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Old 10 June 2021, 22:52   #287
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Warsaw/Poland
Age: 55
Posts: 1,975
Added more a/b optimisations. DCB.B was used in github version. I made changes (cleaning code) step by step. Now ds.b is used.

OldOpenLibrary = -408
CloseLibrary = -414
Output = -60
Input = -54
Write = -48
Read = -42
Forbid = -132
Permit = -138
AddIntServer = -168
RemIntServer = -174
VBlankFrequency = 530
INTB_VERTB = 5     ;for vblank interrupt
NT_INTERRUPT = 2   ;node type

;N = 7*D/2 ;D digits, e.g., N = 350 for 100 digits

         lea libname(pc),a1         ;open the dos library
         move.l 4.W,a5
         move.l a5,a6
         jsr OldOpenLibrary(a6)
         move.l d0,a6
         jsr Output(a6)          ;get stdout
         lea cout(PC),A4
         move.l d0,(A4)            ;cout
         move.l d0,d1                   ;call Write(stdout,buff,size)
         moveq #msg1-cout,D2 ; must be checked if in moveq range, the longest text can be moved at end
         add.l A4,D2
         moveq #msg4-msg1,d3
         jsr Write(a6)
         move.l #$10000-(ra-start),D7
         divu.w #7*4,D7
         lsl.l #2,D7    ; d7.w=maxn

;    move.l cout(pc),d1
         move.l (A4),D1    ; cout
;         move.l #msg4,d2
         moveq #msg4-cout,D2
         add.l A4,D2
         moveq #msg5-msg4,d3
         jsr Write(a6)
         move.l d7,d5
         bsr.w PR0000
;         move.l cout(pc),d1
         move.l (A4),D1 ; cout
;         move.l #msg5,d2
         moveq #msg5-cout,D2
         add.l A4,D2
         moveq #msg3-msg5,d3
         jsr Write(a6)
         bsr.w getnum
         cmp.w d7,d5
         bhi.b .l20

         move.w d5,d1
         beq.b .l20

         addq.w #3,d5
         and.w #$fffc,d5
         cmp.b #10,(a0)
         bne.b .l21

         move.w d5,d6
         cmp.w d1,d5
         beq.b .l7

         bsr.w PR0000
         move.l (A4),D1 ; cout
;         move.l #msg3,d2
         moveq #msg3-cout,D2
         add.l A4,D2
         moveq #msg2-msg3+1,d3
         jsr Write(a6)

         mulu.w #7,d6          ;kv = d6
         lsr.l #2,D6               ; /4
         move.l d6,d7
         lea ra(pc),a3

         exg a5,a6
         jsr Forbid(a6)
         moveq #INTB_VERTB,d0
         lea VBlankServer(pc),a1
         jsr AddIntServer(a6)
         exg a5,a6
         ;move.w #$4000,$dff096    ;DMA off
         move.l #2000*65537,d0
         move.l a3,a0
.fill    move.l d0,(a0)+
         subq.l #1,D7
         bne.b .fill

         move.l D7,-(SP)    ; cv
         lea 10000.W,A2
         moveq #4,D3
         moveq #buf-cout,D2
         add.l  A4,D2 ; buf

.l0      moveq #0,D5       ;d <- 0
         move.l d6,d4     ;i <- kv, i <- i*2
         lsl.l #2,D4           ; *4
         adda.l d4,a3
         subq.l #1,d4     ;b <- 2*i-1
         move.l A2,D1
         bra.b .l4

         swap d0
         move.w d0,d7
         divu.w d4,d7
         swap d7
         move.w d7,d0
         swap d0
         divu.w d4,d0

         move.w d0,d7
         exg d0,d7
         clr.w d7
         swap d7
         move.w d7,(a3)     ;r[i] <- d%b
         bra.b .enddiv

.l2      sub.l d0,d5
         sub.l d7,d5
         lsr.l #1,d5
         move -(a3),d0      ; r[i]
         mulu.w d1,d0       ;r[i]*10000
         add.l d0,d5       ;d += r[i]*10000
         move.l d5,d0
         divu.w d4,d0
         bvs.s .longdiv

         move.w d0,d7
         clr.w d0
         swap d0
         move.w d0,(a3)     ;r[i] <- d%b
         subq.l #2,d4    ;i <- i - 1
         bcc.b .l2       ;the main loop
         divu.w d1,d5      ;removed with MULU optimization
         add.w (SP),D5 ; cv
         move.l D5,(SP) ; cv
         bsr.w PR000N

         subq.l #7,d6   ;kv
         bne.b .l0
         addq.l #4,SP ;  restore stack

         move.l time(pc),d5
         ;move.w #$c000,$dff096    ;DMA on
         exg a5,a6
         moveq #INTB_VERTB,d0
         lea VBlankServer(pc),a1
         jsr RemIntServer(a6)
         jsr Permit(a6)
         exg a5,a6

         moveq #1,d3
;         move.l cout(pc),d1

         move.l (A4),D1 ; cout
         move.l #msgx,d2
         jsr Write(a6)  ;space

         move.l d5,d3
         lsl.l #1,d5
         cmp.b #50,VBlankFrequency(a5)
         beq .l8

         lsl.l #1,d5      ;60 Hz
         add.l d3,d5
         divu.w #3,d5
         swap d5
         lsr.w #2,d5
         swap d5
         negx.l d5
         neg.l d5

.l8      lea string(pc),a3
         moveq.l #10,d4
         move.l d5,d6

;div32x16 macro    ;D7=D6/D4, D6=D6%D4
;     moveq #0,d7    ; not necessary D7 highword is already cleared
     divu.w d4,d6
     bvc.b .div32no

     swap d6
     move.w d6,d7
     divu.w d4,d7
     swap d7
     move d7,d6
     swap d6
     divu.w d4,d6
     move.w d6,d7
;     clr.w d6 ;not necessary
     swap d6

         move.b d6,(a3)+
         divu.w d4,d7
         swap d7
         move.b d7,(a3)+
         clr.w d7
         swap d7
         move.b #'.'-'0',(a3)+
.l12     tst.w d7
         beq .l11

         divu.w d4,d7
         swap d7
         move.b d7,(a3)+
         clr.w d7
         swap d7
         bra .l12

.l11     add.b #'0',-(a3)
         moveq #1,d3
 ;        move.l cout(pc),d1

        move.l (A4),D1 ; cout
         move.l a3,d2
         jsr Write(a6)
         cmp.l #string,a3
         bne .l11

;         move.l cout(pc),d1

          move.l (A4),D1 ; cout
         move.l #msgx+1,d2
         jsr Write(a6)  ;newline

         move.l a6,a1
         move.l a5,a6
         jmp CloseLibrary(a6)

PR0000     ;prints d5, uses a0,a1(scratch),d0,d1,d2,d3
      moveq #4,D3
      moveq #buf-cout,D2
      add.l  A4,D2 ; buf
        move.w	#$0100,a0
	move.l	#$2f3a2f2f,d0
	move.w	#1000,d1
.b1000	add.w	a0,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b1000
	add.w	d1,d5

	moveq	#100,d1
.b100	addq.b	#1,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b100
	add.w	d1,d5

	swap	d0
	moveq	#10,d1
.b10	add.w	a0,d0
	sub.w	d1,d5
	bcc.b	.b10
	add.b	d5,d0

        move.l D0,4(A4) ; buf
        move.l (A4),D1    ; cout
        jmp Write(A6) ;call Write(stdout,buff,size)

      addq.l #1,(a1)
;If you set your interrupt to priority 10 or higher then a0 must point at $dff000 on exit
      moveq #0,d0  ; must set Z flag on exit!

      dc.l  0,0                   ;ln_Succ,ln_Pred
      dc.b  NT_INTERRUPT,0        ;ln_Type,ln_Pri
      dc.l  0                     ;ln_Name
      dc.l  time,rasteri          ;is_Data,is_Code

 msgx dc.b 32,10

 cnop 0,4

 time dc.l 0
 cout dc.l 0
 buf ds.b 4

; Overwritten code/data start here. 

getnum   jsr Input(a6)          ;get stdin
;         move.l #string,d2     ;set by previous call

         moveq #msg1-cout,D2
         add.l A4,D2
         move.l d0,d1
         moveq #5,d3     ;+ newline
         jsr Read(a6)
        move.l	d2,a0
	moveq	#0,d5
.loop	subq.w	#1,d0
	beq.b	.done
	move.w	#256-'0',d6
	add.b	(a0)+,d6
	cmp.w	#9,d6
	bhi.b	.error
	mulu.w	#10,d5
	add.w	d6,d5
	bra.b	.loop
.error	moveq	#0,d5
.done	rts

string = msg1
libname  dc.b "dos.library",0
msg1  dc.b 'number pi calculator v13'
  dc.b 10
msg4 dc.b 'number of digits (up to '
msg5 dc.b ')? '
msg3 dc.b ' digits will be printed'
msg2 dc.b 10

     ds.b 65536-(Buffy-start)

Last edited by Don_Adan; 10 June 2021 at 23:00.
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