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Old 16 September 2013, 01:40   #16
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Glad it's working well for you

I thought you could define the cursor keys for movement, it shouldn't make any difference that they are also used to control the menu. You should be able to hit 'enter' on the key you want to define which should turn it grey with a blinking question mark, you then just select the key you want to use.

I can't do anything about the low sound volume, the easy thing to do is to just turn up your speakers

I actually found a bug myself last night, it seems on my 1260 some of the items are not drawn (you can toggle all the items on a map by going to the map screen and then holding down the space bar and the left cursor key).

if (IN_KeyDown(sc_UpArrow)) {
                Auto_Map.walls ^= 1; // C + Up = toggle walls
                while (IN_KeyDown(sc_UpArrow))
            if (IN_KeyDown(sc_DownArrow)) {
                Auto_Map.secrets ^= 1; // C + Down = toggle secrets
                while (IN_KeyDown(sc_DownArrow))
            if (IN_KeyDown(sc_LeftArrow)) {
                Auto_Map.items ^= 1; // C + Left = toggle items
                while (IN_KeyDown(sc_LeftArrow))
            if (IN_KeyDown(sc_RightArrow)) {
                Auto_Map.enemies ^= 1; // C + Right = toggle enemies
                while (IN_KeyDown(sc_RightArrow))
The bug is caused by the compiler optimizations, it might only effect 1260 users?

I'll have to do some investigation and see if I can fix it, even anyone has this bug with a 1230 then let me know
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