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Old 01 August 2021, 12:29   #14
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Join Date: Sep 2019
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Posts: 201
LoadSeg should load the file into memory and fix all the relocatable sections from the hunk data. The resulting seglist is a BCPL pointer, so to get to the start of the hunk code you need to multiply this address by 4, and the code starts at offset 4.

After this, for the purposes of your code, the OS likely isn't needed. However, it may be that the game file you've loaded needs certain OS functions. Though if it only uses ROM based libraries and no extra disk IO loading files for example, it should be OK.

Here is a standalone example which saves the passed CLI arguments, loads a file (gameexe) and calls it with the original passed CLI arguments. If you want to pass "blank" arguments, set d0 to 1 and point a0 to a string containing a CR and null terminator (dc.b 10,0)

This example assembles in Devpac, but should generally be compatible with other assemblers.

_LVOOpenLibrary		equ	-552
_LVOCloseLibrary	equ	-414
_LVOLoadSeg		equ	-150
_LVOUnLoadSeg		equ	-156

	output	loadsegexample

	move.l	d0,_DOSArgLen		; Save DOS Cli arguments to pass to loaded file
	move.l	a0,_DOSArgs

	movea.l	4.w,a6			; ExecBase
	moveq	#0,d0
	lea	_DOSName,a1
	jsr	_LVOOpenLibrary(a6)	; Open dos.library

	move.l	d0,_DOSBase
	beq.s	.NoDOS

	movea.l	_DOSBase,a6		; This is for clarity in case this code is elsewhere as I could just move.l d0,a6
	move.l	#_GameFilename,d1
	jsr	_LVOLoadSeg(a6)		; Load the game file

	move.l	d0,_GameSegList
	beq.s	.NotLoadedFile		; If things are zero, we didn't get a file loaded

	lsl.l	#2,d0			; BPTR = address / 4, so multiply by 4
	addq.l	#4,d0
	move.l	d0,_GameFile		; Pointer to first segment code

; Call our trainer initialisation code
	jsr	_TrainerStart

; Call the loaded code
	move.l	_DOSArgLen,d0		; Argument Length
	movea.l	_DOSArgs,a0		; Arguments

	movea.l	_GameFile,a4
	jsr	(a4)			; Code starts at second long into seglist

; Call our trainer shutdown code
	jsr	_TrainerEnd

; Tidy up by unloading the file and closing the dos.library
	movea.l	_DOSBase,a6
	move.l	_GameSegList,d1
	jsr	_LVOUnLoadSeg(a6)	; Unload the game

	movea.l	4.w,a6			; ExecBase
	movea.l	_DOSBase,a1
	jsr	_LVOCloseLibrary(a6)	; Close dos.library

	moveq	#0,d0

; Our trainer...


; Data

_GameSegList:	dc.l	0		; BCPL pointer to seglist

_GameFile:	dc.l	0		; Pointer to first segment data (the trainer probably needs this for patching?)

_DOSArgLen:	dc.l	0
_DOSArgs:	dc.l	0

_DOSBase:	dc.l	0

_DOSName:	dc.b	'dos.library',0

_GameFilename:	dc.b	'gameexe',0
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