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Old 22 November 2019, 13:43   #21
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How much work to port this over to VisualCode ? Which I think is based on Atom, or are the significantly different ?
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Old 22 November 2019, 15:44   #22
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Originally Posted by S0ulA55a551n View Post
How much work to port this over to VisualCode ? Which I think is based on Atom, or are the significantly different ?
I don't know, I haven't really researched how to define languages for VS Code. The tools I have made to make the auto-complete and help lookup could easily be modified for other tools. I will have a look how to create language definitions for VS code, maybe it's similar.
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Old 22 November 2019, 20:23   #23
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Originally Posted by MickGyver View Post
There are a few things I came to think of:
  1. If you already have any of the tools BringToFront.exe, ConvertEOL.exe and WinUAEREXX.exe, replace them, because at least BringToFront.exe has been updated.
  2. You need to ensure that your firewall/antivirus allows network traffic for WinUAE and WinUAEArexx.exe.
  3. Ensure that you have all the needed packages installed for Atom (atom-shell-commands, symbols-list etc.)
  4. You can toggle the symbols-list from the menu Packages / symbols-list / Toggle.
  5. The indentation in the config files is important. Below is my config file.
        commands: [
            name: "Execute run.bat"
            command: "cmd"
            arguments: [
              cwd: "{FileDir}"
              keymap: "f5"
            name: "Show BB2 Help"
            command: "C:\\Users\\Mick\\.atom\\packages\\language-blitzbasic2\\tools\\BB2Doc.exe"
            arguments: [
              keymap: "f1"
        confirmCompletion: "tab always, enter when suggestion explicitly selected"
        disabledPackages: [
        telemetryConsent: "no"
        themes: [
        fontFamily: "Iosevka, Menlo, Consolas, DejaVu Sans Mono, monospace"
        fontSize: 21
        tabType: "soft"
        userId: "860f73e9-7355-43ae-a0fc-d099c77724a1"
        highlightBackground: true
        lightTheme: true
        useHardwareAcceleration: false
        basic: {}
        showOnStartup: false
    autoHideMenuBar: true
    fontSize: 16
    userId: "d35e05d2-d8c6-4660-aadc-217fe2b9c794"
		commands: [
				name: "Show BB2 Help"
				command: "C:\\Users\\Havie\\.atom\\packages\\language-blitzbasic2\\tools\\BB2Doc.exe"
				arguments: [
					keymap: "f1"
				name: "Build BB2"
				command: "cmd"
				arguments: [
					cwd: "{FileDir}"
					keymap: "f5"
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Old 22 November 2019, 20:30   #24
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My config was totally different so I copied yours and now:

- help works
- F5 starts opens a CMD window in the correct folder but nothing happens.

Some good progress.
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Old 22 November 2019, 20:39   #25
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Realised that some of my paths were wrong so now F5 brings up command window, saves project and runs opens WinUAE but doesn't run it (yet)!
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Old 22 November 2019, 20:44   #26
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This is what my run.bat file looks like - hopefully you can sort me out (nearly there).

:: --- Blitz Basic 2.1 build batch script ---
:: ---   by MickGyver (Mikael Norrgard)   ---

:: You need to edit three things:
:: 1. WinUAE executable name and location, and the WinUAE config to use.
:: 2. Add ConvertEOL commands for every .bb2 file in the project.
:: 3. Edit the WinUAERexx command according to your project.

@echo off


:: WinUAE 64-bit: winuae64.exe, WinUAE 32-bit: winuae.exe
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq winuae.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "winuae.exe">NUL

:: If WinUAE is not running, then run it!
if %ERRORLEVEL%==1 goto winuaenotrunning

:: Run ConvertEOL for every *_asc.bb2 file in your project
ConvertEOL unix test_asc.bb2 project.bb2
:: ConvertEOL unix include1_asc.bb2 include1.bb2
:: ...

:: Run the ARexx script
:: First .bb2 file is main source file, the following are included files.
:: BLITZPROJECTS: in this example is a virtual harddrive (Windows folder) set up in WinUAE where I store my BB2 projects.
WinUAEArexx blitzbasic2 1000 "M:\Work\EMULATORS\Amiga\WinUAE3000\Hard Disk\Programming Hard Disk\Programming Files\test.bb2"
:: Below is a template for multiple source files, the first one has to be the main project file
:: WinUAEArexx blitzbasic2 1000 "BLITZPROJECTS:/project/project.bb2" "BLITZPROJECTS:/project/include1.bb2" "BLITZPROJECTS:/project/include2.bb2"

:: Bring WinUAE to front
BringToFront "WinUAE"

:: Go to end of script
goto end


echo -------------------------------------------------------
echo Starting WinUAE and SuperTED (Close the nag screen!)
echo -------------------------------------------------------
:: Change the path to the WinUAE exectuable and the configuration according to your environment
start "" "M:\Work\EMULATORS\Amiga\WinUAE3000\winuae.exe" -f "M:\Work\EMULATORS\Amiga\WinUAE3000\configurations\atom"
timeout 7
goto main

timeout 5
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Old 22 November 2019, 20:57   #27
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Now I get these messages when pressing F5:

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Old 23 November 2019, 19:30   #28
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Damn - now Atom won't run (although it's in task manager).
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Old 27 November 2019, 13:56   #29
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Originally Posted by Havie View Post
Damn - now Atom won't run (although it's in task manager).
Did you sort it out eventually, or did you give up?
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Old 27 November 2019, 23:23   #30
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Haven't had anytime this week. Not giving up, just need some time...
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Old 28 November 2019, 14:55   #31
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Version 0.3

I uploaded a new version with these improvements:
  • Showing help for string$ functions now works.
  • Added the MTPlayFX statement to help system and as snippet.
  • Added a few NEWTYPES as snippets (mostly BB2 object types).
  • Added an SFXInit statement as snippet (use with PTPlayer).
Use same download link:
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Old 30 November 2019, 21:22   #32
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Righto - got it to run again (must have messed up config file). I think Atom is now working fine but need to get compiling in Winuae working. My .bat files is obviously not right. The location of Winuae is:


And here is my .bat file - I'm probably being a but thick on the editing of this file! F5 opens a command window and does seem to run the .bat file.

:: --- Blitz Basic 2.1 build batch script ---
:: ---   by MickGyver (Mikael Norrgard)   ---

:: You need to edit three things:
:: 1. WinUAE executable name and location, and the WinUAE config to use.
:: 2. Add ConvertEOL commands for every .bb2 file in the project.
:: 3. Edit the WinUAERexx command according to your project.

@echo off


:: WinUAE 64-bit: winuae64.exe, WinUAE 32-bit: winuae.exe
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq winuae.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "winuae.exe">NUL

:: If WinUAE is not running, then run it!
if %ERRORLEVEL%==1 goto winuaenotrunning

:: Run ConvertEOL for every *_asc.bb2 file in your project
ConvertEOL unix "c:users/havie/desktop/atombb2/BB Filestest_asc.bb2" project.bb2
:: ConvertEOL unix include1_asc.bb2 include1.bb2
:: ...

:: Run the ARexx script
:: First .bb2 file is main source file, the following are included files.
:: BLITZPROJECTS: in this example is a virtual harddrive (Windows folder) set up in WinUAE where I store my BB2 projects.
WinUAEArexx blitzbasic2 1000 "M:\Work\EMULATORS\Amiga\WinUAE3000\Hard Disk\Programming Hard Disk\Programming Files\test.bb2"
:: Below is a template for multiple source files, the first one has to be the main project file
:: WinUAEArexx blitzbasic2 1000 "BLITZPROJECTS:/project/project.bb2" "BLITZPROJECTS:/project/include1.bb2" "BLITZPROJECTS:/project/include2.bb2"

:: Bring WinUAE to front
c:users/havie/desktop/atombb2/BringToFront "WinUAE"

:: Go to end of script
goto end


echo -------------------------------------------------------
echo Starting WinUAE and SuperTED (Close the nag screen!)
echo -------------------------------------------------------
:: Change the path to the WinUAE exectuable and the configuration according to your environment
start "" "M:\Work\EMULATORS\Amiga\WinUAE3000\winuae.exe" -f "M:\Work\EMULATORS\Amiga\WinUAE3000\configurations\atom"
timeout 7
goto main

timeout 5
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Old 05 December 2019, 13:44   #33
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Originally Posted by Havie View Post
And here is my .bat file - I'm probably being a but thick on the editing of this file! F5 opens a command window and does seem to run the .bat file.
There are several issues in your batch file.

1. The ConvertEOL does not need the full path, you shouldn't have spaces in the filenames and the output filename is wrong (should be same name minus the _asc suffix).
ConvertEOL unix "c:users/havie/desktop/atombb2/BB Filestest_asc.bb2" project.bb2


ConvertEOL unix BB_Filestest_asc.bb2 BB_Filestest.bb2
2. The filepath arguments for the WinUAEArexx command should be as seen from the emulated Amiga side (folder as virtual hdd). The path separator is a normal slash and not a backslash.
WinUAEArexx blitzbasic2 1000 "M:\Work\EMULATORS\Amiga\WinUAE3000\Hard Disk\Programming Hard Disk\Programming Files\test.bb2"


WinUAEArexx blitzbasic2 1000 "NAMEOFHDD:/Programming Files/BB_Filestest.bb2"

3. Is your configuration file just named "atom" without the ".uae" file extension?
start "" "M:\Work\EMULATORS\Amiga\WinUAE3000\winuae.exe" -f "M:\Work\EMULATORS\Amiga\WinUAE3000\configurations\atom"
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Old 16 January 2020, 22:35   #34
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Hi I' back!

Been a bit of delay as the Windows install went belly up and loads of programs stopped working. In the end I had to reinstall Windows 10 and all is now well. Then Christmas happened...

Anyway, determined to get this working. I currently have the editor working fine including help, highlighting and view of source code. Pressing F5 brings up WinUAEand highlights the atom config but doesn't actually run WinuUAE.

I get the following errors in the run window:

No connection could be made as the target machine actively refused it and WINUAEArexx can't find the path (which seems right):

WinUAEArexx blitzbasic2 1000 "Programming Hard Disk:Programming Files/test.bb2"

I have allowed WinUAE in Windows Defender but connection still comes up as refused.

Any more suggestions?
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Old 18 January 2020, 09:08   #35
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Right - WinUAE runs and loads up workbench now and the connection error has gone.

Just need to workout why BB2 isn't running...
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Old 19 January 2020, 00:28   #36
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The problem is in this line:

WinUAEArexx blitzbasic2 1000 "HD1:/Programming Files/project.bb2"

and the error says - can't find path - so I am obviously missing something with file path.

in an earlier post you said that the path should be the hard disk as seen from the Amiga. So in this case the disk is HD1 and a folder in the root directory is Programming Files.

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Old 19 January 2020, 10:43   #37
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Version 0.4

I uploaded a new version with these improvements:
  • run.bat is now less confusing to configure.
Use same download link:
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Old 19 January 2020, 10:47   #38
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Originally Posted by Havie View Post
The problem is in this line:

WinUAEArexx blitzbasic2 1000 "HD1:/Programming Files/project.bb2"

and the error says - can't find path - so I am obviously missing something with file path.

in an earlier post you said that the path should be the hard disk as seen from the Amiga. So in this case the disk is HD1 and a folder in the root directory is Programming Files.

Oh man, you really are having problems with this!

I can't help much since I don't have access to your computer, but is the error on the Windows side? In that case, WinUAEArexx can't be found.

I just uploaded a new version with a hopefully easier to configure run.bat. Try that one!
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Old 19 January 2020, 21:42   #39
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I'm not giving up!!!
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Old 19 January 2020, 21:43   #40
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Error is on Windows side and I thought that it was not finding the Amiga path...
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