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Old 20 April 2022, 14:54   #47
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Current hacked config file way to get to amiberry config screen / load workbench (using files and mounting the USB stick.. no need for HDF image).

Here are the key steps:
1. Download the WHDLoad and Bonus games using the links above
2. Prep the USB Disk using the instructions provided on the Retro Games website
3. On another PC, ideally Linux based (or another Amiga Emulator) Extract the Citadel LHA
4. delete Disk.1 from the Citadel directory/folder (extracted copy)
5. Re-pack the LHA (which should only contain the Citadel directory/folder and file)
Note: All this is doing is preventing the A500 Mini from booting into anything useful, just to the kickstart rom
6. Put the USB Disk into the A500 Mini
7. Start the LHA on the A500 Mini
Note: This will create a .uae file
8. Using another machine, ideally Linux based, edit the .uae file, which was created by the Amiberry emulator on the A500 Mini, to include the following lines at the top of the file:
9. Put the USB Disk back into your other PC, ideally Linux based
10. Set the permissions for the .uae file to read only (RO)
Note: This is VERY IMPORTANT, or the A500 Mini will strip out / overwrite the .uae config)
11. Put the USB stick back in the A500 Mini and start the LHA
12. If you've followed all the steps, you should get the Amiberry config screen / GUI
13. Configure Amiberry as required to boot ADF or HDF images

also - want CD32 emulation with CD audio?

Use .uae config file the exploit to get the amiberry config menu up. Once your in that you can choose CD32 from the quickstart menu. Prior to that create on your usb stick a folder called ROM and ISO. Put the cd32 kickstart 40.60 and extended rom in the ROM folder. Put game images in ISO folder. In ROM config choose the rom images. Usb stick directory is /mnt/ROM in hard drive CD menu select the CD image from /mnt/ISO.
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