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Old 02 November 2022, 23:21   #17
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Thread necro is surely allowed only 2 days after Halloween!?

Originally Posted by Crowley View Post
When my family got our Amiga back in the day, it came with a disk with a bunch of games. They might have been Public Domain ones. I'm trying to identify and find one specific one. It was a Boulder Dash clone, and I think the name was Mr. Dash or Mr. Boulder, but searching with those terms hasn't brought up anything helpful.

I seem to recall that each level fit into one screen. The biggest difference to the original Boulder Dash was that you could pick up and use bombs. The enemies also did not kill you by just touching, but only if they ran into you headlong. Standing in an adjacent square when an enemy passed by was safe.
Sounds good!

The original enjoyed the warm embrace of home brew ports, and it was a simple, great game idea that could be ported to any platform. But death came swiftly, too swiftly. This was its great flaw also.

So thx Hum for the disk - yoink!

I.Did - HOL considers these to be clones (although some are rather different). Don't know whose match is lax or close or not close enough... have you played all those!?
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