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Old 19 January 2015, 22:19   #8
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Ok. Tried it on a friends machine as well. Bog standard A1200 without any extras. Loaded the games i had problems with on his machine... Turns out the abysmal scrolling and slowdown is there on his machine as well.

Also the Trolls slowdown is there on his machine too, as well as Aladdin. Everytime there are sprites moving it stutters a bit and slows down. Both on his machines and mine.

Lion king is very obviously the same on both his standard machine and my machines...

So my conclusion is that the game really is this jerky unless you have something like 30Mhz.+ or use WinUAE? Tried on different WinUAE install on a different PC as well... Same slowdowns.

So i tried with some other AGA games on WHDLoad (like Soccer Kid and Super Stardust) that i had lying around on the drive, using the ACA1232 A1200 and those showed no issues at all. So my initial suspiscion of some sort of timing issue seems not correct.

Maybe i have become sensitive to this with age? But it is SLOW with caps. Real slow.

And you can see on the youtube vids as well that it is super slow in places and the scrolling is horrible. I looked at some, to confirm.

Also tried Fastest Possible timing in UAE and it is the same. Probably it's always been like this, but my memories have distorted it so i remembered it as super smooth. Shame.

Maybe i confused it with the Mega Drive version...

Last edited by TCD; 12 April 2015 at 21:53. Reason: Back-to-back posts merged.
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