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Old 05 January 2007, 12:20   #1
Posts: n/a
(found) top down shooter ?

It was a top down game. Two player, splitscreen. The players would be army men. You would fight each
other, all over level would be guns placed randomly. One gun I remember
would fire bullets that would bounce against walls. As soon as a player
dies, his body would be pushed along a bit by the bullet, leaving a blood
trail. Then the level would restart.

Can't remember if it was a a1200 or a500 game. It was only the demo I
played. It was a lot of fun, and i want to remake it, so if anyone has an
idea what the game is called that'd be great. If you can think of any games that are top down, two player and fun please tell me them too.

Last edited by sharprm; 05 January 2007 at 13:21.
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