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Old 05 March 2017, 08:16   #1
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Detect CD32 pad connected in Blitz?

Is there an easy way to detect whether a CD32 pad is connected? (without using lowlevel.library etc which may not be present)
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Old 05 March 2017, 11:17   #2
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I can't think of any way to automatically detect one, but you could manually detect one by requesting the user press one of the buttons not present on a standard joystick.

For example to prompt the user to press red or green. If red button is detected then it's a standard controller, if green then it's a cd32 pad.
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Old 05 March 2017, 23:58   #3
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You can do it by peeking and poking the if you're happy to do that? When being read, the CD32 sends a bitstream, with the first 7 bits representing the status of all the buttons other than the D-pad. If you keep reading though, the 8th bit is always 1 and the 9th bit is always 0. If you can detect those bits, you can be sure that it's a CD32 pad connected as no combination of button bashing can change those two bits.

I don't have the code to hand at the moment, but that's how I did the detection in a controller tester I wrote. When I'm at that machine again, I can dig up the code for you if that helps?
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Old 19 March 2017, 03:50   #4
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Originally Posted by Daedalus View Post
You can do it by peeking and poking the if you're happy to do that? When being read, the CD32 sends a bitstream, with the first 7 bits representing the status of all the buttons other than the D-pad. If you keep reading though, the 8th bit is always 1 and the 9th bit is always 0. If you can detect those bits, you can be sure that it's a CD32 pad connected as no combination of button bashing can change those two bits.

I don't have the code to hand at the moment, but that's how I did the detection in a controller tester I wrote. When I'm at that machine again, I can dig up the code for you if that helps?
Eeek, sorry for the delay writing back, yes that would be most useful.
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Old 19 March 2017, 14:14   #5
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Originally Posted by earok View Post
Eeek, sorry for the delay writing back, yes that would be most useful.
No bother Here you go - it's not the most beautiful code I've ever written, but it works well... It's my complete button reading code so it can probably be stripped down if you only want to detect the controller, but it can also be used as-is and only call it when you need to detect the pad.

The potgo_ functions are from the AmiBlitz3 potgo.include file, but the code in them is pretty simple and is just a wrapper for the OS calls. You can see it in the AmiBlitz3 code repository and download it to use in Blitz 2. It's probably not even strictly necessary if you're shutting down the OS - you could just bang the hardware directly without allocating the resource, but if anything else uses the port you'd get strange things happening.

; Setup code near the start of your program.
debug.b=True ; or false...

If potgo_Open{}=False Then NPrint "Can't open potgo.resource!":End

mask.w = %1111111100000001

allocmask.w = potgo_AllocPotBits{mask}

If debug Then NPrint "Allocating...",Right$(Bin$(mask),16)
If debug Then NPrint "and got......",Right$(Bin$(allocmask),16)

If allocmask & %0000111100000000
  If debug Then NPrint "Allocated port 0 bits successfully"
  If debug Then NPrint "Unable to allocate port 0 bits!"
End If

If allocmask & %1111000000000000
  If debug Then NPrint "Allocated port 1 bits successfully"
  If debug Then NPrint "Unable to allocate port 1 bits!"
End If

VWait 5 ; Let things settle down a little, you might not need this

; ...
; Other initialisation code here
; ...

Function.w cd32buttons{port.b}
SHARED allocmask, debug

; Define the pins needed for 
If port=1
  potgoon.w =%0010000000000000
  potgoon.w =%0000001000000000
End If

Disable_ ; The pot pins get messed with during interrupts, so they need to be disabled

Poke.b $BFE201,(Peek.b($BFE201)|firepin) ; Joystick fire to output

Poke.b $BFE001,(Peek.b($BFE001) & NOT firepin) ; Output low

savepotgo.w=Peek.w($DFF016) ; So we can restore it later

Poke.w $DFF034,potgoon ; Set the relevant pin 5 to enable CD32 mode on the controller

; Ugly delay loop to give the pot lines time to stabilise
For i.w=1 To 5 
Next i

If port=1
  For i.w=14 To 6 Step -1
    Poke.b $BFE001,(Peek.b($BFE001)|firepin) ; Output high
    Poke.b $BFE001,(Peek.b($BFE001) & NOT firepin) ; Output low
    result=result | ((bytes & (1 LSL 14)) LSR i) ; %0100000000000000
  Next i
Else ; Port 0
  For i.w=10 To 2 Step -1
    Poke.b $BFE001,(Peek.b($BFE001)|firepin) ; Output high
    Poke.b $BFE001,(Peek.b($BFE001) & NOT firepin) ; Output low
    result=result | ((bytes & (1 LSL 10)) LSR i) ; %0000010000000000
  Next i
End If

; Put things back the way they were so you don't upset other functions
Poke.w $DFF034,potgooff

Poke.b $BFE001,(Peek.b($BFE001)|firepin) ; Output high
Poke.b $BFE201,(Peek.b($BFE201) & NOT firepin) ; Joystick fire to input

Poke.w $DFF034,savepotgo

; Another ugly delay loop
For i.w=1 To 50
Next i

Enable_ ; Turn interrupts back on

Function Return result
End Function

; ...
; More code here
; ...

; Detect controller on port 1
If (game & %10000000) AND (game & %100000000)=False
  NPrint "CD32 Controller Found on Port 1! "
  NPrint "Standard Controller on Port 1!"
End If

; ...
; And more code...
; ...

; Free the potgo resource when you're finished
This function will give you a binary word with the lower 9 bits related to the controller specified with the port parameter (0 or 1). Bits 0-6 correspond to the 7 buttons (0=blue, 1=red, 2=yellow, 3=green, 4=FFW, 5=rew, 6=play/pause). Bit 7 is always 1 and bit 8 is always 0 when a CD32 controller is connected, so this can be used to detect the presence of a controller automatically.

I hope it makes sense, but let me know if you need a hand with it.

Edit: Added extra code at the end to demonstrate the actual detection.

Last edited by Daedalus; 19 March 2017 at 14:23.
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Old 19 March 2017, 19:50   #6
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I started experimenting with inline assembly in Blitz Basic 2. Here is an alternative joystick / CD32 gamepad routine written in assembly. You can use it like a normal function, usage example included in code. This function will also read the joystick directions so it can replace all joyx joyy joyb calls, I have no idea if this is any faster though, I haven't tested.

EDIT1: There is a bug somewhere in this routine that causes problems on hardware, port 1 is working fine but not port 2. So I advice you not to use this until I find the bug... Can anybody see the problem? Probably a wrong address or something.

EDIT2: Ok, I found the bug. I had a MOVEQ instead of a MOVE.w instruction and another interesting problem was that when reading both ports, the second port would always return a pressed blue button status. This is because the capacitors used for pins on the joystick ports are so big so it takes up to 300µs for the pin mode change to take effect. Instead of resetting the pins after each port read, I created a macro that resets both ports after reading them, so this macro needs to be called once after reading one or both joystick ports. The code is now updated, I have tested it on my stock A500 and A1200 with cd32 pad + mouse, joystick + mouse, cd32 pad + joystick and cd32 pad + cd32 pad.

EDIT3: Edited the code one more time, POTGO value is now restored to it's previous state after reading joystick port(s). I made a JoyTester program, you can download it below if interested (bootable adf image, tested on A500 and A1200, source included):

EDIT4: Did some adjustments to the code. I removed the ReadPotgo and RestorePotgo macros (POTGO is "restored" with Poke at end of routine). Commented UNLK a4 at the start of the routine and replaced RTS at end of routine with AsmExit (talked about below).


#JOY_UP        = 8
#JOY_DOWN      = 4
#JOY_LEFT      = 2
#JOY_RIGHT     = 1
#JOY_BUTTON1   = 2048
#JOY_BUTTON2   = 4096
#CD32_RED      = 2048
#CD32_BLUE     = 4096
#CD32_GREEN    = 512
#CD32_YELLOW   = 1024
#CD32_LTRIGGER = 128
#CD32_RTRIGGER = 256
#CD32_PLAY     = 64
#CD32_GAMEPAD  = 16


Function.w ReadJoy{n}

; UNLK    a4              ; Must be at the top of an assembly procedure (a4 is used as local variable base). EDIT: Seems that this is not necessary after all.
  BTST    #0,d0           ; Test if d0=1 by testing bit 0 (Z=0 if bit 0 is 1)
  BNE.b   joy1            ; Branch to joy1 if Z=0
; ---------------------------------------------------
; Joy0
  MOVEQ   #6,d3           ; Button 1 bit (bit 6 (/FIR0) at address $BFE001 which is CIAA PRA)
                          ; also bit 6 of $BFE201 which is CIAA DDRA (data direction of joy0 pin 6)
  MOVE.w  #10,d4          ; Button 2 bit (joy0 pin 9, POTGOR)
  MOVE.w  #$f600,d5       ; Used to set POTGO (joy0 pin 5 output low) was f600
  MOVEA.l #$dff00a,a0     ; Joystick 0 data address (joy0dat)
  BRA     directions

; ---------------------------------------------------
  MOVEQ   #7,d3           ; Button 1 bit (bit 7 (/FIR1) at address $BFE001 which is CIAA PRA)
                          ; also bit 7 of $BFE201 which is CIAA DDRA (data direction of joy1 pin 6)
  MOVE.w  #14,d4          ; Button 2 bit for Joy1 (joy1 pin 9, POTGOR)
  MOVE.w  #$6f00,d5       ; Used to set POTGO (joy1 pin 5 output low) was 6f00
  MOVEA.l #$dff00c,a0     ; Joystick 1 data address (joy1dat) 
  MOVEQ   #0,d0           ; Set d0 to 0 
  MOVE.w  #0,d6           ; Set d6 to 0 

; ---------------------------------------------------
  MOVE.w  (a0),d0         ; Read joy0dat or joy1dat to d0 
  MOVE.w  d0,d1           ; Copy d0 to d1
  LSR.w   #1,d1           ; Shift d1 one bit to the right
  EOR.w   d0,d1           ; Exclusive OR d0 and d1 and store in d1

  BTST    #8,d1           ; Check joystick up (test bit 8 and set Z to 1 if bit is 0)
  SNE     d6              ; Set first byte of d7 to %11111111 if Z bit is set
  ADD.w   d6,d6           ; Add d7 to itself

  BTST    #0,d1           ; Check joystick down (test bit 0... read above)
  SNE     d6
  ADD.w   d6,d6

  BTST    #9,d0           ; Check joystick left (test bit 9... read above)
  SNE     d6
  ADD.w   d6,d6

  BTST    #1,d0           ; Check joystick right (test bit 1... read above)
  SNE     d6
  ADD.w   d6,d6
  LSR.w   #8,d6           ; Shift d6 8 steps to the right (logical)
  ANDI.b  #%1111,d6       ; Save only bits 0-3 of d6

; ---------------------------------------------------
; Normal buttons
  BTST    d3,$bfe001      ; Check button 1 bit at CIAA PRA
  BNE.b   button2         ; Branch to button2 if button1 is not pressed
  BSET    #11,d6          ; If button1 is pressed, set bit 13 of d6

  BTST    d4,$dff016      ; Check button 2 bit at POTGOR (aka. POTINP)
  BNE.b   cd32            ; Branch to cd32 if button2 is not pressed
  BSET    #12,d6          ; If button2 is pressed, set bit 13 of d6
; ---------------------------------------------------
; CD32 buttons
  BSET    d3,$bfe201      ; Set ciaa ddr port a high (configure /fire0 as output) 6=joyport0, 7=joyport1
  BCLR    d3,$bfe001      ; Set /fire0 low

  MOVE.w  d5,$dff034      ; Set pin 5 as output low (write to potgo)

  MOVEQ   #0,d0           ; Set d0 to 0
  MOVEQ   #8,d1           ; Set d1 to 9, this will be used for the button read loop
  BRA     in              ; jump to in

  TST.b   $bfe001         ; Read CIAA PRA multiple times to create a delay so a reliable button status
  TST.b   $bfe001         ; can be read.
  TST.b   $bfe001
  TST.b   $bfe001
  TST.b   $bfe001
  TST.b   $bfe001
  TST.b   $bfe001
  TST.b   $bfe001

  MOVE.w  $dff016,d2      ; Read POTGOR to d2

  BSET    d3,$bfe001      ; Set /fire0 high (clock pulse for shift register)
  BCLR    d3,$bfe001      ; Set /fire0 low

  BTST    d4,d2           ; Test bit 10 or 14 of POTGOR (pin 9, CD32 gamepad button data)
  BNE.b   readnext        ; Branch to readnext if pin 9 is 1 (0 means button is pressed)

  BSET    d1,d0           ; Set bit d1 of d0 if button is pressed

  DBF     d1,loop         ; Decrement d1 and jump to loop if d1 > 0

  BSET    d3,$bfe001      ; Set button1 high
  BCLR    d3,$bfe201      ; Set ciaa ddr port as input
  MOVE.b  d0,d1           ; Copy first byte of d0 to d1
  ANDI.b  #%11,d1         ; Save the lowest two bits of d1
  CMPI.b  #%01,d1         ; Check if lowest bits equal %01 (cd32 gamepad signature)
  BEQ.b   cd32ok          ; If cd32 signature is ok, branch to cd32ok
  MOVE.b  #0,d0           ; Clear low byte of d0 since cd32 button readings are wrong
  LSL.w   #4,d0           ; Shift d0 four steps to the left
  OR.l    d6,d0           ; Combine d0 with d6 by using bitwise OR

End Function

BLITZ ; Go into blitz mode
BitMap 0, 320, DispHeight, 5 ; Create a bitmap
PalRGB 0,1,15,15,15
BitMapOutput 0
Slice 0,42,5
Use Palette 0
Show 0, 0, 0

joystick = 0
  ; Read joy1 (0 for joy0)
  joystick = ReadJoy{1}
  ; Reset POTGO register, call this after reading ports 0 and 1
  ; So if reading both ports, do that above and then call this once
  Poke.w $dff034,$ff00
  ; Print joystick variable
  Locate 0,0 : Print Bin$(joystick)
  ; CD32 gamepad check
  Locate 0,1
  If joystick & #CD32_GAMEPAD
    Print "CD32 Gamepad Connected!   "
    Print "Normal joystick connected!"
  ; Direction check
  Locate 0,2
  If joystick & #JOY_UP
    Print "Going up!"
    Print "         "
  ; Button check
  Locate 0,3
  If joystick & #CD32_PLAY
    Print "Play is pressed!"
    Print "                "
Until Joyb(0)>0

Last edited by MickGyver; 09 June 2018 at 09:10. Reason: Bug fixes and changes to the code, read post
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Old 06 June 2018, 06:48   #7
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Damn, very nice. I missed your message @MickGyver and ended up adapting the code by JOTD, Wepl, Girv and ASM that's in the Ruff N Tumble CD32 slave.

This -seems- to work though it's not extensively tested, and it JUST does a CD32 pad detection rather than a full read.

Edit: Whoops.. I can see at least a couple of potential issues here, ignore the code below until it's fixed.
Edit2: Ok! Code should be more solid now. IsCD32Pad returns > 0 if it is, and 0 if it isn't.


Function.b IsCD32Pad{port.b}

	move.b D0,D1

	bsr		detect
	; ignore first read
	bsr		wvbl
	move.b D1,D0
	bsr		detect

; wait for VBL
	lea	$DFF000,a0
	move.w	#$7FFF,IsCD32Pad_intreq(a0)
	move.w	IsCD32Pad_intreqr(a0),d0
	btst	#5,d0
	beq		waitvbl
;	detection routine
		movem.l	d1-d6/a0-a6,-(a7)
		tst.l	d0
		bne.b	port1

		moveq	#IsCD32Pad_CIAB_GAMEPORT0,d3	; red button ( port 0 )
		moveq	#10,d4			; blue button ( port 0 )
		move.w	#$f600,d5		; for IsCD32Pad_potgo port 0
		bra		buttons
		moveq	#IsCD32Pad_CIAB_GAMEPORT1,d3	; red button ( port 1 )
		moveq	#14,d4			; blue button ( port 1 )
		move.w	#$6f00,d5		; for IsCD32Pad_potgo port 1

		lea	$DFF000,a0
		lea	$BFE001,a1
		bset	d3,IsCD32Pad_ciaddra(a1)	;set bit to out at IsCD32Pad_ciapra
		bclr	d3,IsCD32Pad_ciapra(a1)	;clr bit to in at IsCD32Pad_ciapra

		move.w	d5,IsCD32Pad_potgo(a0)

		moveq	#0,d0
		moveq	#10-1,d1	; read 9 times instead of 7. Only 2 last reads interest us
		bra		gamecont4

		tst.b	IsCD32Pad_ciapra(a1)
		tst.b	IsCD32Pad_ciapra(a1)
		tst.b	IsCD32Pad_ciapra(a1)	; wepl timing fix
		tst.b	IsCD32Pad_ciapra(a1)
		tst.b	IsCD32Pad_ciapra(a1)
		tst.b	IsCD32Pad_ciapra(a1)
		tst.b	IsCD32Pad_ciapra(a1)
		tst.b	IsCD32Pad_ciapra(a1)

		move.w	IsCD32Pad_potinp(a0),d2

		bset	d3,IsCD32Pad_ciapra(a1)
		bclr	d3,IsCD32Pad_ciapra(a1)
		btst	d4,d2
		bne.b	gamecont5

		bset	d1,d0

		dbf	d1,gamecont3

		bclr	d3,IsCD32Pad_ciaddra(a1)		;set bit to in at IsCD32Pad_ciapra
		move.w	#$ff00,IsCD32Pad_potgo(a0)	;changed from ffff, according to robinsonb5@eab
		or.b	#$C0,IsCD32Pad_ciapra(a1)	;reset port direction
		; test only last bits
		and.w	#03,D0		
		movem.l	(a7)+,d1-d6/a0-a6
End Function

NPrint IsCD32Pad{0}
NPrint IsCD32Pad{1}

Last edited by earok; 06 June 2018 at 11:40.
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Old 06 June 2018, 08:20   #8
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Originally Posted by earok View Post
Damn, very nice. I missed your message @MickGyver and ended up adapting the code by JOTD, Wepl, Girv and ASM that's in the Ruff N Tumble CD32 slave.

This -seems- to work though it's not extensively tested, and it JUST does a CD32 pad detection rather than a full read.

Edit: Whoops.. I can see at least a couple of potential issues here, ignore the code below until it's fixed.
My version seems to work ok with the reservations of this setting and resetting POTGO. It works but it might not be the recommended value to set POTGO to $f600. If I remember correctly, the signal transients on pin 5 were slower when using my code compared to when using lowlevel.library. Maybe you know the "correct" way?
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Old 06 June 2018, 11:41   #9
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Originally Posted by MickGyver View Post
My version seems to work ok with the reservations of this setting and resetting POTGO. It works but it might not be the recommended value to set POTGO to $f600. If I remember correctly, the signal transients on pin 5 were slower when using my code compared to when using lowlevel.library. Maybe you know the "correct" way?
Sorry mate, I don't have a clue! So long as it works, that's good enough IMO
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Old 08 June 2018, 13:37   #10
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Originally Posted by MickGyver View Post
Function.w ReadJoy{n}

  UNLK    a4              ; Must be at the top of an assembly procedure (a4 is used as local variable base)
Where did you find out this?
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Old 08 June 2018, 14:06   #11
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Originally Posted by idrougge View Post
Where did you find out this?
From page 63 in the BB2.1 user guide. Looking at the example on that page now, that command is not there, so maybe it's not needed at all? There are all kinds of errors in the BB documentation so...
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Old 08 June 2018, 16:45   #12
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That's very odd, it's not in the Amigaguide version of the 2.1 manual, nor is it part of the other PDF version of the Blitz manual.
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Old 08 June 2018, 17:26   #13
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Originally Posted by idrougge View Post
That's very odd, it's not in the Amigaguide version of the 2.1 manual, nor is it part of the other PDF version of the Blitz manual.
Yep, odd, but that command is probably not needed then I guess.
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Old 08 June 2018, 17:58   #14
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Originally Posted by idrougge View Post
That's very odd, it's not in the Amigaguide version of the 2.1 manual, nor is it part of the other PDF version of the Blitz manual.
I just did a quick test of removing the UNLK a4 command. The program froze on WinUAE, same on my A1200, so I guess it is required for asm procedures, at least to be safe.
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Old 08 June 2018, 19:55   #15
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That's also very odd, I never use it in my asm procedures and they tend to be quite stable. Of course, I never touch the reserved registers.
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Old 09 June 2018, 01:37   #16
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My version of the manual (blue ring-bound manual, came with Blitz 2.1 floppy edition) has that exact code extract (page 63), but also has a section earlier on (page 34) saying that A4-A6 must be preserved, and restored before returning from the procedure if they were modified. This doesn't mention the UNLK line, and the code segment mentioned is missing. The addendum points to the code on page 63 for omission.

Last edited by Daedalus; 09 June 2018 at 12:43. Reason: Ring-bound manual, not spiral-bound.
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Old 09 June 2018, 02:24   #17
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I wonder if the difference between mine and MickGyver's asm-only functions is that mine always end with AsmExit.

I also wonder if it's a good idea to end a function with RTS.
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Old 09 June 2018, 07:41   #18
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Originally Posted by idrougge View Post
I wonder if the difference between mine and MickGyver's asm-only functions is that mine always end with AsmExit.

I also wonder if it's a good idea to end a function with RTS.
That could be it, I will try to remove the unlk command and replace RTS with AsmExit.

EDIT: Removing UNLK a4 in the beginning of the routine and replacing RTS with AsmExit is working, at least in WinUAE (don't have access to my A1200 now). I applied the changes to the code in my post above.

Last edited by MickGyver; 09 June 2018 at 09:12. Reason: Tested the code change
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Old 05 April 2022, 00:42   #19
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Resurrecting an old thread here, but is anyone aware of any problems with auto-detected CD32 pads?

I implemented the code from post 6 by MickGyver in my Turrican port, and it worked great for me using both WinUAE and a Competition Pro pad on a real A1200, but I've had reports from another user that the CD32 pad from AmigaKit does not seem to be detected, so it runs like a normal joystick instead of using CD32 specific controls.

I'm wonder if either the pad does not fully implement the CD32 standard, or the code has a problem, or something else. Anyone experienced this?

Last edited by Muzza; 05 April 2022 at 00:47.
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Old 05 April 2022, 01:01   #20
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Can you do an output of the full binary stream of the read? Maybe as a small stand-alone executable that includes MickGyver's test code too? The key points are bits 7 and 8, which must be 1 and 0 regardless of what the rest of the pad is doing.

From a quick look at pictures someone posted of the board inside the AmigaKit controller, it looks like it probably does implement the full protocol, but I don't have one myself to verify.
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