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Old 22 June 2021, 00:33   #321
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Originally Posted by Bruce Abbott View Post
This version is the same speed as the earlier one I tested (8.9 seconds without printing, 10 seconds with printing) but dramatically smaller at 700 bytes vs. 804. Well done!

But I see my work isn't done. I will test your latest version tonight.

That may be so, but it is interesting to note that printing 3000 digits takes ~1.1 seconds on my machine, which is only 11% of the total execution time. On a slower machine it should be an even smaller percentage because a large part of that time is taken up rendering to ChipRAM, which is proportionally slower on a faster machine.
Could you check on Amiga with 68000 CPU too (divu.w vs sub.w version)? If no speed difference then i will change access from PR000N to PR0000. 6 bytes shortest code.
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Old 22 June 2021, 10:20   #322
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Gained 2 bytes in time routine.
OldOpenLibrary = -408
CloseLibrary = -414
Output = -60
Input = -54
Write = -48
Read = -42
Forbid = -132
Permit = -138
AddIntServer = -168
RemIntServer = -174
VBlankFrequency = 530
INTB_VERTB = 5     ;for vblank interrupt
NT_INTERRUPT = 2   ;node type

;N = 7*D/2 ;D digits, e.g., N = 350 for 100 digits

         lea libname(pc),a1         ;open the dos library
         move.l 4.W,a5
         move.l a5,a6
         jsr OldOpenLibrary(a6)
         move.l d0,a6
         jsr Output(a6)          ;get stdout
         lea cout(PC),A4
         move.l d0,(A4)            ;cout
         move.w	#((65536-(ra-start))/(7<<2))<<2,D7	; d7.w=maxn (moved here)
         moveq #-4,D4
;call Write(stdout,buff,size)
         moveq #msg1-cout,D2 ; must be checked if in moveq range, the longest text can be moved at end
         moveq #msg4-msg1,d3
         bsr.b .write
         moveq #msg4-cout,D2
         moveq #msg5-msg4,d3
         bsr.b .write
         move.w d7,d5
         bsr.w PR0000
         moveq #msg5-cout,D2
         moveq #msg3-msg5,d3
         bsr.b .write
         bsr.w getnum
         cmp.w d7,d5
         bhi.b .l20
         move.w d5,d1
         beq.b .l20
         addq.w #3,d5
         and.w D4,d5
         cmp.b #10,(a0)
         bne.b .l21
         move.w d5,d6
         cmp.w d1,d5
         beq.b .l7
         bsr.w PR0000
         moveq #msg3-cout,D2
         moveq #msg2-msg3,d3
         bsr.b .write

         mulu.w #7,d6          ;kv = d6
         lsr.l #2,D6               ; /4
         move.l d6,d7
         lea ra(pc),a3

         exg a5,a6
         jsr Forbid(a6)
         moveq #INTB_VERTB,d0
         lea VBlankServer(pc),a1
         jsr AddIntServer(a6)
         exg a5,a6
         ;move.w #$4000,$dff096    ;DMA off
         move.l #2000*65537,d0
         move.l a3,a0
.fill    move.l d0,(a0)+
         subq.l #1,D7
         bne.b .fill

         move.l D7,-(SP)    ; cv
         lea 10000.W,A2
         moveq #4,D3
         moveq #buf-cout,D2
         add.l  A4,D2 ; buf

.l0      moveq #0,D5       ;d <- 0
         move.l d6,d4     ;i <- kv, i <- i*2
         lsl.l #2,D4           ; *4
         adda.l d4,a3
         subq.l #1,d4     ;b <- 2*i-1
         move.l A2,D1
         bra.b .l4

         move.l (A4),D1 ; cout
         add.l A4,D2
         jmp Write(a6)

         swap d0
         move.w d0,d7
         divu.w d4,d7
         swap d7
         move.w d7,d0
         swap d0
         divu.w d4,d0

         move.w d0,d7
         exg d0,d7
         clr.w d7
         swap d7
         move.w d7,(a3)     ;r[i] <- d%b
         bra.b .enddiv

         sub.l d0,d5
         sub.l d7,d5
         lsr.l #1,d5
         move -(a3),d0      ; r[i]
         mulu.w d1,d0       ;r[i]*10000
         add.l d0,d5       ;d += r[i]*10000
         move.l d5,d0
         divu.w d4,d0
         bvs.s .longdiv

         move.w d0,d7
         clr.w d0
         swap d0
         move.w d0,(a3)     ;r[i] <- d%b
         subq.l #2,d4    ;i <- i - 1
         bcc.b .l2       ;the main loop
         divu.w d1,d5      ;removed with MULU optimization
         add.w (SP),D5 ; cv
         move.l D5,(SP) ; cv
         bsr.w PR000N

         subq.l #7,d6   ;kv
         bne.b .l0
         addq.l #4,SP ;  restore stack

         move.l time(pc),d5
         ;move.w #$c000,$dff096    ;DMA on
         exg a5,a6
         moveq #INTB_VERTB,d0
         lea VBlankServer(pc),a1
         jsr RemIntServer(a6)
         jsr Permit(a6)
         exg a5,a6

         cmp.b #50,VBlankFrequency(a5)
         beq.b .l8

         lsl.l #2,D5       ;  480 Hz
         add.l time(PC),d5 ;  600 Hz
         divu.w #6,d5      ;  100 Hz
         swap d5
         lsr.w #3,d5
         swap d5
         negx.l d5
         neg.l d5

         moveq #1+3+1,D3
         lea 12(A4),A3
         moveq #10,D1
         move.b D1,-(A3)  ; newline

         moveq #$30,D0 
;     D7 highword is already cleared
     divu.w d1,d5
     bvc.b .div32no

     swap d5
     move.w d5,d7
     divu.w d1,d7
     swap d7
     move d7,d5
     swap d5
     divu.w d1,d5
     move.w d5,d7
     swap d5
        add.b D0,D5
         move.b d5,-(a3)
         divu.w d1,d7
         swap d7
       add.b D0,D7
         move.b d7,-(a3)
         clr.w d7
         swap d7
         move.b #'.',-(a3)      ; dot
.l12     tst.w d7
         beq .l11

         addq.l #1,D3
         divu.w d1,d7
         swap d7
       add.b D0,D7
         move.b d7,-(a3)
         clr.w d7
         swap d7
         bra .l12

         move.b #32,-(A3)           ; space
         move.l (A4),D1            ; cout
         move.l A3,D2
         jsr Write(a6) 

         move.l a6,a1
         move.l a5,a6
         jmp CloseLibrary(a6)

PR0000     ;prints d5, uses a0,a1(scratch),d0,d1,d2,d3
      moveq #4,D3
      moveq #buf-cout,D2
      add.l  A4,D2 ; buf
        move.w	#$0100,a0
	move.l	#$2f3a2f2f,d0
	move.w	#1000,d1
.b1000	add.w	a0,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b1000
	add.w	d1,d5

	moveq	#100,d1
.b100	addq.b	#1,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b100
	add.w	d1,d5

	swap	d0
	moveq	#10,d1
.b10	add.w	a0,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b10
	add.b	d5,d0

        move.l D0,buf-cout(A4) ; buf
        move.l (A4),D1    ; cout
        jmp Write(A6) ;call Write(stdout,buff,size)

      addq.l #2,(a1)
;If you set your interrupt to priority 10 or higher then a0 must point at $dff000 on exit
      moveq #0,d0  ; must set Z flag on exit!

      dc.l  0,0                   ;ln_Succ,ln_Pred
      dc.b  NT_INTERRUPT,0        ;ln_Type,ln_Pri
      dc.l  0                     ;ln_Name
      dc.l  time,rasteri          ;is_Data,is_Code

 cnop 0,4

 cout dc.l 0
 buf ds.b 4
 time dc.l 0

; Overwritten code/data start here. 
libname  dc.b "dos.library",0
msg1  dc.b 'number pi calculator v13',10
msg4 dc.b 'number of digits (up to '
msg5 dc.b ')? '
msg3 dc.b ' digits will be printed',10
        jsr Input(a6)          ;get stdin
        moveq #msg1-cout,D2
        add.l A4,D2
        move.l d0,d1
        moveq #5,d3     ;+ newline
        jsr Read(a6)
        move.l	d2,a0
	moveq	#0,d5
.loop	subq.w	#1,d0
	beq.b	.done
	move.w	#256-'0',d6
	add.b	(a0)+,d6
	cmp.w	#9,d6
	bhi.b	.error
	mulu.w	#10,d5
	add.w	d6,d5
	bra.b	.loop
.error	moveq	#0,d5
.done	rts

     ds.b 65536-(Buffy-start)

Last edited by Don_Adan; 22 June 2021 at 11:28.
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Old 22 June 2021, 19:58   #323
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Reimplemented the time calc&print code, it's 32 bytes shorter (and the whole thing is now under 600 bytes):
	jsr	Permit(a6)
	exg	a5,a6

	move.b	VBlankFrequency(a5),d6	; d6.l is 0
	move.l	d6,d0
	add.w	d0,d0
	divu.w	d0,d5			; d5 = seconds
	move.l	d5,d1
	swap	d1
	mulu.w	#100,d1
	add.l	d1,d6			; round up (+0.5)
	divu.w	d0,d6			; d6 = 1/100ths

	move.l	(a4)+,d1		; output
	move.l	a4,d2			; buffer

	move.b	#' ',(a4)+

	moveq	#0,d4			; skip leading zeroes
	move.w	#10000,d7
	bsr.b	SPrintTime

	move.b	#'.',(a4)+

	moveq	#'0',d4			; print leading zeroes
	move.w	d6,d5
	moveq	#10,d7
	bsr.b	SPrintTime

	move.b	#10,(a4)+		; newline

	move.l	a4,d3
	sub.l	d2,d3
	jsr	Write(a6)

	move.l	a6,a1
	move.l	a5,a6
	jmp	CloseLibrary(a6)		; END OF PROGRAM

SPrintTime	; d5=value, a4=buffer
.Next	ext.l	d5
	divu.w	d7,d5
	cmp.b	d4,d5
	beq.b	.LeadZero
	moveq	#'0',d4
	add.b	d4,d5
	move.b	d5,(a4)+
	swap	d5
	divu.w	#10,d7
	bne.b	.Next

PR0000     ;prints d5, uses a0,a1(scratch),d0,d1,d2,d3
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Old 22 June 2021, 21:40   #324
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Ok, big thanks. Perhaps
move.w #10000,d7
can be replaced with
move.l A2,D7
And we can use moveq #10,D0 to replace

move.b #10,(a4)+ ; newline

move.b D0,(a4)+ ; newline


divu.w #10,d7

divu.w D0,d7

What do you think?

BTW.I forget that D6 is cleared, then old time calc routine can be 2 bytes shortest too
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Old 22 June 2021, 22:04   #325
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Yup, that would work. -2*2 bytes.
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Old 23 June 2021, 00:45   #326
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Reimplemented time calc and print code from a/b.
OldOpenLibrary = -408
CloseLibrary = -414
Output = -60
Input = -54
Write = -48
Read = -42
Forbid = -132
Permit = -138
AddIntServer = -168
RemIntServer = -174
VBlankFrequency = 530
INTB_VERTB = 5     ;for vblank interrupt
NT_INTERRUPT = 2   ;node type

;N = 7*D/2 ;D digits, e.g., N = 350 for 100 digits

         lea libname(pc),a1         ;open the dos library
         move.l 4.W,a5
         move.l a5,a6
         jsr OldOpenLibrary(a6)
         move.l d0,a6
         jsr Output(a6)          ;get stdout
         lea cout(PC),A4
         move.l d0,(A4)            ;cout
         move.w	#((65536-(ra-start))/(7<<2))<<2,D7	; d7.w=maxn (moved here)
         moveq #-4,D4
;call Write(stdout,buff,size)
         moveq #msg1-cout,D2 ; must be checked if in moveq range, the longest text can be moved at end
         moveq #msg4-msg1,d3
         bsr.b .write
         moveq #msg4-cout,D2
         moveq #msg5-msg4,d3
         bsr.b .write
         move.w d7,d5
         bsr.w PR0000
         moveq #msg5-cout,D2
         moveq #msg3-msg5,d3
         bsr.b .write
         bsr.w getnum
         cmp.w d7,d5
         bhi.b .l20
         move.w d5,d1
         beq.b .l20
         addq.w #3,d5
         and.w D4,d5
         cmp.b #10,(a0)
         bne.b .l21
         move.w d5,d6
         cmp.w d1,d5
         beq.b .l7
         bsr.w PR0000
         moveq #msg3-cout,D2
         moveq #msg2-msg3,d3
         bsr.b .write

         mulu.w #7,d6          ;kv = d6
         lsr.l #2,D6               ; /4
         move.l d6,d7
         lea ra(pc),a3

         exg a5,a6
         jsr Forbid(a6)
         moveq #INTB_VERTB,d0
         lea VBlankServer(pc),a1
         jsr AddIntServer(a6)
         exg a5,a6
         ;move.w #$4000,$dff096    ;DMA off
         move.l #2000*65537,d0
         move.l a3,a0
.fill    move.l d0,(a0)+
         subq.l #1,D7
         bne.b .fill

         move.l D7,-(SP)    ; cv
         lea 10000.W,A2
         moveq #4,D3
         moveq #buf-cout,D2
         add.l  A4,D2 ; buf

.l0      moveq #0,D5       ;d <- 0
         move.l d6,d4     ;i <- kv, i <- i*2
         lsl.l #2,D4           ; *4
         adda.l d4,a3
         subq.l #1,d4     ;b <- 2*i-1
         move.l A2,D1
         bra.b .l4

         move.l (A4),D1 ; cout
         add.l A4,D2
         jmp Write(a6)

         swap d0
         move.w d0,d7
         divu.w d4,d7
         swap d7
         move.w d7,d0
         swap d0
         divu.w d4,d0

         move.w d0,d7
         exg d0,d7
         clr.w d7
         swap d7
         move.w d7,(a3)     ;r[i] <- d%b
         bra.b .enddiv

         sub.l d0,d5
         sub.l d7,d5
         lsr.l #1,d5
         move -(a3),d0      ; r[i]
         mulu.w d1,d0       ;r[i]*10000
         add.l d0,d5       ;d += r[i]*10000
         move.l d5,d0
         divu.w d4,d0
         bvs.s .longdiv

         move.w d0,d7
         clr.w d0
         swap d0
         move.w d0,(a3)     ;r[i] <- d%b
         subq.l #2,d4    ;i <- i - 1
         bcc.b .l2       ;the main loop
         divu.w d1,d5      ;removed with MULU optimization
         add.w (SP),D5 ; cv
         move.l D5,(SP) ; cv
         bsr.w PR000N

         subq.l #7,d6   ;kv
         bne.b .l0
         addq.l #4,SP ;  restore stack

         move.l time(pc),d5
         ;move.w #$c000,$dff096    ;DMA on
         exg a5,a6
         moveq #INTB_VERTB,d0
         lea VBlankServer(pc),a1
         jsr RemIntServer(a6)
         jsr Permit(a6)
         exg a5,a6

	move.b	VBlankFrequency(a5),d6	; d6.l is 0
	move.l	d6,d0
	add.w	d0,d0
	divu.w	d0,d5			; d5 = seconds
	move.l	d5,d1
	swap	d1
	mulu.w	#100,d1
	add.l	d1,d6			; round up (+0.5)
	divu.w	d0,d6			; d6 = 1/100ths
        moveq   #10,D0
	move.l	(a4)+,d1		; output
	move.l	a4,d2			; buffer

	move.b	#' ',(a4)+

	moveq	#0,d4			; skip leading zeroes
        move.l  A2,D7	                ; 10000
	bsr.b	SPrintTime

	move.b	#'.',(a4)+

	moveq	#'0',d4			; print leading zeroes
	move.w	d6,d5
	moveq	#10,d7
	bsr.b	SPrintTime

	move.b	d0,(a4)+		; newline

	move.l	a4,d3
	sub.l	d2,d3
	jsr	Write(a6)

	move.l	a6,a1
	move.l	a5,a6
	jmp	CloseLibrary(a6)		; END OF PROGRAM

SPrintTime	; d5=value, a4=buffer
.Next	ext.l	d5
	divu.w	d7,d5
	cmp.b	d4,d5
	beq.b	.LeadZero
	moveq	#'0',d4
	add.b	d4,d5
	move.b	d5,(a4)+
	swap	d5
	divu.w	d0,d7
	bne.b	.Next

PR0000     ;prints d5, uses a0,a1(scratch),d0,d1,d2,d3
      moveq #4,D3
      moveq #buf-cout,D2
      add.l  A4,D2 ; buf
        move.w	#$0100,a0
	move.l	#$2f3a2f2f,d0
	move.w	#1000,d1
.b1000	add.w	a0,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b1000
	add.w	d1,d5

	moveq	#100,d1
.b100	addq.b	#1,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b100
	add.w	d1,d5

	swap	d0
	moveq	#10,d1
.b10	add.w	a0,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b10
	add.b	d5,d0

        move.l D0,buf-cout(A4) ; buf
        move.l (A4),D1    ; cout
        jmp Write(A6) ;call Write(stdout,buff,size)

      addq.l #2,(a1)
;If you set your interrupt to priority 10 or higher then a0 must point at $dff000 on exit
      moveq #0,d0  ; must set Z flag on exit!

      dc.l  0,0                   ;ln_Succ,ln_Pred
      dc.b  NT_INTERRUPT,0        ;ln_Type,ln_Pri
      dc.l  0                     ;ln_Name
      dc.l  time,rasteri          ;is_Data,is_Code

 cnop 0,4

 cout dc.l 0
 buf ds.b 4
 time dc.l 0

; Overwritten code/data start here. 
libname  dc.b "dos.library",0
msg1  dc.b 'number pi calculator v13',10
msg4 dc.b 'number of digits (up to '
msg5 dc.b ')? '
msg3 dc.b ' digits will be printed',10
        jsr Input(a6)          ;get stdin
        moveq #msg1-cout,D2
        add.l A4,D2
        move.l d0,d1
        moveq #5,d3     ;+ newline
        jsr Read(a6)
        move.l	d2,a0
	moveq	#0,d5
.loop	subq.w	#1,d0
	beq.b	.done
	move.w	#256-'0',d6
	add.b	(a0)+,d6
	cmp.w	#9,d6
	bhi.b	.error
	mulu.w	#10,d5
	add.w	d6,d5
	bra.b	.loop
.error	moveq	#0,d5
.done	rts

     ds.b 65536-(Buffy-start)

Last edited by Don_Adan; 23 June 2021 at 00:56.
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Old 23 June 2021, 02:08   #327
Bruce Abbott
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Originally Posted by Don_Adan View Post
Could you check on Amiga with 68000 CPU too (divu.w vs sub.w version)? If no speed difference then i will change access from PR000N to PR0000. 6 bytes shortest code.
Both the PR000N and PR0000 versions took 163 seconds on my A500 when printing to a full-size CLI window.

Your post #327 took 9.9 seconds to execute on my A1200, with a file size of 652 bytes. This is 2 bytes shorter than litwr's 'pi-ibmpc.com'!
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Old 23 June 2021, 02:10   #328
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Yeah, I'll reach 1000 posts just from this thread alone .
;         bsr.w PR000N
         bsr.b PR000N		; keep your pr000n close (i did not say that)
-2 bytes
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Old 23 June 2021, 02:40   #329
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Originally Posted by Bruce Abbott View Post
Both the PR000N and PR0000 versions took 163 seconds on my A500 when printing to a full-size CLI window.

Your post #327 took 9.9 seconds to execute on my A1200, with a file size of 652 bytes. This is 2 bytes shorter than litwr's 'pi-ibmpc.com'!
Ok, thanks, then final (?) version after a few minutes will be available. Exe size will be shortest.
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Old 23 June 2021, 02:55   #330
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Fully PC relative version. But i dont remember if using move.l A0,-(A0) is safe for 68040/68060. Then maybe it must be changed.

OldOpenLibrary = -408
CloseLibrary = -414
Output = -60
Input = -54
Write = -48
Read = -42
Forbid = -132
Permit = -138
AddIntServer = -168
RemIntServer = -174
VBlankFrequency = 530
INTB_VERTB = 5     ;for vblank interrupt
NT_INTERRUPT = 2   ;node type

;N = 7*D/2 ;D digits, e.g., N = 350 for 100 digits

         lea libname(pc),a1         ;open the dos library
         move.l 4.W,a5
         move.l a5,a6
         jsr OldOpenLibrary(a6)
         move.l d0,a6
         jsr Output(a6)          ;get stdout
         lea cout(PC),A4
         move.l d0,(A4)            ;cout
         move.w	#((65536-(ra-start))/(7<<2))<<2,D7	; d7.w=maxn (moved here)
         moveq #-4,D4
;call Write(stdout,buff,size)
         moveq #msg1-cout,D2 ; must be checked if in moveq range, the longest text can be moved at end
         moveq #msg4-msg1,d3
         bsr.b .write
         moveq #msg4-cout,D2
         moveq #msg5-msg4,d3
         bsr.b .write
         move.w d7,d5
         bsr.w PR0000
         moveq #msg5-cout,D2
         moveq #msg3-msg5,d3
         bsr.b .write
         bsr.w getnum
         cmp.w d7,d5
         bhi.b .l20
         move.w d5,d1
         beq.b .l20
         addq.w #3,d5
         and.w D4,d5
         move.w d5,d6
         cmp.b #10,(a0)
         bne.b .l21
         cmp.w d1,d5
         beq.b .l7
         bsr.w PR0000
         moveq #msg3-cout,D2
         moveq #msg2-msg3,d3
         bsr.b .write

         mulu.w #7,d6          ;kv = d6
         lsr.l #2,D6               ; /4
         move.l d6,d7
         lea ra(pc),a3

         lea rasteri(PC),A0
         move.l A0,-(A0)
         move.l A4,-(A0)
         addq.l #time-cout,(A0)
         exg a5,a6
         jsr Forbid(a6)
         moveq #INTB_VERTB,d0
         lea VBlankServer(pc),a1
         jsr AddIntServer(a6)
         exg a5,a6
         move.l #2000*65537,d0
         move.l a3,a0
.fill    move.l d0,(a0)+
         subq.l #1,D7
         bne.b .fill

         move.l D7,-(SP)    ; cv
         lea 10000.W,A2

.l0      moveq #0,D5       ;d <- 0
         move.l d6,d4     ;i <- kv, i <- i*2
         lsl.l #2,D4           ; *4
         adda.l d4,a3
         subq.l #1,d4     ;b <- 2*i-1
         move.l A2,D1
         bra.b .l4

         move.l (A4),D1 ; cout
         add.l A4,D2
         jmp Write(a6)

         swap d0
         move.w d0,d7
         divu.w d4,d7
         swap d7
         move.w d7,d0
         swap d0
         divu.w d4,d0

         move.w d0,d7
         exg d0,d7
         clr.w d7
         swap d7
         move.w d7,(a3)     ;r[i] <- d%b
         bra.b .enddiv

         sub.l d0,d5
         sub.l d7,d5
         lsr.l #1,d5
         move.w -(a3),d0      ; r[i]
         mulu.w d1,d0       ;r[i]*10000
         add.l d0,d5       ;d += r[i]*10000
         move.l d5,d0
         divu.w d4,d0
         bvs.s .longdiv

         move.w d0,d7
         clr.w d0
         swap d0
         move.w d0,(a3)     ;r[i] <- d%b
         subq.l #2,d4    ;i <- i - 1
         bcc.b .l2       ;the main loop
         divu.w d1,d5
         add.w (SP),D5 ; cv
         move.l D5,(SP) ; cv
         bsr.b PR0000
         subq.l #7,d6   ;kv
         bne.b .l0
         addq.l #4,SP ;  restore stack

         move.l time(pc),d5
         exg a5,a6
         moveq #INTB_VERTB,d0
         lea VBlankServer(pc),a1
         jsr RemIntServer(a6)
         jsr Permit(a6)
         exg a5,a6

	move.b	VBlankFrequency(a5),d6	; d6.l is 0
	move.l	d6,d0
	add.w	d0,d0
	divu.w	d0,d5			; d5 = seconds
	move.l	d5,d1
	swap	d1
	mulu.w	#100,d1
	add.l	d1,d6			; round up (+0.5)
	divu.w	d0,d6			; d6 = 1/100ths
        moveq   #10,D0
	move.l	(a4)+,d1		; output
	move.l	a4,d2			; buffer

	move.b	#' ',(a4)+

	moveq	#0,d4			; skip leading zeroes
        move.l  A2,D7	                ; 10000
	bsr.b	SPrintTime

	move.b	#'.',(a4)+

	moveq	#'0',d4			; print leading zeroes
	move.w	d6,d5
	moveq	#10,d7
	bsr.b	SPrintTime

	move.b	d0,(a4)+		; newline

	move.l	a4,d3
	sub.l	d2,d3
	jsr	Write(a6)

	move.l	a6,a1
	move.l	a5,a6
	jmp	CloseLibrary(a6)		; END OF PROGRAM

SPrintTime	; d5=value, a4=buffer
.Next	ext.l	d5
	divu.w	d7,d5
	cmp.b	d4,d5
	beq.b	.LeadZero
	moveq	#'0',d4
	add.b	d4,d5
	move.b	d5,(a4)+
	swap	d5
	divu.w	d0,d7
	bne.b	.Next

PR0000     ;prints d5, uses a0,a1(scratch),d0,d1,d2,d3
      moveq #4,D3
      moveq #buf-cout,D2
      add.l  A4,D2 ; buf
        move.w	#$0100,a0
	move.l	#$2f3a2f2f,d0
	move.w	#1000,d1
.b1000	add.w	a0,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b1000
	add.w	d1,d5

	moveq	#100,d1
.b100	addq.b	#1,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b100
	add.w	d1,d5

	swap	d0
	moveq	#10,d1
.b10	add.w	a0,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b10
	add.b	d5,d0

        move.l D0,buf-cout(A4) ; buf
        move.l (A4),D1    ; cout
        jmp Write(A6) ;call Write(stdout,buff,size)

      dc.l  0,0                   ;ln_Succ,ln_Pred
      dc.b  NT_INTERRUPT,0        ;ln_Type,ln_Pri
      dc.l  0                     ;ln_Name
      dc.l  0,0          ;is_Data,is_Code

      addq.l #2,(a1)
;If you set your interrupt to priority 10 or higher then a0 must point at $dff000 on exit
      moveq #0,d0  ; must set Z flag on exit!
 cnop 0,4

 cout dc.l 0
 buf ds.b 4
 time dc.l 0

; Overwritten code/data start here. 
libname  dc.b "dos.library",0
msg1  dc.b 'number pi calculator v13',10
msg4 dc.b 'number of digits (up to '
msg5 dc.b ')? '
msg3 dc.b ' digits will be printed',10
        jsr Input(a6)          ;get stdin
        moveq #msg1-cout,D2
        add.l A4,D2
        move.l d0,d1
        moveq #5,d3     ;+ newline
        jsr Read(a6)
        move.l	d2,a0
	moveq	#0,d5
.loop	subq.w	#1,d0
	beq.b	.done
	move.w	#256-'0',d6
	add.b	(a0)+,d6
	cmp.w	#9,d6
	bhi.b	.error
	mulu.w	#10,d5
	add.w	d6,d5
	bra.b	.loop
.error	moveq	#0,d5
.done	rts

     ds.b 65536-(Buffy-start)

Last edited by Don_Adan; 23 June 2021 at 04:59.
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Old 23 June 2021, 04:18   #331
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There's a bug, persisting through several versions, if you enter eg. 111111111 digits it will print out how many digits will actually be computed and it won't initialize d6=kv properly.
Fix: move.w d5,d6 should be moved 2 lines up (should be before cmp.w #10,(a0) + bne.b .l21).
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Old 23 June 2021, 05:00   #332
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Originally Posted by a/b View Post
There's a bug, persisting through several versions, if you enter eg. 111111111 digits it will print out how many digits will actually be computed and it won't initialize d6=kv properly.
Fix: move.w d5,d6 should be moved 2 lines up (should be before cmp.w #10,(a0) + bne.b .l21).
Ok, fixed. thanks.
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Old 23 June 2021, 23:43   #333
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Because im not sure if move.l A0,-(A0) is safe for 68040/68060. Here is version without this command, maybe a few bytes shortest.

OldOpenLibrary = -408
CloseLibrary = -414
Output = -60
Input = -54
Write = -48
Read = -42
Forbid = -132
Permit = -138
AddIntServer = -168
RemIntServer = -174
VBlankFrequency = 530
INTB_VERTB = 5     ;for vblank interrupt
NT_INTERRUPT = 2   ;node type

;N = 7*D/2 ;D digits, e.g., N = 350 for 100 digits

         lea libname(pc),a1         ;open the dos library
         move.l 4.W,a5
         move.l a5,a6
         jsr OldOpenLibrary(a6)
         move.l d0,a6
         jsr Output(a6)          ;get stdout
         lea cout(PC),A4
         move.l d0,(A4)            ;cout

         lea rasteri(PC),A0
         move.l A0,-(SP)      ; is_Code
         move.l A4,-(SP)
         addq.l #time-cout,(SP) ; is_Data
         clr.l -(SP)
         move.w #$200,-(SP)
         clr.l -(SP)
         clr.l -(SP)
         move.w	#((65536-(ra-start))/(7<<2))<<2,D7	; d7.w=maxn (moved here)
         moveq #-4,D4
;call Write(stdout,buff,size)
         moveq #msg1-cout,D2 ; must be checked if in moveq range, the longest text can be moved at end
         moveq #msg4-msg1,d3
         bsr.b .write
         moveq #msg4-cout,D2
         moveq #msg5-msg4,d3
         bsr.b .write
         move.w d7,d5
         bsr.w PR0000
         moveq #msg5-cout,D2
         moveq #msg3-msg5,d3
         bsr.b .write
         bsr.w getnum
         cmp.w d7,d5
         bhi.b .l20
         move.w d5,d1
         beq.b .l20
         addq.w #3,d5
         and.w D4,d5
         move.w d5,d6
         cmp.b #10,(a0)
         bne.b .l21
         cmp.w d1,d5
         beq.b .l7
         bsr.w PR0000
         moveq #msg3-cout,D2
         moveq #msg2-msg3,d3
         bsr.b .write

         mulu.w #7,d6          ;kv = d6
         lsr.l #2,D6               ; /4
         move.l d6,d7
         lea ra(pc),a3

         exg a5,a6
         jsr Forbid(a6)
         moveq #INTB_VERTB,d0
;         lea VBlankServer(pc),a1
         move.l SP,A1
         jsr AddIntServer(a6)
         exg a5,a6
         move.l #2000*65537,d0
         move.l a3,a0
.fill    move.l d0,(a0)+
         subq.l #1,D7
         bne.b .fill

         move.l D7,-(SP)    ; cv
         lea 10000.W,A2

.l0      moveq #0,D5       ;d <- 0
         move.l d6,d4     ;i <- kv, i <- i*2
         lsl.l #2,D4           ; *4
         adda.l d4,a3
         subq.l #1,d4     ;b <- 2*i-1
         move.l A2,D1
         bra.b .l4

         move.l (A4),D1 ; cout
         add.l A4,D2
         jmp Write(a6)

         swap d0
         move.w d0,d7
         divu.w d4,d7
         swap d7
         move.w d7,d0
         swap d0
         divu.w d4,d0

         move.w d0,d7
         exg d0,d7
         clr.w d7
         swap d7
         move.w d7,(a3)     ;r[i] <- d%b
         bra.b .enddiv

         sub.l d0,d5
         sub.l d7,d5
         lsr.l #1,d5
         move.w -(a3),d0      ; r[i]
         mulu.w d1,d0       ;r[i]*10000
         add.l d0,d5       ;d += r[i]*10000
         move.l d5,d0
         divu.w d4,d0
         bvs.s .longdiv

         move.w d0,d7
         clr.w d0
         swap d0
         move.w d0,(a3)     ;r[i] <- d%b
         subq.l #2,d4    ;i <- i - 1
         bcc.b .l2       ;the main loop
         divu.w d1,d5
         add.w (SP),D5 ; cv
         move.l D5,(SP) ; cv
         bsr.b PR0000
         subq.l #7,d6   ;kv
         bne.b .l0
         addq.l #4,SP ;  restore stack

         move.l time(pc),d5
         exg a5,a6
         moveq #INTB_VERTB,d0
;         lea VBlankServer(pc),a1
         move.l SP,A1
         jsr RemIntServer(a6)
         jsr Permit(a6)
         exg a5,a6

        lea     22(SP),SP                ; restore stack
	move.b	VBlankFrequency(a5),d6	; d6.l is 0
	move.l	d6,d0
	add.w	d0,d0
	divu.w	d0,d5			; d5 = seconds
	move.l	d5,d1
	swap	d1
	mulu.w	#100,d1
	add.l	d1,d6			; round up (+0.5)
	divu.w	d0,d6			; d6 = 1/100ths
        moveq   #10,D0
	move.l	(a4)+,d1		; output
	move.l	a4,d2			; buffer

	move.b	#' ',(a4)+

	moveq	#0,d4			; skip leading zeroes
        move.l  A2,D7	                ; 10000
	bsr.b	SPrintTime

	move.b	#'.',(a4)+

	moveq	#'0',d4			; print leading zeroes
	move.w	d6,d5
	moveq	#10,d7
	bsr.b	SPrintTime

	move.b	d0,(a4)+		; newline

	move.l	a4,d3
	sub.l	d2,d3
	jsr	Write(a6)

	move.l	a6,a1
	move.l	a5,a6
	jmp	CloseLibrary(a6)		; END OF PROGRAM

SPrintTime	; d5=value, a4=buffer
.Next	ext.l	d5
	divu.w	d7,d5
	cmp.b	d4,d5
	beq.b	.LeadZero
	moveq	#'0',d4
	add.b	d4,d5
	move.b	d5,(a4)+
	swap	d5
	divu.w	d0,d7
	bne.b	.Next

PR0000     ;prints d5, uses a0,a1(scratch),d0,d1,d2,d3
      moveq #4,D3
      moveq #buf-cout,D2
      add.l  A4,D2 ; buf
        move.w	#$0100,a0
	move.l	#$2f3a2f2f,d0
	move.w	#1000,d1
.b1000	add.w	a0,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b1000
	add.w	d1,d5

	moveq	#100,d1
.b100	addq.b	#1,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b100
	add.w	d1,d5

	swap	d0
	moveq	#10,d1
.b10	add.w	a0,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b10
	add.b	d5,d0

        move.l D0,buf-cout(A4) ; buf
        move.l (A4),D1    ; cout
        jmp Write(A6) ;call Write(stdout,buff,size)

;      dc.l  0,0                   ;ln_Succ,ln_Pred
;      dc.b  NT_INTERRUPT,0        ;ln_Type,ln_Pri
;      dc.l  0                     ;ln_Name
;      dc.l  0,0          ;is_Data,is_Code

      addq.l #2,(a1)
;If you set your interrupt to priority 10 or higher then a0 must point at $dff000 on exit
      moveq #0,d0  ; must set Z flag on exit!
 cnop 0,4

 cout dc.l 0
 buf ds.b 4
 time dc.l 0

; Overwritten code/data start here. 
libname  dc.b "dos.library",0
msg1  dc.b 'number pi calculator v13',10
msg4 dc.b 'number of digits (up to '
msg5 dc.b ')? '
msg3 dc.b ' digits will be printed',10
        jsr Input(a6)          ;get stdin
        moveq #msg1-cout,D2
        add.l A4,D2
        move.l d0,d1
        moveq #5,d3     ;+ newline
        jsr Read(a6)
        move.l	d2,a0
	moveq	#0,d5
.loop	subq.w	#1,d0
	beq.b	.done
	move.w	#256-'0',d6
	add.b	(a0)+,d6
	cmp.w	#9,d6
	bhi.b	.error
	mulu.w	#10,d5
	add.w	d6,d5
	bra.b	.loop
.error	moveq	#0,d5
.done	rts

     ds.b 65536-(Buffy-start)
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Old 24 June 2021, 00:33   #334
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It's safe, of course (this is basic EA stuff). I did my calcs on pentium and it's 100.00000324243% safe.
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Old 24 June 2021, 01:39   #335
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Originally Posted by a/b View Post
It's safe, of course (this is basic EA stuff). I did my calcs on pentium and it's 100.00000324243% safe.
I heard that A0-4 is stored, not A0. But it was many years ago, maybe i remember something wrong. Anyway new version is perhaps shortest, and i still have a few ideas for made this version shortest about 10 bytes?
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Old 24 June 2021, 14:47   #336
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ln_Succ/ln_Pred are set by exec when the node is added to interrupt list, they don't have to be initialized manually:
         clr.l -(SP)				; ln_Name
;         move.w #$200,-(SP)
;         clr.l -(SP)
;         clr.l -(SP)
         move.w #NT_INTERRUPT<<8+0,-(SP)	; ln_Type, ln_Pri
         subq.l #2*4,SP				; ln_Succ, ln_Pred
-2 bytes...
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Old 24 June 2021, 23:08   #337
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This is perhaps final version, if no bugs. Thanks to a/b for help.
Edit, 2 more bytes gained.
OldOpenLibrary = -408
CloseLibrary = -414
Output = -60
Input = -54
Write = -48
Read = -42
Forbid = -132
Permit = -138
AddIntServer = -168
RemIntServer = -174
VBlankFrequency = 530
INTB_VERTB = 5     ;for vblank interrupt
NT_INTERRUPT = 2   ;node type

;N = 7*D/2 ;D digits, e.g., N = 350 for 100 digits

         lea libname(pc),a1         ;open the dos library
         move.l 4.W,a5
         move.l a5,a6
         jsr OldOpenLibrary(a6)
         move.l d0,a6
         jsr Output(a6)          ;get stdout
         lea time(PC),A4
         lea rasteri(PC),A0
         move.l A0,-(SP)      ; is_Code
         move.l A4,-(SP)      ; is_Data
         clr.l -(SP)          ; ln_Name
         move.w #NT_INTERRUPT<<8+0,-(SP)	; ln_Type, ln_Pri
         subq.l #2*4,SP				; ln_Succ, ln_Pred
         move.l d0,-(A4)            ;cout
         move.w	#((65536-(ra-start))/(7<<2))<<2,D7	; d7.w=maxn (moved here)
         moveq #10,D4
;call Write(stdout,buff,size)
         moveq #msg1-cout,D2 ; must be checked if in moveq range, the longest text can be moved at end
         moveq #msg4-msg1,d3
         bsr.b .write
         moveq #msg4-cout,D2
         moveq #msg5-msg4,d3
         bsr.b .write
         move.w d7,d5
         bsr.w PR0000
         moveq #msg5-cout,D2
         moveq #msg3-msg5,d3
         bsr.b .write
         bsr.w getnum
         cmp.w d7,d5
         bhi.b .l20
         move.w d5,d1
         beq.b .l20
         addq.w #3,d5
         and.w #$fffc,d5
         move.w d5,d6
         cmp.b (a0),D4    ; 10
         bne.b .l21
         cmp.w d1,d5
         beq.b .l7
         bsr.w PR0000
         moveq #msg3-cout,D2
         moveq #msg2-msg3,d3
         bsr.b .write

         mulu.w #7,d6          ;kv = d6
         lsr.l #2,D6               ; /4
         move.l d6,d7
         lea ra(pc),a3

         exg a5,a6
         jsr Forbid(a6)
         moveq #INTB_VERTB,d0
;         lea VBlankServer(pc),a1
         move.l SP,A1
         jsr AddIntServer(a6)
         exg a5,a6
         move.l #2000*65537,d0
         move.l a3,a0
.fill    move.l d0,(a0)+
         subq.l #1,D7
         bne.b .fill

         move.l D7,-(SP)    ; cv
         lea 10000.W,A2

.l0      moveq #0,D5       ;d <- 0
         move.l d6,d4     ;i <- kv, i <- i*2
         lsl.l #2,D4           ; *4
         adda.l d4,a3
         subq.l #1,d4     ;b <- 2*i-1
         move.l A2,D1
         bra.b .l4

         move.l (A4),D1 ; cout
         add.l A4,D2
         jmp Write(a6)

         swap d0
         move.w d0,d7
         divu.w d4,d7
         swap d7
         move.w d7,d0
         swap d0
         divu.w d4,d0

         move.w d0,d7
         exg d0,d7
         clr.w d7
         swap d7
         move.w d7,(a3)     ;r[i] <- d%b
         bra.b .enddiv

         sub.l d0,d5
         sub.l d7,d5
         lsr.l #1,d5
         move.w -(a3),d0      ; r[i]
         mulu.w d1,d0       ;r[i]*10000
         add.l d0,d5       ;d += r[i]*10000
         move.l d5,d0
         divu.w d4,d0
         bvs.s .longdiv

         move.w d0,d7
         clr.w d0
         swap d0
         move.w d0,(a3)     ;r[i] <- d%b
         subq.l #2,d4    ;i <- i - 1
         bcc.b .l2       ;the main loop
         divu.w d1,d5
         add.w (SP),D5 ; cv
         move.l D5,(SP) ; cv
         bsr.b PR0000
         subq.l #7,d6   ;kv
         bne.b .l0
         addq.l #4,SP ;  restore stack

;         move.l time(pc),d5
         exg a5,a6
         moveq #INTB_VERTB,d0
;         lea VBlankServer(pc),a1
         move.l SP,A1
         jsr RemIntServer(a6)
         jsr Permit(a6)
        movem.l (A4),D1/D5        ; last use of cout and time
        exg a5,a6
        lea     22(SP),SP                ; restore stack
	move.b	VBlankFrequency(a5),d6	; d6.l is 0
	move.l	d6,d0
	add.w	d0,d0
	divu.w	d0,d5			; d5 = seconds
	move.l	d5,d2
	swap	d2
	mulu.w	#100,d2
	add.l	d2,d6			; round up (+0.5)
	divu.w	d0,d6			; d6 = 1/100ths
        moveq   #10,D0
;	move.l	(a4)+,d1		; output
	move.l	a4,d2			; buffer

	move.b	#' ',(a4)+

	moveq	#0,d4			; skip leading zeroes
        move.l  A2,D7	                ; 10000
	bsr.b	SPrintTime

	move.b	#'.',(a4)+

	moveq	#'0',d4			; print leading zeroes
	move.w	d6,d5
	moveq	#10,d7
	bsr.b	SPrintTime

	move.b	d0,(a4)+		; newline

	move.l	a4,d3
	sub.l	d2,d3
	jsr	Write(a6)

	move.l	a6,a1
	move.l	a5,a6
	jmp	CloseLibrary(a6)		; END OF PROGRAM

SPrintTime	; d5=value, a4=buffer
.Next	ext.l	d5
	divu.w	d7,d5
	cmp.b	d4,d5
	beq.b	.LeadZero
	moveq	#'0',d4
	add.b	d4,d5
	move.b	d5,(a4)+
	swap	d5
	divu.w	d0,d7
	bne.b	.Next

PR0000     ;prints d5, uses a0,a1(scratch),d0,d1,d2,d3
      moveq #4,D3
      moveq #buf-cout,D2
        move.w	#$0100,a0
	move.l	#$2f3a2f2f,d0
	move.w	#1000,d1
.b1000	add.w	a0,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b1000
	add.w	d1,d5

	moveq	#100,d1
.b100	addq.b	#1,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b100
	add.w	d1,d5

	swap	d0
	moveq	#10,d1
.b10	add.w	a0,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b10
	add.b	d5,d0

        move.l D0,buf-cout(A4) ; buf
        bra.w .write
;        move.l (A4),D1    ; cout
;        add.l  A4,D2 ; buf
;        jmp Write(A6) ;call Write(stdout,buff,size)

;      dc.l  0,0                   ;ln_Succ,ln_Pred
;      dc.b  NT_INTERRUPT,0        ;ln_Type,ln_Pri
;      dc.l  0                     ;ln_Name
;      dc.l  0,0          ;is_Data,is_Code

      addq.l #2,(a1)
;If you set your interrupt to priority 10 or higher then a0 must point at $dff000 on exit
      moveq #0,d0  ; must set Z flag on exit!
 cnop 0,4

 cout dc.l 0
 time dc.l 0
 buf ds.b 4

; Overwritten code/data start here. 
libname  dc.b "dos.library",0
msg1  dc.b 'number pi calculator v13',10
msg4 dc.b 'number of digits (up to '
msg5 dc.b ')? '
msg3 dc.b ' digits will be printed',10
        jsr Input(a6)          ;get stdin
        moveq #msg1-cout,D2
        add.l A4,D2
        move.l d0,d1
        moveq #5,d3     ;+ newline
        jsr Read(a6)
        move.l	d2,a0
	moveq	#0,d5
.loop	subq.w	#1,d0
	beq.b	.done
	move.w	#256-'0',d6
	add.b	(a0)+,d6
	cmp.w	#9,d6
	bhi.b	.error
	mulu.w	d4,d5    ; *10
	add.w	d6,d5
	bra.b	.loop
.error	moveq	#0,d5
.done	rts

     ds.b 65536-(Buffy-start)

Last edited by Don_Adan; 25 June 2021 at 12:23. Reason: fixed illegal command
Don_Adan is offline  
Old 25 June 2021, 03:06   #338
Registered User
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Warsaw/Poland
Age: 56
Posts: 2,046
Optional version, maybe better?
OldOpenLibrary = -408
CloseLibrary = -414
Output = -60
Input = -54
Write = -48
Read = -42
Forbid = -132
Permit = -138
AddIntServer = -168
RemIntServer = -174
VBlankFrequency = 530
INTB_VERTB = 5     ;for vblank interrupt
NT_INTERRUPT = 2   ;node type

;N = 7*D/2 ;D digits, e.g., N = 350 for 100 digits

         lea libname(pc),a1         ;open the dos library
         move.l 4.W,a5
         move.l a5,a6
         jsr OldOpenLibrary(a6)
         move.l d0,a6
         jsr Output(a6)          ;get stdout
         lea time(PC),A4
         lea rasteri(PC),A0
         move.l A0,-(SP)      ; is_Code
         move.l A4,-(SP)      ; is_Data
         clr.l -(SP)          ; ln_Name
         move.w #NT_INTERRUPT<<8+0,-(SP)	; ln_Type, ln_Pri
         subq.l #2*4,SP				; ln_Succ, ln_Pred
         move.l d0,-(A4)            ;cout
         move.w	#((65536-(ra-start))/(7<<2))<<2,D7	; d7.w=maxn (moved here)
         moveq #10,D4
;call Write(stdout,buff,size)
         moveq #msg1-cout,D2 ; must be checked if in moveq range, the longest text can be moved at end
         moveq #msg4-msg1,d3
         bsr .write
         bsr.w ngetnum
         cmp.w d7,d5
         bhi.b .l20
         move.w d5,d1
         beq.b .l20
         addq.w #3,d5
         and.w #$fffc,d5
         move.w d5,d6
         cmp.b (a0),D4    ; 10
         bne.b .l21
         cmp.w d1,d5
         beq.b .l7
         bsr.w PR0000
         moveq #msg3-cout,D2
         moveq #msg2-msg3,d3
         bsr .write

         mulu.w #7,d6          ;kv = d6
         lsr.l #2,D6               ; /4
         move.l d6,d7
         lea ra(pc),a3

         exg a5,a6
         jsr Forbid(a6)
         moveq #INTB_VERTB,d0
;         lea VBlankServer(pc),a1
         move.l SP,A1
         jsr AddIntServer(a6)
         exg a5,a6
         move.l #2000*65537,d0
         move.l a3,a0
.fill    move.l d0,(a0)+
         subq.l #1,D7
         bne.b .fill

         move.l D7,-(SP)    ; cv
         lea 10000.W,A2

.l0      moveq #0,D5       ;d <- 0
         move.l d6,d4     ;i <- kv, i <- i*2
         lsl.l #2,D4           ; *4
         adda.l d4,a3
         subq.l #1,d4     ;b <- 2*i-1
         move.l A2,D1
         bra.b .l4

         swap d0
         move.w d0,d7
         divu.w d4,d7
         swap d7
         move.w d7,d0
         swap d0
         divu.w d4,d0

         move.w d0,d7
         exg d0,d7
         clr.w d7
         swap d7
         move.w d7,(a3)     ;r[i] <- d%b
         bra.b .enddiv

         sub.l d0,d5
         sub.l d7,d5
         lsr.l #1,d5
         move.w -(a3),d0      ; r[i]
         mulu.w d1,d0       ;r[i]*10000
         add.l d0,d5       ;d += r[i]*10000
         move.l d5,d0
         divu.w d4,d0
         bvs.s .longdiv

         move.w d0,d7
         clr.w d0
         swap d0
         move.w d0,(a3)     ;r[i] <- d%b
         subq.l #2,d4    ;i <- i - 1
         bcc.b .l2       ;the main loop
         divu.w d1,d5
         add.w (SP),D5 ; cv
         move.l D5,(SP) ; cv
         bsr.b PR0000
         subq.l #7,d6   ;kv
         bne.b .l0
         addq.l #4,SP ;  restore stack

;         move.l time(pc),d5
         exg a5,a6
         moveq #INTB_VERTB,d0
;         lea VBlankServer(pc),a1
         move.l SP,A1
         jsr RemIntServer(a6)
         jsr Permit(a6)
        movem.l (A4),D1/D5        ; last use of cout and time
        exg a5,a6
        lea     22(SP),SP                ; restore stack
	move.b	VBlankFrequency(a5),d6	; d6.l is 0
	move.l	d6,d0
	add.w	d0,d0
	divu.w	d0,d5			; d5 = seconds
	move.l	d5,d2
	swap	d2
	mulu.w	#100,d2
	add.l	d2,d6			; round up (+0.5)
	divu.w	d0,d6			; d6 = 1/100ths
        moveq   #10,D0
;	move.l	(a4)+,d1		; output
	move.l	a4,d2			; buffer

	move.b	#' ',(a4)+

	moveq	#0,d4			; skip leading zeroes
        move.l  A2,D7	                ; 10000
	bsr.b	SPrintTime

	move.b	#'.',(a4)+

	moveq	#'0',d4			; print leading zeroes
	move.w	d6,d5
	moveq	#10,d7
	bsr.b	SPrintTime

	move.b	d0,(a4)+		; newline

	move.l	a4,d3
	sub.l	d2,d3
	jsr	Write(a6)

	move.l	a6,a1
	move.l	a5,a6
	jmp	CloseLibrary(a6)		; END OF PROGRAM

SPrintTime	; d5=value, a4=buffer
.Next	ext.l	d5
	divu.w	d7,d5
	cmp.b	d4,d5
	beq.b	.LeadZero
	moveq	#'0',d4
	add.b	d4,d5
	move.b	d5,(a4)+
	swap	d5
	divu.w	d0,d7
	bne.b	.Next

PR0000     ;prints d5, uses a0,a1(scratch),d0,d1,d2,d3
      moveq #4,D3
      moveq #buf-cout,D2
        move.w	#$0100,a0
	move.l	#$2f3a2f2f,d0
	move.w	#1000,d1
.b1000	add.w	a0,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b1000
	add.w	d1,d5

	moveq	#100,d1
.b100	addq.b	#1,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b100
	add.w	d1,d5

	swap	d0
	moveq	#10,d1
.b10	add.w	a0,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b10
	add.b	d5,d0

        move.l D0,buf-cout(A4) ; buf
        move.l (A4),D1    ; cout
        add.l  A4,D2 ; buf
        jmp Write(A6) ;call Write(stdout,buff,size)

;      dc.l  0,0                   ;ln_Succ,ln_Pred
;      dc.b  NT_INTERRUPT,0        ;ln_Type,ln_Pri
;      dc.l  0                     ;ln_Name
;      dc.l  0,0          ;is_Data,is_Code

      addq.l #2,(a1)
;If you set your interrupt to priority 10 or higher then a0 must point at $dff000 on exit
      moveq #0,d0  ; must set Z flag on exit!
 cnop 0,4

 cout dc.l 0
 time dc.l 0
 buf ds.b 4

; Overwritten code/data start here. 
msg1  dc.b 'number pi calculator v13',10
msg4 dc.b 'number of digits (up to '
msg5 dc.b ')? '
msg3 dc.b ' digits will be printed',10
         moveq #msg4-cout,D2
         moveq #msg5-msg4,d3
         bsr.b .write
         move.w d7,d5
         bsr.b PR0000
         moveq #msg5-cout,D2
         moveq #msg3-msg5,d3
         bsr.b .write
        jsr Input(a6)          ;get stdin
        moveq #msg1-cout,D2
        add.l A4,D2
        move.l d0,d1
        moveq #5,d3     ;+ newline
        jsr Read(a6)
        move.l	d2,a0
	moveq	#0,d5
.loop	subq.w	#1,d0
	beq.b	.done
	move.w	#256-'0',d6
	add.b	(a0)+,d6
	cmp.w	#9,d6
	bhi.b	.error
	mulu.w	d4,d5    ; *10
	add.w	d6,d5
	bra.b	.loop
.error	moveq	#0,d5
.done	rts
libname  dc.b "dos.library",0
     ds.b 65536-(Buffy-start)

Last edited by Don_Adan; 25 June 2021 at 12:24. Reason: fixed illegal command
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Old 25 June 2021, 09:46   #339
Bruce Abbott
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Originally Posted by Don_Adan View Post
Optional version, maybe better?
Both this one and the one in post #338 are 608 bytes on disk, but #338 is slightly faster at 9.51 seconds vs. 9.57 (average over 5 runs).

Now we are well below litwr's 'pi-pc386.com' code size of 623 bytes, and faster than the theoretical 40MHz 386 at 10.4 seconds. Only Amiga makes it possible!

BTW I have changed my test setup slightly, so times will now be a bit quicker. I realized that the shell window can be made small and then enlarged after running to show all the text, and I changed the WorkBench screen to 4 colors because that is the Amiga's 'standard' resolution.
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Old 25 June 2021, 09:52   #340
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Originally Posted by Bruce Abbott View Post
Both this one and the one in post #338 are 608 bytes on disk, but #338 is slightly faster at 9.51 seconds vs. 9.57 (average over 5 runs).

Now we are well below litwr's 'pi-pc386.com' code size of 623 bytes, and faster than the theoretical 40MHz 386 at 10.4 seconds. Only Amiga makes it possible!

BTW I have changed my test setup slightly, so times will now be a bit quicker. I realized that the shell window can be made small and then enlarged after running to show all the text, and I changed the WorkBench screen to 4 colors because that is the Amiga's 'standard' resolution.
Thanks, for me without testing on real Amiga, i will say that 339 version must be fastest than 338. Perhaps it must be something related to caches or longword aligned code, but i dont know what.
BTW. How many max digits can be displayed by both version?

Last edited by Don_Adan; 25 June 2021 at 10:35. Reason: more info
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