Thread: Fav Cracker!!
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Old 21 November 2001, 14:16   #16
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Birdy : If a company makes a crap piece of software and starts complaining that piracy cost them their profit then they are merely whinging.

In a way you could say that is truem not only for games but also movies and music. They make a piece of crap music/software/moive and blame piracy for their shortcomings.

To take a few examples. Oddworld (Abe's oddyse and exoddus) I bought after having played a copy.

Daikatana I bought without knowing anything but what the company and some magazines had said. The box is now serving well to prevent a table from tipping constantly.

As for movies. There are good movies and there are bad movies. I know this is somewhat away from the topic but people who download movies are likely to buy them afterwards if it's good. In my DVD collection of 15 DVDs I have 8 DVDs I bought after having downloaded the movie and watched it.

Music, now this is really interesting. You're expected to buy a CD which you either don't know any of what's on or maybe you heard a bit of it on the radio first. That means best case you might know 2 of the songs on the CD before buying a new CD. The rest of the CD might as well be pure crap for all you know. There's no way to find out before it's too late. Or at least it's hard to find out, if you find more of the songs on the net you can make up your mind wether it's good or if it's shit you're glad you didn't buy. Oh yeah, watch out for the new copy protection schemes taken into use. Some of them just degrade the quality of the sound leaving the cd player to fix it (too bad if you have an old system). But I read an article about another protection scheme which (again through deliberate flaws I believe) could actually ruin your speakers if you were unlucky. Here again, the old CD players you have might not be capable of reading it right and might hit you with the same thing as the pirates were meant to be hit by.
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