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Old 14 October 2018, 18:42   #1
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Coding a 3d world - Advice needed

I am trying to figure out how to do 3d transformations and I would really like some help from you guys that have played with these things before.

Ok, after researching (google) this a bit, I think the order is Model-Transformation, View-Transformation, Projection-Transformation.

So, for each of your objects (models) you do Scale, Rotation, Translation.
This is Model-Transformation.
Optimisation: since sin/cos are involved in this, and all the points of the same object have the same rotation-x,rotation-y and rotation-z, you grab 6 sin/cos before the object-points-loop and instead of N*6 sin/cos you use 6 sin/cos per object.

I have working C code that does that and then a basic projection from x,y,z to x.y and draws the objects and appears to work fine. (wireframe)

Since I don't do View-Transformation, I think that implies that the camera is at 0,0,0 "straight" looking down the z. (right?)

My first problem is how to introduce the camera in the code. (Think Elite-space-game-like camera, so the camera is at your ship's x,y,z and has the orientation of the ship)

Do you guys use matrices for all that? 3x3 or 4x4?

My second problem is visibility. As it is now my code draws all lines-faces. So, I think I need normals for that. Is it cheaper to have pre-calc normal for each face, which you rotate in model-transformation and then in view-transformation? Or calculate normal after all the transformations from 3 points in the face? And then what? Dot-product of normal with vector camera->some-point-of-face and check sign?

In order to parse and hold the 3d-models I found, I came up with the following data structures.
struct vec {
  float x;
  float y;
  float z;
  int screen_x;
  int screen_y;

//  Each object has a vertices list
struct vertlist {
  int size;
  struct vec *points;

// Each object has many polygons
struct poly {
  int psize;  //num of polygons, say N
  int *size;  //size[N], keeps number of vertices for each polygon
  int **index; // vertice index index[polygon-N][1..size[N]]

struct obj {
  struct vec pos;
  struct vec speed;
  struct vec rot;

  struct vertlist *vlist;
  struct poly *polys;
In the zip you'll find:
* db.c source code
* db amiga executable (compiled like: m68k-amigaos-gcc -noixemul -O3 -o db db.c -lm)
* COBRAMK3.X and CORIOLIS.X, 3d models from original elite
the thing runs for 200 screen updates, takes about 8.16 seconds in emulated A1200

I plan to migrate to fixed-point and look-up tables for sin/cos at the end.
Btw, if you happen to know an existing tutorial on all this please share the url.
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Old 14 October 2018, 22:04   #2
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Originally Posted by alkis View Post
My second problem is visibility. As it is now my code draws all lines-faces. So, I think I need normals for that. Is it cheaper to have pre-calc normal for each face, which you rotate in model-transformation and then in view-transformation? Or calculate normal after all the transformations from 3 points in the face? And then what? Dot-product of normal with vector camera->some-point-of-face and check sign?
The two ways I’ve done back face culling are:

1: precalculate a unit normal for each face which gets rotated and translated with the model, then look at the sign of the Z component to determine visibility

2: just calculate the z part of the normal of faces once they’re transformed. The calculation of this turns out to be the same as calculating the area under the 2D projection of the face, so you sometimes see it described as that in conversations about winding order.

I’m currently using option 2 as it’s obviously quicker, but option 1 can give you opportunities to use that unit normal for other things, such as shading.

EDIT: Probably not told you anything you didn’t already know, but I felt like sharing.

Last edited by deimos; 14 October 2018 at 22:14.
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Old 14 October 2018, 22:18   #3
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Originally Posted by deimos View Post

EDIT: Probably not told you anything you didn’t already know, but I felt like sharing.
Thanks for sharing. Every little bit helps.
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Old 15 October 2018, 09:33   #4
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You should learn how to use matrices
As it is the way to combinate "transformations" like Model-Transformation with View-Transformation by multiplying matrices

Then this ModelView-Transformation Matrix is used to transform the vertices

About the camera : it need to generate a matrix for view transformation: in OpenGL there is a very simple function called gluLookAt for doing that so just search for the source of this function in several packages like StormMesa,MiniGL,Kazmath

inline void MultM(register float *M1,register float *M2,float *M3)
float M[16];

M[0 ]= M1[0]*M2[0] + M1[1]*M2[4] + M1[2]*M2[8] + M1[3]*M2[12];
M[1 ]= M1[0]*M2[1] + M1[1]*M2[5] + M1[2]*M2[9] + M1[3]*M2[13];
M[2 ]= M1[0]*M2[2] + M1[1]*M2[6] + M1[2]*M2[10] + M1[3]*M2[14];
M[3 ]= M1[0]*M2[3] + M1[1]*M2[7] + M1[2]*M2[11] + M1[3]*M2[15];

M[4 ]= M1[4]*M2[0] + M1[5]*M2[4] + M1[6]*M2[8] + M1[7]*M2[12];
M[5 ]= M1[4]*M2[1] + M1[5]*M2[5] + M1[6]*M2[9] + M1[7]*M2[13];
M[6 ]= M1[4]*M2[2] + M1[5]*M2[6] + M1[6]*M2[10] + M1[7]*M2[14];
M[7 ]= M1[4]*M2[3] + M1[5]*M2[7] + M1[6]*M2[11] + M1[7]*M2[15];

M[8 ]= M1[8]*M2[0] + M1[9]*M2[4] + M1[10]*M2[8] + M1[11]*M2[12];
M[9 ]= M1[8]*M2[1] + M1[9]*M2[5] + M1[10]*M2[9] + M1[11]*M2[13];
M[10]= M1[8]*M2[2] + M1[9]*M2[6] + M1[10]*M2[10] + M1[11]*M2[14];
M[11]= M1[8]*M2[3] + M1[9]*M2[7] + M1[10]*M2[11] + M1[11]*M2[15];

M[12]= M1[12]*M2[0] + M1[13]*M2[4] + M1[14]*M2[8] + M1[15]*M2[12];
M[13]= M1[12]*M2[1] + M1[13]*M2[5] + M1[14]*M2[9] + M1[15]*M2[13];
M[14]= M1[12]*M2[2] + M1[13]*M2[6] + M1[14]*M2[10] + M1[15]*M2[14];
M[15]= M1[12]*M2[3] + M1[13]*M2[7] + M1[14]*M2[11] + M1[15]*M2[15];

void CopyTransformVfast(register float *M,Vertex3D* V,Vertex3D* V2,LONG Vnb)
{ /* copy & transform points with a given matrix */
register float x;
register float y;
register float z;
register ULONG n;

V2->x= M[0]*x + M[4]*y+ M[8] *z+ M[12];
V2->y= M[1]*x + M[5]*y+ M[9] *z+ M[13];
V2->z= M[2]*x + M[6]*y+ M[10]*z+ M[14];
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Old 15 October 2018, 12:29   #5
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Originally Posted by alkis View Post
Since I don't do View-Transformation, I think that implies that the camera is at 0,0,0 "straight" looking down the z. (right?)

My first problem is how to introduce the camera in the code. (Think Elite-space-game-like camera, so the camera is at your ship's x,y,z and has the orientation of the ship)

Do you guys use matrices for all that? 3x3 or 4x4?
Everything you've said in your original post sounds correct by my understanding. The transformations are in three phases, model-to-world, world-to-camera and the perspective transform. 3x3 matrices can do rotation but not translation, and you want to be able to combine the transformations, so you end up using 4x4 matrices and homogeneous coordinates.

I personally don't use a matrix for the final perspective transform, it seems easier not to.

So, assuming your models are to the same scale as your world, then you just need to rotate-then-translate them for your model-to-world transform, and then translate-then-rotate them for your world-to-camera transform. There are different ways to calculate rotation matrices. I like to think in terms of roll, pitch and yaw. In terms of left hand coordinates, rotation around X is pitch, Y is yaw, Z is roll. There's a specific order in which you can combine them and they work sensibly for little spaceships. For your camera you may prefer the gluLookAt style mentioned by thellier, or even have several options so that you can switch views or have special viewpoints for different situations - often games will pan around your craft as it explodes when the game ends, for instance.
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Old 15 October 2018, 12:32   #6
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Originally Posted by alkis View Post
My second problem is visibility. As it is now my code draws all lines-faces. So, I think I need normals for that. Is it cheaper to have pre-calc normal for each face, which you rotate in model-transformation and then in view-transformation? Or calculate normal after all the transformations from 3 points in the face? And then what? Dot-product of normal with vector camera->some-point-of-face and check sign?
Consider the vertex transformation pipeline as seen in the first image on this page: http://www.songho.ca/opengl/gl_transform.html.

You can do back-face culling (BFC) either in eye coordinates, or in window coordinates.

BFC in eye coordinates: Let N be the normal vector of the polygon (in eye-coordinates), and P be any vertex of the polygon (in eye-coordinates). If the dot product N * P > 0 then the back of the polygon faces the camera, and the polygon should not be drawn.

BFC in window coordinates: I'll explain this method in a little more detail, because it might be interesting to understand what is going on.

Consider the second image from the top on this page: https://www.scratchapixel.com/lesson...-to-know-first. It shows how the perspective matrix, together with the w divide, transforms vertices in the view frustrum to the canonical view volume (normalized device coordinates). Note that when a polygon has been transformed to the canonical view volume it is possible to determine if the polygon is facing front or back by considering only the z-coordinate of the normal vector.

The normal vector is calculated as the cross product (v2-v1) * (v3-v1), where v1, v2, v3 are three vertices in the polygon, with the suitable winding (and * in that equation is the cross product). By looking at the equations for the cross product we see that we get the z-coordinate as: N.z = (v2.x - v1.x) * (v3.y - v1.y) - (v2.y - v1.y) * (v3.x - v1.x).

Often we don't calculate the normalized device coordinates explicitly, but instead do the transformation directly to window coordinates, where the z coordinate is also dropped. However, if you look at the equation for N.z above, it is invariant to the scaling which is performed to transform between normalized device coordinates and window coordinates, and the equation also references only x and y coordinates of the vertices.

To summarize the "BFC in window coordinates" method you do: transform the vertices all the way to window coordinates (including perspective divide). Then calculate N.z = (v2.x - v1.x) * (v3.y - v1.y) - (v2.y - v1.y) * (v3.x - v1.x), and look at the sign of N.z to determine if the back or front of the polygon is facing the camera.

Which method is more efficient depends. If you need to calculate normal vectors for some other reason than BFC (e.g. for lighting calculations) then the eye coordinates method may be more efficient. But more likely the window coordinates method is cheaper.
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