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Old 18 April 2021, 20:31   #15
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Originally Posted by Samurai_Crow View Post
The MISTer has the same FPGA as the Vampire standalone. It is based on the Terassic DE10 devboard. It has loads of cores for it including AtariST series. It stands the best chance of getting '060 performance.

The earlier MiST is expensive and has a much smaller FPGA. I have a SiDi which runs most of the MiST cores but has the same problem with the small FPGA. I wouldn't recommend these two.
Huh, so then I would have two same FPGA boards ? Interesting.

Well, at that point I guess I need to consider whether the annoyance of flashing back and forth is worth whatever the price of MISTer's DE10 board is. Or, in other words - is it worth it to have the ability to run the builds on Vampire AND other Amiga at the same time ? Especially considering that I would target non-Vampire 680X0 only after releasing a Vampire build first. Hmmmmm, something to ponder about...

As for the price, according to digiKey, it's $170 right now:

Now, with MiSTer - do I just buy a board myself and flash it myself with USB Blaster ?

But, if I am just buying a board, then I should consider if there isn't a board that is slightly more expensive but has more gates/logic ?

I'd hate to find out 3 months later that if I only spent , for example, $30 more I could have had a FPGA board with, say, 2x gates/logic!
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