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Old 09 April 2009, 02:45   #1
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Eek Oh No! More Miggies!

Well the first of my "Spare" 1200s arrived today

I shall post pics later cos its late and I'm tired.

Looks like I shall have to get myself a dremel as the last person to put the screws in has somewhat helpfully ground the heads on a few... Crucially the one at the back which goes in through the case and acts as a securing screw for the floppy drive... basically I can't get the floppy drive out, which in turn means I cant remove the damned RF shield .

From what I can see its a rev 2B board with KS 3.0.
Came with a HD of some sort which probably won't be going back in now it is out lol. Case is actually in not bad nick, but could do with a clean as it has kids crayon (amongst 15 years worth of other things.... yeuch) on it, but apart from that it looks reasonable.

The other bit is that along with the miggy I seem to have acquired someone's "Computer life" - i.e. books, boxed games and the ubiquitous Disk boxes x3 with all sorts in them. I will probably need to get them categorised and list them here as I

a) Don't want to really have a masssive stash of old boxes/disks
b) Wouldn't have the foggiest idea what to keep anyways (there are lots of coverdisks, game copies (naughty!) and PD disks....
c) Would need someone to tell me whats worth keeping... or not.

I could bin the lot I suppose, but I feel it'd be a shame... there may be something of use to someone (even me!) I just don't know it yet.

We shall see (pics forthcoming in the morning)

And of course the most important thing is *drum roll*.... the warranty seal is intact (although a little worn)



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Old 11 April 2009, 23:24   #2
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Above is the RF Shield from the aforementioned second miggy which looks like something has leaked... although the board (below) is fine.

Otherwise there's a bit of a rusty stain on the Case but there does not look to be any damage or leakage on the board.... sooo I am I correct in assuming that something has been replaced after an incident... board looks pristine as I say but I saw the mark on the case and thought I'd better investigate.

Is isporopryl alcohol ok as a cleaning substance for the board/plastic? Am planning to do this one up a bit for a friend's birthday next week. Keyboard is a bit yellowed but not awful so I am just going to use that (after a good hoover ).


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Old 11 April 2009, 23:35   #3
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Hi Andrew,

Please list all the software here that you got with this machine.

There have been far too many threads here with descriptions of disks with water damage or mould growth which have had to be binned.

If the disks are in good condition, give the members here a chance to share the gems which these media might contain. Chances like this don't come very often. Those disks should be treated like gold dust.



PS. Perhaps the title of this thread should have been "Oh Yes! More Miggies!"

Last edited by prowler; 11 April 2009 at 23:41.
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Old 12 April 2009, 00:05   #4
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Originally Posted by asm1 View Post
Is isporopryl alcohol ok as a cleaning substance for the board/plastic? Am planning to do this one up a bit for a friend's birthday next week. Keyboard is a bit yellowed but not awful so I am just going to use that (after a good hoover ).
Hi Andrew,

Isopropyl alcohol is the best cleaner to use on the board. It is best applied with a 12mm paint brush with the bristles cut short to provide a stiff brushing action to remove deposits stuck to the surface. This solvent is not strong enough to remove the printed legend from the board.

The case and other plastic parts should be stripped completely of screws, clips and other components and washed in warm water and washing up liquid, then rinsed in clean water and dried before reassembly.

Good luck!

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Old 12 April 2009, 00:11   #5
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I was thinking along the lines of "Oh No! More Lemmings!" Yes I shall list the software (eventually) but let meh get the hardware sorted first

Starting Listy:

Magazines (Keeping these!)

Amiga Format x4

January 1994 Issue 55
May 1995 Issue 71
June 1995 Issue 72 (All about Escom buying Commodore)
January 1996 Issue 80

Not sure of the significance of these (apart from the buyout etc) not read em all yet


A1200 User Guide (good nick, don't have one so keeping)
A1200 Floppy only System Addendum (keeping for completeness)
A1200 User Guide (slightly less mint than the one above....)
Workbench 3.0 Users Guide (also original pack of WB 3.0 disks and I've pulled the KS 3.0 chips off the board)

A500 Users Manual (!)
Commodore Amiga - Enhancer Software booklet Featuring AmigaDos 1.3, Including Kickstart 1.3, Workbench 1.3 and Extras 1.3.

Thats the books/Magazines

Will deal with the boxed games and coverdisks etc later. Off to clean the case.

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Old 12 April 2009, 00:22   #6
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Hi Andrew,

Originally Posted by asm1 View Post
I was thinking along the lines of "Oh No! More Lemmings!"

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Yes I shall list the software (eventually) but let meh get the hardware sorted first
Thanks. There's no hurry. The result is more important. Take your time. Do it your way.

Originally Posted by asm1 View Post
Commodore Amiga - Enhancer Software booklet Featuring AmigaDos 1.3, Including Kickstart 1.3, Workbench 1.3 and Extras 1.3.
IMO, you will not find a better guide to Workbench 1.3 than this booklet provides. Keep it at all costs. My copy of this one is well-used.

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Old 12 April 2009, 00:56   #7
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Well thats the case cleaned and on the dish rack

Didn't think it would be too bad, when I'd finished the water was black
My bottle of Isopropryl (or what I thought was Isopropryl) was actually Mineralised Methylated Spirits... a lovely potent smell and pink in colour. However it did shift the rust stain and a few other marks. Have not started on the board as I am recovering from the meths... also I suspect that meths might be too strong for it so I will get some Isopropryl on tuesday.

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Old 12 April 2009, 01:09   #8
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Hi Andrew,

Originally Posted by asm1 View Post
Well thats the case cleaned and on the dish rack

Didn't think it would be too bad, when I'd finished the water was black
So that was worth doing then!

Originally Posted by asm1 View Post
My bottle of Isopropryl (or what I thought was Isopropryl) was actually Mineralised Methylated Spirits... a lovely potent smell and pink in colour. However it did shift the rust stain and a few other marks. Have not started on the board as I am recovering from the meths... also I suspect that meths might be too strong for it so I will get some Isopropryl on tuesday.

I usually suggest methylated spirits as an alternative to isopropyl alcohol because it's more widely available, but, as you had indicated you already had some IPA, I didn't mention it in this case.

It should be okay to use on the board, but it might just be a little too strong for you after your adverse reaction to the fumes during the rust stain treatment!

Don't breathe too deeply and you and the board should come through it okay!

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Old 12 April 2009, 01:26   #9
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Oh yes it has come up nice, was well worth doing
Heh I have (and shall) open the window when I've got the meths out

Will do the board in the morning and leave it for a few days (am away for tomorrow-tues) by that time my KS 3.1 roms should have arrived. I can then fit them and reassemble


Last edited by asm1; 12 April 2009 at 01:41.
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Old 12 April 2009, 11:40   #10
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Roll eyes (sarcastic)

Did the board at 3am (Don't ask!) has come out fine, wasn't that dirty to start with. Keyboard next although shall be leaving that pleasure until tuesday.

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Old 12 April 2009, 23:00   #11
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Hi Andrew,

Good work. Now here are a couple of threads to help you with the keyboard job:


PS. Don't forget to tell us how the rebuild goes.
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Old 15 April 2009, 19:08   #12
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3.1 Rom fitted

Bah blurriness

Keyboard (brush) cleaned and hoovered, although didn't strip it. Will test and see if ok, but seems fine although a weebitty yellow. Installed a 4GB CF as hard drive. Still have to pick a floppy drive for it (although both spare machines have the Panasonic JU-253 as does my main miggy so not much choice there) Not sure how to go about cleaning floppy drive as I don't want to knacker it (if it isn't already) besides, all the floppy has to do is install workbench, after that it won't get used.... Otherwise, hardware build is pretty much done although I have an 8mb Amitek Ram card sitting doing nowt so she can have that....

Software, WB 3.1 (got a set of disks she can have) and the Obligatory WHDOwnload, but as the machine is staying an 020 I don't want to load it up too much. Besides its primary use is going to be Games...

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Old 15 April 2009, 22:18   #13
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Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the update.

I would advise against trying to clean the floppy drive unless it gives you problems. I have never had a floppy drive fail myself after cleaning it, but browsing the forums indicates that EAB member experience is split between those who have had nothing but problems after cleaning their floppy drives and those who have never had any problems.

So the choice is yours. All I would add is that if you use a solvent like isopropyl alcohol with a cotton bud to clean the heads, then this should be all that is necessary, but be sure to leave enough time for the solvent to evaporate before trying it out with a disk.

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Old 15 April 2009, 22:28   #14
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I dont think I'll touch the floppy... as I say, once workbench is on then thats it.

Ha! I see you are from Sidcup... have a brother and his family in Kidbrooke
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Old 17 April 2009, 02:35   #15
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Drive Partitioned 3.1 installed and 8mb Ram Board in. Planning to install CWB Full on it then I shall be installing games

Went relatively smoothly... I think the floppy drive that came with it was goosed (would not boot, and yes it was plugged in right ) so I swapped it with the one that came with the other machine.....

Will do some pics later.

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Old 17 April 2009, 20:41   #16
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Thanks Andrew,

Looking forward to the pics!

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Old 21 April 2009, 16:46   #17
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Biggified main miggy

Towerized my main box thanks to Scrappysphinx

O60 in place

Indy too

Now all I need to do is get it going
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Old 21 April 2009, 17:02   #18
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Hi Andrew,

Very nice!

Originally Posted by asm1 View Post
Now all I need to do is get it going
Now for the easy part.

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Old 21 April 2009, 17:10   #19
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Looks like I shall have to get myself a dremel as the last person to put the screws in has somewhat helpfully ground the heads on a few
And of course the most important thing is *drum roll*.... the warranty seal is intact (although a little worn)
.....Ummm are you sure the warranty seal was still intact? I reckon someone has been inside and managed to remove the seal without ripping it! Anyway that does not matter now and it looks like your miggy revival project is going great
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Old 21 April 2009, 17:18   #20
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Was actually Although having a prebuilt Microdrive card with OS and drivers helps

Only things I have to connect up are the CD Rom and (possibly) the whatever Gig HD that came with it... might remove this as I likes my Microdrive

Otherwise, I beleve the saying is "Sorted!"

@Powerpie - Sarcasm ftw not really that bothered about warranty seals.... I'm sure "Commodore"arent either
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