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Old 03 March 2014, 20:30   #261
Ruler of the Universe
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Originally Posted by slaapliedje View Post
Whoa, Retrofan, what sort of hard drive set up do you have on that? It's running MUCH faster than what I have on my A4000D with 060/50. I ended up going back to my other workbench setup because of some weird random issues, but it never ran this fast on mine. In fact, in AGA it was pretty dog slow, and was much faster in RTG mode.

Thanks slaapliedje. Well, I've made a few changes since that to make it faster, and on my miggy I'm adding BB4 updating the scsi device. Using SuperPlus is also faster. The ACA 30/56 is a good machine anyway, the fastest 030 ever made.

This is my config for SuperPlus, and this is the S-S adding BB4. The User-Startup has the last commands enabled for using the ACA 30/56 (Edit -May-: You can punish me... they weren't, so in fact (Theory) it should go a bit faster even, but I can't try it now/make a video.)

; $VER: Startup-Sequence_AmiKit OS3.9 BB4
; Startup-Sequence for AmigaOS 3.9 + AmiKit
; Modified to work with real Amiga by Retrofan
;===ACATune=== . Install first ACATune 1.7 version on C using MorpheuZ.
C:ACATune -maprom * >NIL: 
;===ACATune End=== . After uncommenting, edit the User-Startup at the end too.

C:Safe RENRAM OWNOUT MOUNTSIZE=6684     ;Checks for viruses

;C:morelibspace ; Not using AfAOS is disabled.

Version >NIL: exec.library 45 REVISION 20
;FailAt 21
SYS:C/LoadResident >NIL: DEVS:card.resource DEVS:trackdisk.device L:KingCON-Handler
;FailAt 20
SYS:C/LoadModule >NIL: L:RAM-Handler DEVS:battmem.resource DEVS:FileSystem.resource DEVS:misc.resource DEVS:potgo.resource DEVS:scsi.device L:FastFileSystem L:Shell-Seg LIBS:dos.library REVERSE NOREBOOT
SYS:C/SetPatch SKIPROMUPDATES console.device,ram-handler,FileSystem.resource,filesystem,scsi.device,shell QUIET
;End BB4 MOD

C:ATA3.driver QUIET ; For the Fast ATA
C:stack 8192           ; ""

Run >NIL: C:CopyMem0x0                     ; --- Replaces CopyMem/Quick functions of ExecLib (MattHey)
C:VBRcontrol ON QUIET                   ; --- Move CPU vector table to FastMEM for speed boost
C:MinStack 10000                        ; --- Set minimum stacksize for new processes (PeterK)

;BootScreen by Joseph Luk

;run >NIL: C:Play16 SYS:Prefs/Presets/Sounds/AmiKitReal.aiff PRIORITY 1
run >NIL: C:Play16 SYS:Prefs/Presets/Sounds/Opening_Theme_A.aiff PRIORITY 1

;C:PatchMSB              ;part of MathLibsUAE. If enabled, do NOT use other patches for IEEE-libraries!

C:StackAttack 32768     ;adds stack size to selected value
C:PatchControl          ;part of MCP
TagLiFE               ;patches the utility.library
C:Version >NIL:
C:AddBuffers >NIL: DF0: 15
FailAt 21

Resident >NIL: C:IconX PURE
Resident >NIL: C:WBRun PURE
Resident >NIL: C:Assign PURE
Resident >NIL: C:Execute PURE
Resident >NIL: C:SetEnv PURE REPLACE
IF EXISTS L:env-handler

Resident >NIL: C:Assign PURE
Resident >NIL: C:Execute PURE

Assign >NIL: T: RAM:T
Assign >NIL: CLIPS: RAM:Clipboards
Assign >NIL: REXX: S:
Assign >NIL: PRINTERS: DEVS:Printers
Assign >NIL: KEYMAPS: DEVS:Keymaps
Assign >NIL: LOCALE: SYS:Locale
Assign >NIL: LIBS: SYS:Classes ADD
Assign >NIL: L: SYS:Utilities/Expansion/SmartFileSystem/L ADD

SetPrism2Defaults SSID Orange-D0B3 TEXTKEY xxxxxx   ; Internet connection once installed Prism2.

C:SaferPatches INSTALL >NIL: REMEMBER   ; --- Record patches done using "ShowPatch" (ThoR)
C:PoolMem INSTALL >NIL:                 ; --- Patches ExecLib functions to reduce mem fragmentation (ThoR)
C:SegTracker >NIL:
;Run >NIL: C:Enforcer


IF $bbfix EQ "0"  ;adjusts AmiKit if both BoingBags for OS3.9 were installed
   version >NIL: Shell VERSION 45
      IF EXISTS SYS:WBStartup/AmiDock
         IF EXISTS SYS:WBStartup/Disabled/AmiDock
            Delete >NIL: SYS:WBStartup/Disabled/AmiDock FORCE QUIET
         Rename >NIL: SYS:WBStartup/AmiDock TO SYS:WBStartup/Disabled/AmiDock QUIET

      IF EXISTS SYS:WBStartup/ASyncWB
         IF EXISTS SYS:WBStartup/Disabled/ASyncWB
            Delete >NIL: SYS:WBStartup/Disabled/ASyncWB FORCE QUIET
         Rename >NIL: SYS:WBStartup/ASyncWB TO SYS:WBStartup/Disabled/ASyncWB QUIET
         Delete >NIL: SYS:WBStartup/ASyncWB.info

      IF EXISTS SYS:WBStartup/BenchTrash
         IF EXISTS SYS:WBStartup/Disabled/BenchTrash
            Delete >NIL: SYS:WBStartup/Disabled/BenchTrash FORCE QUIET
         Rename >NIL: SYS:WBStartup/BenchTrash TO SYS:WBStartup/Disabled/BenchTrash QUIET

      IF EXISTS SYS:WBStartup/DefIcons
         IF EXISTS SYS:WBStartup/Disabled/DefIcons
             Delete >NIL: SYS:WBStartup/Disabled/DefIcons FORCE QUIET
         Rename >NIL: SYS:WBStartup/DefIcons TO SYS:WBStartup/Disabled/DefIcons QUIET
      Delete >NIL: SYS:Utilities/Amplifier#? FORCE ALL QUIET
      Copy >NIL: SYS:Prefs/Presets/AmiKit/Install/System TO SYS: CLONE ALL QUIET
      SetENV bbfix 1


C:Version >NIL: SYS:Libs/xadmaster.library 12 1 FILE ;installs latest XAD if BoingBag1 for OS3.9 was installed only
   Copy >NIL: SYS:Prefs/Presets/AmiKit/Install/System TO SYS: CLONE ALL QUIET

C:Version >NIL: SYS:Classes/DataTypes/ilbm.datatype 44 26 FILE ;adjusts AmiKit if BoingBag35-2 was installed
   Copy >NIL: SYS:Prefs/Presets/AmiKit/Install/System/Classes/DataTypes/ilbm.datatype TO SYS:Classes/Datatypes/ CLONE QUIET

BindDrivers ;useless on UAE
C:Mount >NIL: DEVS:DOSDrivers/~(#?.info)


  C:List >NIL: DEVS:Monitors/~(#?.info|VGAOnly) TO T:M LFORMAT "DEVS:Monitors/%s"
  Execute T:M
  C:Delete >NIL: T:M

SetEnv Language "english"
SetEnv Workbench $Workbench
SetEnv Kickstart $Kickstart
UnSet Workbench
UnSet Kickstart


;IF NOT EXISTS ENV:afa/replacevisualprefs ;enables the following lines only if similar featrues are disabled in AfA_OS
   Run >NIL: SYS:Utilities/Expansion/TitleShadow/TitleShadow           ;enables effects for window titlebar texts
   Run >NIL: SYS:Utilities/Expansion/VisualPrefs/VisualPrefs           ;enables the customization of Amiga GUI
   Run >NIL: SYS:Utilities/Expansion/VisualPrefs/TRAP ALL              ;enables the customization of Amiga ReAction GUI

C:Wait 1  ;prevents IPrefs from crashes. Increase the value if IPrefs still crashes.

SYS:Utilities/Expansion/FullPalette/FPPrefs     ;applies FullPalette settings


Path >NIL: RAM: C: SYS:Utilities SYS:Rexxc SYS:System S: SYS:Prefs SYS:WBStartup SYS:Tools SYS:Tools/Commodities SYS:Utilities/PicShow SYS:Utilities/EvenMore SYS:Utilities/MysticView SYS:Utilities/SimpleFind3 SYS:Utilities/Expansion/SmartFileSystem

SYS:System/REXXMast >NIL:

IF EXISTS S:User-Startup
  Execute S:User-Startup
IF NOT EXISTS ENV:afa/replacebirdie ;enables gfx patterns for windows borders (only if similar feature is disabled in AfA_OS)
  ; C:Wait 2  ;prevents Birdie from not loading the background picture.
   Run >NIL: SYS:Utilities/Expansion/Birdie/Birdie ? <Env:Birdie.prefs
IF EXISTS S:AmiKit-Startup
  Execute S:AmiKit-Startup

;following lines enable enchanced CLI/Shell functionality
;IF EXISTS DEVS:KingCON-mountlist
;   Assign CON: DISMOUNT
;   Assign RAW: DISMOUNT
;   Mount CON: from DEVS:KingCON-mountlist
;   Mount RAW: from DEVS:KingCON-mountlist

Resident Execute REMOVE
Resident Assign REMOVE

C:Version >NIL: C:MakeLink 37 4 FILE
   C:Copy >NIL: ENVARC:SYS/def_RAM.info RAM:Disk.info CLONE QUIET
   C:MakeLink >NIL: RAM:Disk.info ENVARC:SYS/def_RAM.info SOFT

C:WBCtrl IMT=FAST MNL=100                                         ;tweaks Workbench

Run >NIL: C:CPointer                                  ;centers the mouse pointer on the screen (regardless of the screenmode used). Disable this entry if some of the other CPointer line is enabled.
;Run >NIL: C:CPointer XPOS=400 YPOS=368 MCLICK=50     ;for 800x600 screens,   automatically clicks the Dopus "RUN" button
;Run >NIL: C:CPointer XPOS=510 YPOS=455 MCLICK=50     ;for 1024x768 screens,  automatically clicks the Dopus "RUN" button
;Run >NIL: C:CPointer XPOS=576 YPOS=500 MCLICK=50     ;for 1152x864 screens,  automatically clicks the Dopus "RUN" button
;Run >NIL: C:CPointer XPOS=641 YPOS=579 MCLICK=50     ;for 1280x1024 screens, automatically clicks the Dopus "RUN" button
;Run >NIL: C:CPointer XPOS=797 YPOS=674 MCLICK=50     ;for 1600x1200 screens, automatically clicks the Dopus "RUN" button

;Run >NIL: C:PatchAsl     ;enables MUI file requesters
;C:ChangeExp             ;prevents from identifying your system as UAE


IF EXISTS S:AmiKit-StartOS    ;starts Magellan II, Scalos or Workbench - depends on your MorpheuZ settings.
  Execute S:AmiKit-StartOS

C:MemTrailer SIZE=96     ;provides partial memory protection
Edit: As we are changing page, this is again the link to the video of the 1.0 update: [ Show youtube player ]

Last edited by Retrofan; 09 May 2014 at 02:43.
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Old 03 March 2014, 21:04   #262
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Looks like you're loading drivers for a Fast ATA. I have a strong feeling that's where my bottleneck is right now.

I'm pretty sure my SuperPlus resolution was either acting funky, or it was because I completely ran out of chip memory on it, and that's why I wasn't using it. So far it seemed fastest in RTG modes.

Looking forward to the 1.0 release.

Out of curiosity, couldn't you freely integrate the BoingBags into the install? So that instead of having to install OS3.9, then the BBs, then Amikit, to just install OS3.9, then Amikit?

I'm guessing BB1&2 couldn't be included, but 3&4 should be able to be, right?

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Old 03 March 2014, 21:28   #263
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Good question. No, I'm sorry I can't add BB3 or 4, that's why I post the s-s.

AmiKit has an strict policy about the software that can be included, and as you know those BB's are a bit illegal (well, let's say unofficial). But as I say it is just to install it and select the update scsi, and before rebooting use my s-s (edit it to your needs) instead of the one it installs.

I'm using the previous BB4, I haven't tried the latest, and I changed the dos.library as it had problems with ToolsDaemon that I'm implementing with the update 1.0 (http://eab.abime.net/showpost.php?p=...&postcount=241), but in the latest BB4 they aren't using dos.library.

Last edited by Retrofan; 04 May 2014 at 04:03.
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Old 04 May 2014, 04:03   #264
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I think I will add this 256C wallpaper too:

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Old 04 May 2014, 18:47   #265
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Hi Retrofan,
your s-s has a line:
For what do you need that when AfA_OS isn't installed on an AGA system?
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Old 07 May 2014, 00:47   #266
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Hi Peter. Well, in fact you know that my mind version is the AGA one, but I also have an RTG plug-in with AfAOS that I will update (a lot) after the next Real AK 1.0 update (finally it's on the way after some months).

Thanks, I will delete morelibspace for the AGA version.

BTW I think I will use your icon.library AfA_OS version for my AGA version too unless you think it is much better to use the different ones for AGA/RTG.

EDIT: And off-topic: Perhaps some of you are looking that icon on the screen in my latest post with the PT-1210 program. It won't be in AmiKit and can't be there because AmiKit, nor Classic Workbench, nor any Os can use a program that has to be launched from a Floppy.
Well, that's a pity as it runs wonderful from Workbench just clicking on that icon, and I like to use it as a music player. I like to press the keys from 1 to 4 disabling each one different audios of the tracks (mods), so making some kind of simple Djin' without having to use another Amiga or a Mixer or anything else.... well, just the things that the 92% of us would make...

Last edited by Retrofan; 07 May 2014 at 04:02.
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Old 07 May 2014, 01:10   #267
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That's ok, you can use the AfA_OS version of the icon.library in any case (the only difference to the 020 version are 7000 additional bytes reserved for MoreLibSpace).
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Old 07 May 2014, 13:06   #268
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Haha I saw you got some lines from my A600's S-S (including comments)
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Old 07 May 2014, 14:52   #269
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Yes Marios I told you time ago. Thanks, they are effective
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Old 08 May 2014, 20:01   #270
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hi there, finally I managed to run Amikit on my real amiga but I can't find a way to make it run for my Picasso IV gfx card. Somehow it seems being limited to certain modes only. I tried installing Picasso96 but rtg.library failed. I tried updating it but still the same... What am I missing? Don't crucify me if this issue has already been discussed
Old 08 May 2014, 20:05   #271
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Hi: With Picasso you can use the same steps that I made on WinUAE: http://eab.abime.net/showpost.php?p=...&postcount=176

You have to start deleting/disabling CyberbugFixAga.

Anyway I will be updating the version to 1.0 very soon if you preffer to wait. Later after that I will update the Rtg plugin too.

Edit: Anyway I don't know much about Picasso. Try with the version I used, that seems the latest, bug free and easier, but it isn't very clear to configure right.

About the rtg.library read my step 4.

And... In fact you won't need to use a graphic card; with the update 1.0 I will introduce 6 new themes for the borders of the windows like this http://s28.postimg.org/48kdlgh65/Drops_On_Glass.png

Last edited by Retrofan; 08 May 2014 at 20:22.
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Old 08 May 2014, 20:24   #272
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thanks for quick reply, I better wait for your official update. Until then I play around with my "new" ethernet card and current 3.9 But I really wish a modern touch on my classic real Amiga, you are doing something amazing!
Old 10 June 2014, 18:46   #273
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I'll try installing this once I got my A4000T back. Is it compatible with Cybergraphx (CVisionPPC) out of the box?

A suggestion if possible:

Is there an uptodate way to network a real Amiga with Amikit on a PC? It would be great to directly transfer files between Amikit for Amiga and Amikit for PC.

Last edited by ancalimon; 10 June 2014 at 19:31.
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Old 10 June 2014, 22:00   #274
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Originally Posted by ancalimon View Post
I'll try installing this once I got my A4000T back. Is it compatible with Cybergraphx (CVisionPPC) out of the box?
Yes but you'll have to disable first CyberbugFixAga. Here there is somekind of guide to install RTG on WinUAE:

Originally Posted by ancalimon View Post
A suggestion if possible:

Is there an uptodate way to network a real Amiga with Amikit on a PC? It would be great to directly transfer files between Amikit for Amiga and Amikit for PC.
I don't know how to make that, but it would work the same connecting CWB on the Pc with CWB on the Amiga, so somebody perhaps had made that somehow. I use WinUAE and my Cf HD or the Pcmcia Cf to transfer files.
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Old 12 June 2014, 04:31   #275
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Originally Posted by Retrofan View Post
Thanks Slaapliedje. If any wants to make any donation (0 by now) you should search for the right Donate icon, because if not you would be doing to the Pc version. This is the good one: http://real.amiga.sk/donations.htm

a few coffees on me via donation to Fernando hope to get my 1200 desktop going with this when I get my 060 back up & running.
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Old 12 June 2014, 21:36   #276
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Originally Posted by klx300r View Post
a few coffees on me via donation to Fernando hope to get my 1200 desktop going with this when I get my 060 back up & running.
Thanks a lot. You know this is the first one I receive

I hope you'll enjoy the 1.0 version I've just announced http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=67578&page=4

And remember you can also have my version and the original one in an USB stick that you can also use to autoboot a Pc with AmiPUP http://www.amikit.amiga.sk/

This is the readme of the 1.0 update:

"RealAmiKit 1.0 UPDATE by Retrofan (May - 2014)

- ADDED: Riva by Stephen Fellner.
- ADDED: ToolsDaemon by Nico Francois for Workbench.
- ADDED: More Wallpapers.
- ADDED: Opendrawer 0.1 by Juergen Reinert.
- ADDED: Workbench2000 to WBStartup/Disabled drawer.
- ADDED: RadioStations drawer.
- ADDED: Env-handler by Stephan Rupprecht.
- ADDED: New Start Menus with the Dark AmiKit Logo.
- ADDED: Six more themes to the Classic Themes option of MorpheuZ.
- ADDED: Booting Startup sound from the WBStartup. Sounds by DjNick.
- ADDED: 64 Modules to EaglePlayer/Modules.
- ADDED: RandomFile by Thomas Rapp.
- ADDED: RebootStart V42 by Aldo Bianchi.
- DISABLED: Four skins in the Classic Themes.
- DISABLED: Startup sound on Magellan.
- DELETED: Soundmonplay.library from AmiNetRadio libs.
- DELETED: Leon and TheMorningTrip demos. They weren't working right.
- UPDATED: PTPlay 2.6 library by Ronald Hof, Timm S. Mueller, Per Johansson and Ilkka Lehtoranta to AmiNetRadio libs.
- UPDATED: HTMLview.mcc 12.6 by Allan Odgaard to MUI.
- UPDATED: BDWatch 1.5 by Thomas Rapp.
- UPDATED: BDSlide 2.5 by Thomas Rapp.
- UPDATED: gtlayout.library 47.2 by Olaf Barthel.
- CHANGED: TinyMeter Dock bar.
- CHANGED: TinyMeter on Magellan bar.
- CHANGED: Workbench2000 backdrop and excludes for BDSlide and BDWatch.
- CHANGED: Startup-Sequence.
- CHANGED: AmiNetRadio config.
- CHANGED: FullPalette.prefs.
- CHANGED: MetalBrush and Golden skins.
- CHANGED: GUI prefs for Dark AmiKit Logo.
- CHANGED: SimpleMail images remapped to 16 colors.
- CHANGED: FreeWheel config.
- CHANGED: Reaction backdrop.
- CHANGED: Start Menus icons changed.
- CHANGED: Ftp module of Opus5.
- CHANGED: User menu.


You just have to download the update and copy it to any volume, PCMCIA, USB flash disk or any other system you've got to transfer files. Then unpack it, open the drawer and double click the Install icon.

- TinyMeter Dock bar with new better images and new option to run without the CPU Meter. It is the best and fastest option to run a dock bar for Workbench/Scalos. The fastest runs without CPU Meter. You just have to run MorpheuZ and select on Preferences, TinyMeter, the Dock Bar options.

- TinyMeter for the Magellan bar with a new option to run without the CPU Meter (runs faster).

- Riva on Utilities. I've left a video you can watch to try it. Just open RivaGUI, File to Play and you'll find an .mpg. I hope you'll like it, but you better try with a fast accelerator.

- I've changed the Startup-Sequence to start Birdie later, so it has to wait less to load its settings and will work if you use RoadShow even, as it wasn't before.

- ToolsDaemon for Workbench. You don't have to do anything more than to select Workbench as Environment running MorpheuZ (if you are even using it already) and you'll see it added to the Workbench menu.

- Workbench2000 in WBStartup/Disabled. It wasn't there before because it takes its time to start (more with the Full setup), so it can delay the booting. But if you use WinUAE or a fast Amiga you can move it to WBStartup/Enabled. Workbench2000 had a bad background for the menu when using 256 colors that now is fixed. I've also added FileX to the Tools menu in the Full WB2000 install. Remember you can change the options for WB2000 with MorpheuZ.

- AmiNetRadio and new drawer RadioStations.
With AmiNetRadio you can just press the Play button and it will play one, but remember you need a powerful accelerator for that, or WinUAE. If you press the P button you will see all of the Streams you can select with a click. There are three streams Commodore related.
The RadioStations drawer is in AmiKit:Utilities/EXPANSION/RadioStations.

- The updated HTMLview.mcc will avoid annoying requests to update it when you open the MUI preferences for any program.

- The new Fullpalette preferences by PeterK shows a better blue when using 16 colors.

- The FreeWheel config is changed so Back To Front works now with a left double click over the top border.

- The six new Themes that you can select using MorpheuZ, Classic Themes are BlueMarine, Aguacate, Black, Brown, FluorescentRed and Red. They will look much better if you can use some more colors than sixteen, for example sixty four. The preview option of MorpheuZ can't show how wonderful they really are if you use for example 256 colors. I've disabled four Themes that weren't looking good.

- The booting sound runs from the WBStartup with an script that has to be outside of WBStartup/Enabled to work (doesn't work with WBStartup++), and the sounds created by DjNick have been converted to aiff. There are some booting sounds on AmiKit:Utilities/EXPANSION/Opus5/Sounds/BootSounds.

- The Ftp module now works. After the update you'll have all the icons on screen, now adding Aminet. Just put away the ones you don't want/need.

- RandomFile by Thomas Rapp is the command that makes you listen random boot sounds everytime you boot.

- RebootStart lets you run programs after a reboot, but it only will work right with WinUAE. I am using it now with ScummVM AGA as an option to run it on WinUAE. This way you don't have to disable CyberbugFixAga, just doubleclick RebootStart there and it will reboot running ScummVM. Later you can make a reboot to start normally again.


- Remember that the installer will change your Startup-Sequence, so before you reboot you should add whatever command you had added to your previous one, now saved as Startup-SequenceBackup3.

- If you boot with Magellan you'll see that the Start Menu now is up on the left of the tittle bar. Just click on the AmiKit image and the menu will appear.

- To change the skin or appearance of AmiNetRadio you have to make a right click on it and select Settings, Settings. Then go to GUI and you can select any of them. It's difficult to set up what you want just because if you select a GUI it won't be always exactly the same. For example if you select Internal Skin and you use it, it won't be the same as if you first use the MAD_BLUE or others and then you select again Internal Skin; but you can save the result you'll have.

You can also do the following: open the settings and select for Dithering "None" and save it. Then in some cases it will look bad. If so just close AmiNetRadio and open it again. I like that resulting skin. I coudn't save it for the update because it was showing the bad look you've seen before.

- About the RadioStations drawer, read this FAQ of AmiNetRadio:

"I put songs into the playlist. All is great. But then I come back three days later and the songs don't work. They still work from the search window, though, and will work if I add them again to the playlist. What's up?

Not our fault. Shoutcast stations sometimes change the rn number (their location in the shoutcast index). It happens rarely, but it happens. You could try putting in the IP or DNS directly, which should happen if you ADD the station from the history window. Remember too, though, that IPs do change sometimes too. Named DNS entries (e.g. nectarine.ipsyn.net:8002) are best and almost never change, but you may have to go to the website of the station to get one (or use Resolve/MiamiResolve)."

- The booting sound runs from the WBStartup. I've left also the booting music playing from the Startup-Sequence, but if you use WinUAE with a fast PC it can happen that both musics play in some moment at the same time. If that's your case, disable the booting music editing the Startup-Sequence and comment the line that is under "Booting Song". You can also change BootSound from the WBStartup to WBStartup/Disabled.


Q- Why does my Amiga display first the icons of WBStartup++ or The TinyMeter dock bar than the wallpaper?.
A- It depends basically on the speed of each Amiga. Try with another wallpaper first, the CatWoman_800x600.iff for example and reboot. It loads faster. There are other options to change that:

- For TinyMeter: You can change the delay of TinyMeter if you go to AmiKit:Prefs/TinyMeter. You will see in the first screen of the options an option for "Waittime" that you can change for example to 5 seconds. You can also try with "Task priority" to a negative number.
Another option in the same options is clicking on "Flags", "Backgroundtype", and changing from "SNAP" for transparent to "File", and then it won't matter it loads first.

- For WBStartup++: Go to AmiKit:WBStartup, right click on it and on Information you'll see you can change the "DELAY" (the last one of the Tool Types) to another amount.
Remember also that with WBStartup++ only the programs inside of "Enabled" will be shown. You can leave any icon that you don't want to be shown in WBStartup and it will run the same from booting. AmiDock gives problems inside of Enabled, so leave it outside as it is.

Q- The Birdie prefs aren't loaded after booting and I don't have the nice windows borders.
A- That's strange, but your System (or Pc) is too fast for it to load. Edit the Startup-Sequence and increase the "Wait" for it, but before doing that, try with just a reboot. Take into account that after a change of Environment for the first time maybe it won't be loaded, but it will do from then on.

Q- I've got installed the Mattahan's icons set. What happens if I update to 1.0?
A- The installer will detect if you are using Mattahan's icons and will use them (new ones) for the new drawers and programs introduced with the update, although not all of them.

Have Fun!


Last edited by Retrofan; 12 June 2014 at 21:43.
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Old 12 June 2014, 23:08   #277
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I hope this is the start of many many more donations my friend :-)
I ordered the Amikit USB stick and Jan said I should be getting it next week some time so hope to install it on my desktop 1200 soon :-)
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Old 13 June 2014, 00:23   #278
Michael Sykes
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Great Job Retrofan...
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Old 13 June 2014, 08:34   #279
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I ordered the Amikit USB stick
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Old 17 June 2014, 23:23   #280
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I just want to make sure if there is an easy way to use GFX card with version 1.0.
on your guide step 4 tells me to update the library, which is fair... but then what will happen when I go to screen modes?
in previous versions they were restricted to 3 or 4 modes only.

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