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Old 15 February 2023, 06:04   #8
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I did a hand-rolled spliff of AmiDeb ontop of debian testing (bookworm/testing), primarily to provide an easy path to nvidia old legacy drivers ( in debian unstable (sid)... was around here I found (using apt) that the fs-uae-launcher package was not in the (testing/unstable) debian repos, and so I needed to backtrack that target to find out why (there is always good reason why something isn't in deb repos). Turns out, last time that package appeared alive was back @ debian buster, at a time when the fs-uae tarball included fs-uae + arcade + launcher, but since then the fs-uae-launcher was moved out of this tree, and became a separate target. AFAICT, sometime after this juncture a packager's notice pointed to the fact, that the fs-uae-launcher was in a state of dimensional flux, and to hold off using it for packages (

....if one uses the FrodeSolheim repo, a similar situation prevails, and this is likely why fs-uae-launcher notes to screen 'expected fs-uae version <bla.woohoo!> but got version <bla.blabla> instead...the two trees are just a little bit out of step, I think just because above readme file.... fs-uae + arcade moves forward ; fs-uae-launcher is in a state of flux.

Now...this all makes sense to me, as someone who's doing the LFS thing --> I defined my target to be fs-uae, blithely unaware the fs-uae-launcher had become a separate target of and unto itself. Did fs-uae + arcade build from git-master on the AmiLFS system? Yep, absolutely fine, haven't thrown any optimizations at it first time up, but default compiler flags should always be checked first imho ; I'll rebuild it later with a more rabid cflags... target achieved tho' [tick]

....can the AmiLFS system build the fs-uae-launcher target? Nope, not yet...apart from some python3 stuff that needs to be added, my minimum target is python3-pyqt5 which means I have to build qt5 and satisfying it's dependencies as I go (there might be some functionality I can leave out wrt what fs-uae-launcher requires) first, before I can hit the target of what AmiDeb already does. Having said that, the old 160GB spinning drive that instance is on, is running really hot, so I'm going to image it onto an sdd before going further...

//test while testing ~ I got this ebay-plus email last week, shilling 'Netac' SSDs (made in CN 8)...120GB for AUD$15...this, I gotta see...try... it arrived today ; I'll image the build drive, and do a restore to this Netac and see if gcc & friends can flog it to

...more l8r..
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