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Old 31 December 2023, 23:04   #1
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Menus open "too high" on menu bar?

Anybody know what I'm doing wrong here? I am working on a game, with a target of 1.3-3.2. The menus are drawing up about 3 pixels too high on 3.2.1 and 3.1. On 1.3 and 2.0, they start where I would expect them to. (same code). Easier to look at the screenshots than parse these words.

Huh: I am getting errors when trying to attach screenshots. weird.
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Old 31 December 2023, 23:08   #2
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hmm. "database error". Well, here's a cross-link to another forum where I posted a couple screenshots that show "good" and "bad" menus. Hope the internet godz don't blast me for this.
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Old 01 January 2024, 11:12   #3
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Show the code...
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Old 01 January 2024, 15:17   #4
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/*                               Definitions                                 */

// FULLMENUNUM is defined in intuition.h, but not in the KS1.3 NDK. 
#define FULLMENUNUM_COPY( menu, item, sub )	\
	( SHIFTSUB(sub) | SHIFTITEM(item) | SHIFTMENU(menu) )

#define MENU_TEXT_INSET	5	// how many pixels from left edge of menu that text start
									// CHECKWIDTH can be used to provide space for a checkmark
#define MENU_FORE_PEN	15	// we change the color palette, and not all combos are readable
#define MENU_BACK_PEN	0
/*                           File-scope Variables                            */

// set up the intuiTexts for all menus and menu items

/************  GAME menu **************/

static struct IntuiText menuItemLabelGameNewGame = 
	MENU_FORE_PEN,			// FrontPen
	MENU_BACK_PEN,			// BackPen, only used if not JAM1
	JAM1,					// DrawMode. Note: JAM2 will draw background around chars only, not entire row
	MENU_TEXT_INSET,		// LeftEdge, use common inset value I define
							// No need to leave space for checkmark in this app's menu system
	1,						// TopEdge, 1 line down.
	NULL,					// TextAttr, default font.
	NULL,					// IText, the string: leave null when initializing, assign during localization pass
	NULL					// NextItem, no link to other IntuiText structures.

static struct IntuiText menuItemLabelGameRestoreToLast = 
	MENU_FORE_PEN,			// FrontPen
	MENU_BACK_PEN,			// BackPen, only used if not JAM1
	JAM1,					// DrawMode. Note: JAM2 will draw background around chars only, not entire row
	MENU_TEXT_INSET,		// LeftEdge, use common inset value I define
							// No need to leave space for checkmark in this app's menu system
	1,						// TopEdge, 1 line down.
	NULL,					// TextAttr, default font.
	NULL,					// IText, the string: leave null when initializing, assign during localization pass
	NULL					// NextItem, no link to other IntuiText structures.

static struct IntuiText menuItemLabelGameAbandonGame = 
	MENU_FORE_PEN,			// FrontPen
	MENU_BACK_PEN,			// BackPen, only used if not JAM1
	JAM1,					// DrawMode. Note: JAM2 will draw background around chars only, not entire row
	MENU_TEXT_INSET,		// LeftEdge, use common inset value I define
							// No need to leave space for checkmark in this app's menu system
	1,						// TopEdge, 1 line down.
	NULL,					// TextAttr, default font.
	NULL,					// IText, the string: leave null when initializing, assign during localization pass
	NULL					// NextItem, no link to other IntuiText structures.

// The MenuItem structure for the 3rd item:
static struct MenuItem menuItemGameAbandonGame=
	NULL,								// NextItem, linked to the 4th item.
	0,									// LeftEdge, 0 pixels out.
	20,									// TopEdge, 3rd item = 20 lines down
	250,								// Width = leave some space for l10n expansion
	10,									// Height, 10 lines high.
	ITEMTEXT|							// Flags, render this item with text.
	ITEMENABLED|						//        this item will be enabled.
	HIGHCOMP,							//        complement the colours when highlighted.
	0x00000000,							// MutualExclude: no exclusion
	(APTR)&menuItemLabelGameAbandonGame,	// ItemFill, pointer to the text.
	NULL,								// SelectFill, nothing since we complement the col.
	0,									// Command, no command-key sequence.
	NULL,								// SubItem, no subitem list.
	MENUNULL,							// NextSelect, no items selected.

// The MenuItem structure for the 2nd item:
static struct MenuItem menuItemGameRestoreToLast=
	&menuItemGameAbandonGame,			// NextItem, linked to the 4th item.
	0,									// LeftEdge, 0 pixels out.
	10,									// TopEdge, 2nd item = 10 lines down
	250,								// Width = leave some space for l10n expansion
	10,									// Height, 10 lines high.
	ITEMTEXT|							// Flags, render this item with text.
	ITEMENABLED|						//        this item will be enabled.
	HIGHCOMP,							//        complement the colours when highlighted.
	0x00000000,							// MutualExclude: no exclusion
	(APTR)&menuItemLabelGameRestoreToLast,	// ItemFill, pointer to the text.
	NULL,								// SelectFill, nothing since we complement the col.
	82,									// Command = R
	NULL,								// SubItem, no subitem list.
	MENUNULL,							// NextSelect, no items selected.

// The MenuItem structure for the 1st item:
static struct MenuItem menuItemGameNewGame=
	&menuItemGameRestoreToLast,			// NextItem, linked to the 4th item.
	0,									// LeftEdge, 0 pixels out.
	0,									// TopEdge, first item = 0 lines down
	250,								// Width = leave some space for l10n expansion
	10,									// Height, 10 lines high.
	ITEMTEXT|							// Flags, render this item with text.
	ITEMENABLED|						//        this item will be enabled.
	HIGHCOMP,							//        complement the colours when highlighted.
	0x00000000,							// MutualExclude: no exclusion
	(APTR)&menuItemLabelGameNewGame,	// ItemFill, pointer to the text.
	NULL,								// SelectFill, nothing since we complement the col.
	78,									// Command = N
	NULL,								// SubItem, no subitem list.
	MENUNULL,							// NextSelect, no items selected.

/************  APP menu items **************/

static struct IntuiText menuItemLabelAppQuit = 
	MENU_FORE_PEN,			// FrontPen
	MENU_BACK_PEN,			// BackPen, only used if not JAM1
	JAM1,					// DrawMode. Note: JAM2 will draw background around chars only, not entire row
	MENU_TEXT_INSET,		// LeftEdge, use common inset value I define
							// No need to leave space for checkmark in this app's menu system
	1,						// TopEdge, 1 line down.
	NULL,					// TextAttr, default font.
	NULL,					// IText, the string: leave null when initializing, assign during localization pass
	NULL,					// NextItem, no link to other IntuiText structures.

static struct IntuiText menuItemLabelAppAbout = 
	MENU_FORE_PEN,			// FrontPen
	MENU_BACK_PEN,			// BackPen, only used if not JAM1
	JAM1,					// DrawMode. Note: JAM2 will draw background around chars only, not entire row
	MENU_TEXT_INSET,		// LeftEdge, use common inset value I define
							// No need to leave space for checkmark in this app's menu system
	1,						// TopEdge, 1 line down.
	NULL,					// TextAttr, default font.
	NULL,					// IText, the string: leave null when initializing, assign during localization pass
	NULL					// NextItem, no link to other IntuiText structures.

static struct IntuiText menuItemLabelAppHelp = 
	MENU_FORE_PEN,			// FrontPen
	MENU_BACK_PEN,			// BackPen, only used if not JAM1
	JAM1,					// DrawMode. Note: JAM2 will draw background around chars only, not entire row
	MENU_TEXT_INSET,		// LeftEdge, use common inset value I define
							// No need to leave space for checkmark in this app's menu system
	1,						// TopEdge, 1 line down.
	NULL,					// TextAttr, default font.
	NULL,					// IText, the string: leave null when initializing, assign during localization pass
	NULL					// NextItem, no link to other IntuiText structures.

// The MenuItem structure for the 3rd item:
static struct MenuItem menuItemAppQuit=
	NULL,							// NextItem: none
	0,								// LeftEdge, 0 pixels out.
	20,								// TopEdge, 3rd item = 20 lines down
	140,							// Width = leave some space for l10n expansion
	10,								// Height, 10 lines high.
	ITEMTEXT|						// Flags, render this item with text.
	ITEMENABLED|					//        this item will be enabled.
	HIGHCOMP,						//        complement the colours when highlighted.
	0x00000000,						// MutualExclude: no exclusion
	(APTR)&menuItemLabelAppQuit,	// ItemFill, pointer to the text.
	NULL,							// SelectFill, nothing since we complement the col.
	81,								// Command = Q
	NULL,							// SubItem, no subitem list.
	MENUNULL,						// NextSelect, no items selected.

// The MenuItem structure for the 2nd item:
static struct MenuItem menuItemAppAbout=
	&menuItemAppQuit,				// NextItem, linked to the 3rd item.
	0,								// LeftEdge, 0 pixels out.
	10,								// TopEdge, 2nd item = 10 lines down
	140,							// Width = leave some space for l10n expansion
	10,								// Height, 10 lines high.
	ITEMTEXT|						// Flags, render this item with text.
	ITEMENABLED|					//        this item will be enabled.
	HIGHCOMP,						//        complement the colours when highlighted.
	0x00000000,						// MutualExclude: no exclusion
	(APTR)&menuItemLabelAppAbout,	// ItemFill, pointer to the text.
	NULL,							// SelectFill, nothing since we complement the col.
	0,								// Command, no command-key sequence.
	NULL,							// SubItem, no subitem list.
	MENUNULL,						// NextSelect, no items selected.

// The MenuItem structure for the 1st item:
static struct MenuItem menuItemAppHelp=
	&menuItemAppAbout,				// NextItem, linked to the 2nd item.
	0,								// LeftEdge, 0 pixels out.
	00,								// TopEdge, first item = 0 lines down
	140,							// Width = leave some space for l10n expansion
	10,								// Height, 10 lines high.
	ITEMTEXT|						// Flags, render this item with text.
	ITEMENABLED|					//        this item will be enabled.
	HIGHCOMP,						//        complement the colours when highlighted.
	0x00000000,						// MutualExclude: no exclusion
	(APTR)&menuItemLabelAppHelp,	// ItemFill, pointer to the text.
	NULL,							// SelectFill, nothing since we complement the col.
	0,								// Command, no command-key sequence.
	NULL,							// SubItem, no subitem list.
	MENUNULL,						// NextSelect, no items selected.

/*                             Global Variables                              */

// top-level menus (need to be accessed by other files)
struct Menu menuActions=
	NULL,							// NextMenu, no more menu structures.
	78+38+10+10,					// LeftEdge = total of each (previous menu width + 10 px spacer)
	0,								// TopEdge, for the moment ignored by Intuition.
	62,								// Width = font char width * num chars + 6 px padding
	0,								// Height, for the moment ignored by Intuition.
	MENUENABLED,					// Flags
	NULL,							// MenuName: leave null when initializing, assign during localization pass
	&menuItemActionsCycleMagic		// FirstItem, pointer to the first menu item in the list.

struct Menu menuGame=
	&menuActions,					// NextMenu
	78+10,							// LeftEdge = total of each (previous menu width + 10 px spacer)
	0,								// TopEdge, for the moment ignored by Intuition.
	38,								// Width = font char width * num chars + 6 px padding
	0,								// Height, for the moment ignored by Intuition.
	MENUENABLED,					// Flags
	NULL,							// MenuName: leave null when initializing, assign during localization pass
	&menuItemGameNewGame			// FirstItem, pointer to the first menu item in the list.

struct Menu menuApp=
	&menuGame,						// NextMenu
	0,								// LeftEdge, left corner.
	0,								// TopEdge, for the moment ignored by Intuition.
	78,								// Width = font char width * num chars + 6 px padding
	0,								// Height, for the moment ignored by Intuition.
	MENUENABLED,					// Flags
	NULL,							// MenuName: leave null when initializing, assign during localization pass
	&menuItemAppHelp				// FirstItem, pointer to the first menu item in the list.
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Old 01 January 2024, 15:57   #5
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Works for me.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	055.png
Views:	97
Size:	4.3 KB
ID:	81242  
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Old 01 January 2024, 16:27   #6
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What version of OS is that?

Maybe it's something with how I have my Workbench setup. I think I have a clean (unmodified) 3.2.1. install setup around somewhere, I'll test on that too. It's only a couple rows of pixels that get covered up, so not a huge deal, but...
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Old 02 January 2024, 11:38   #7
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Originally Posted by Warty View Post
What version of OS is that?
It is 3.1. You said 1.3 was ok, 3.1 was not. I was curious to see it myself, but it did not happen to me.

Maybe it's something with how I have my Workbench setup.
I guess VisualPrefs can cause things like this.
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