar and the "Start" menu, so it will tile itself from the top corner.
Jeje. There are two things I want to know how to. One is that. I've made a hundred of bars and I can't get that. Well I could, but then the menu that you open with "Start" would have as background a lot of bars one over another, very ugly. That happens when I don't make the image tall enough.
Surely I'm doing something wrong. What size has to have the image?

And about the icons of the bar. Is there a way for not having the square grey background behind them?

Last edited by Retrofan; 12 September 2012 at 11:59.
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Old 12 September 2012, 12:40   #26
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In MUI it's the Window pattern which is used for the task bar and start menu. I can't get rid of the grey background because I'm not using a 24bit Workbench, but it's possible with all the later datatypes and libraries and an RTG system it might be possible to get rid of the grey background around the icons. There's an icon tooltype to activate the transparency for colour 0, but it just doesn't work on my Workbench setup.
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Old 12 September 2012, 13:01   #27
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There are two commands coming with my icon.library 46.4.256 and also in the IconDemoADF.lha.

IconFramesON and IconFramesOFF

You can use them under OS 3.0/3.1 to enable or disable the gray background. Maybe that can solve your start-bar problem, too ? http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=64079

You can also use IconEdit to switch the background color to transparent mode.

As you already know, NewIcons have their images stored as tooltypes. And that is the only exception where IconFramesOFF can not disable the gray background: If a NewIcon has the first IM1= line in its tooltypes starting with a C (IM1=C....) then it has a gray background. If the first line starts IM1=B.... then it's transparent. The same rule for the second image: the first line must start with IM2=B.... to make it transparent. Don't edit any other lines or any other character.

Last edited by PeterK; 12 September 2012 at 13:34.
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Old 12 September 2012, 13:20   #28
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That's very cool news about your library, but unfortunately it won't help in this case. Workbench2000 uses bitmaps for the icons, not .info files.

I'm sorting some stuff out on my CF drive at the moment so I can finally extract and try this Amikit installation on my A1200. I'm sorry for being so slack with it so far, I've just had a lot on my plate. I'll be trying it on my DKB 1240 Mongoose 68030/50Mhz with 128MB RAM first, and possibly on the ACA1230/56 later, the internal CF drive is just about full and has no internal floppy drive but if I stick DF1 on there and boot from a disk with MoveSys on it and have the Amikit installation on a CF card in the PCMCIA slot I could do it.
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Old 12 September 2012, 13:27   #29
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Rebel if you can, please tell me the size that the Taskbar background image has to have. I've done 10 more and can't see the gradient at the bottom part (Edit: forgive it, just tell me what do you thing of my photos/options).

Edit: I have to try to remap still the images of Dopus 5 (magellan) in the windows. For that I will try to remap the info images and with them create new info files with Image2Icon and copy again the tools from the original .info files if there's any. Edit: No, they don't look nice remaped.

And about the icon images, how do you do then? Do you put an square background the same kind of the taskbar behind each icon you make? http://obligement.free.fr/gfx/cammy_workbench.png They don't seem to have it. Perhaps you didn't understand me, yours don't seem to have the background I said.

Edit: This is the latest bar I've made. It has both sides, but as I told it looks a little rare at the menu: (With Superplus you can't resize the screen, so it's a little outside).

And this is how it was:

What do you prefer?

Edit: Ok, I can leave the first a little better at the menu, but I'm not sure:

Edit: But I can also modify just the buttons in the old:

I believe this last is the best.

Edit: Incredible. Now I've got Amidock transparent !!...:

Had you seen that before? What do you think? And this is with a low res (3mp) mobile camera... (yes, and a bad monitor, just to show the bar).

Last edited by Retrofan; 16 September 2012 at 21:00.
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Old 13 September 2012, 03:57   #30
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I don't think the images you're using are long enough except that last one, try this one I made, it'll work even for 1024x768 resolutions with a full start menu:

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Old 13 September 2012, 04:39   #31
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Thanks. But that image doesn't have the bottom image as the top one, now I see what you said about a large grey area, so it's somekind of trick. I should try with blue. Anyway changing just the buttons images I've seen later that I can in the menu change the lenght of the buttons, so as I will always have the Amidock one, and if I leave it that way longer, the bar will have the bottom side image that I need in almost all the bar, making it round, 3D. Just imagine in my last photo the Amidock button larger. Anyway, it's difficult using Superplus and not seing the bottom of the bar. I have to use another with WinUAE just to make it.

I didn't like it in grey. I've changed the options so the buttons can be larger if there's only one. They reduce if they are more.

I will show it with a HighGfx resolution when I will receive the CF HD.

Edit: This is with my latest Wallpaper, completely different, as you can see . I believe she begins to be happy with the changes, although it will be better with HighGfx, now it's superplus:

Now just remains to add some nice icons to the bar, but I don't know how to make them without borders. I can use square ones so I won't have that problem.

Edit: I've just drawed the 2 small separators at the bar (one on the right of Aweb), with the same background.

Edit: Curious. I told that in my Pendrive I did the update to 1.6.2 and there I didn't have any problem with MaestixFx. Now I installed that in the Pc and I've had the same problem with Maestix,so I've had to disable it, but it only has happened once installed in the PC. If I use the pendrive in the pc I have no problem with it, being working.

Edit: More updates. Now SonfFace installed and working incredible, also the latest version of Amplifier with key. I've been trying to make run AminetRadio, but I can't yet.

I've got a problem with guigfx.library and opening AminetRadio. No idea what to do. Edit: Yes, I will look for an older version. Edit: No, same problem with version 3.1 and also 2.0. Edit: I've got the impression that it won't work with an ACA.

Edit: Yesterday I did this add-on: two ham videos to be put on Apps; but you can use them wherever if you edit the icon with editpad and change the command.


Now just to receive a Cf, install all and make a video...

Last edited by Retrofan; 20 September 2012 at 15:39.
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Old 19 September 2012, 10:01   #32
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Awesome work Fernando! This looks amazing!
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Old 19 September 2012, 11:46   #33
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Increible retrofan! amazing work , congratulations!

Friend its possible you can share somewhere this Amikit Version? I´d love to install in any of my A1200...

Saludos desde Tenerife.
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Old 19 September 2012, 14:00   #34
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While Im the sort of person who prefers to build up their system themselves Ive been watching this thread from the sidelines with interest. I always get a kick of out watching others enjoying squeezing as much as they can from their 20-ish year old machines.

A lot of the contents is post os3.1 , but it's still pretty darn impressive just what can be achieved. I doubt commodore themselves wouldve envisioned that a ks3.0/3.1 + aga machine would be hosting a setup like this (or other similarly tuned systems around).

Anyway, good stuff and hopefully soon I'll start sharing some pics of my w.i.p os3.x/aga setup, cos Ive been getting into some customising as well lately
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Old 20 September 2012, 00:06   #35
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Originally Posted by fishyfish View Post
While Im the sort of person who prefers to build up their system themselves Ive been watching this thread from the sidelines with interest. I always get a kick of out watching others enjoying squeezing as much as they can from their 20-ish year old machines.

A lot of the contents is post os3.1 , but it's still pretty darn impressive just what can be achieved. I doubt commodore themselves wouldve envisioned that a ks3.0/3.1 + aga machine would be hosting a setup like this (or other similarly tuned systems around).

Anyway, good stuff and hopefully soon I'll start sharing some pics of my w.i.p os3.x/aga setup, cos Ive been getting into some customising as well lately

Thanks a lot. You'll have to wait and watch the new video when I'll make it, because now I think in the last my Amikit wasn't half as good as it looks now

@Amiten you know I can't share it but with that who already has OS3.5 or 3.9 or AmigaForever, but as we are neirbours and I know that for sure as I've saw them, I can (without keys, off course). PM on the way and I hope people will like it in the next meeting in Güimar. You know I can't go.

Edit: I've done a draw to substitute the WB2000 one. This should go in Amikit:Utilities/Expansion/WB2000/Images, renaming the WB2000 image there with another name.

Also I've edited with notepad the "Welcome to Amikit" icon in Amikit, that now opens with IBrowse. It has to be:
Amikit:Internet/IBrowse/IBrowse URL file://localhost/SYS:Prefs/Presets/Amikit/Doc/index.html
Attached Files
File Type: rar WB2000.rar (2.6 KB, 158 views)

Last edited by Retrofan; 21 September 2012 at 01:03.
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Old 20 September 2012, 15:16   #36
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That's really impressive work, are you thinking maybe make this version available for download???

It would be awesome to take advantage of the work you're doing if you don't mind.

I thought of trying this but after seeing your work i was more than convinced that it works on real amigas.

I hope you don't mind making it available for the masses.

Great job

Last edited by paulo_becas; 20 September 2012 at 16:23.
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Old 20 September 2012, 15:33   #37
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That's what I would like more, but I can't. I should make an installer as it needs OS3.5 or 3.9 or A-Forever; the same kind of installer CWB39 uses. I asked Bloodwych, but he hasn't answered me (yet).

I would like anyway to know the opinions from a couple of mates that have those OS. I would like to know what Mfilos thinks, or Fitzsteve for example. I know also Cammy is very busy to be trying it .

Edit: Now AmigaAmp also in the list of players, just had to change sndfile.library for no fpu (also AmigaAmp) and to "fight" a little to localize the skins directory against the program.

Last edited by Retrofan; 21 September 2012 at 01:00.
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Old 20 September 2012, 23:12   #38
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Really nice job there Fernando! Just tested it under WinUAE and works rather well.
I'm not the biggest fan of AmiKit despite supporting it all these years either buying it or spreading the word.
For me ClassicWB is all I need for my Amigas but your effort was really pro!!!

Well done \o/
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Old 21 September 2012, 01:17   #39
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Thanks Marios . Glad you liked it, because I know a lot of people don't like the idea of trying anything "advanced". Amikit is a little "rare" to work with, but once you start you'll find it's a lot easier to make whatever... something like having the Dopus options wherever...

A thing I've always liked with it since I began using a B1260 is the amount of free ram that I have with it, so that's where my idea of making a fast "High End Amiga" -as they say and now I've got written in the WB2000 left bar- came, using just an ACA without FPU.

As you see I've left the WB2000 bar as an "option" that you open with an icon, as I also understand that some will like it and others won't, but it's very usefull (and good looking ). Well, the truth is that I left it that way because it takes some seconds more to boot if you leave it in the WBStartup, so better to open it later.

Anyway, the amount of things that can be improved is huge, that's why I'm almost everyday making some... Right now I was seing the incredible amount of emulators (well, that's part of AmigaSys that I added to it) that work with an ACA, and was using CoolNess and playing Mario Bross and playing for example Sonic Chaos with the AmiMasterGear emulator.

Edit: BTW any knows how to "register" with CoolNess? http://hem.passagen.se/flubba/coolmain.html
Edit: Now with AmigaEyes and "Wet" running and remaped.
Edit: I have finally found the ugly background of programs like Find (and also Wet). It was Amikit:Prefs/Presets/Patterns/SliderBlue-Medium.png . I've renamed another (Emboss of SongFace) as that and now it looks much better. Edit: You can change it with Prefs- Reaction.
Edit: Finally today I've received the Cf and reinstalled all. Dunno why after copying it I was having some icons repeated on the screen, but that's just to put them away. I'll have to make another wallpaper image for 1024x768, as it's too large the one I did. Also SongFace doesn't work right here, so I'll have to change the settings. It was working perfect in WinUAE. Amplifier works right though.
PeterK told me about a leaking in the chip mem, but I don't see it. I've got around ...80%. Anyway I'm not sure if I should disable FBlit using HighGfx, as Gibs told, because I get some bars on the screen after not much time.

Last edited by Retrofan; 19 October 2012 at 02:01.
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Old 22 September 2012, 02:20   #40
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Ok Retrofan, I found the big memleak in your distro: it's PowerIcons !
But why are you running PowerIcons from the end of your startup-sequence on a system with a 16 color screen ??? PowerIcons has been made for truecolor systems and it should be started in such a case before LoadWB, BUT NEVER WITH DOPUS MAGELLAN II !! Read the fu**ing manual, PLZ !!
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