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Old 18 October 2021, 14:34   #8
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To be fair, it's down to the hardware manufacturer to provide drivers for any platform they wish their hardware to be used with. Macs do tend to ship with a lot of drivers for a lot of hardware so there's a lot of "just works" involved with plugging stuff in. With Windows 10, Windows have more or less caught up in that regard, and of course, Windows will almost always be the lead platform, so you can be sure that drivers can be downloaded for it, and that these will be more likely to be updated to take new OS versions into account (though it's by no means guaranteed either).

Bottom line, if the hardware follows the standards for audio equipment, it should just plug in and work on Mac or Windows these days. There are still cases where manufacturers don't follow standards however, and you do need to check for support then, be it Windows or Mac.
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