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Old 05 July 2020, 00:54   #3
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Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Ireland
Posts: 304
That's .... not how that works.

You would have to ask for each track, one by one, and wait for the GW to dump it,
It would be particularly slow, and pretty complicated.
And you'd end up with hundreds of temporary tracks? assuming they weren't deleted at the end.

Or, start the emulator, dump the entire disk, and play.
Which means, start emu, wait 5 mins for disk to dump, and then star the emulation.

and it means a lot of wear and tear on the drives and disks.
Which are not getting any younger, or easier to replace if they die.

Much easier and better for everyone, to dump the file to .scp and use it digitally.

Any reason why you don't just make the .scp files yourself?
You will also then have preserved disks, and possibly help the community with the flux dumps.

Also, are most reads are per track, and writes? Rather than at the flux level, and rather than at the sector level, so, you'd need to convert sector and track writes to track dumps to flux streams for reading and (and the reverse) for writing.
(Maybe games are per sector reads/writes though?)
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