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Old 07 May 2020, 09:46   #9
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: ItAlien
Posts: 170
Unfortunately it doesn't work on my Amiga, it completely locks up my system while depacking as soon as it arrives at 90%, e.g.:
Depacking [ooooooooo.]  213832/232150
SnoopDos doesn't display any further info after successfully opening bsdsocket.library, so I'm not able to give you any more information atm.

And there's also this Enforcer hit thrown when program updates itself:
07-Mag-20  09:34:21
LONG WRITE to  00000000        data=00000000   PC: 724DD538
USP : 7259B4D4 SR: 0004  (U0)(-)(-)  TCB: 71E934A8
Data: 00000000 00000000 724D7030 00002794 00000001 00002649 00000000 00000008
Addr: 00BFD000 00000000 70937F3A 724DC28C 724E0642 724D9BB0 00DFF000 70002654
Stck: 7259B4E0 724DD006 7FE8FC6C 00020000 71EB339C 725A4BE0 000000F0 F1E40019
Stck: 44000000 0000000A 0000000F 1C785FCF 00000000 00000000 0000001A 00000028
PC-8: 11590400 11590500 11590600 11510700 117C0010 0E00117C 00100F00 227AFFC2
PC *: 22AC01A8 117C0084 0D003D6C 01B8009A 285F4E75 48E7FFFE 4DF900DF F00049FA
724dd528 :  117c 0010 0e00             move.b #$10,$e00(a0)
724dd52e :  117c 0010 0f00             move.b #$10,$f00(a0)
724dd534 :  227a ffc2                  movea.l $724dd4f8(pc),a1
724dd538 : *22ac 01a8                  move.l $1a8(a4),(a1)
724dd53c :  117c 0084 0d00             move.b #-$7c,$d00(a0)
724dd542 :  3d6c 01b8 009a             move.w $1b8(a4),$9a(a6)
Name: "Shell Process"  CLI: "imp"  Hunk 0000 Offset 000012A8
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