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Old 18 October 2019, 19:04   #1567
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I think games can be criticized even when free, but if you do it properly.

I made Quasarius 2 years ago, it was my first attempt of coding anything seriously on Amiga, it took me 3 weeks (I was on vacation at that period) which involved both learning and doing the game.

I *Know* it's a stupidly simple game, I gave it for free and I didn't expect anyone to have its socks blown for it. The fact the game got featured in a Magazine and shown on lots of Youtube channels and DamienD even donated me some money for it, made it all worthy for me, that was beyond anything I ever expected for that game and just the fact somehow my name is now written in a piece of history for my beloved machine warms my heart endlessly.

People made negative remarks about the game but many of them made sense. Graham Humphrey made a review for it on Amiga Future which was more negative than positive , but he was very nice about it and I agreed with nearly all the points he made. I keep that magazine stored because I was just too frigging happy to have my name written on an Amiga magazine, even if the game wasn't really that great (and I know about it). THAT WAS good criticism, and I don't think it's a bad thing to do even if it's for a free game.

And still people were saying "Oh what a load of shit" about that game and nothing else. That's stupid criticism and it doesn't need to exist;

People are assholes. I mean, fuck it, you don't like the original Rygar? Do you really feel the NEED to say something about it after McGeezer worked SO LONG and gave the game FREE for everyone? What's the fucking point?

I can't play the game because I don't own an AGA system and I really don't care about emulation. And I am really happy to see such a high quality game for the system. Even if I didn't like the original game (and come on, it's a very solid game), fuck man, appreciate the work done here. There's nothing positive coming out for saying "Oh I didn't like the original game". Come on.

I am pretty sure you already know it, but you made a TERRIFIC job, so just let the haters be forgotten. Whatever people could say about it, I just want to let you know that I am truly amazed by what you achieved and this is an inspiration for me to try to do better games for the system in the future.

'I dont understand why it needs AGA',
'It doesn't look like an AGA game'
'There's better Amiga platformers'
'Why waste your time'
You really don't need to defend from those comments. If you really feel like (and I've seen that's the direction you took ), you just need a "Fuck you, do it better and I'll give you back all the money you spend on the game ".

That's all, really.

Last edited by Shatterhand; 18 October 2019 at 19:10.
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