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Old 03 March 2020, 12:38   #17
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True. A lot depends on the quality of your 3D printer and the extruder it uses!
I never went full in with the hobby and just got a basic Anet A8 Prusa clone. It's brilliant for what it is and what it cost with PLA, not so good with ABS. You can improve ABS printing just by sticking a cardboard box over it while printing, less chance of warping then. It's a terrible setup for ABS if you don't though, even small ABS prints can warp in every direction!
The problem with using printers in "cabinets" is the space used, it makes some of the things huge!
It's definitely one of those hobby's where you get what you pay for. If you're aiming to be serious with it, go for a more expensive machine. I may do if I ever get around to practising and improving my 3D modelling skills.
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