Thread: Scorpion Engine
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Old 27 June 2021, 13:21   #978
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Originally Posted by earok View Post
@Mixel that is really, really odd. If you can give me a build where I can just press compile and see the bug in action, I should be able to diagnose and fix.
The "is it a rendering empty space glitch" idea was a dead end too.. I'll let you know if I ever find a way of reliably and quickly activating the remaining graphical artefact.. (it's conveniently placed currently in a way that i could integrate into the interface and nobody would know, if we can never figure this out.. haha)

It's not just the "key graphics" causing it either it turns out, I've found that if I press the F shortcut, used for resetting the Francis actor to his basic state, the 3 pixels appear and disappear every time you press it. (if you're already in one of the places that it happens - but you can't teleport to those as it starts working normally then) ..

This is some serious Professor Layton puzzle wackiness.

Feel like I should document what I'm doing in case anything leads to a Eureka moment.

Ed: I noticed the colour of the 3 dots are EHB dark colours, so I took the panel out of EHB to see what they look like - then it displays a completely different graphical glitch in a slightly different but close-by place. which sometimes blinks on and off..* That also reverted the 7s to often being corrupt behaviour..

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*Explaining what's happening in this video.. The flashing pixels below the health bar - up until 10s they're flashing of their own accord. When I collect the coin is slightly disturbs their timing, but they continue flashing.. Then from 15s onward I'm hammering the F key (francis' coat flaps about a bit) which makes it flash in time to the pressing the F key.

After that I switched it back to EHB but both sets of glitches are present.. (the 3 dots AND the coloured stuff below the healthbar.. And 7 is still crazy once the graphics have starting going odd)

So I revert to the version with just the 3 dots on git.. I can't make the numbers glitch or anything flash anymore.

Not sure if any of that sheds any light on where exactly the problem might be.

Other things I've tried: Deleting the panel and starting from scratch (makes no difference even if i do that and only add the key), deleting and recreating all elements.. (as above) What is Scorpion changing when you switch a panel from 64cols to 32, because something that happens during that process definitely seems to stir things up?

Last edited by Mixel; 27 June 2021 at 15:40.
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