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Old 24 July 2017, 15:42   #1
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Setting up TCP/IP over a serial connection

Hi guys,

I could use some help with getting an Amiga online via a Linux machine (Raspberry Pi in this case). There are various tutorials around and I have got the connection working kind of, but something does not seem as it should.

The serial link itself works fine, I tested it using terminal program but have now deactivated the boot time getty, so that it would not clash with the ppp connection.

This is what I currently do to start up the ppp daemon on the Linux side:

$ sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
$ sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
$ sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i ppp0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
$ sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
$ sudo pppd debug noauth /dev/ttyAMA0 19200 xonxoff
   local passive persist
Then I start Roadshow (the demo version at this point) on the Amiga side:

> ppp_dialer s:PPP-Configurations/ppp-serial 
Interface 'ppp' configured (address =, network mask =,
  destination address =
Added default route to
ppp has connected; ^C to disconnect_interface.
And in another shell I can ping my local network and also the internet, so things seem okay:

> ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=63 time=106.307 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=105.628 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=63 time=104.175 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=63 time=103.961 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=42 ttl=63 time=103.901 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=43 ttl=63 time=104.220 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=48 ttl=63 time=105.354 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=49 ttl=63 time=103.766 ms

--- ping statistics ---
50 packets transmitted, 18 packets received, 64% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 103.401/104.207/106.307 ms
However, upon closer inspection the pings aren't going through most of the time. Looking at what pppd produces in syslog:

Jul 24 14:48:06 raspberrypi pppd[870]: rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x5c <compress VJ 0f 01> <addr>]
Jul 24 14:48:06 raspberrypi pppd[870]: local  IP address
Jul 24 14:48:06 raspberrypi pppd[870]: remote IP address
Jul 24 14:48:06 raspberrypi pppd[870]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-down finished (pid 8425), status = 0x0
Jul 24 14:48:06 raspberrypi pppd[870]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-up started (pid 8463)
Jul 24 14:48:06 raspberrypi pppd[870]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-up finished (pid 8463), status = 0x0
Jul 24 14:48:09 raspberrypi pppd[870]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0xd0 <addr> <compress VJ 0f 01>]
Jul 24 14:48:09 raspberrypi pppd[870]: Connect time 0.1 minutes.
Jul 24 14:48:09 raspberrypi pppd[870]: Sent 0 bytes, received 16 bytes.
Jul 24 14:48:09 raspberrypi pppd[870]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-down started (pid 8480)
Jul 24 14:48:09 raspberrypi pppd[870]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x5d <compress VJ 0f 01> <addr>]
Jul 24 14:48:09 raspberrypi pppd[870]: sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0xd0 <addr> <compress VJ 0f 01>]
Jul 24 14:48:09 raspberrypi pppd[870]: rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x5d <compress VJ 0f 01> <addr>]
Jul 24 14:48:09 raspberrypi pppd[870]: local  IP address
Jul 24 14:48:09 raspberrypi pppd[870]: remote IP address
Jul 24 14:48:09 raspberrypi pppd[870]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-down finished (pid 8480), status = 0x0
Jul 24 14:48:09 raspberrypi pppd[870]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-up started (pid 8518)
Jul 24 14:48:09 raspberrypi pppd[870]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-up finished (pid 8518), status = 0x0
Jul 24 14:48:12 raspberrypi pppd[870]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0xd0 <addr> <compress VJ 0f 01>]
Jul 24 14:48:12 raspberrypi pppd[870]: Connect time 0.1 minutes.
Jul 24 14:48:12 raspberrypi pppd[870]: Sent 0 bytes, received 16 bytes.
Jul 24 14:48:12 raspberrypi pppd[870]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-down started (pid 8525)
Jul 24 14:48:12 raspberrypi pppd[870]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x5e <compress VJ 0f 01> <addr>]
Jul 24 14:48:12 raspberrypi pppd[870]: sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0xd0 <addr> <compress VJ 0f 01>]
"Connect time 0.1 minutes" this keeps happening over and over again, and if-down and if-up are continuously called. Is the connection being established again all the time, or what is going on, and where is the problem?

Any help would be appreciated!
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Old 24 July 2017, 19:46   #2
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I have tried different things and it seems like "vjhc=no" (no header compression) in the Roadshow settings improved the situation a little bit, but now the connection only forms properly some of the time. Here's a Roadshow log from a successful run:

[2017-07-24 19:00:59] ppp-serial.device 52.11(18.3.2017) DEMO starting.
[2017-07-24 19:00:59] Setting Hardware-Handshaking = OFF
[2017-07-24 19:00:59] Setting Check-Carrier = OFF
[2017-07-24 19:00:59] Setting Null-Modem = ON
[2017-07-24 19:00:59] Setting Van-Jacobson-Header-Compression = OFF
[2017-07-24 19:00:59] Read buffer size increased to 12056 bytes.
[2017-07-24 19:00:59] Opening 'serial.device', unit 0.
[2017-07-24 19:01:00] Link layer is ready.
[2017-07-24 19:01:00] Sending Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request...
[2017-07-24 19:01:00]     Maximum receive unit (MRU) = 1500
[2017-07-24 19:01:00]     Magic number = 0x5D20C576
[2017-07-24 19:01:00]     Local async-control-character-map = 0x00000000
[2017-07-24 19:01:00]     Local protocol field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:01:00]     Local address and control field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:01:00]     Quality protocol = disabled
[2017-07-24 19:01:00] Received positive Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request acknowledgement.
[2017-07-24 19:01:01] Received Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request.
[2017-07-24 19:01:01] Peer's Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration acknowledged.
[2017-07-24 19:01:01] Peer's Async-Control-Character-Map = 0x000A0000
[2017-07-24 19:01:01] Link Control Protocol (LCP) This-Layer-Up
[2017-07-24 19:01:01] Sending Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) configuration request...
[2017-07-24 19:01:01]     Local IP address =
[2017-07-24 19:01:01]     Primary DNS address =
[2017-07-24 19:01:01]     Secondary DNS address =
[2017-07-24 19:01:01]     Source IP address =
[2017-07-24 19:01:01]     Destination IP address =
[2017-07-24 19:01:01]     Van Jacobson header compression = disabled
[2017-07-24 19:01:01] Received Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) configuration request.
[2017-07-24 19:01:01] Peer's Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) configuration acknowledged.
[2017-07-24 19:01:01] Header compression is disabled.
[2017-07-24 19:01:01] Remote IP-Address = (using configuration defaults rather than
[2017-07-24 19:01:04] Sending Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) configuration request...
[2017-07-24 19:01:04]     Local IP address =
[2017-07-24 19:01:04]     Primary DNS address =
[2017-07-24 19:01:04]     Secondary DNS address =
[2017-07-24 19:01:04]     Source IP address =
[2017-07-24 19:01:04]     Destination IP address =
[2017-07-24 19:01:04]     Van Jacobson header compression = disabled
[2017-07-24 19:01:04] Received Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) configuration request reject message.
[2017-07-24 19:01:04] Obsolete address configuration method was rejected.
[2017-07-24 19:01:04] Sending Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) configuration request...
[2017-07-24 19:01:04]     Local IP address =
[2017-07-24 19:01:04]     Van Jacobson header compression = disabled
[2017-07-24 19:01:04] IPCP configuration was changed since the last request was sent.
[2017-07-24 19:01:07] Sending Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) configuration request...
[2017-07-24 19:01:07]     Local IP address =
[2017-07-24 19:01:07]     Van Jacobson header compression = disabled
[2017-07-24 19:01:07] Received Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) configuration request.
[2017-07-24 19:01:07] Peer's Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) configuration acknowledged.
[2017-07-24 19:01:07] Header compression is disabled.
[2017-07-24 19:01:07] Remote IP-Address = (using configuration defaults rather than
[2017-07-24 19:01:10] Sending Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) configuration request...
[2017-07-24 19:01:10]     Local IP address =
[2017-07-24 19:01:10]     Van Jacobson header compression = disabled
[2017-07-24 19:01:10] Received Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) configuration request.
[2017-07-24 19:01:10] Peer's Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) configuration acknowledged.
[2017-07-24 19:01:10] Header compression is disabled.
[2017-07-24 19:01:10] Remote IP-Address = (using configuration defaults rather than
[2017-07-24 19:01:10] Received positive Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) configuration request acknowledgement.
[2017-07-24 19:01:10] Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) This-Layer-Up
[2017-07-24 19:01:10] Driver is now online.
[2017-07-24 19:03:40] Shutting down Link Control Protocol (LCP).
[2017-07-24 19:03:40] Link Control Protocol (LCP) This-Layer-Down
[2017-07-24 19:03:40] Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) This-Layer-Down
[2017-07-24 19:03:40] Closing Link Control Protocol (LCP).
[2017-07-24 19:03:40] Link Control Protocol (LCP) This-Layer-Finished
[2017-07-24 19:03:40] Driver is now offline.
[2017-07-24 19:03:40] Closing link layer...
[2017-07-24 19:03:40] Maximum number of bytes in receive buffer = 163.
[2017-07-24 19:03:40] Maximum number of write requests queued = 3.
[2017-07-24 19:03:40] Link layer is closed (total connection time 0:02:41h).
[2017-07-24 19:03:40] Link Control Protocol (LCP) closed.
Even that cuts out after a couple of minutes without me asking it to. But often the connection also does not form at all:

[2017-07-24 19:05:40] ppp-serial.device 52.11(18.3.2017) DEMO starting.
[2017-07-24 19:05:40] Setting Hardware-Handshaking = OFF
[2017-07-24 19:05:40] Setting Check-Carrier = OFF
[2017-07-24 19:05:40] Setting Null-Modem = ON
[2017-07-24 19:05:40] Setting Van-Jacobson-Header-Compression = OFF
[2017-07-24 19:05:40] Read buffer size increased to 12056 bytes.
[2017-07-24 19:05:40] Opening 'serial.device', unit 0.
[2017-07-24 19:05:41] Link layer is ready.
[2017-07-24 19:05:41] Sending Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request...
[2017-07-24 19:05:41]     Maximum receive unit (MRU) = 1500
[2017-07-24 19:05:41]     Magic number = 0x2BA2570B
[2017-07-24 19:05:41]     Local async-control-character-map = 0x00000000
[2017-07-24 19:05:41]     Local protocol field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:41]     Local address and control field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:41]     Quality protocol = disabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:41] Received Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request.
[2017-07-24 19:05:41] Peer's Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration acknowledged.
[2017-07-24 19:05:41] Peer's Async-Control-Character-Map = 0x000A0000
[2017-07-24 19:05:44] Sending Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request...
[2017-07-24 19:05:44]     Maximum receive unit (MRU) = 1500
[2017-07-24 19:05:44]     Magic number = 0x2BA2570B
[2017-07-24 19:05:44]     Local async-control-character-map = 0x00000000
[2017-07-24 19:05:44]     Local protocol field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:44]     Local address and control field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:44]     Quality protocol = disabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:44] Received Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request.
[2017-07-24 19:05:44] Peer's Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration acknowledged.
[2017-07-24 19:05:44] Peer's Async-Control-Character-Map = 0x000A0000
[2017-07-24 19:05:47] Sending Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request...
[2017-07-24 19:05:47]     Maximum receive unit (MRU) = 1500
[2017-07-24 19:05:47]     Magic number = 0x2BA2570B
[2017-07-24 19:05:47]     Local async-control-character-map = 0x00000000
[2017-07-24 19:05:47]     Local protocol field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:47]     Local address and control field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:47]     Quality protocol = disabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:47] Received Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request.
[2017-07-24 19:05:47] Peer's Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration acknowledged.
[2017-07-24 19:05:47] Peer's Async-Control-Character-Map = 0x000A0000
[2017-07-24 19:05:50] Sending Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request...
[2017-07-24 19:05:50]     Maximum receive unit (MRU) = 1500
[2017-07-24 19:05:50]     Magic number = 0x2BA2570B
[2017-07-24 19:05:50]     Local async-control-character-map = 0x00000000
[2017-07-24 19:05:50]     Local protocol field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:50]     Local address and control field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:50]     Quality protocol = disabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:50] Received Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request.
[2017-07-24 19:05:50] Peer's Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration acknowledged.
[2017-07-24 19:05:50] Peer's Async-Control-Character-Map = 0x000A0000
[2017-07-24 19:05:53] Sending Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request...
[2017-07-24 19:05:53]     Maximum receive unit (MRU) = 1500
[2017-07-24 19:05:53]     Magic number = 0x2BA2570B
[2017-07-24 19:05:53]     Local async-control-character-map = 0x00000000
[2017-07-24 19:05:53]     Local protocol field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:53]     Local address and control field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:53]     Quality protocol = disabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:53] Received Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request.
[2017-07-24 19:05:53] Peer's Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration acknowledged.
[2017-07-24 19:05:53] Peer's Async-Control-Character-Map = 0x000A0000
[2017-07-24 19:05:56] Sending Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request...
[2017-07-24 19:05:56]     Maximum receive unit (MRU) = 1500
[2017-07-24 19:05:56]     Magic number = 0x2BA2570B
[2017-07-24 19:05:56]     Local async-control-character-map = 0x00000000
[2017-07-24 19:05:56]     Local protocol field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:56]     Local address and control field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:56]     Quality protocol = disabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:56] Received Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request.
[2017-07-24 19:05:56] Peer's Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration acknowledged.
[2017-07-24 19:05:56] Peer's Async-Control-Character-Map = 0x000A0000
[2017-07-24 19:05:59] Sending Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request...
[2017-07-24 19:05:59]     Maximum receive unit (MRU) = 1500
[2017-07-24 19:05:59]     Magic number = 0x2BA2570B
[2017-07-24 19:05:59]     Local async-control-character-map = 0x00000000
[2017-07-24 19:05:59]     Local protocol field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:59]     Local address and control field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:59]     Quality protocol = disabled
[2017-07-24 19:05:59] Received Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request.
[2017-07-24 19:05:59] Peer's Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration acknowledged.
[2017-07-24 19:05:59] Peer's Async-Control-Character-Map = 0x000A0000
[2017-07-24 19:06:02] Sending Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request...
[2017-07-24 19:06:02]     Maximum receive unit (MRU) = 1500
[2017-07-24 19:06:02]     Magic number = 0x2BA2570B
[2017-07-24 19:06:02]     Local async-control-character-map = 0x00000000
[2017-07-24 19:06:02]     Local protocol field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:06:02]     Local address and control field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:06:02]     Quality protocol = disabled
[2017-07-24 19:06:02] Received Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request.
[2017-07-24 19:06:02] Peer's Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration acknowledged.
[2017-07-24 19:06:02] Peer's Async-Control-Character-Map = 0x000A0000
[2017-07-24 19:06:05] Sending Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request...
[2017-07-24 19:06:05]     Maximum receive unit (MRU) = 1500
[2017-07-24 19:06:05]     Magic number = 0x2BA2570B
[2017-07-24 19:06:05]     Local async-control-character-map = 0x00000000
[2017-07-24 19:06:05]     Local protocol field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:06:05]     Local address and control field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:06:05]     Quality protocol = disabled
[2017-07-24 19:06:05] Received Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request.
[2017-07-24 19:06:05] Peer's Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration acknowledged.
[2017-07-24 19:06:05] Peer's Async-Control-Character-Map = 0x000A0000
[2017-07-24 19:06:08] Sending Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request...
[2017-07-24 19:06:08]     Maximum receive unit (MRU) = 1500
[2017-07-24 19:06:08]     Magic number = 0x2BA2570B
[2017-07-24 19:06:08]     Local async-control-character-map = 0x00000000
[2017-07-24 19:06:08]     Local protocol field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:06:08]     Local address and control field compression = enabled
[2017-07-24 19:06:08]     Quality protocol = disabled
[2017-07-24 19:06:08] Received Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request.
[2017-07-24 19:06:08] Peer's Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration acknowledged.
[2017-07-24 19:06:08] Peer's Async-Control-Character-Map = 0x000A0000
[2017-07-24 19:06:11] Link Control Protocol (LCP) This-Layer-Finished
[2017-07-24 19:06:11] Closing link layer...
[2017-07-24 19:06:11] Maximum number of bytes in receive buffer = 63.
[2017-07-24 19:06:11] Maximum number of write requests queued = 2.
[2017-07-24 19:06:11] Link layer is closed (total connection time 0:00:31h).
The difference would seem to be that I never get a "Received positive Link Control Protocol (LCP) configuration request acknowledgement" in the failed run, but why is that? The settings are unchanged between these runs although I may have booted either the Raspberry Pi or Amiga in a different order or something like that.
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Old 24 July 2017, 20:15   #3
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I made a guide here.

This for Miami. I use RoadShow on my main (with X-Surf 100) Amiga. Unfortunately my backup 68030 A4000 seems to have died and I haven't had the chance to investigate why yet...
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Old 24 July 2017, 20:30   #4
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I'm interested in this too. I did it with Miami in the past, but want to do it with AmiTCP/IP.
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Old 24 July 2017, 21:05   #5
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Looks like a good guide, that's more or less what I had come up with myself, but I just can't get Miami to come online at all (Roadshow does come online, but if/when it drops out I can't reconnect, as seen in the logs above).

This is what I get on the Raspberry when trying to connect with MiamiDX:

Jul 24 21:59:23 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0xa0000> <mru 1500> <magic 0x3124e0a4> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jul 24 21:59:23 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x19 <asyncmap 0xa0000> <magic 0xe6f8ae94> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jul 24 21:59:23 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 <asyncmap 0xa0000> <mru 1500> <magic 0x3124e0a4> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jul 24 21:59:23 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x19 <asyncmap 0xa0000> <magic 0xe6f8ae94> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jul 24 21:59:23 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0xe6f8ae94]
Jul 24 21:59:23 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x11 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15> <bsd v1 15>]
Jul 24 21:59:23 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x18 <addr>]
Jul 24 21:59:26 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 <asyncmap 0xa0000> <mru 1500> <magic 0x3124e0a4> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jul 24 21:59:26 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1a <asyncmap 0xa0000> <magic 0x41a95560> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jul 24 21:59:26 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 <asyncmap 0xa0000> <mru 1500> <magic 0x3124e0a4> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jul 24 21:59:26 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1a <asyncmap 0xa0000> <magic 0x41a95560> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jul 24 21:59:26 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x41a95560]
Jul 24 21:59:26 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x12 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15> <bsd v1 15>]
Jul 24 21:59:26 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x19 <addr>]
Jul 24 21:59:29 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x3 <asyncmap 0xa0000> <mru 1500> <magic 0x3124e0a4> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jul 24 21:59:29 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1b <asyncmap 0xa0000> <magic 0xf5181d84> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jul 24 21:59:29 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x3 <asyncmap 0xa0000> <mru 1500> <magic 0x3124e0a4> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jul 24 21:59:29 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1b <asyncmap 0xa0000> <magic 0xf5181d84> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jul 24 21:59:29 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0xf5181d84]
Jul 24 21:59:29 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x13 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15> <bsd v1 15>]
Jul 24 21:59:29 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1a <addr>]
Jul 24 21:59:32 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x4 <asyncmap 0xa0000> <mru 1500> <magic 0x3124e0a4> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jul 24 21:59:32 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1c <asyncmap 0xa0000> <magic 0x1ddaa4ca> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jul 24 21:59:32 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x4 <asyncmap 0xa0000> <mru 1500> <magic 0x3124e0a4> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jul 24 21:59:32 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1c <asyncmap 0xa0000> <magic 0x1ddaa4ca> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jul 24 21:59:32 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x1ddaa4ca]
Jul 24 21:59:32 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x14 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15> <bsd v1 15>]
Jul 24 21:59:32 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1b <addr>]
Jul 24 21:59:35 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x14 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15> <bsd v1 15>]
Jul 24 21:59:35 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1b <addr>]
Jul 24 21:59:38 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x14 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15> <bsd v1 15>]
Jul 24 21:59:38 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1b <addr>]
Jul 24 21:59:41 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x14 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15> <bsd v1 15>]
Jul 24 21:59:41 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1b <addr>]
Jul 24 21:59:44 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x14 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15> <bsd v1 15>]
Jul 24 21:59:44 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1b <addr>]
Jul 24 21:59:47 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x14 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15> <bsd v1 15>]
Jul 24 21:59:47 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1b <addr>]
Jul 24 21:59:50 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x14 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15> <bsd v1 15>]
Jul 24 21:59:50 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1b <addr>]
Jul 24 21:59:53 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x14 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15> <bsd v1 15>]
Jul 24 21:59:53 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1b <addr>]
Jul 24 21:59:56 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x14 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15> <bsd v1 15>]
Jul 24 21:59:56 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1b <addr>]
Jul 24 21:59:59 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x14 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15> <bsd v1 15>]
Jul 24 21:59:59 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1b <addr>]
Jul 24 22:00:02 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x1 magic=0x1ddaa4ca]
Jul 24 22:00:02 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: CCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Jul 24 22:00:02 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: IPCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Jul 24 22:00:02 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x1d "No network protocols running"]
Jul 24 22:00:05 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x1e "No network protocols running"]
Jul 24 22:00:08 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: Connection terminated.
Jul 24 22:00:08 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: Modem hangup
Jul 24 22:00:08 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: using channel 9
Jul 24 22:00:08 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: Using interface ppp0
Jul 24 22:00:08 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyAMA0
Jul 24 22:00:08 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1f <asyncmap 0xa0000> <magic 0x46ef272c> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jul 24 22:00:11 raspberrypi pppd[1031]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1f <asyncmap 0xa0000> <magic 0x46ef272c> <pcomp> <accomp>
There's both "sent" and "rcvd" so clearly the two parties are trying to negotiate. Any idea what the problem could be? I don't know the protocol well enough to decipher the content of those interactions...

EDIT: Actually, scratch that - I can also get Miami online but not, if Roadshow has first disconnected. It must leave pppd in some kind of state where it is not able to restart a connection. I'll see how Miami behaves over time, now.

Last edited by ajk; 24 July 2017 at 21:27.
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Old 25 July 2017, 01:29   #6
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Are you using the same PPP driver in both cases?

SLIP might be easier.
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Old 26 July 2017, 11:16   #7
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Hm, I have it working quite nicely, with both MIST and Minimig, though with the MIST I use use the TX/RX pins on the GPIO directly (not going through USB), and with the Minimig, I use bluetooth instead of nullmodem. Moving to Roadshow made it a heck lot more stable than anything else.

Btw - Akira, you asked me somewhere (and I cannot find where?) if I can make a how-to, and I suppose I should put some time into doing that, it is quite straight forward. But I got the impression that you just wanted serial console to the Raspberry Pi from the Amiga?
If so, this is what that looks like, essentially a cable with a MAX3232 on it, between the Amiga serial port and the Pi GPIO port, TX-RX, RX-TX, GND-GND. Here the Pi is powered from the floppy power port of my (Vampirised) A600, and what you don't see is ethernet between the Amiga and the Pi.

Oh, and if your Amiga has USB somehow, you can configure the Pi kernel to boot up as a USB serial gear, then you just need to plug the pi into the USB port, where it gets power, and use usbmodem.device that Poseidon provides, and you have console on the Pi. One can also configure the pi kernel to boot as USB ethernet gear, but sadly Poseidon for AmigaOS doesn't have support for it yet, and I say yet because Poseidon for AROS _does_ have support for it, so it should really be a matter of backporting to AmigaOS Poseidon.

Last edited by kolla; 26 July 2017 at 11:33.
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Old 26 July 2017, 16:30   #8
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Yes kolla I asked you!
This pic helps a lot, thanks. It matches up with other tutorials I have seen. I guess first I need to get me one of those 3232 adapters, and then give it a try.

You say "what you don't see is Ethernet between the Amiga and the Pi", but isn't the link serial?

Also: is that a Zero W? Because I don't see you having a network device.
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Old 28 July 2017, 10:37   #9
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Originally Posted by Akira View Post
Yes kolla I asked you!
This pic helps a lot, thanks. It matches up with other tutorials I have seen. I guess first I need to get me one of those 3232 adapters, and then give it a try.
You can get them in various variants on AliExpress and DealExtreme, I bought a two sets of 10 each for less than a pint of beer

You say "what you don't see is Ethernet between the Amiga and the Pi", but isn't the link serial?
Sure, but in this case I don't run TCP/IP over it, the serial is just to have console on the Pi, so I can see all boot messages, interrupt booting etc.

What I meant is that this A600 has a PCMCIA ethernet adapter, and the pi zero has a usb ethernet adapter, and between them there is a short cat5 cable, and that is where the TCP/IP takes place.

Also: is that a Zero W? Because I don't see you having a network device.
Yes that is a Zero W, you can tell from the trapezoid thing that is the built in wifi/bluetooth antenna

The white cable going into the Pi is from the ethernet adapter. Oh, and the three golden soldering points is where you can mount a connector for external wifi/bluetooth antenna.

The point with this is that instead of using a Wifi PCMCIA card on the Amiga, I just use ethernet (which is a lot less complicated for the Amiga), and let the Zero W do the wifi, sitting between the Amiga and the big Internet. The Zero-W also acts as web-proxy, rsh/ssh-jumhost and various other things I find useful.
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Old 28 July 2017, 10:49   #10
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Originally Posted by ajk View Post
Roadshow does come online, but if/when it drops out I can't reconnect, as seen in the logs above.
Olaf "Olsen" Barthel is plenty helpful, so I suggest you contact him about issues with Roadshow. He is also around here on EAB somewhere

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Old 28 July 2017, 14:53   #11
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Yes, I'm just waiting on a few parts to make this setup more robust (in the physical sense), just to rule that out. If things don't improve I'll see if he could have a look at the logs
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Old 28 July 2017, 20:03   #12
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If you are using a slip conection I would suggest to use Termite TCP 1.60 as tcp-ip stack. It is now free, very low on resources and targeted only at slip. I remember using it on an unexpanded A600 (worked with just 1MB of chipram!). It is stupidly simple to configure and use.

Get the file from here:

Last edited by gulliver; 28 July 2017 at 20:12.
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Old 28 July 2017, 21:42   #13
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Originally Posted by gulliver View Post
If you are using a slip conection I would suggest to use Termite TCP 1.60 as tcp-ip stack. It is now free, very low on resources and targeted only at slip. I remember using it on an unexpanded A600 (worked with just 1MB of chipram!). It is stupidly simple to configure and use.
Thanks for that tip. I never tried TErmite!
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Old 28 July 2017, 23:43   #14
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Me neither, may be a nice alternative for my Miminig
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