Thread: Next update ?
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Old 03 December 2003, 09:29   #9
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KGS: Our opinions exactly Unfortunately not a trivial task.

Yes, Atari tracks were reletively commonly used as (or part of) protection tracks. Dungeon Master (not v3.6) is an example, but that also uses very good flakey bit techniques.

Populous: Send me an email and I will get on it as soon as possible.

Zany Golf: Sorry - I mean, it may not be duplicated commercially - that is, it was certainly not duplicated on a Trace machine. So the only dump we have is probably a home copy. With more dumps, we can see if this is the case or not (for example, if written by the same drive) and we will probably find a probably duplicated version.

Psygnosis: Yes, they did have aversion to checking integrity. I wouldn't have liked to have worked in their returns department.
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